
100 Days Of A Maid


-In the morning-

“Hello,” you answer your phone.

“A ssi, where are you? We need your help now..” ‘Ahhh it was Sunggyu oppa’ you thought as you hear the voice of the caller.

“Uhh why?”

“Urm, let’s just say that ‘someone died again in the kitchen’ I n—YAH SUNGYEOL ARE YOU TRYING TO BURN THE HOUSE??!!”

“What— I’m coming now! Keep Sungyeol oppa away from the kitchen!”


You are running towards the dorm right after you ended that phone call with Sunggyu oppa. ‘Oh god, please help me. I don’t want to die from heart attack,’ you pray when you are inside the elevator. Soon, you reach the apartment. You knock on the door and not long after that Hoya opens the door.

“Are you oka-“ Hoya looks at you who are gasping hard for air while you cut his sentence.

“What happened? Is everyone okay? Where’s Sungyeol op—OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED??!!“ You are looking around the house and your eyes stop when it reaches the kitchen. You then run to the kitchen to see a better look. It is in total mess. Sunggyu oppa was right, someone died again in the kitchen. The kitchen is really messy. There are flours and eggs scattered on the dining table. You can see that they are trying to cook something, more like pancake. And the frying pan looks horrible on the stove. Cooking oil sticking on the stove and floor; and the sink is more or less becomes a trash can. There are some burnt-fried eggs together with some sort of pancakes-look-alike, burnt as well; inside the sink.

You of course, become instant popcorn; popping from the current heat, as you yells in the house “YAAAAAAAAAAH, WHAT IS THIS!!!!!!” You then find Sungyeol and Woohyun sitting on the couch, looking at you with that sorry-face. Both of them have a red mark on their hand. More like burnt marks. Hmm looks like something had happened. You then make your way to them, ready to yell again when Sunggyu pulls your wrist altogether pulling you away from Sungyeol.

“Don’t get mad at him.” Sunggyu talks slowly, chilling you down.

“He messed up the kitchen and you asked me not to get mad at him? What do you think about the kitchen right now? Doesn’t it look like an art to you?”

“He did it for you,” Okay, you don’t really get this part.

“What? I didn’t ask him to do anything for me. You should feel relieve that your kitchen wasn’t on fire.”

“Well……it was……when I was on the phone with you.” You widen your eyes.

“Only a little bit on the pan, but we got rid of it.” Sunggyu scratches his back of his neck, trying to smile.

“WE?” Hmm, seems like not only the two of them made the mess.

“Urmmm,” Sunggyu’s smile fades.

“So does this mean all five of you were playing around in the kitchen until it was on fire? How fun!” You exclaim in your sarcasm mode.

“Noona, we are so sorry. We got back from a shooting not long ago, and we can’t fall sleep. Well, except for Dongwoo hyung and Myungsoo hyung.” Sungjong rolls his eyes before continues “Anyways, Sungyeol said he wanted to make breakfast. We were scared at first, but then Woohyun said he would help him cook, so we felt relieved. You know, having Woohyun hyung in the kitchen, you feel safe. The three of us were shocked when we heard a frying pan fell and both of them were mouth-fighting. And then…..” Sungjong seems to give you that sorry-face. He looks at Hoya and Sunggyu asking either one of them to continue the story. ‘Please let the story to finish before I explode…’ you rub your chest, cooling yourself down.

“We were trying to stop them. Suddenly Sungyeol started to throw some flour towards us. We were mad at first but then we laughed and continued to play.” Hoya tries to explain.

“Not long after that I called you.” Sunggyu adds up. Meanwhile, you are massaging your head now.

“And then the ‘pancakes’ inside another pan on the stove were burning. There were small fires on it. That was when I yelled on the phone. Sungyeol who didn’t think well enough grabbed the pan and threw it inside the sink.” Sunggyu uses his hands to sort-of acts back what had happened earlier.

 “At that time, Woohyun was washing his hands. So the pan literally hit Woohyun’s arm. Sungyeol then removes the pan; not using the holder, so that’s how both of them burnt themselves.” Ohhh, that explains the red mark on both of their hands.


“Are you guys done with your so-called-explanations?” You cross your arms.

“Uhh I guess so.” Sunggyu answers.

“Good. I’m going now.” You look at the two oppas who are sitting on the couch.

“Wait what?” Sunggyu looks surprise.

“But it’s only 730 AM.” Sungjong looks at the wall clock above the TV.

“Okay let me tell you this. Firstly, I’m not going to clean up your mess. Since you had fun messing it, I think you will have fun cleaning it too. Second, no breakfast for all of you. There are no more ingredients for me to make breakfast anyways. Oh and thirdly, no dinner for all of you. That’s a punishment. I know you have a lot of money from your promotions and stuffs so I’m sure you can afford buying foods for today.” You glare at them.

“You are our maid. You are supposed to clean up our mess, not acting like a boss. And you can’t simply say that ‘ohh, there would be no dinner for us’. We are your employer,” Woohyun gets a little bit pissed. You just smile.

“Oppas, you are the one who wanted me to work for you. And by the way, I did get permission from your manager’s boss to use my own method of working and that includes yelling and no breakfast or dinner. Whatever I do has its own reasons. I do that just to make you guys become more discipline. You guys always play around. I know its fun, but sometimes it gets a little bit over. Sorry oppas, but I had to do this.” You walk towards the front door.

“Listen, we didn’t mean—“ Sunggyu tries to stop you.

“I should leave before I explode. I don’t want to keep yelling at you. I’m just a maid anyways...” You wear your shoes.

“Woohyun oppa, Sungyeol oppa, put some toothpaste on your hand to lessen the pain. Please be careful……..See you tomorrow.” You walk out from the house. You feel guilty as you walk away from the house slowly. As if your leg doesn’t want to leave them. As much as you didn’t want to punish them this way, you had to.


-At night-

“All we wanted was to make you happy by making breakfast for you~ We’re sorry LPlease forgive us.”


You keep reading the message you received from Sunggyu oppa. You wonder what had happened to them after you leave the house. Do they have their dinner? What did they eat? What if they didn’t? Do they get mad at you?

I’m pretty sure they hate me now.’ You thought as you close your eyes. A tear escapes from your right eye.


I’m sorry oppas~



Oh god it feels like forever since I last updated. I admit last week i was busy for real lol

Don't ask me why this chapter is sad/angry/weird cuz idk uhhhhh im confused too ahahaha (what i meant was i didn't expect this chapter to be like this -.-)

I was listening to White Confession while writing this and i cried (happily because of the song and sad because of this chap) hahahah oh god what had happened to me.....

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Nice story! Fighting author nim!! XD
so cute!!!! i really really love it!! ^_^
hanakiss501 #3
wow.. although i can clearly put my name in ___, i'm still envy this girl who seemed to have been working for infinite for real.. haha!
oh it's ending soon? i love this story!^^ update soon..
_uniquelynghi #4
I just finished reading, well, what there is to read, in two days. I LOVE~ it~~~ :DD
Update soon~<33
Own that's sad, i really liked this fic.Hope she ends up with Woohyun! <3
Omo!! I love this story..^^
Update soon~ XD
Own lovin this story! Im cheering for woohyun here!
thank u so much for updating. ㅜㅡㅜ lol boys.
Choding and his coffee xD
qsnow94 #10
please update i can't wait