Having mood swings?

100 Days Of A Maid


There’s nothing else to do. So they start practicing. The clock says 8 pm.

“Great. We have been here since 4 pm and we have another torturing 4 hours to go.” Sungyeol whines.

“I can’t take this anymore. I’m hungry and I can barely stand up right now.” Sungjong joins him whining.

“Who ask you not to eat earlier Jongie ah?” Dongwoo look at the maknae.

“I was sad. I’m not like you who can still eat when you are mad (-.-)” The maknae pouts at him.

“We eat to live Sungjong. No matter when you are angry or sad or not” Dongwoo rubs his tummy (or maybe his abs).

“Ahh yesssss, Sungjong! Give me your bag now! I know you have some foods inside your bag!!!” Woohyun starts to think like a genius.

“Gosh, why didn’t we think of it before?” Hoya hopes that there’s something that can be eaten.

“Let’s see what’s inside.” Sungyeol gets excited.

“Erghhh only lemon candy???? What the eff??? Your bag is supposed to be like a mini refrigerator!” Woohyun finds a pack of candy only.

“Hyung, we just moved in. There’s nothing much inside the kitchen and the refrigerator so I can’t put ramen or even a kiwi inside my bag.” Sungjong sighs.

“Aishhhh I’m thirsty. Wait, Sungyeol! I know you have coffee inside your bag! You always put a can inside it, right? Take it out now!” Sunggyu is reaching for Sungyeol’s bag.

“Ahhhh hyung, not my coffee! I thought you hate coffee!” Sungyeol manages to grab his bag first (thanks to his long hand) and hugs it.

“So you rather see your hyung die because of dehydrated? Just give it to me!!!! We’ll share!!!” Sunggyu makes his eye becomes small (I thought it is already small?)  to Sungyeol.

“Others take out whatever that is in your bag!!! Ohh and I mean food, not some stupid toys” The leader glares at Dongwoo. Dongwoo makes a face.

“All right, so we some chocolates, candies, a can of coffee and mineral water. What is this??” Sunggyu lets out a big sigh.

“Hyung, shut up okay. You didn’t even bring your bag urghhh (-.-)” Woohyun feels like slapping him.

“Hyung, this seems like some ‘survival’ challenge. You know, like trapped in forest, with no food.” Sungyeol blurts out.

Suddenly, everyone starts to laugh like mad person. Especially Dongwoo. They then share the foods and drink (Yes, Sungyeol gives up his coffee at last) while taking a rest.


They reach home half past midnight. They are surprised to see some foods on the dining table. Just like last night’s dinner.

“A ssi cooked for us? But-” Dongwoo says.

“But she stopped working.” Hoya continues.

“Where is she? Noona, are you here?” Sungjong tries to find you in the room but no one is there.

“Let’s just eat first.” Sunggyu sits.


“This tastes like heaven.”

“It’s so delicious!”

“Ahhh I’m so full!”

“The best I’ve ever had!”

“I wonder why she did this.” Myungsoo speaks up. He’s the only one with different expression after having that super late dinner.

Then, they go to bed, except for Hoya. Well, Hoya is the only one who takes shower before heading to bed and not long after that, the dorm has become quiet.


-The next morning-

*insert a sound of siren here*

“Arghhhhh what is that sound!!!!!” “Is there a fire or something?” “It’s only 7am!!!”  “What’s happening??!!!” The member whines as they got themselves up and get out of their room. And yes, that includes Dongwoo, the heavy sleeper. Don’t know why he managed to get up -.-

“Good morning oppas! Ohh dongsaeng too!” You speak to them in a slightly high tone.

“A ssi what are you doing here?” Hoya rubs his eyes.

“Go and take your shower and come to the dining table.” You avoid their question.

“But we haven’t had enough sleep…” Sungjong asks. You shoot a glare at each and every one of them, before turning back to the kitchen. The members look at Sungjong now. Thanks to him, everyone received a death glare from you.

“Whattt….??” Sungjong doesn’t understand.

“Just follow what she asked you to do. Go and shower now.” Sunggyu ()push Sungjong back to his room.


“Sit down.” You instruct Hoya and Sungyeol as both of them finished their shower first.

“Are you okay?”The two members seem to be nervous (scared actually).

“Urm, yeah. Are you okay A ssi?” Hoya opens up his mouth.

“Yes I’m fine. Now, eat.” You push the plates near to them.

“Err what is this???” Sungyeol asks, looking at the plate weirdly.

“Err your breakfast? Not liking it?” You come nearer to them.

“No…It’s my first time seeing this.” Sungyeol looks at Hoya blankly.

Soon, others join the two of them.

“This is scramble egg and this is sausages and hams. And this is bread, in case you don’t know.” You point at each of the item on the plate.

“Now eat. And after that, practice.” You walk towards the door. The members start to eat it and soon they widen their eyes (Sunggyu’s eyes still looks small though) and say “Daebakkkkkkkkkkk!!!!”

“Where is she?” Woohyun looks at the door.

“She left.” Myungsoo answers. In fact, Myungsoo had an eye contact with you when you were about to leave.

“We live in the States now!” Sungyeol screams.

“Yo wassup man, I’m eating this right now. Check it out,” Dongwoo says it out loud, in English (but with Korean accent kkkkkk).


“This is weird. I thought she was mad yesterday? Why did she look just fine today?” Sunggyu speaks up.

“I don’t know hyung. Hmm maybe she had mood swings. You know, during that time of the month,” Sungjong is sort of knows about women stuffs.

“She’s still mad at us.” Myungsoo always knows something that the members don’t know.

“How did you know?” Sungyeol asks.

‘She didn’t smile today. I can see her pissed look when she explained about the food earlier,” Myungsoo responds.

“She didn’t say bye too. She left without telling us,” Sungjong pouts.

“Will she come tonight?” Sungjong asks again.

“I think so. I don’t know.” Sunggyu feels worry.


I think she will.

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Nice story! Fighting author nim!! XD
so cute!!!! i really really love it!! ^_^
hanakiss501 #3
wow.. although i can clearly put my name in ___, i'm still envy this girl who seemed to have been working for infinite for real.. haha!
oh it's ending soon? i love this story!^^ update soon..
_uniquelynghi #4
I just finished reading, well, what there is to read, in two days. I LOVE~ it~~~ :DD
Update soon~<33
Own that's sad, i really liked this fic.Hope she ends up with Woohyun! <3
Omo!! I love this story..^^
Update soon~ XD
Own lovin this story! Im cheering for woohyun here!
thank u so much for updating. ㅜㅡㅜ lol boys.
Choding and his coffee xD
qsnow94 #10
please update i can't wait