Road Fight

From Prince to Top Spy (Sequel to Undercover Princess) 

"We are Big Bang" The guy said. You raised your eyebrow, questioningly. "So? I still don't know who you are?" You replied. A frown came on the guy's face as he stared at you.

"I guess we've been out of action for too long so the newbies don't know us." He said to the other Big Bang members, ignoring your question. You scoffed at his cocky attitude.  

Another guy spoke up this time. "Shall we introduce ourselves?" He asked. The others shrugged. The guy continued to speak, "I'm Kwon Jiyong, but most people know me as G-Dragon. I'm the leader." You didn't say anything but regarded them carefully as you reached for your keys behind your back.

However, you were shocked when someone grabbed your hand first. You whipped around and was surprised to see the guy with the deep voice standing there, holding your keys in one hand and your wrist in his other. Twisting your wrist out of his grip, you gave him an icy glare.

He waggled his finger in the air as if he was scolding a child. "Tsk tsk, seems like our little fairy is trying to escape." He said mockingly. Your eyes blazed with fury, this guy pissed you off the most.

"Don't call me 'little fairy'" You spat out contemptuously.

He grinned smugly, "You're a feisty little fairy, aren't you? A little rude too, not even asking what my name is. I'll tell you anyways though. The name's Choi Seunghyun, but you can call me TOP."  He winked at you and you wrinkled your nose in disgust.

The sound of someone clearing their throat made you look back towards the other Big Bang members. That person had a mohawk and he looked to be the shortest in the group. "Hello, my name is Dong Youngbae. Also known as Taeyang." He said politely.

"Kang Daesung here!" A guy with a bright smile waved at you. You blinked and looked towards the last person. He was the one that had thrown the knife at you.

You noticed that he always had a cocky smile on his face and he had an arrogant posture. "I'm the best fighter in Big Bang, Lee Seunghyun. But since I bring all the victories to Big Bang, everyone calls me Seungri." He boasted. G-Dragon flicked his forehead.

"Stop being so cocky. That is not why everyone calls you Seungri. You practically had to beg everyone to call you that." He said. Seungri glared at him as he rubbed his forehead.

"Just so you know, I didn't really give a about who you were. Now, let me leave and I won't have to hurt your sorry asses." You stated simply.

Big Bang chuckled at you and you glared at them all. In a flash, you whirled around and snatched your keys out of TOP's hand. He was startled for a second, giving you enough time to kick him in the chest and swing onto your motorcycle.

TOP stumbled backwards from the blow while you started your engine and drove off. G-Dragon yanked TOP onto his feet and his keys into his chest. TOP grabbed them and the five of them headed towards their own motorcycles.

Just as Big Bang sped off in pursuit of you, Block B charged out of the building. They came out just in time to see Big Bang driving away. Zico immediately knew what was going on and ran towards their own vehicles. Block B followed him.

U-Kwon opened the door to their car and slid into the driver's seat. B-Bomb, Jaehyo, P.O, and Taeil climbed in too. Kyung and Zico had their own motorcycles and quickly sped off to help you.

"I haven't driven in a while. This is going to be fun." U-Kwon smirked as he shifted the gears and drove off.

You were going way over the speed limit but you didn't care. There weren't any cars on the road anyways. Your hair blew around wildly in the wind. Glancing behind you, you saw that Big Bang was right on your tail.

Your heart pounded in your chest as you swerved to the right into a narrow alley. There were boxes and garbage bags that littered the alley, creating obstacles. Weaving in between them, you skillfully maneuvered your way through the tight alley.

Once you reached the other side of the alley, you glanced back again, hoping that Big Bang had gotten caught in the obstacles. You were disheartened when you saw Taeyang shoot out of the alley, followed by the rest of Big Bang.

Seungri and Taeyang caught up to you and blocked you on both sides. You realized that they were trying to box you in as Daesung came up behind you. TOP sped up, moving to go in front of you, but you accelerated and shot out of the box they created.

G-Dragon took out his gun and tried shooting at you. Bullets narrowly missed your head. One bullet whizzed by, just missing your face. Whipping out your own gun, you fired behind you, not bothering to aim.

Daesung swerved, dodging a bullet that nearly hit his arm. You felt as if Big Bang was starting to close on you again and you had a feeling you wouldn't be able to escape this time.

The six of you were driving through a construction site and it was hard to dodge the cones while avoiding each others bullets. Right when you felt you would lose, a shadow appeared. You looked up and saw Zico on his motorcycle, soaring through the air. He had gone off a ramp and landed next to you.

