The first 2 days...

100 Days Of A Maid


“Hello?” You answer your phone.


"Who is this?"

"Urm I'm..." The manager stops. 'She didn't know my name. How should I introduce myself?' "I'm Infinite's manager."

"Infinite's what?" You are puzzled. 'Why on earth does Infinite's manager has my number?'

"Infinite's manager. Urm, remember we met once in Infinite's apartment?" 

"Ahhhhh so you're the manager?" Now you know where he got your number.

“Yeahh. Hey listen, I need your help.”

"Whyyy? Did u crumple the t-shirts again?" You laugh.

The manager laughs slightly and then asks "So when are you free?"

"Around 8pm."

"See you there" The manager ends the call.


That was what happened 10 minutes ago. You are still lost. Is that really true? Wait a minute. Who the heck just called you asking for help?




You are expecting calls from some shops or restaurants but not from the manager. After finishing your work, you head towards the staircase and go to the level below the penthouse. Then you see the manager is already waiting at the door.


“Hey, so what’s up?” you ask after bowing to him.

“Can you help me for 10 days?” he replies

Why so sudden?’ You thought before answering “Sure. Where are they by the way?” You didn’t see them at all. Not even once. You start to think whether all this is true or not. LOL.

“They are going to Japan for 5 days. And another 5 days they will be busy at the practice room.” The manager states clearly.

“I see.” You sigh. No wonder he can easily asks for your help. Cuz you’re not going to meet them during your working time. You start to listen as he explains about what you need to do. You will be organizing each of the member’s stuffs per day. Then you will be taking care of their other stuffs in the living room and other place.


After you wandered around the house, you realize that the apartment is so empty. Only boxes inside the house. And then you notice something. You see a coffee maker in the kitchen. Alone.


“Seriously?” You say as you pointed at the coffee maker. “Is that all they can do?” You realize the purpose of the manager calling you for help. Because they don’t do house works.

The manager tries to warn you “Oh yea, please, please do not touch that. It’s precious to one of the members.”

“Oooookayyyyyyy” You just follow his instruction carefully.


“Oh, one question.” A question pops on your head. “Why did you ask for my help? There are lots of other people that you can ask from.”

“Well, because I can see that you’re not really a fan girl. You don’t scream when you entered this house. And you don’t really know Infinite that well. Righttttt?”

“LOL yeah.” You start to laugh. You remember the question that you asked him before.  You asked whether he was one of the members.

He then continues “I asked for some help from coordi noonas before. And many things happened. They took some of the boys’ stuffs, claiming as ‘souvenirs’ for them.”


“And because you can fold the clothes nicely and not crumples it. I think you can clean things up well.” He then finishes his last sentence by saying “You can start with Hoya. He doesn’t have much stuff.” He then sits at the newly bought couch and starts calling some people about the boys’ schedule.


Starting from Hoya, you go to his room and begin to unpack his stuff. What shocks you is that you find lots of purple stuffs inside his box. A LOT. ‘Is he gay or something?’ You mutter. Guys are supposed to like striking and dark colors. Or maybe just black and white. Purple is like, a bit girly, in your opinion. You start to hang the clothes inside his wardrobe. Noticing he has a lot of baggy hoodies, you thought ‘He must be the dancer of the group, and listens to some R&B or hip-hop song,’ continue with ‘A dancer that loves purple…’ you then giggle. You fold his other t-shirts and jeans neatly and placed them in the cupboard. You then continue to arrange other stuffs according to what the manager explained to you earlier.


You finish around 1 hour or so, calling the manager to have a look at it. He seems to be impressed “Hmm not bad. You’re fast.” You start to act a bit arrogant, as you replies “I can finish faster than that; it’s just that I haven’t got used to the house yet.” The manager just put on a smile as he knows you purposely said that.


“Same time tomorrow?” He asks.


“Thanks a lot.”

“No problem.”

“Oh yea by the way, please keep this as a secret. Make sure nobody knows about this. Even the members do not know about this.”

You nod as you act to zip your mouth in front of him and walk away.


As you are walking back to your home, you are feeling quite happy about it. Not because of Infinite, but because of the job. ‘What matters is that I have another job now.’ ‘I’ll think about Infinite later. As if I’m going to meet them in the house.’ You change to another topic, having the thought that he only asked for your help for ten days. Only. So you start to wonder whether he is just asking for your help without paying you. He also didn’t mention about the pay that you think you are going to get. Or maybe not.


Ahhhh never mind, I’ll just continue helping him, rather than feeling bored about what to do during night,’ making you not to worry much.



Tonight, you continue with Hoya’s roommate, Dongwoo. ‘This is going to take me some time,’ as you look through his stuff. He has a lot of unnecessary stuffs, toys, and all those unusual stuff that you yourself don’t know the purpose of him having them. Seeing his clothes, most of them having weird styles, with furs and animal prints, with striking patterns. ‘Well, at least he doesn’t stick to one color,’ while looking towards Hoya’s wardrobe next to it.


“Is it a must for them having this thing?” You ask yourself. It is actually an animal pajama that you found. Yesterday it was a giraffe and its dinosaur today. You wonder what they will look like after wearing them. You begin to judge “I guess it’s more to the ugly side,” just because they only have one set each, so they must not be wearing them much.


This time, you finished it slightly past 2 hours. “I was struggling with his weird stuffs.” You complain. Feeling a bit frustrated, as you couldn’t finish earlier than you thought, failed to make him impress with your speediness. Nevertheless, the manager smiles and says “I’m glad you didn’t take any ‘souvenirs’ while arranging his stuffs.” He tells you a story about the noonas that steal his stuff because of its weirdness. “Because I’m not weird, and I’m not attracted to all those weird stuffs that he has.” He is satisfied with your answer.


Again, only after you reach home, you think about the money. “Shoot, I forgot about it again. I hate my brain,” while slapping your forehead. After having your supper, you had shower and then while lying down on the bed, you stare on the ceiling, saying “That member is weird. Perhaps he is a 4D person,” talking about Dongwoo and his stuffs. The next thing you realize as you say “Urghhhhh I hate alarms,” knowing it’s time for you to get up and start another day.

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Nice story! Fighting author nim!! XD
so cute!!!! i really really love it!! ^_^
hanakiss501 #3
wow.. although i can clearly put my name in ___, i'm still envy this girl who seemed to have been working for infinite for real.. haha!
oh it's ending soon? i love this story!^^ update soon..
_uniquelynghi #4
I just finished reading, well, what there is to read, in two days. I LOVE~ it~~~ :DD
Update soon~<33
Own that's sad, i really liked this fic.Hope she ends up with Woohyun! <3
Omo!! I love this story..^^
Update soon~ XD
Own lovin this story! Im cheering for woohyun here!
thank u so much for updating. ㅜㅡㅜ lol boys.
Choding and his coffee xD
qsnow94 #10
please update i can't wait