I'm your maid.

100 Days Of A Maid


Sungyeol finds Sungjong in their room and says “Sungjong ahh, what are you do-……..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Sungyeol screams like a dolphin after he sees someone next to the maknae. A girl to be exact. And there are only two of them. In the room.

“Yah Sungyeol, what happened?” the manager shouts, feeling dizzy because of the sudden scream that wakes him up. He then realizes about you and then looks at his watch 'oh shoooot, i'm so dead right now.' The boys are back in the house and they found out about you. He then stands up while looking at the members who are rushing to the maknaes room. The manager is the last to arrive at the room.

“Wh- who are you? What are you doing here?” Sunggyu stutters.

“S-su-sungjong, you look…..fine.” Woohyun stutters too, while looking at the maknae up and down.

“Sungjong, did you lie to us?” Sungyeol throws a tantrum.

“Everyone, may I introduce you to my noona!” Sungjong hugs you suddenly.

"WHATTTT!!??!!" Everyone shouts at the same time. 


Yup. That's what everyone practically looks like right now.

"Guys, stop looking at her like that. And Sungjong, stop hugging noona." Sungjong releases his hand from your back, smiling at you.

“Hyung, you know about this?” Sunggyu turns to look at the manager. The house then becomes chaotic as many questions are thrown to the manager asking about you. The manager holds his head as he starts to feel dizzy and then he decides “All right, everyone, to the living room now. NOW.” Everyone follows the manager’s order. ”Erhh, you can go home now.” The manager says to you. “Na ahhh, she’s not going anywhere.” Sunggyu explodes. “Not until I know what the heck is happening right now.”

Everyone sits on the couch and on the floor, while you and the manager are standing in front of them. “Actually, she is-” “She is my noona! Why hyungs didn’t believe me!” Sungjong cuts the manager. “Sungjongggg, you don’t have a sister -.-,“ Woohyun tries to knock his head but he stands up. “All right all right, let me tell you about her.” Sungjong then tells them about you who clean up the member’s stuffs. Hoya speaks up after Sungjong finished his story about you “We just moved in and there’s already a girl in our dorm. Awesome.”

“So is she our maid?” Dongwoo asks. “Hyung!” Sungjong is annoyed by the term ‘maid’. “Well, I don’t mind you calling me that.” You finally speak up. “Noona, you are not. You just help clean our stuffs,” Sungjong replies.  “I am a part time maid after all. I work at the penthouse right above your apartment. So I don’t really mind you calling me a maid.” Everyone is stunned. “So, can you whatever that we ask you to do?” Sunggyu speaks, breaking the silence. “Hmm depends. But I can basically do anything.”

“Noona, can you make us breakfast?” Sungjong demands. “What do you want to eat? I will drop by at 7am tomorrow.” You reply calmly. “Wahhh really? I want to eat something that can make me full.” Dongwoo gets excited. “But there’s nothing in our house. How are you going to cook?” Sunggyu whines. “Right. I’ll just cook from my house and bring it here then.” Others agree with what you just said. “Yah yah yah, who give you permission to ask her to cook breakfast for you huh? She come here just to clean up your stuffs,” the manager interrupts.

“It’s okay. I can do it.” You tell the manager. “In fact, I can prepare for your dinner too. How about sundubu jjigae?” “Deal.” Woohyun simply agrees while thinking ‘Let’s see whether you can do anything or not.’ Myungsoo suddenly stands up and goes to his room. He’s the only one that hasn’t talked to you yet. You only look at him. “So is he really like that?” You ask. The members just nod. It’s getting late so you then decide to go home. “Will see you tomorrow. Night.”



You knock the apartment while looking at your watch. “It’s 7:30 am. I wonder if someone is awake.” You keep knocking for few minutes. “Hmm nope.” You then give up knocking, and call the manager saying they haven’t wake up. “I gotta meet someone, so I’ll call Sungyeol and ask him to open the door okay?” You reply okay and then end the call. And you wait……and wait….and wait…..

“Finally!” You thank to god while looking at Sungyeol opening the door. “Uhhh why are you here so early?” You just give him the (-.-) look as you walk inside the house and say “It’s already 8:15 am for god sake! I waited for 45 minutes just to give you your breakfast.” When you reach the kitchen, you say “By the way, did you wear make up to sleep? Or did you just put it before seeing me?” Sungyeol touch his face and says “I’m an idol, so I have to always look clean in front of people, especially fans.” “Right.”

“Let me guess, others are still asleep?” The dorm is so quiet. “Actually, when you left, we had a punishment session towards Sungjong, since he lied to us about his sickness.” Sungyeol smiles evilly. Poor the maknae. “The reason why manager hyung calls me is because I’m a light sleeper.” “I see. I don’t know what to cook so I just made some kimbap. And I had a sense that you guys will wake up late so I cooked some kimchi fried rice. These two are the easiest to make in a short time.” “Daeeeebakkkkk.” Sungyeol is amazed. “Thank you…errr…noona.” Sungyeol scratches his back of the neck as he thinks that you are older than him. And you also thought that he is younger than you so you just nod.

“Listen, I got to go to work. So please make sure that they eat this. And please, don’t eat the other members’ part. I have divided it equally for each and every one of you.” Sungyeol nods and says “You mean working at the level above us?” while looking at the kimbap, ready to eat one. “Nope, I have another job. Will only start working there at 3 pm,” you answer quickly. “You got another job?” Sungyeol’s eyes look like it’s going to pop out soon. While putting on your shoes, you say “Never seen a hardworking girl before?” and you laugh. Soon, you leave the dorm and run as fast as you can to the laundry shop and say “I’m going to be late!”

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Nice story! Fighting author nim!! XD
so cute!!!! i really really love it!! ^_^
hanakiss501 #3
wow.. although i can clearly put my name in ___, i'm still envy this girl who seemed to have been working for infinite for real.. haha!
oh it's ending soon? i love this story!^^ update soon..
_uniquelynghi #4
I just finished reading, well, what there is to read, in two days. I LOVE~ it~~~ :DD
Update soon~<33
Own that's sad, i really liked this fic.Hope she ends up with Woohyun! <3
Omo!! I love this story..^^
Update soon~ XD
Own lovin this story! Im cheering for woohyun here!
thank u so much for updating. ㅜㅡㅜ lol boys.
Choding and his coffee xD
qsnow94 #10
please update i can't wait