Am I y?

100 Days Of A Maid


It’s been a week since you continue working at the dorm. Because they are still promoting, the same thing happen everyday. For the first three days of the week, they have to perform at some other place. For the rest of the week, recording for M!Countdown, Mubank, Music Core and Inkigayo. They wake up early in the morning, and rushing towards their location. In other meaning, clothes are everywhere on the floor, untidy beds, smelly clothes piling up inside the washing machine, somebody died again in the kitchen bla bla bla bla bla BLA BLA.

Today is Monday (Sunday for me lol). No recording today. No performance today. Everyone seems to be dead sleeping in their room when you come to the dorm in the morning. You clean the house and start the washing machine. While waiting for the laundry to be done, you start to cook breakfast for them. Today’s menu = cheese omelette. Since they are out of hams, you use sausage instead.

Well, the smell sort of travels across the room and not long after that a member from each room walks out of the room and look at each other. Hmm okay weird. Then they come to the kitchen and see you breaking the eggs into the frying pan.

“Morning! The smell wakes you up huh?” Three of them nod while looking at the omelette. It does smell good.

“Sorry for ruining your sleeping time. Since oppas look tired and hungry, you don’t need to shower. Just go brush your teeth.” Hmm you’re being nice to them today.

“Already brush. Hehe” The three of them say in unison. Uhhh these three people are fast when it comes to food. If you know about it you would have ask them to take shower huh.

“But I, of course, had my shower,” Hoya says that a little bit proud. You nod and give thumbs up to him.

“Eat it up. You guys need to eat a lot. Oppa, you look so thin. I can even see your collarbone sticking out.” You say to Woohyun.

“Uhh isn’t it supposed to look y? Muahaha” He touch his bone and suddenly his hands trails towards the chest.

“Eeeeekkkk, oppa,” you look away from him. But yeahhh, it does look a bit y. Wait what????

“Ignore him. He will be greasier than this with his fans.” Hoya pulls Woohyun’s t-shirt up so that it closes his collarbone hahaha

“Special for the three of you, double serving!” You smile while adding another omelette to each of their plates.

“Uhhh I guess we have to do extra practice today.”

“Aren’t you guys tired???”

“We are, but we can’t let you fatten us up,” Sungyeol says that, but he still shove some portion of omelette into his mouth -.-

Uhh that’s true. Lately, you’ve been giving them luxurious food thinking it’s all for the hard work that they do for their promotion. Scared that they might skip meals and all that stuffs. But still, they look skinny. Especially Sungjong ughhh /jealous mood on/


-Later at night-

“Seriously noona, are you going to make us fat?” Yep, you made another heavy dinner for them.

“Shut up Sungjong, you still looks as thin as you are. Bet you’re even lighter than me -.-“ You finish cleaning the dining table. Sungjong smiles like a girl. CUTE~

“Ahh noona I’m not. Am I?” He continues with his girly smiles. Both you and Sungjong then walk to the living room. You see them playing video of them performing.

“What is this…..Wow is this you guys? When was this taken?” You ask them.

“A ssi, didn’t you watch our performance?” Sunggyu looks at you.

“Errr sorry” You try to look into his eyes. Wait, where’s his eyesssss?

“Oh yeaaa, she’s not even our fan remember?” They look a bit disappointed.

“Hyung, she’s working. No time to watch it I guess?” Sungjong tries to defend you. Yeah that’s true. But, you don’t even have a TV in your apartment so even if you have free time you can’t watch them hmmmm

“This was yesterday. Yahh Sungjong, you missed a beat there. Always at the same part. Urghhh” Hoya whines while pointing at the screen.

“Sorry hyung. I guess I have to practice more.” Sungjong moves his hands, trying to fix his mistakes.

“Are you serious? I didn’t see any mistake. You guys look like………robots.” Your eyes look at the screen where all of them are in the same pose and this and that.

“HAHAHAHAHA” Dongwoo laughs. Others laugh too. Well, a lil bit.

“I’m serious! All of your moves looks the same” You facepalm.

“Urmm, thanks? Haha we get kudos about that (robot part) sometimes. But just so you know, you are slightly wrong. We are not 100% synchronized,” Dongwoo still laugh while answering me. Probably because of the robot part, hmm you don’t know. You facepalm yourself again.

“If you look at this part, Myungsoo seems to be a little bit stiff and out of the line.” Hoya plays the video one frame by another. Ohh this guy is full with perfection. How can he realize that? To you they just look the same. Oh yeah speaking of Myungsoo, where is he? You look around to the house.

“Where is Myungsoo?” You give up looking for him.

“L-goon has a drama schedule. He already went to Japan around noon. Don’t tell me you didn’t realize that there were only 6 of us during dinner?” Woohyun gives you the O.o look.

“Uhhh haha, o-of course I did.” NO, YOU DIDN’T. No wonder they seem to eat more just now. Oops.


“Oppa, stop playing and rewinding the video. Aren’t you feeling tired?” It has been an hour since Hoya keeps playing and rewinding and fast forwarding it. And he keeps nagging about this part and that part to every member. EVERY SINGLE MEMBER.

“Hold on, I need to check on this. I want to make this part perfect.” You give him an enough-with-the-perfection aka annoying look.

“Dance for me.” You try to distract him.


“You heard me. Dance in front of me. You have been nagging about it so I wanna see you dance. How perfect your dance is.” Wait did you just challenge him or what??

“Seem like looking from the video is not enough for you. Challenge accepted.” Hoya gets up and goes to his room. He then comes back wearing a cap and black shoes. That black shoe must be his favorite or something since he keeps it in his room and not in the shoe rack.

He asks you to play the song for him. Uhh you know this song. It’s from Omarion.

So, he sort of dance like this (

And he dances until the end of the song. Looking satisfies; he asks you “So, do you want more?” You don’t answer him. Damn it he’s awesome. And perfect. And the chest popping---

“Hello?” Hoya waves his hands at you.

“Uhh I’m sorry, what did you say oppa?” You look at him.

“I said do you want more?” He’s high-fiving Dongwoo who is smiling happily.

“Uhh no. Oppa, you can keep nagging at them! I should go home now. Nights~” You run to the door and wear your shoes. Others just laugh seeing you.

“Perfect dance btw!” You close the door and leave the house.



Uhhhhhh I'm so sorry guys for waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for my updates. Someone slap me please! I am basically doing nothing and i keep procrastinating and i go on twitter and facebook and youtube. i do online aff everyday but i spend my time reading other fics so yeahh that's why i didn't update. UNTIL someone told me on Twitter (urghh you stalker how did you find my twitter??!! Yes YOU girl!!!!! hahaha) asking me to update~ 

Thank you for subscribing and commenting and most importantly, waiting for me D: (i deserve another slap) I LOVE YOU! *throws hearts*

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Nice story! Fighting author nim!! XD
so cute!!!! i really really love it!! ^_^
hanakiss501 #3
wow.. although i can clearly put my name in ___, i'm still envy this girl who seemed to have been working for infinite for real.. haha!
oh it's ending soon? i love this story!^^ update soon..
_uniquelynghi #4
I just finished reading, well, what there is to read, in two days. I LOVE~ it~~~ :DD
Update soon~<33
Own that's sad, i really liked this fic.Hope she ends up with Woohyun! <3
Omo!! I love this story..^^
Update soon~ XD
Own lovin this story! Im cheering for woohyun here!
thank u so much for updating. ㅜㅡㅜ lol boys.
Choding and his coffee xD
qsnow94 #10
please update i can't wait