Welcome to hell.

100 Days Of A Maid



You read the title of an article about Infinite in the web. You are surfing through the net when you found the article in the home page under the “Most Popular Article”.

“Gosh, they look pretty hot here,“ you say after you click on the article and found some pictures. They usually look normal (and natural) at home although Sungyeol always wear some BB cream when you are at the dorm -.-

You haven’t seen them at night these few days since they are busy practicing for their upcoming promotion. And when you come to the dorm in the morning, you barely see them as they’re either still sleeping (the manager doesn’t allow you to wake them up cuz they need rest) or they are already out. Although they are busy with their stuffs (meaning they won’t be at home most of the time), they still manage to make their house looks like a burglary has happened.

Clothes are everywhere, and the washing machine is full with their dirty and smelly clothes. Their beds are untidy, bed sheets sticking out, blankets are crumpled (you hate crumpled things remember). The kitchen is another disaster. They didn’t wash their plates and the leftover food is still on the dining table. You are glad at least they eat what you have cooked for them.

The manager told you not to come and cook (late) dinner tonight. They’re going to eat outside after finishing their first performance at M!Countdown for their repackage album and they will come back late. So here you are at your small apartment alone. You almost went to the boys’ dorm from the penthouse where you work couple hours ago but then you remember about it.

“Hmm they must be having a great time right now,” you say as you are looking at the clock that says 10 pm. You then lie on your bed while looking at the ceiling.

“Ahhhh I haven’t been home this early for quite some time already,” you smile in bliss.


-The next morning-

“Ohh, the lights are on!” You walk towards the dorm where you see light underneath the front door, and you start to think that they are up.

“Good morning noona!” Sungjong sees you coming in the house. Wow, the house seems to be in chaos. Now you know what cause the clothes to be lying here and there. And they seem to be ‘enjoying’ tossing the clothes anywhere they like. You look a bit angry now.

“Urmm, why are you guys running inside the house?” You ask them while showing a (0.o) face.

“We have to go to KBS building early to do pre-recording for today’s broadcast,” Sunggyu pokes his head from his room and continues “In other words, we are late!”

“Ohhh what about your breakfast? Skipping again like yesterday?” You walk closer towards their room.

“We’ll get something to eat when we reach there.” Dongwoo goes out from his room and runs to the washing machine, trying to find something, his jeans maybe.

“Dongwoo oppa what are you doing?” You look at him.

“Ohh did you see my jeans? It is black in color.” He seems to be looking inside the machine.

Of course, he won’t wear like that to meet people,’ you thought as you see him still in his sweatpants.

“Oppa, you can’t wear some dirty jeans and meet people including your fans!” You ignore him and enter his room and find Hoya who is fixing his hair. He seems to be almost done.

“Uhh he’s always like that. He’ll put some perfume on it.” Hoya states without looking at you.

“WHAT? Ewwww! Yahhh oppa just wear this!” You showed him another black jean after you found it inside his closet.

“I don’t like that one! I prefer the other jean.” Dongwoo takes out everything inside the washing machine, still searching for his oh-so-favorite-jeans.

“Before I explode, you better wear this. And you wouldn’t want to miss tonight’s dinner, would you?” you try to threaten him.

“What? Dinner? Ohhhh okay I guess I’ll just wear this,” he grabs the jeans from your hand. You just grin. You know his weakness already. Dongwoo oppa loves to eat so he’ll do anything just to make sure he gets to eat.


“Oppa, just eat this then, since you guys don’t have time to wait for me to cook you breakfast,” you shove Woohyun kimbap that you made at home (for your lunch). Woohyun just grabs it with his mouth knowing that his hands are not free right now. You go around the house trying to feed the members. Even when you come to Myungsoo, he just opens his mouth, waiting for you to feed him, even though he practically can pick it up with his own hands. You just put it inside his mouth without feeling anything.

“Byebye A ssi! Thanks for the kimbap^^ We’ll come back soon! Cook something yummy for us!” The members waved at you as you look at them going into the elevator. You go back inside the house.

“Oh, welcome to hell,” you said to yourself while start picking up the clothes. You start the washing machine. When it stops, you quickly hang it. And when you finish, you look at your watch and it already passed 8 am so you need to go to your laundry shop already. You feel great as you look at the house and it looks better now.


-Later at night-

“Ohh, you’re already home!” You exclaim as you open the door and see Sungyeol at the living room.

“A ssi, hurry up and cook! I’m starving!!!” Sungyeol calls you, wanting you to enter the house fast.

“Why didn’t you eat???”

“Well, we actually got some food support from the fans earlier, and we ate at 5 pm. It’s passed 8 pm now, and I’m hungry already,” Sungyeol lets out his signature laugh (the dolphin laugh). ‘Oh god.’ You slap your forehead.

“Oppa, you really have a hole on your stomach huh?” You walk to the kitchen. He just continues dolphin laughing.

Then you ask “Where are the others?”

“They’re sleeping now. They were playing around while I was sleeping. And now they’re sleeping and I’m up alone.” He pouts.

“No wonder the house is quiet now.”

“Uhh, but Dongwoo hyung and L-goon are sleeping for the whole time since we got home.”

“Heavy sleepers indeed.” You shake your head.


“What are you going to cook?” Sungyeol comes to the kitchen.

“Not telling you,” you stick your tongue out.

“Yahhh! Can you cook faster? I’m so hungry~” Sungyeol taps his tummy.

“Then you have to help me!” You suddenly think of that idea. Hehe.

“No way! I don’t want to!” He tries to walk away from the kitchen.

“Then you have to wait for more than an hour for it to be done,” you look at him.

“Aishhh fineeeeeeeeee.” He finally surrenders. Yes for you.

“Oppa, wash this and then cut it.” You hand him the spring onion.

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Nice story! Fighting author nim!! XD
so cute!!!! i really really love it!! ^_^
hanakiss501 #3
wow.. although i can clearly put my name in ___, i'm still envy this girl who seemed to have been working for infinite for real.. haha!
oh it's ending soon? i love this story!^^ update soon..
_uniquelynghi #4
I just finished reading, well, what there is to read, in two days. I LOVE~ it~~~ :DD
Update soon~<33
Own that's sad, i really liked this fic.Hope she ends up with Woohyun! <3
Omo!! I love this story..^^
Update soon~ XD
Own lovin this story! Im cheering for woohyun here!
thank u so much for updating. ㅜㅡㅜ lol boys.
Choding and his coffee xD
qsnow94 #10
please update i can't wait