Last day?

100 Days Of A Maid


 “What the…….??” Your eyes are widen.

“Uhhh noo-…… I mean A-ssi, I’m sorry for calling you noona.” Sungyeol is still in shock.

“Uhh, so how old are you guys actually?” You turn to look at the others.

“Sunggyu hyung is 23, Dongwoo hyung is 22, Woohyun, me and Sungyeol are 21, Myungsoo is 20 and Sungjong is 19” Hoya tries to explain.

“ARE YOU SERIOUS?? I thought Sunggyu is around the same age as me, and others are younger than me. All of you look so young!” You try to laugh a bit to break the awkwardness between the members.

“Uhh, someone is happy to hear that he looks young!” Woohyun pokes Sunggyu who is grinning right now.

“Sorry, I thought you are older than me, not because you look old, but because you can do so many things,” Sungyeol keeps saying sorry to you.

“Ahhh it’s okay. Well, I guess I should call you guys oppa now, just like those fangirls of yours,” You giggle.

“I’m glad I can still call you noona!” Sungjong joins your giggle.


Things become normal again. Soon, the manager comes and Sungjong runs towards him.

“Hyung, so?” Sungjong blink his eyes few times to the manager.

“So whattt?” The manager is clueless.

“Have you talked to them? Will they let her continue working?” Sungjong seems to be impatient. He wants an answer right now.

“Wait whattttt?” You overheard them from the kitchen.

“Uhh about that……………………I’m sorry Sungjong. I’ve tried.” The manager answers the maknae.

“What? Nooooooo! I want noona to stay,” Sungjong looks depressed now.

“I’m sorry but what are you talking about Sungjong?” You walk towards them.

“I was asking manager hyung to let you continue working here.” Sungjong looks like he’s going to cry anytime soon.

“Whattt? Sungjong ahhhh, I’m just helping you with your stuffs and that’s all. I am nobody.” You try to calm him down.

Instead, he runs to his room and only god knows what happens to him after that.


“Well, I’m sorry but I have to go now. It’s nice meeting you guys! Sorry for not knowing much about you guys who are popular right now. I look like an idiot knowing nothing about you guys. Hahaha. Urmm and please tell Sungjong goodbye from me….” You become speechless.

“Thanks for everything. We really love your cooking. Hope to meet you again!” Sunggyu speaks like a leader. Well, he is the leader after all.

Everybody stands up but then you stop them “Ahh, its okay. You don’t have to send me out. Go check on Sungjong. Besides, I want to talk to the manager.” You go out and the manager follows you from the back.

“Here’s yours. Not that much, sorry bout that. Oh, and I’ve included the money for the groceries stuff that you bought.” The manager hands in an envelope to you. You just take the envelope and keep it inside your bag without looking at the contents.

“Ahhh it’s okay. Thank you for paying me for real hehehe.” You try to put a joke on him.

The manager laughs a bit “No, thanks to you. Thank you so much for helping me.”

“No problem!” You then look at them for the last time at the door and say “Byeeee!” and wave to them while smiling.



-The next day-

“Hello?” You answer.

“Where are you? Can you come to Woollim building? Someone from the top wants to see you.”


-30 minutes later-

“What happened?” You still don’t know the purpose of you coming to the office.

“Apparently, the members refuse to go practice. And Sungjong, he…..doesn’t want to eat.” The manager says.


“So, my boss wants to see you.”


Oh god, what have the boys done?



-At the dorm-


“Who the heck came?’ Woohyun says to Sunggyu,

“A ssi?” Hoya gets out of the room after Dongwoo said that. Others come out too.


“Huh? A ssi, why are you like this…” Sunggyu speaks up.

“SHUT UP!!!!!” You shout at them.

Suddenly some random guys come and take the members out of the dorm and the next thing they know is that they have arrived at the practice room.



-At the practice room-

“Yahh, did you see A’s face earlier?” Sungyeol starts the conversation when they arrived at the room.

“Like a lion,” Hoya answers.

“It was so scary!!!!” Sungjong wraps his arms towards his own body.

“Why was she there actually?” Woohyun scratches his head.

“I don’t know. Hyung, did you call her? What happened actually?” Sunggyu asks the manager.

“Yes hyung, we want a story. Why was she so pissed?” Sungyeol adds the question.

“It all happened because of you.” The manager opens his mouth up.


“You guys did some kind of protest didn’t you? Because of A ssi, you guys don’t want to go practice. And skip your meal.”

“Don’t tell me you told your boss about it?” Sunggyu kind of figured out something.

“Bingo. And he’s so mad so he wanted to see A.”

“Really???? And then?” Sungjong starts to feel nervous. And scared at the same time.

“I didn’t know what they were talking about. But I heard that the boss rose up his voice towards her. And he sort of asked her to do something. I don’t know what.”


“She was kinda down when I first saw her came out of the room. And then suddenly she said that she wanted me to bring her to the dorm. And asked me to bring some guys to the dorm. I didn’t expect her to explode though.”

“I wonder what the boss said to her,” Sunggyu says.


“Urgghhh I’m hungry hyung.” Sungjong whines.

“Don’t you remember, we can’t go back home unless it’s midnight??” Sungyeol reminds them.

“Hyung, can’t we get something to eat?” Myungsoo asks the manager.

“Sorry, but A ssi didn’t let me buy some foods for you.”

“She even did that? I guess she was really angry today.” Dongwoo exclaims.

“You should be grateful. She said to me that she wanted to lock you guys up in here for 1 day but you guys didn’t take your meal so yeah.” The manager then walks out of the room. And then he suddenly pokes his head at the door.

“Oh, and please, don’t’ even try to run away. You don’t want the volcano to erupt again do you?”

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Nice story! Fighting author nim!! XD
so cute!!!! i really really love it!! ^_^
hanakiss501 #3
wow.. although i can clearly put my name in ___, i'm still envy this girl who seemed to have been working for infinite for real.. haha!
oh it's ending soon? i love this story!^^ update soon..
_uniquelynghi #4
I just finished reading, well, what there is to read, in two days. I LOVE~ it~~~ :DD
Update soon~<33
Own that's sad, i really liked this fic.Hope she ends up with Woohyun! <3
Omo!! I love this story..^^
Update soon~ XD
Own lovin this story! Im cheering for woohyun here!
thank u so much for updating. ㅜㅡㅜ lol boys.
Choding and his coffee xD
qsnow94 #10
please update i can't wait