On the other side...

100 Days Of A Maid

Sungjong seems to be the happiest person in this world. Other members are happy too. They celebrates after the company stated  "You're going to get a new apartment." They had enough living at the current apartment. Everyone knows about the facilities and all the problems that they had.


"YA LEE SUNGJONG!!!!" Sunggyu got startled after maknae Sungjong kissed his cheek. Everyone else laughs. 

"Ahhh hyung, relax, we all each got one too, but didn't get mad at him. Come on!" Woohyun replied as he is still laughing because of the leader's shocking face. Sungyeol and Hoya go "Yaaaaa who said we didn't get mad at him?" Hoya is still rubbing his cheek trying to 'remove' the kiss that he got. "But we didn't yell though." Dongwoo continue laughing as hard as he can.


Sunggyu started asking questions regarding their new apartment "where is the apartment located?" "issit sound proof?" "how many bathrooms does it has?" Everyone else joins him. The managers went blank. They did reply them after a while.


"Ahhhh  i'm tired, let's go home." Others nodded after hearing Woohyun saying that. Everyone had the same thought "Finally, someone said it. Thanks Woohyun." Myungsoo yawns, again. For the 100th times maybe. He seems to lost counts of it. Sungjong even fell asleep few times during the question and answer session. 


All of them are walking lazily to their rooms from the van. Their eyes can't take it anymore. It's nearly 2am in the morning. "Thank god there are no schedules later." Sungyeol frowned when Hoya said that. Well, both him and Myungsoo are having their drama shooting later. The dorm then quickly become silent as every single one of them are already in dreamland.



Dongwoo is the last one to wake up. Sungyeol and Myungsoo already went to their shooting locations. Everyone else sits in the living room talking and watching tv. The manager opens their apartment door and says "You guys haven't started packing your stuff???" Dongwoo answers "You didn't tell us about it, did you?"

"Oh crap. That was what you were trying to tell me last night in the van, wasn't it?" Sunggyu suddenly remembered it. But of course, he was half-asleep during that time while others were half-dead. Pretty much.

"We're moving by the end of this week." "Whattttt? that's like 4 days from now!" Sungjong starts to freak out around the house and Sunggyu stops him by hitting his head. Sungjong goes "Ouch hyungggg, that hurts!!!"

Sungjong then goes to his room, to find his teddy bear, ready to punch it. He slams the door after saying "Hyung is evil."


"You need to finish packing at least half of your total stuffs. We're going to send it tomorrow." Hoya objects "That's impossible. Our stuffs are everywhere. Just look at Sunggyu hyung's books -.-" Others follows Hoya and begin to complain about this and that.


"Well at least pack something! You're going to be busy the next 2 days. Unless you want to live there with nothing. You decide." The manager leaves as he needs to pick Sungyeol from his shooting place.

And so, they had no choice but to pack their stuffs. Sunggyu had to wait for his 'maid'  to calm down from what happened earlier so he takes a nap. 

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Nice story! Fighting author nim!! XD
so cute!!!! i really really love it!! ^_^
hanakiss501 #3
wow.. although i can clearly put my name in ___, i'm still envy this girl who seemed to have been working for infinite for real.. haha!
oh it's ending soon? i love this story!^^ update soon..
_uniquelynghi #4
I just finished reading, well, what there is to read, in two days. I LOVE~ it~~~ :DD
Update soon~<33
Own that's sad, i really liked this fic.Hope she ends up with Woohyun! <3
Omo!! I love this story..^^
Update soon~ XD
Own lovin this story! Im cheering for woohyun here!
thank u so much for updating. ㅜㅡㅜ lol boys.
Choding and his coffee xD
qsnow94 #10
please update i can't wait