100 Days Of A Maid


I wake up with a sudden pang in my brain, so I touch my head and try to open my eyes. And I notice that I am in the boys’ dorm. Damn, what am I doing here? And wait, is that Myungsoo sitting on the floor while his head lying on this bed? Wait a minute; this isn’t his bed, is it? I start to whine some more when Myungsoo stirs up and look at me and then his eyes go wide and his face quickly changes to a worried expression.

“Oh god ___ are you okay?” He asks me.

“Oppa, what happened?” I feel so weird and confused right now.

“You passed out. Why did you do all those house chores when you are not feeling well? Don’t you know how worri—errr never mind. Are you feeling better now?” Why does he talks so fast…

“Err I guess so. Where are the others?” I still sound confused while trying to find few more guys but I see nothing.

“Radio schedule,” He calmly answers.

“And—“ I am cut by him.

“Me? I had drama filming and I came back around 20 minutes ago.”

“Oh……do you want something to eat? Or do you want to sleep?” I ask while trying to get off of the bed. “I can—“

“I’m fine, I already ate. And no I was just taking a nap. Just stay in the bed.” He insists.

“Okaaaaayyyy. So what actually happened?”

“You don’t remember?”

“Err not really…..I think my nose was kinda bleed that time?”

“Yep. And after that????”

“I was flying?”

“Are you serious girl???” His expression changes.

“Of course I am! I really felt like I was flying that time!!!” He gives me a stare. That poker face stares……………..

“Uh okay okay. So who carried me? And before you ask me, YES I did not know anything that had happened after the I-was-‘flying’-part as I already passed out……….”


“Why must I guess -.-; I ask you a question and you want me to answer it to myself?” There he goes, starting with that stares again………………

“Urghhhh…………..Woohyun oppa.” He widens his eyes.

“H-how do you know?”

“I don’t know, why don’t you try answering your own question? Its fun^^” Oh god I’m so gonna get another poker face stare from him again………….yep and he’s doing it right now.

“Well, maybe because……..he…..has the ability to carry me? Since he has pretty good biceps….so….I’m…sure…he…can…carry me….” I say trailing, waiting for his reaction.

“So are you saying that I can’t carry you?” What kind of question is that…..

“I don’t know, I don’t see your muscles that much though. Why, do you wanna carry me?”

“Can I?” Yes, you can.




We keep on talking about random things and of course, I will say yes and she will say no and vice versa. Oh my god she really reminds me of her. In some point, she does look slightly the same as her. Same goes to her behavioral…..hmmm I wonder what she is doing right now hmm……..

“Oppa! Ya!!!!” ___ snaps her finger in front of me.


“Stop with that stare,”

“What stare?” She gives me a stare……….ooooohh that stare looks familiar….

“Ahemmmmmm” I clear my throat and show to her the original poker face stare……………hahaha she looks kinda scared now.

“I guess I’m feeling much better now. When are the boys gonna be back? I need to cook dinner—“ She walks to the living room only to find no one.

“They are eating outside right now.”

“-.-; uhhhh then are you hungry? Do you wanna eat? Any dirty clothes to be washed? Why is this house so clean? The mop, where is ittttttt??” She questions herself…..errr does she somehow forgets what she did earlier?

“Don’t you remember? You did all the chores before you passed out in front of us few hours ago….I mean them, since I was filming that time.”

“Ohhhhh so right now… is still in the same day?” Does she think that she’s—

“You didn’t think that you have passed out in a day and woke up in the next day did you?” I give her my bestest poker face ever and I can see that she’s scared now hahahah I love her face expression…….. so much like hers.

 “HA HA HA of course not……..I told you I can’t remember right?” She scratches her back of her head and pouts……wait she did not just do that…….how can everything must be like her???

“You told me ‘I don’t know’, not ‘I can’t remember’……..”

“Uhhh if there’s nothing to do then I shall just go back to my house. Bye!” She runs away to the entrance, feeling embarrassed.  I follow her towards the door and stop her.

“No you’re not going back alone. I’m coming with you.”

“It’s okay I’m fine.”

“Yeah right. It’s either you stay here or I’ll follow you back to your house.”

“Why must I choose one?” Thanks for the question, now I shall let my magic do the trick. I start to do my poker face stare……

“Don’t. Hypnotize. Me. With. That. Stare.” She points out her index finger at me. I am about to say something when the door suddenly opens and the members are backkkkkkkkkk………

“OH MY GOD” 99.9% synchronization of talking from the members after they see ___ standing in front of them. The 0.01% of course comes from me as I already know about it. Heh.

“___ ARE YOU OKAYYYYYYYY” Sunggyu starts to talk after it was quiet for a moment.

“NOONA YOU STILL LOOK PALE WHYYYYY” Sungjong cups her face, examines her closely.

“Is your nose still bleeding?” Dongwoo peeks at her. Others start to ask questions too….. urgh why is everybody being caring towards her? Wait what is going on with me? Am I feeling……..mad….or maybe…jealous?

By the time I get back to reality, I realize that I’ve been standing at the entrance……..alone. They had dragged ___ to the living room and continued bombing her with questions and she just stares at them blankly. Or should I say….poker face-ly? Huh I have taught her well in doing that expression :B




I wake up after I heard something fell. It was my phone damn it. Then I realize that I had fallen asleep in Myungsoo’s bed, again. How did they manage to ask me to stay and spend the night here in this room? And speaking of the room, I see the other two beds are empty. Where are Sungyeol and Sungjong? And most importantly, where the hell is Myungsoo? I mean where does he sleep? I stole used his bed since last night……Did he even sleep…….I walk out of the room and go to the other two bedrooms and when I check them out, the maknaes are not there. So I run to the living room to see the maknaes sleeping next to each other with only using mattress and few pillows and half covered blankets……. I feel so bad for using their room all by myself and they had to sleep on a mattress…….I shall make this up for what I’ve done….



