SHINee To The Rescue!

From Prince to Top Spy (Sequel to Undercover Princess) 

"Don't you dare touch my girlfriend, you bastard."

Jonghyun was glaring into TOP's eyes as TOP glared back. With one forceful shove, TOP pushed Jonghyun off of him, making him fly backwards. Jonghyun grunted when he landed on the ground with a loud 'thud'. Your eyes widened and you ran over to him.

"Jonghyun! Are you alright?" You asked, a worried look in your eyes. Jonghyun looked up at you and smiled wryly. 

"I think I'm alright." He said. Relief washed over you and you threw your arms around him. He wrapped his own arms around you and squeezed you lightly. 

Then, you slapped him on the back and pulled back, glaring at him. Jonghyun yelped in pain. "Ow! What was that for?!" He yelled. You rolled your eyes.

"I can't believe you came here. I thought I told you not to come and to leave everything to SHINee." You snapped at him. Jonghyun crinkled his nose. "Well, technically I am a part of SHINee." He replied.

You glared at him and pinched the bridge of his nose as he flailed his arms, whining. "Stop, that hurts!" He whined. You smirked at him but quickly let go when you heard someone clear their throat.

TOP was standing a few feet away, his arms crossed over his chest. He had one eyebrow raised in an amused manner. "Why don't you save your couple time for later or did you forget I was here?" He asked. 

Your eyes narrowed at him, giving him an icy glare. Jonghyun stood up and brushed himself off. He glared at TOP with an intensity that could have bore through his skull. TOP was not fazed by either of your contemptuous looks. In fact, he only looked more amused, a smug smile on his face.

  Your hands balled into fists and you wanted to punch that smug look right off his face. Jonghyun seemed to be thinking the same, as his hands were tightly balled into fists.

You were surprised when Jonghyun charged first. He was so quick that he was able to catch TOP off-guard, punching TOP's face with all the force he had. TOP stumbled backwards a few steps, stunned. He blinked at Jonghyun.

*Did Jonghyun just punch TOP in the face? He even managed to knock him back a few steps even though he's so much shorter than him.* A grin came on your face as you watched Jonghyun.

"I got this ______! You just sit back and watch me take down this bastard." Jonghyun shouted back to you. You couldn't help but giggle at how cute he was.

TOP snorted derisively. "Someone's getting cocky. That was just a lucky shot."

This time, TOP made the first move. He jumped up into the air and swung his leg in a spin kick. Jonghyun blocked just in time. TOP landed on the ground. He smirked and cracked his knuckles. He started throwing a flurry of punches at Jonghyun.

Jonghyun tried to block them but he wasn't quick enough. Landing several blows on Jonghyun, TOP swung his fist up in an uppercut, his fist impacted with Jonghyun's chin. Jonghyun's head snapped back and he fell backwards.

TOP stood before him, a triumphant grin on his face. You took a step forward, prepared to take down TOP, when Jonghyun slowly got up. He moved his jaw around experimentally. You froze in place when you saw a look in Jonghyun's eyes that you had never seen before.

TOP tensed up, preparing to strike again. Jonghyun cracked his knuckles and the two of them dove into another clash.


Minho came charging into the park. He saw Taeil and Jaehyo struggling against Daesung. Pulling out his gun, Minho fired at Daesung, hitting his thigh. Daesung collasped on the ground in pain as Minho ran towards Taeil and Jaehyo.

The two of them looked at Minho with wide eyes, worried that he was going to hurt them. Minho didn't say anything and turned towards Daesung.

Daesung glared up at Minho. A wry smile came on his face. "So we meet again, Choi Minho." He said.

Minho sneered at him. "I'm not very happy to see you again." He replied in a steady tone. Daesung let out a laugh.

"Hah! I'm not happy to see you either. Not after what you did to Kibum and Alexander." Daesung said, suddenly turning serious. Minho's face twitched slightly at the mention of the two unfortunate deaths but kept a cool look on his face. He hated having to kill anyone and he regretted killing Kibum and Alexander. He would still wake up at night in a cold sweat, having a nightmare about that horrible day.

Struggling to get up, Daesung faced Minho. With Daesung making the first move, the fight between them ensued.


Key dashed towards one of the people he hated the most, Taeyang. The two had met before, they had even gone to the same school when they were younger. However, they did not get along. Having nearly opposite personalities, they detested each other.

