Practicing With a Gun

From Prince to Top Spy (Sequel to Undercover Princess) 

It was now the next year. Your injuries were healed and you were able to start taking missions again. However, your parents refused to let you take any. You were furious.

"Why can't I take any missions?!" You shouted angrily.

"Like I said, your job is to train Jonghyun. You promised that you would make him a good spy in exchange for us letting him stay at the agency. Jonghyun has been improving but he's not up to SHINee's level." Your dad replied calmly.

You huffed in irritation. "Fine." You replied curtly. You stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut on your way out. Your parents just shook their heads and sighed.

You trudged towards SHINee's practice room. When you got there, you opened the door to find Jonghyun doing push-ups without his shirt on. Your eyes widened and you covered them with your hand.

Jonghyun chuckled, standing up and walking over to you. He pulled your hands away from your face. Your face had turned bright red. "Put on a shirt!" You snapped. Jonghyun smirked and hugged you. Your face turned an even deeper shade of red.

You shoved him hard and he fell backwards onto his . "Ow! That hurt." He pouted. You didn't look at him as you picked up his shirt and threw it at him. He caught it and slipped it on.

You were still facing away from him when he wrapped his arms around you from behind. "You're so cute." Jonghyun whispered into your ear. You smiled and leaned into his chest. The two of you rocked back and forth for a few minutes as Jonghyun hummed softly.

Then you realized that something was missing. "Where's the rest of SHINee?" You asked. Jonghyun let go of you and you turned to face him.

"They're on a mission." He replied. "Oh, ok then. What do you wanna learn today?" You asked.

Jonghyun thought about it for a moment before answering, "I wanna learn how to use a gun!"

You raised an eyebrow. "Do you think you can handle it?" You asked. He nodded eagerly. "Alright, let's go then."

The two of you left the room and went into one of the shooting rooms. You handed him one of the practice guns. "First, you need to know how to load a gun." You said. Jonghyun nodded and listened intently as you began instructing him.

After showing him once, you gave it to him to try. He fiddled with it and you could see he was having trouble. You chuckled lightly and put your hands on his, guiding them through the steps. A small smile came on Jonghyun's face.

After a couple of tries, Jonghyun managed to do it on his own. You gave him a congratulatory kiss on the cheek. He beamed brightly and stole a kiss on your lips.

Before the kiss could get too heated, you pushed him away. Jonghyun pouted. "I thought you wanted to learn how to use a gun, not makeout with me?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jonghyun smiled slyly. You rolled your eyes and the gun into his hands. "Shoot." You said.

"What?" He replied, surprised. "Shoot." You urged. Jonghyun aimed at the target and shot. You burst out into laughter. "You missed completely!" You exclaimed. Jonghyun looked away, embarrassed.

"It's not my fault. This is only my second time doing this. I actually did better the first time." He said sheepishly. You looked at him sympathetically. "I'm sorry. Try again." You replied.

This time, you gave him a few tips on aiming. Jonghyun followed your instructions and shot. This time, he hit the target, missing the bullseye only slightly. You clapped and Jonghyun grinned.

For the rest of the day, you helped Jonghyun improve his accuracy and precision. The two of you were lost in your own world. It was already 11pm and the two of you were still practicing.

Jonghyun had improved a lot. He was getting more precise with his shots, all of the bullets hitting in the same area. You were proud of his progress.

"I think we should call it a day." You said as you stifled a yawn. Jonghyun put down the gun and walked over to you. He smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Alright then, thanks for teaching me." He said sweetly. You giggled and hugged his neck. He lifted you up and started walking to your room.

"You did a good job today." You praised him. Jonghyun smiled slyly. "Do I get a reward?" He asked. You smirked at him. "Maybe." You teased.

Jonghyun kicked the door to your room open and brought you to your bed. He shut the door after plopping you down on the bed. You laid there, gazing at him fondly. He came over to you and kissed you. The kiss was slow and passionate.

Jonghyun pulled the covers over you two and pulled you closer to him, not breaking the kiss. After the long makeout session, the two of you laid in your bed, gazing at each other. You smiled warmly and pecked his lips. Then you snuggled into his chest, quickly falling asleep. Jonghyun your hair softly and felt an overwhelming happiness.

*I love you, Shim _______.*



It's been a while since I've updated! I hope you guys like this chapter. ^_^


Since there were only three entries for the contest, I have not decided a winner yet. I would really like it if more people entered. I am setting the end date of the contest as 12/1/11. If you don't know what the contest is, read the A/N for chapter 17.

So please just leave a comment with your entry! I would really like to see what your guys' ideal Christmas dates are. Thank you!

And thanks for reading :)

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Chapter 17: Awww.... >u< This is so adorable~ and if Boyfriend cafe existed, I would definitely go there.
Ahhhhhhh!!! So SWEET!!! I love it!!
Taemin22 #3
Ehhh? How come they became friends?
this is my eight time reading this fanfic and UNDERCOVER PRINCESS<3
Love this <3 Its nice ... <3<3
-ily_4ever #6
Awe I love this story!! It's a happy ending .,, they're so cute in the bonus chapter I hope Taemin and Haneul got to be together! :] hope to read your future stories!!
huskylover200 #7
That sounds interesting, I'll think about it. But it'll be more of a spin-off rather than a sequel. I might write it once I finish my other two fics. For right now, the spin-off is still an 'if' though. :)
Maybe you should write a sequel to hanuel and Taemin? Don't know, just a suggestion.
huskylover200 #9
Hmm I probably won't right a sequel, I think there really isn't anything to add to the story. Sorry if it disappoints you, I hope you still continue to love and support FPTTS and Undercover Princess. Also, I hope you read some of my other stories too. Thank you all sooo much for reading :)
Shineebambi #10
Aww the bonus chapter was great! So cute!! but are you going to make another sequel or no?