He smirked and winked at you. Kyung came up on your other side, giving you a big smile. He had his gun out and started firing at Big Bang.

Big Bang was surprised when Block B appeared. U-Kwon turned a corner and joined in the road fight. Jaehyo, Taeil, and B-Bomb had their windows open as they fired at Big Bang too.

G-Dragon shouted angrily, "You traitors!" Zico smirked smugly. "It's not like you ever cared about us!" He yelled back. The two leaders glared at each other, driving side-by-side.

Seungri threw the knife he had been carrying before. It sailed through the air and smashed through the window of Block B's car. Before it could impale P.O's head, Taeil yanked him down. The knife landed at their feet.

"Tsk, I missed." Seungri said. He took out his gun and shot. The bullet hit one of the tires and Block B's car slowly rolled to a stop.           U-Kwon looked out the window and cursed. "Damn it! This is a brand new car!" He shouted as the others drove by them. The five of them piled out of the car and ran after you.

Now, you only had Zico and Kyung backing you up. Your eyes widened when you saw a curb in front of you. You tried to swerve before you hit it, but it was too late. The front wheel of your motorcycle hit the curb and sent you flying off of it. Luckily, you were at a park, so you tumbled onto soft grass, landing on your right shoulder first. However, you still felt the harsh impact of the fall. Your shoulder was pratically screaming at you in pain.

After rolling a couple of feet, you came to a stop, your face in the dirt. Pushing yourself up using your good arm, you saw Zico and Kyung hop off their motorcycles and run towards you.

"______! Are you alright?!" Kyung exclaimed, waving his hands around in worry. You winced as Zico gently grasped your injured shoulder. Noticing, he let go.

"I'm fine. Thanks for coming to help me you guys." You managed to utter in between your ragged breaths.

"No problem. We said that we'd work for SM Agency now, right? So, we definitely have to help our sunbae." Zico smirked.

Big Bang caught up and the three of you faced them. TOP grinned widely.

"Our poor little fairy got her wings clipped. Why don't you just come with us and we'll help you." He said in a sickly sweet tone. You glared at him, wishing that you could bore a hole through his skull with your gaze.

The rest of Block B approached you moments later, gasping for breath. The eight of you faced Big Bang together.

Seungri's eyes narrowed at you and Block B. "Are you sure you want to help her? You know that we don't treat traitors very nicely." He said.

"We do know, but we're not gonna let you do whatever you want to us. We've been waiting to fight you guys for a long time now." U-Kwon said. You could see sparks of electricity flying in between U-Kwon and Seungri and you could tell that the two hated each other.

"A fight between Big Bang and Block B huh? Sounds like fun." Daesung said, smiling brightly.

The two groups squared off against each other and the tension was thick.


Jonghyun paced around the room while your dad was talking to SHINee. He chewed his bottom lip nervously. *It's almost been an hour and she's still not back.*

"Get going." Jonghyun heard your dad say. He turned and saw SHINee heading out of the mission room. Jonghyun caught up to them.

"Where are you guys going?" He asked. Onew didn't glance at him as he said, "We're going to get ______. You have to stay here."

Jonghyun stopped walking as SHINee got into their car and sped off. *I can't just sit here and do nothing. I'm definitely going to help.* And with that thought, Jonghyun got into his own car and followed after them.


I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! I enjoyed writing it hehe ^_^.

Thanks for reading everyone! ^.^

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Chapter 17: Awww.... >u< This is so adorable~ and if Boyfriend cafe existed, I would definitely go there.
Ahhhhhhh!!! So SWEET!!! I love it!!
Taemin22 #3
Ehhh? How come they became friends?
this is my eight time reading this fanfic and UNDERCOVER PRINCESS<3
Love this <3 Its nice ... <3<3
-ily_4ever #6
Awe I love this story!! It's a happy ending .,, they're so cute in the bonus chapter I hope Taemin and Haneul got to be together! :] hope to read your future stories!!
huskylover200 #7
That sounds interesting, I'll think about it. But it'll be more of a spin-off rather than a sequel. I might write it once I finish my other two fics. For right now, the spin-off is still an 'if' though. :)
Maybe you should write a sequel to hanuel and Taemin? Don't know, just a suggestion.
huskylover200 #9
Hmm I probably won't right a sequel, I think there really isn't anything to add to the story. Sorry if it disappoints you, I hope you still continue to love and support FPTTS and Undercover Princess. Also, I hope you read some of my other stories too. Thank you all sooo much for reading :)
Shineebambi #10
Aww the bonus chapter was great! So cute!! but are you going to make another sequel or no?