I said I'm fine!

100 Days Of A Maid


Ever since the members know about your leg and how it looks like, they had stopped playing around. Well, maybe because they’re busy since its weekend now and they’re not at home most of the time. And if they’re at home, they will literally stop you doing stuffs involving leg movement.

You are picking up their clothes on the floor when Woohyun sees you.

“Oh wait wait, I’ll get that for you. Stay there,” Woohyun picks up the clothes around you and also every side of his room.

“I can pick it up myself,” you protest at him. But he picks it up very quickly.

“It’s okay, here.”

“Erhh, okay.” You are now going towards the maknae’s room.

“Yah Sungyeol! Sungjong! Pick up your clothes now! I know it’s everywhere in your room!” Woohyun suddenly shouts from outside of his room.

“But hyung I’m—“ Sungjong peeks out from his door and finds at you and continue “Ohh, hold on noona!” He goes back to his room and starts picking up his clothes.

“Here you go noona hehe” Sungjong smiles while handing you the clothes.

“Thanks, but I can pick it up.” You receive the clothes from Sungjong.

“Noona, we’re trying to be kind here. You should at least be happy,” he flashes his smile to you. You just shrug and smile a bit.


-At night-

You’re trying to mopping the floor when Sunggyu walks towards you and stops you.

“Oppa, what are you doing?” You just started mopping.

“Ohh, the house is clean already. You just swept the floor, so no need to mop.” He tries to bluffs you.

“Yeah right. Just now when I was sweeping the floor, Hoya oppa stops me. And now you? What’s wrong with you oppas?” You propose the question to all of the members.

“Uhh hahaha nothing actually. It’s just that, errrr,” Sunggyu laughs awkwardly and rubs the back of his necks. He then continues “Aahh Sungjong actually wants to show you his girl group dance! Sungjong ahhhh, show noona your dance!!” He pushes you towards the living room, leaving the mop behind.

“Sunggyu oppa, I’m trying to m—“ Your words are cut by Sungyeol.

“Come here! Sungjong is learning the moves at the moment. But he got the chorus part already.” Sungyeol pulls you closer to sit next to him. You then look at Sungjong as he changes the song and now he’s like moving his body cheekily and popping his and chest out and you look at him amazingly. He’s dancing to Hyuna’s “Bubble Pop” and you look at him jealously. How can he dance like this? The moves are very similar to the original one (cuz you are looking at both the dance practice from the TV and him together) plus that body of him urghhhhh. He continues with another song. Shanghai Romance by Orange Caramel. Uhh so he only knows the chorus part for this song. You don’t know at all the song but the oppas tell you the song titles. Remember you don’t listen to k-pop? Yeah.


So after Sungjong finishes, you try to continue doing your work, only to be stopped by the oppas again.

“Oppa, let me mop!” You try to take the mop from them.

“No! Aren’t you feeling tired? The house is clean already. No need to mop,” Dongwoo whines.

“Oppa, seriously, tell me what’s wrong…”

“Ermmm,” They look at your leg. And then they have this sad-emo look from their face.

It all makes sense now. Picking their dirty clothes up for you, stopping you from mopping and sweeping the floor, distract you from doing all those work. All because of your leg? Are they afraid that you might hurt your leg? Or maybe they scared that there might be some effects towards your leg when you walk too much?

“Ahhh is it about my leg? Oppa, it’s perfectly fine now. You don’t have to worry.” You manage to grab the mop. YES.

“But—“ All of them say it in union. Uhh 99.9% synchronization much oppas?

“Didn’t you see me walking normally? I’m just fine. It happened long time ago. And it didn’t hurt anymore. Jeez oppas!” You throw a tantrum at them.

“O-okay, but can you please listen to me this one time? Can you do this tomorrow? You can go home now. I know you’re feeling tired. Please?” Why are they making you like this?

“If that’s what you want, fine. I’ll do this tomorrow and no one’s going to stop me. Okay?” You make an agreement with them.

“Okayyyy,” again, 99.9% synchronization happens here.


-Next morning-

As promised last night, they do not stop you from doing chores. However, they still look at you from far. And when you’re at the kitchen, the members each will take turn to check you out and see what you’re doing. Possibly making sure not to let anything happens to you. Pssst, you murmur in your mind. You just pretend that you do not see them and continue doing your work. Only sometimes you will glare at them and they would like back off a little bit, well just for a while.


-In the afternoon-

You are at the penthouse, doing your job. Minji is inside her room when you are cleaning her room. Minji pretends to look at the magazine, but her eyes are on you. You didn’t realize it, only after a while when you feel like someone is staring at you. You ignore her for a while, but then you can’t really stand it. Does she want something from you? But she (literally) already has everything…..

“Do you need help?” You turn to ask her politely. She still looks at you.

“No,” she moves her eyes to the magazine.

“Okay.” You continue with your cleaning.

“Hold on, unnie. May I ask you something?” Your heart skips a beat. Why do you feel so nervous all of a sudden?


“I notice these few days you’ve been using the stairs to go home. Why?” Did she watch you go down the stairs? This feels weird.

“Ehh? A-ahh, because I’m work—“ You stopped for a while. You can’t tell her about you working at Infinite’s dorm. “Because I have a friend living a level below here. Yeah so I always go and visit him…I mean her!!!” You feel like slapping your mouth because you are currently lying.

“Why must you go and visit her everyday? Is she sick or something? You can meet her outside too.” Okay now she starts to creep you out a little bit.

“Erhh, not really. Urmm actually, she just moved in. So I kinda helped her with her stuffs.” You speak very carefully, not to say anything else. Damn it, you hate lying.

“Okay, so what’s her name?”

“Sunggyu…” OH . Of all the names, must you give out that name? Minji gives a surprised look too. You think you know who she is thinking about right now.

“Her name is Sunggyu, but I call her Sunny. And her housemate’s name is Hyuna.” Finally, that sounds like a girl name. In which you got from Sungjong because of his Bubble Pop dance.

“If she has a housemate, then she could just ask for some help from her, right?” Damn it, what’s wrong with this girl? You just smile at her and try to be busy cleaning some stuff.

“So, have you meet Infinite yet?” She sounds so curious right now.

“Huh?” You pretend that you didn’t hear her clearly.

“I said, have you meet Infinite yet?” Still sounds curious.

“Uhhh, urm,” DAMN IT what should you say? You can pretty much guess that she has caught you now.

“Never mind, you don’t know them anyways.” She leaves her room. Wait what just happened? Did she just let you go? Whatever it is, you exhale feeling relieve. That girl is sure going to find out about it soon, you thought.

(Author’s note: Your face has that surprised + no idea look, so it looks like as if you don’t know who Infinite is, so that’s why Minji says never mind. Besides, you told the family before that you are not Korean, so that what makes Minji to assume that you don’t know Infinite)

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Nice story! Fighting author nim!! XD
so cute!!!! i really really love it!! ^_^
hanakiss501 #3
wow.. although i can clearly put my name in ___, i'm still envy this girl who seemed to have been working for infinite for real.. haha!
oh it's ending soon? i love this story!^^ update soon..
_uniquelynghi #4
I just finished reading, well, what there is to read, in two days. I LOVE~ it~~~ :DD
Update soon~<33
Own that's sad, i really liked this fic.Hope she ends up with Woohyun! <3
Omo!! I love this story..^^
Update soon~ XD
Own lovin this story! Im cheering for woohyun here!
thank u so much for updating. ㅜㅡㅜ lol boys.
Choding and his coffee xD
qsnow94 #10
please update i can't wait