 Zico was panting as he tried to dodge Taeyang's attacks. One punch hit him in the gut, right below his rib cage. He grunted in pain and staggered back. Clutching onto his stomach, Zico turned his head when he heard Key running towards them.

Taeyang's eyes widened when he saw his rival. Key jumped into the air and kicked Taeyang square in the chest. He stumbled back a bit but steadied himself quickly.

"Long time no see, buddy." Key said sarcastically. Taeyang's eyes narrowed at him.

"We're not 'buddies'. So don't call me your buddy." Taeyang replied. Key blinked at him once before bursting into laughter. Even Zico started laughing. Taeyang had a puzzled look on his face. "What? What's so funny?" He snapped.

Key wiped a few tears from his eyes and answered. "I was being sarcastic. You do know what sarcasm is right?" He asked in a mocking tone. Taeyang hesitated for a split second but quickly replied, "Of course I know what sarcasm is. I'm not an idiot."

However, Key caught his split second hesitation and chuckled to himself. *This guy still doesn't have a sense of humor.*

Taeyang quickly turned serious. He started throwing punches and kicks at Key while Key just jumped around, dodging them easily. Zico stood back and watched, amused. To him, it looked like Tom and Jerry, with Taeyang as Tom and Key as Jerry. Tom, the cat, always had trouble catching Jerry, the mouse.


Seungri was caught off guard when a fist came flying at him, hitting him in the face. U-Kwon stood in place, shocked to see Taemin standing in between him and Seungri.

The taste of blood filled Seungri's mouth so he spit it out. A scowl came on his face as he regarded Taemin. His blood boiled just seeing Taemin's face.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He spat out contemptuously. Taemin wasn't fazed by his angry tone. He answered in an almost bored voice.

"I'm here to save my friend and kick your ." He replied. Seungri seemed to lose his arrogant posture in Taemin's presence. He looked less confident as Taemin's eyes scanned him in a way that said he was better than him in every way.

Taemin noticed Seungri's drop in confidence. "What's wrong? You seem different from before when you were beating this poor kid's ." He said, smugly.

Seungri took deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself. "Don't talk down on me like that! I'm older than you! I'm your brother!" He yelled, finally losing control.

Taemin's eyes grew dark when Seungri said that. "You are not my brother. You never were." He said coldy. Seungri looked at him in disbelief.

"We may not be related by blood but I'm still your brother." He said.

"Stepbrother." Taemin emphasized the word. His eyes were nearly pitch black, as he seared in anger at his horrible memories as a child. His stepfather, Seungri's father, had never treated him like a son. He regarded Taemin as a little nuisance and when Taemin's mother died, he didn't hesitate to abuse Taemin. Whenever he was angry, he would beat Taemin.

One time when Taemin was 9, his stepfather had smashed a beer bottle on Taemin's back. Then, he started cutting Taemin with the bottle, the glass shards piercing into his skin, causing deep gashes. Each cut burned as if he was holding a flame to Taemin's flesh. Seungri was standing there, watching. Taemin looked over at him, his eyes pleading for help. Seungri was stunned, unable to move. He did nothing as his father continued to beat Taemin. From that day on, Taemin hated Seungri and his stepfather.

Taemin snapped out of his flashback and turned towards Seungri. With a cold, emotionless look in his eyes, he held his gun up and aimed. Seungri's eyes widened and he was frozen in place. Staring into the barrel of the gun, Seungri prepared himself for his death.


B-Bomb was still having trouble fighting G-Dragon. One of his eyes was already swollen shut and his lip was bleeding. Breathing in heavy, ragged breaths, B-Bomb faced G-Dragon. The latter had a nonchalant smile on his face.

"Tired already?" He asked, smirking. B-Bomb glared at him maliciously. A fire burned in his eyes.

"No way. I was just getting started." He retorted. B-Bomb was always determined to win and he didn't like giving up unless there was no other choice.

Charging at G-Dragon, B-Bomb put all of his strength into this final attack. G-Dragon easily dodged it, causing B-Bomb to tumble forward onto the ground face first.

Flipping B-Bomb over, G-Dragon looked down at him, all the earlier nonchalance was gone. Instead, a cruel grin replaced his smile from before.

Leaning down, G-Dragon spoke in a low voice. "I'm getting bored of this. I think it's about time to end this."

B-Bomb's eyes widened and he gasped for breath as G-Dragon was crushing his wind pipe with his foot. He made weak, useless attempts to pry G-Dragon's foot off. His hands clawed at his leg, tearing some of the skin.