“Uhhhh what is this smell……mmmmm so gooooooood” I yawn and stretch myself while inhaling the vanilla scent coming from outside the door of my room. Then I realize that someone is cooking in the kitchen…..Oh, she’s up! I quickly go to the toilet and have a quick bath and then go towards the kitchen…. And when I’m on my way there I see the maknaes sleeping on the floor… poor my babies, but sorry I gotta take care of my empty tummy first^^

“Morning oppa!” ___ smiles when she sees me and talks with her soft voice. I get it; she doesn’t want to wake the maknaes up yet.

“Morning, and thanks for waking me up.” I let out a chuckle when she gives me a plate with two pancakes.

“Sorry about that. And sorry again that the maknaes had to suffer because of me” she looks so worried of them.

“Don’t worry about it; we used to sleep like that during our trainee days.”

“Oh that must be hard for you guys.”

“It’s nothing anyways, we didn’t really get used to beds when we just got them. Hoya fell off his bed few times cuz he used to move around the big mattress…..or more like sleep-dancing.” I laugh and she laughs too……now that’s what I want to see from her.

“May I know how did I end up staying the night here? You guys didn’t possibly drug me right?”

“What? Are you really scared that we will do something to you? LOL”

“Who knows?” She flips the pancakes as I shove the pancakes into my mouth….perfect….

“You said you left your phone in Myungsoo’s bed, and then you went to find for it. The next thing we know when we entered the room, you were already asleep on his bed. You looked very tired,”

“Really? Hmm it must be because of the pop quiz you guys gave to me last night.” She goes to the coffee mixer and on the machine…oh she must wants to wake Sungyeol up.

“Anyways, I wanna thank oppa about yesterday. I heard Myungsoo oppa said that you caught me before I fell and carried me when I passed out. It must be heavy for you to carry me T__T” There she goes, pouting again.

“Didn’t you see my biceps here? And dear, you are just as light as a cotton candy.” Wait did I just say ‘dear’ to her? Oh god I hope she doesn’t mind…

“Pfft, cotton candies my . You are so greasy oppa, here have some coffee so that your greasiness will lowers down” She gives me a cup of coffee. Are you kidding me? And hey she didn’t say anything about ‘dear’ so I guess she’s okay with it? Weeeeeeee~

“Errr I think you got the wrong person, the only person who drinks coffee here is Sungyeol -.-“ I push back the cup to her. And she glares at me. Whaaaaatttttttt???

“You have too much of sweetness dear, so that’s why I’m giving you some bitter stuffs. NOW DRINK.” She keeps on glaring at me. But wait, did she just call me ‘dear ‘? Am I hallucinating right now? So she did hear what I said to her just now! I put my hand to my cheek and pinch it and I whimper in pain.

“Ouch!!!” Yeapppp I’m totally not hallucinating right now.

“Are you okay oppa?” She turns while asks me.

“Yeahhhh, it’s just that….the….coffee….yess the coffee is hot. Hahaha” She just chuckles at me. Gosh that was close. Anyways, without realizing I sip the coffee and oh my goooooodddd I’m in heaven now. Why everything that she makes must be so delicious. I didn’t even look at coffee ever since Sungyeol was bragging about his Americano but hey this is an exception. I keep on sipping until I hear a groan from the coffee boy. Oopsssss….looks like someone is up.


“Yaaaaa what is this talk about coffee…..YAH WHAT THE FARKKKKKKKKK ARE YOU DRINKING MY COFFEE!!!!! NOOOOOOOO NOT MY BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Sungyeol’s eyes suddenly turn into owl-eyes-look-alike and he runs to me and tries to grab that cup of his precious coffee. I of course run away…with the cup kkkkkkkkkkkkk








Ahhhhh now I know how to wake the boys up next time….hehehe



Hi guys, miss me? lol Anyways i was so busy with my college stuffs and right now i'm supposed finish up 1 report and 3 assignments and i have lab test and midterm next week and then i have a presentation and another lab test next next week and then my final exams starts on the 9th of April. Sounds fun right? hahahaha i was just trying to release some stress so yeah that's why this chapter is born. lol

It took quite a longer time for me to update this chapter cuz i...sort of.....forget my story. ahahahaha yeah it's been more than 2 months since my last update n i had to read few chaps back and i was like oooooooo hhahahaa

Thank you so much for still waiting for my updates and not unsubscribing me, and i hope that this is enough for you in the mean time, as the content is almost like 2 chapters XD

Thank you for everything guys, your comments are my strength :B My next update would be after my finals, but who knows i might give you another surprise^^ Till then, xoxo :)

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Nice story! Fighting author nim!! XD
so cute!!!! i really really love it!! ^_^
hanakiss501 #3
wow.. although i can clearly put my name in ___, i'm still envy this girl who seemed to have been working for infinite for real.. haha!
oh it's ending soon? i love this story!^^ update soon..
_uniquelynghi #4
I just finished reading, well, what there is to read, in two days. I LOVE~ it~~~ :DD
Update soon~<33
Own that's sad, i really liked this fic.Hope she ends up with Woohyun! <3
Omo!! I love this story..^^
Update soon~ XD
Own lovin this story! Im cheering for woohyun here!
thank u so much for updating. ㅜㅡㅜ lol boys.
Choding and his coffee xD
qsnow94 #10
please update i can't wait