The File

From Prince to Top Spy (Sequel to Undercover Princess) 

G-Dragon was sitting on the couch spacing out when Seungri waved a file in his face. He blinked and stared at the thing that Seungri was persistently waving around.

"What is it?!" G-Dragon snapped. Seungri shrunk back in fright.

"Sorry hyung, it's just that you still haven't looked at this file yet even though you told Kiseop to get it for you a few months ago." Seungri replied.

G-Dragon took the file from him and paused before opening it. He turned his head and glared at Seungri, whose face was centimeters away from his trying to peek at the file.

"Do you mind?" G-Dragon said, raising an eyebrow. Seungri backed up. "Sorry."

G-Dragon tenderly opened the file, as if it would disappear if not handled carefully. He started leafing through the contents and a smirk slowly came on his face. Seungri peered over his shoulder curiously. A sly smile soon adorned his face too.

"SM doesn't stand a chance, now that we have this file." Seungri said, a cocky grin on his face.

G-Dragon nodded. "Are U-Kiss back from their mission yet?" He asked. Seungri just shrugged at him. G-Dragon gave him a piercing glare. "Go find out." He ordered. Immediately, Seungri left the room in search for U-Kiss.

While G-Dragon was waiting, TOP came into the room. He plopped down on the couch next to him and picked up the file. His eyebrows raised as he skimmed through the contents.

"Is this really what I think it is?" He asked. G-Dragon nodded and smiled smugly. TOP hi-fived him. "This is perfect. That damn SM Agency won't know what hit them."

TOP then placed the file back on the table and stretched his long limbs, stifling a yawn.

G-Dragon yawned and kicked his feet up onto the table. "What's up with you and your interest in that SM girl?" G-Dragon asked. TOP looked at him, confused. "What?"

"You know, the 'little fairy'." He said. TOP nodded in understanding.

"I don't know, she's just interesting. Besides, it's fun to see her reactions whenever I call her that. She gets so pissed." TOP smirked.

G-Dragon chuckled. "You're one annoying son of a aren't you?"

TOP shrugged. "You know I am." He replied, grinning. The two of them made small conversations about random things while they waited for Seungri to get back.

A few minutes later, Seungri came back along with Taeyang, Daesung, and U-Kiss. G-Dragon gestured for them all to gather around so they could hear what he had to say.

"What did you want to talk about Jiyong-ssi?" Soohyun asked.

"Alright, so I know how SHINee kicked your asses a few months ago. "G-Dragon started off, glancing at U-Kiss. They shrunk under his piercing gaze. "And now, they managed to beat us. But, we have something that can take down all of SM once and for all." He stated, holding up the file for everyone to see.

Everyone gazed at the file in awe. "But, what's in the file?" Daesung asked curiously.

With a smile, G-Dragon opened the file and spread the contents out onto the table. All of them moved closer to get a better look. Some of them gasped in surprise, others smirked and hi-fived each other. Soohyun gave G-Dragon a look of disbelief.

"How did you manage to get this?" He asked. G-Dragon pointed at Kiseop. Kiseop grinned slyly.

"Should we come up with a plan?" Hoon asked. The two leaders nodded.

All of them gathered together and started throwing out ideas.

On the table lay the bios of all the SM spies, the schematics of the SM building, and even the security codes for the building. The file held all of SM's weaknesses in it, and now it was in the hands of their toughest enemy, NH Agency.



I hope you guys like this chapter! Big Bang and U-Kiss are back and they are badder than ever!! ^_^

Thanks for reading :)

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Chapter 17: Awww.... >u< This is so adorable~ and if Boyfriend cafe existed, I would definitely go there.
Ahhhhhhh!!! So SWEET!!! I love it!!
Taemin22 #3
Ehhh? How come they became friends?
this is my eight time reading this fanfic and UNDERCOVER PRINCESS<3
Love this <3 Its nice ... <3<3
-ily_4ever #6
Awe I love this story!! It's a happy ending .,, they're so cute in the bonus chapter I hope Taemin and Haneul got to be together! :] hope to read your future stories!!
huskylover200 #7
That sounds interesting, I'll think about it. But it'll be more of a spin-off rather than a sequel. I might write it once I finish my other two fics. For right now, the spin-off is still an 'if' though. :)
Maybe you should write a sequel to hanuel and Taemin? Don't know, just a suggestion.
huskylover200 #9
Hmm I probably won't right a sequel, I think there really isn't anything to add to the story. Sorry if it disappoints you, I hope you still continue to love and support FPTTS and Undercover Princess. Also, I hope you read some of my other stories too. Thank you all sooo much for reading :)
Shineebambi #10
Aww the bonus chapter was great! So cute!! but are you going to make another sequel or no?