Shower first!

100 Days Of A Maid


Dongwoo shouts from the back “Woahhh, I smell something amazing from the kitchen!“

You exclaim “Come on in. It’s dinner time!” Everyone head towards the kitchen and take a seat. The table has already been set up by you earlier. Woohyun opens up the lid of the pot and the aroma of the stew goes through every parts of the house. Everyone say “Uwaaaaaaaa” in union after sniffing the nice smell. You call the manager and say “There’s another space for you. Go and eat.”

“Err noona, I don’t think this is sundubu jjigae.” Sungyeol stirs the stew while checking what seafood you had put inside it. “Ahhhh, about that, I changed the menu.” You explain. “I didn’t bring much money to the store so I couldn’t buy seafood. Sorry about that.” Sungyeol whispers to the members “See, told ya she’s not rich.” Sunggyu then closes the story “Yahhh, just eat whatever that is already there. We’ll eat it other time.”


“Ahhhh I’m so full. It was awesome!” Dongwoo exclaims. “Noona, can you cook for us everyday?” Sungjong goes towards the room to find you. “Noona, where are you?” “I’m here, in the bathroom.” You are arranging the toothpaste and shampoo bottles in the maknaes bathroom.  “Sorry, I didn’t hear you. What were you saying just now?”  You come out from the bathroom.

“I said, can you cook for us everyday?” Sungjong repeats again. “Huh?” “Can you? I really love your cooking. Your kimbap was awesome! We usually eat it during night only.” “Your fried rice was great too.” Hoya rises up his hands while saying that. You scratch your head “Urmmmm I don’t know. I don’t think I’m a good cook.” “Awhhh noona come on, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” Sungjong lets out his aegyo to you. You almost surrender to him when the manager suddenly interrupts “She can’t.” “Why?” Woohyun looks at the manager.


“Because tomorrow is her last day working.”


“Whatttttttttt?” Everyone is surprised. “Oh yea, I’m only working for 10 days. Tomorrow is my last day working.” You reply to them. “Basically I just help unpacking your stuffs and when it’s done, it means I’m done too.” “And to be exact, I’m actually done with all of it.” The house is in silence now. “Since tomorrow is my last day, I will cook for you,” you break the silence. “Uhhhh okay, can I have sundubu jjigae for tomorrow? Since you can’t cook it today?” Sungjong asks.

“Yah Sungjong ahhh.” Sungyeol objects. He scares that you don’t have enough money to buy it. “Okay, anything else?” You ask. “Ermmm just cook anything. We’ll eat it,” Sunggyu responds. After a while thinking about it, you have decided. “Egg toast for breakfast, bibimbap for lunch, and sundubu jjigae for dinner. Any objections?” Everyone seems to be okay with it. “If there’s nothing then I’ll leave first.” You then head towards the door.

“Err noona,” Sungyeol suddenly approaches you. “Yes?” You reply him. “Uhh, nothing. Be careful.” “Don’t worry. I’m used to walking alone at night. Thanks anyways.” You smile at him. “Ohhh ya, can you please open the door earlier for tomorrow morning? I’m begging you.” You then laugh. “All right.” Sungyeol laughs too. After you left, Sungyeol scratches his head ‘Ahhhh I wanted to ask her about the money actually…hmm.’ He then goes back to the living room.


“You know what Myungsoo hyung, you should talk to her.” Sungjong says. “Why should I?” Myungsoo hugs his bamboo pillow, not giving others the chance to have it. “I can see that she wanted to talk to you, but you either go to your room, or ignoring her.” “You know I’m not good with people.” “Yeah yeah, we know,” Hoya rolls his eyes. “Talk to her, or I’ll tell her that you are actually deaf. Or maybe mute.” Woohyun laughs.

“Manager hyung, can’t she stay?” Sungjong sticks to the manager. “Yahhh what are you doing? Well, the company gave her 10 days only. What can I do?” “You can tell them that we need her. You know how our house is going to be in a disaster in couple days time, and I can’t stand eating outside food. And I know you liked her cooking too right?” “Well, urmm, I don’t know Jongie ahh.” “Come on hyung, please talk to them that we need her. Pleaseeeeeeee?” Finally Sungjong uses his aegyo towards the manager. “Fine, I’ll try.” Sungjong gives his victory smile to the manager.


The next morning, you come to the dorm at 7:30 am, same time as yesterday. You try knock at the door, trying your luck again this time. ‘I hope Sungyeol listens to what I said yesterday.’ You keep knocking again. After giving up for few minutes, you knock for the last time, and then you grab your phone. You almost hit the call button when you hear something at the door. The door then opens and you see Sungyeol, looking half-asleep. “Wow that was fast!” You smile at him.

“Not wearing make up today?” You ask him as you enter. He touch his face and then he screams while running to the bathroom. You just laugh at him and head towards the kitchen. After some time, he comes back, his face looking whiter than before. You laugh. He says “The reason I wear them is because my skin is ugly.” “Are you even serious?” “Yeah, I actually have pimples here and there and my skin is not smooth.” “I see.”

You are about to give him a toast when you ask “Did you take your shower just now?” “Yeahhh, we have these rules in this house, which is to take shower before eating breakfast.” He takes the toast and begins to eat. “Really? Because I was about to ask you to take shower when I entered earlier but then you ran.” You laugh and then continue “I like the rule. I actually hate it when someone eats breakfast before taking shower. So dirty.” Sungyeol then gives you the (0.o) look and you wonder why.

“Noona, you sound like Hoya.” “Wha-….who?” “Hoya. He said the same thing as what you said just now. And he’s the one who did that rule….” “Okayyyy well I guess he’s a neat person?” “Sort of.” You then look at your watch “Oh well, I got to go again. My work is starting at 9. I have to be early today, yesterday I came late.” “Sorry about that.” “Nahhh it’s okay.” Sungyeol follows you to the door. He speaks up “You know, I actually slept on the couch last night just to open the door for you.” “Whatttt?” “No worries, have fun working! See you tonight!” “Okayyy, come back early!” You wave to him and enter the elevator.

Hoya…Hoya…who the heck is Hoya…’ You knock your head.

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Nice story! Fighting author nim!! XD
so cute!!!! i really really love it!! ^_^
hanakiss501 #3
wow.. although i can clearly put my name in ___, i'm still envy this girl who seemed to have been working for infinite for real.. haha!
oh it's ending soon? i love this story!^^ update soon..
_uniquelynghi #4
I just finished reading, well, what there is to read, in two days. I LOVE~ it~~~ :DD
Update soon~<33
Own that's sad, i really liked this fic.Hope she ends up with Woohyun! <3
Omo!! I love this story..^^
Update soon~ XD
Own lovin this story! Im cheering for woohyun here!
thank u so much for updating. ㅜㅡㅜ lol boys.
Choding and his coffee xD
qsnow94 #10
please update i can't wait