One Day

From Prince to Top Spy (Sequel to Undercover Princess) 

"Noona, look out!" Yoseob yelled.

Your eyes widened when you saw something flying straight at your face. Suddenly, a pair of arms swept you off your feet and spun you around, saving you from the flying object.

You looked up to see a familiar face smirking down at you. "Hey there, little fairy." TOP said, in his deep voice. You rolled your eyes at him and scowled.

"Put me down. And how many times have I told you not to call me 'little fairy'?" You said. TOP gently placed you on your feet and smiled smugly.

"I don't know. I lost track after 40." He grinned. Your eyes narrowed as you glared at him. Then you smacked him in the leg with one of your crutches.

"Ow! That hurt!" He whined.

"Man up." You scoffed. Yoseob ran over to you and bowed over and over again. "I'm sorry noona!" He apoligized. He picked up the knife he had thrown and bowed to you again.

You gave him a reprimanding look which made him stare at the ground, ashamed. He looked like a puppy that got scolded by their master. You tried to resist but you couldn't.

"It's ok Yoseob." You sighed, giving in to his cuteness. *Makes me think of Jonghyun.*

Yoseob's eyes lit up and he beamed happily. "Thank you noona! I won't let it happen again." He said cheerily, scurrying off to join the other BEAST members that were still practicing.

You left the room, making slow progress because you were still on crutches. TOP followed you out of the room, leaving BEAST under the supervision of Hoon.

Now that NH and SM had become allies, Big Bang and U-Kiss visited SM often. They were already becoming close to the SM spies. Sometimes they even teamed up to do missions together.

However, you wished that they wouldn't come by so often. Especially TOP. He loved to annoy you.

"So, where are you going now?" He asked. You ignored him as you made your way to SHINee's room. "Hey, stop ignoring me."

He moved in front of you and stood in your way. When you tried to go around him, he would move to stop you. You glared at him.

"Move." You said firmly.

"No." He said.

"Hey, are you bothering my girlfriend?" Your eyes lit up when you heard Jonghyun's voice. He stepped out from behind TOP and glared at him. Then, he walked over to you with a bright smile on his face.

TOP grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks. "What are you going to do if I am bothering her?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jonghyun took a step closer to him, glaring up at him. "I'll kick your ." He said in a low voice.

Suddenly, a wide smile came on TOP's face. He started laughing loudly. "Haha, you're really not that threatening. Especially since you're so short." He said mockingly.

Jonghyun's face turned red from embarrassment. "Shut up! I can still kick your ." He snapped. You couldn't supress your laughter. It was true. Jonghyun was much shorter than TOP. You cracked up with laughter and Jonghyun looked at you with a disbelieving expression.

"Don't laugh at me!" He whined. Shaking your head, you went past the two of them and into SHINee's room. Once you stepped inside, you were attacked with a hug.

"My baby!" Key shouted happily. He lifted you up and brought you to the couch, making your crutches fall to the ground. Minho scowled angrily and picked them up.

Sitting down, Key placed you on his lap. "I missed you, baby!" He said. You chuckled and tried to push yourself off of him. "Ok, now let me go Key." You said.

"No, I want a kiss." He slyly smiled. Then, he placed his hands on your cheeks and brought his lips towards yours. Your eyes widened.

"Key!!! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Jonghyun yelled. Key wrinkled his nose in distaste, then quickly pecked your cheek. He grinned and let go of you, right when Jonghyun yanked you off of him.

"I still got my kiss!" He cheered. Jonghyun punched him in the shoulder. You did too. "Ow! Why did you both have to hit me?!" He snapped.

"Mehrong!" Both you and Jonghyun stuck your tongues out at him. Key rolled his eyes. "Unbelievable. The couple is ganging up on me."

You and Jonghyun laughed at him. TOP stepped into the room then, followed by the rest of Big Bang. They sat down on the couch and the other SHINee members gathered around too.

They all started talking to one another, as if they had been friends for years. The way they laughed and talked so comfortably with each other, it would be hard to believe that they had been enemies two weeks ago.

During the conversation, you caught Jonghyun's eye. He smiled warmly at you and brought you into his arms. The two of you got lost in your own little world.

"A lot has happened in so little time." You said, as you laced your fingers through Jonghyun's. He rested his chin on your shoulder.

"Yeah." He whispered. He gently started to rock back and forth. You felt yourself getting drowsy and your eyes started to droop closed.

Right before you fell asleep, you whispered, "We're going to go on missions together one day, right?"

A small, tender smile came on Jonghyun's face. He kissed your temple. Then, he leaned back against the couch and closed his eyes. "Yeah, we will."



Yes, it's sad. This is the last chapter. The story has now come to a close.

I'm very sorry for the lame ending. >_<

I hope you guys enjoyed my story! Thank you soooooo much for reading :)

Please read my other story, Welcome to Utopia, too. ^_^

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Chapter 17: Awww.... >u< This is so adorable~ and if Boyfriend cafe existed, I would definitely go there.
Ahhhhhhh!!! So SWEET!!! I love it!!
Taemin22 #3
Ehhh? How come they became friends?
this is my eight time reading this fanfic and UNDERCOVER PRINCESS<3
Love this <3 Its nice ... <3<3
-ily_4ever #6
Awe I love this story!! It's a happy ending .,, they're so cute in the bonus chapter I hope Taemin and Haneul got to be together! :] hope to read your future stories!!
huskylover200 #7
That sounds interesting, I'll think about it. But it'll be more of a spin-off rather than a sequel. I might write it once I finish my other two fics. For right now, the spin-off is still an 'if' though. :)
Maybe you should write a sequel to hanuel and Taemin? Don't know, just a suggestion.
huskylover200 #9
Hmm I probably won't right a sequel, I think there really isn't anything to add to the story. Sorry if it disappoints you, I hope you still continue to love and support FPTTS and Undercover Princess. Also, I hope you read some of my other stories too. Thank you all sooo much for reading :)
Shineebambi #10
Aww the bonus chapter was great! So cute!! but are you going to make another sequel or no?