G-Dragon winced as he saw blood coming from the scratches. Growing more irritated, he pressed down harder. B-Bomb's struggling slowly grew weaker until he was barely able to move.

Right before his eyes closed, someone shot G-Dragon. Shouting in pain, G-Dragon stumbled backwards. Immediately, B-Bomb gasped for breath, clutching at his throat.

Onew stood a few feet away, an angry look in his eyes. G-Dragon looked up at him while pressing a hand to his bleeding leg. They stared at each other for a moment before Onew knelt down and helped B-Bomb up.

"Get out of here. There's no use continuing to fight. Look around you, all your members are beaten." Onew said.

G-Dragon contemplated it for a second. Then, he held his hands up.

"Alright. You win this time. Let's go! Retreat!" G-Dragon called.

Onew saw Taemin with his gun pointed at Seungri. "Taemin, don't shoot him!" He yelled. Taemin turned his head slightly but turned back towards Seungri.

Seungri gulped, his eyes begging for mercy. Taemin took a deep breath and lowered the gun. Immediately, Seungri ran towards his motorcycle with the rest of the Big Bang members.

Jonghyun had just taken a hard hit from TOP when G-Dragon called out. TOP frowned but ran away anyways. But before he left, he gave you one last look and smirked. You gave him a hard look before turning your attention towards Jonghyun.

Jonghyun had coughed up blood. You knelt down next to him and peered at him worriedly.

"Are you okay?" You asked gently. Jonghyun coughed one more time before he nodded. You gave him a small smile and helped him up. Block B and the rest of SHINee ran over to you two after Big Bang had left on their motorcycles.

"Are you guys alright!?" Key exclaimed. He rushed over to you and pulled you into a tight bear hug.

"Ow! Stop, put me down." You snapped. Key's eyes widened and he put you down quickly. You rubbed your injured shoulder and glared at him. Key sheepishly smiled at you.

"I'm glad no one is badly injured." Onew said. Then, he cocked his head towards Block B. "But what about them?" He asked you.

You remembered what you had promised Jaehyo and told Onew. Onew nodded in understanding. "Ok, let's go back home then. It's been a tough day."

You held Jonghyun's hand tightly as the two of you walked towards his car. Minho and Taemin had put your motorcycle in the back of their car since it was broken.

Block B and the rest of SHINee left first while you and Jonghyun stood outside of his car for a bit. He gazed at you affectionately, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. You smiled warmly at him.

"Are you hurt?" Jonghyun asked softly.

"Just my shoulder." You replied. Jonghyun your cheek and leaned down. He pecked your injured shoulder, then kissed your lips. You closed your eyes and you realized just how much you had missed him.

Pulling you closer, Jonghyun broke the kiss and whispered in your ear. "I missed you so much. You made me so worried. Don't you ever go off on your own again."

You chuckled lightly and nodded. "I missed you too."

Opening your door, Jonghyun ushered you inside the car. You sat down and slipped on your seat belt. Jonghyun got into the driver's seat and put on his own seat belt.

"Let's go home." He said, smiling brightly at you. You held his hand as he began the drive back home.


I hope you guys like this chapter! Sorry to all the V.I.P.'s (I'm one too!) for having Big Bang lose. But they are still bad and awesome! LOL  ^_^

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Chapter 17: Awww.... >u< This is so adorable~ and if Boyfriend cafe existed, I would definitely go there.
Ahhhhhhh!!! So SWEET!!! I love it!!
Taemin22 #3
Ehhh? How come they became friends?
this is my eight time reading this fanfic and UNDERCOVER PRINCESS<3
Love this <3 Its nice ... <3<3
-ily_4ever #6
Awe I love this story!! It's a happy ending .,, they're so cute in the bonus chapter I hope Taemin and Haneul got to be together! :] hope to read your future stories!!
huskylover200 #7
That sounds interesting, I'll think about it. But it'll be more of a spin-off rather than a sequel. I might write it once I finish my other two fics. For right now, the spin-off is still an 'if' though. :)
Maybe you should write a sequel to hanuel and Taemin? Don't know, just a suggestion.
huskylover200 #9
Hmm I probably won't right a sequel, I think there really isn't anything to add to the story. Sorry if it disappoints you, I hope you still continue to love and support FPTTS and Undercover Princess. Also, I hope you read some of my other stories too. Thank you all sooo much for reading :)
Shineebambi #10
Aww the bonus chapter was great! So cute!! but are you going to make another sequel or no?