Who's Infinite?

100 Days Of A Maid


"Aishhhhhhhh" You sigh. You received your pay yesterday. You knew about it when you applied for the job. It's not going to be enough. You calculate the money again and again knowing the exact amount of the money. Then you try to calculate for the next few months of working. Not long after that, you give a big sigh.

"I need one more job. Yes." You mumble while looking at the newspaper on the job section. You can read hangul but can barely understand some of the meaning. Ever since you stop college for a semester, you also stop attending hangul classes.

Since the laundry shop is closed today, you use the time you have to find jobs. From supermarkets to restaurant, and to shops. None of them meet your requirements. It's hard for you since you already have two jobs and most of the shops close around 9 or 10pm. You try to find a job where you can work anytime you want, during your free time. Time flies, as it already pass lunch time and so you have your lunch quickly and go to the penthouse.


You go to the employer's daughter room. As always, her room is messy. You pick up the clothes that are everywhere in the room. Jeans, t-shirts, shorts, bras. You name it. Then you clean up the bed. Her make up table. Her study table is full with books and papers here and there. Then you go to a corner. A corner full with K-Pop CDs, light sticks, cheering towels plus all the posters in tube. As you are arranging the CDs back to normal, you found something.

"Over The Top. Infinite's First Full Album." You try to read what is on the hard cover of the album alongside Infinite’s picture. You even found their other mini albums together with other groups. After you finish with everything, you step out of the room and close the door that has a sign saying "Minji's room^^"


You keep thinking about the albums that you saw earlier in Minji's room. "Mannn, she has every single album of Infinite, and also from various groups." You say as you walked away from the penthouse. You did clean up her room few times before but never really care about that K-Pop stuffs.


"Oh, someone's there!" You say to yourself as you see someone with boxes near the entrance door of the soon-to-be-Infinite-dorms. You don't realize that you are already on the level below the penthouse. You don't even know why you walk to that level in the first place.


"Need help? Ohh you didn't put enough tapes at the bottom of the box." You help picking up the clothes that were dropped from the bottom of the box.

"It's okay. I don't need help. You should go now." The manager said as he takes the clothes that's on your hand and crumples it.

"That's not how you do it!!" You take back the clothes and bring it inside the apartment and start folding it neatly. You feel annoyed when a person crumples their clothes. You keep on babbling without realizing you're already inside the apartment. The manager is in shock. Those boys haven't moved in yet a girl already stepped into the house.

"Are you alone?" You ask the manager who is still stunned. "Hellooooo!" You snap your fingers to his face. "Yeah I’m alone." He replies. You ask him "So are you the member of Infinite or something??" "Everyone knows about Infinite moving into a new dorm. There's even a sign on the door." Once again he's in shock. "She knows the name Infinite but not the members? LOL" says the manager to himself. "Thanks a lot. You can leave now." The manager changes the topic.


You don't want to cause trouble so you just follow what he asks. You turn back to look at him and says "You know, if you need help, you can just ask from me" while putting a paper with your number in it. "I can do anything. And that includes folding the clothes and not crumpling it." You smile and then walk away. 

"Did she plan all this? Even leaving her number to me?" The manager thought. Not caring about the number, he continues keeping the boxes inside the house. Boxes that belong to Infinite. During that time he thinks he’s already half-dead by the sudden appearance of a girl out of nowhere. She entered the apartment and even threw a tantrum at him just because he crumples the tshirt.

“As long as no one knows about this, I’ll still be alive.” The manager nods after saying that to himself.  “Will she go crazy if I tell her that I’m one of the members? Kkkkkkkk” The manager then locks the door and goes to find Infinite who are practicing right now.


You reach home and go to the kitchen to find something to eat for supper. While munching some bread, you think about what happened earlier. Giving your number to him, it was spontaneous. It was actually from earlier this morning where you tried to look for a job and giving those peoples your number just in case if there’s a job for you.

You try to remember that guy’s face again and trying to compare with the one on the album. “Hmm looks like a no. He doesn’t look fit like those inside the picture.” You thought that to yourself before head to bed.

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Nice story! Fighting author nim!! XD
so cute!!!! i really really love it!! ^_^
hanakiss501 #3
wow.. although i can clearly put my name in ___, i'm still envy this girl who seemed to have been working for infinite for real.. haha!
oh it's ending soon? i love this story!^^ update soon..
_uniquelynghi #4
I just finished reading, well, what there is to read, in two days. I LOVE~ it~~~ :DD
Update soon~<33
Own that's sad, i really liked this fic.Hope she ends up with Woohyun! <3
Omo!! I love this story..^^
Update soon~ XD
Own lovin this story! Im cheering for woohyun here!
thank u so much for updating. ㅜㅡㅜ lol boys.
Choding and his coffee xD
qsnow94 #10
please update i can't wait