Is this the end?

100 Days Of A Maid



“This is more than enough. Omg”

I smile widely after I checked my bank account book. I managed to get enough money to cover up for my next semester’s fees. Means I’m coming back to college!!! Weeeeee.


I quickly go to my college’s registrar’s and finance office after ahjumma let me off early from the laundry shop and when I arrived I take a form from the counter and select few subjects for my next semester. Omg I can’t wait to attend the lectures! Only god knows how I miss my books so much. Then I meet few of my course mates who are preparing for their finals in few days time and I decided to follow them to the library.


“Someone is actually sitting at my place…….???” I point towards a guy who is sitting at my favorite spot with few thick books stacking on the table. Okay I’m pretty sure I look pissed now. No one ever sits at that place except for me. Well, since I sit there every single day, most of the students including me myself have claimed that place as mine.

“Y-yeah because you’re not around for couple of months, so that guy has been sitting there ever since. I tried to talk to him about it, but he didn’t respond. Sorry.” One of my group mates replies me, and they all look scared now. Pfffft who does he thinks he is. He must be new. So I walk towards that guy and stand next to him. With his glasses, he looks at me after he sensed something next to him.

………………… omg is he. ………

“Sunggyu?” I mutter out. Few people nearby look at me feeling shocked. But then, the guy does not respond back. Instead, he continues to look at me.

“O-oh s-sorry, I think I got the wrong person……” Why did I say Sunggyu oppa’s name? But hey it wasn’t my fault, he does looks like him :O

“…………” Okay why isn’t he replying………..

“By the way you are sitting at my place, did you know that?” I try to explain to him. You need to get out of my place.


“Uhhh…..” Why isn’t he replying me oh god……


“………so I want you to—“ He cuts me off. How dare he—

“Sorry.” He blinks his eyes for the first time after staring at me for idk how long.

“I beg your pardon?” Did I mishear something? Then he starts to pack his stuffs. Then I suddenly feel pity towards him.

“Nahhhh it’s okay. Stay.” He stops stacking his books and looks at me. Or more like stares at me.

“You can use it until you are done with your test.” LOL why did I say that…..

“However, dibs for next sem. Period.” I slam the table while saying that. I want to claim back what’s mine. Then I turn around and start to walk away from him. And when I’m inside the lift I manage to see him one last time before the door closes.

“Weird.” I swear god that guy just now looks exactly like Sunggyu. But of course it’s not him. I mean Sunggyu oppa is busy practicing his vocal today. But their eyes……..their small eyes…..


Speaking of Sunggyu, I’m realizing that going to end my job working for them soon. I sigh as I count the days that I have worked for them in my mind……93 days. I have a week more with them. I sigh another time and literally cursing as my phone suddenly rings out of nowhere. Oh it’s Sunggyu oppa! How did he know I was talking about him :O

“Hello….” I answer the call.

“_____ ah, where are you?” He sounds worried.

“Ahhh oppa, I’m on my way to work at the penthouse right now. Wae?” Yeah why did he call?

“It’s raining right now. You’re not possibly drenched again are you?” After he said that I just realized that I’m walking under the rain…… It’s drizzling heavily. How can I possibly not notice this?

“O-of course not! Oppa, hold on for a while.” I run to the nearest ddeokbokgi stall and stand under it.

“Oh sorry oppa, I had to cross the road just now.” I lie to him. And the ahjumma who sells the ddeokbokgi stares at me too so I forcefully smile at her.

“It’s okay. PLEASE DO NOT FALL SICK AGAIN OKAY? Oppa is worried of your health.”

“Don’t worry I will! How did you know that it’s raining? I thought you’re being ‘locked’ in that vocal room?”

“O-ohhh, M-myungsoo, he told me. He was on his way to the dance studio when he called me and wanted me to inform you about the weather so that you won’t fall sick and we don’t have to take care of you again hahaha. Oh he also asked you to check your bag. Okay oppa gotta go now! Take care of yourself! See you tonight!”

“W-wait oppa—“ And the call ends. Pffftt. I check my bag and I found an umbrella. Did Myungsoo put this? How did he possibly have time to do all this stuff? I check my watch and now I’m going to be late for work! So I quickly buy 1 serving of ddeokbokgi because it’s so tempted and run with the umbrella.

I reach at the penthouse 15 minutes late and I see Minji’s already waiting for me. I say sorry to her and she gives me her house phone. Okay so someone is waiting for me to answer the call.

“Why are you late today?” It’s Minji’s mother.

“I’m sorry ma’am, I went to my college to register my subjects for next semester and it suddenly rained when I was on my way here. Sorry.” I explain to her.

“Just because you’re ending your job in few days time does it means you can just come as late as you want?” She throws a tantrum at me. Gosh……

“I’m really sorry. I will do extra work today and come early tomorrow.”

“Now go and do your work.”

“Yes ma’am.” I hand back the phone to Minji. She looks annoyed too. Jeez, it’s just 15 minutes late.




“Hyung, did you call ____? Have you asked her to check her bag?” Myungsoo storms at me right when I enter the practice room.

“Gosh Myungsoo, I just arrived and I was drenched after walking from the van without an umbrella. Shouldn’t you at least ask me if I’m okay or something?”

“Ahhhh hyung I know you will be fine. Because you have endless amounts of medicine to take if you are ever to get sick hahaha” I give him an annoyed look.

“All right all right I’m sorry. I was just trying to make you feel better but I guess it didn’t really work.” Yes Myungsoo it didn’t work at all pfffft

“Hyung are you okay? Here let me help you take off your jacket.” Woohyun comes to me and offers for help.

“Thanks.” I smile at him.

“So how’s _____?” He asks. Yeah Myungsoo I’m gonna reply to Woohyun instead of you. Serves you right :P

“Yes I told her to take care of herself. And I also asked her to check her bag.” I say while glaring at Myungsoo.

“Did you put the umbrella in her bag?” I ask him.

“O-oh? Y-yeahhhh I did. Well I just wanted to make sure that she doesn’t fall sick. If she does, then I might have to sleep on the floor again.” LOL Myungsoo. Everyone laugh at that statement.

“Well, she can sleep on my bed next time. I don’t mind sleeping on the floor.” Woohyun says. What’s wrong between these two kids? Are they having a competition or something? Who can take care of _____ the best??? Hey wait a minute….

“Wait whattttt? Does that means I have to sleep on the floor too? Ewww no way!” I hate sleeping on the floor. It makes my body stiff the next day.

“Hyung, how can you not sacrifice the person that you l—“ Woohyun stops at the last word.


“Nothing. Go and eat your lunch before Dongwoo finishes yours.” He put his hand to my and pushes me to Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungyeol and Sungjong who are eating their lunch at the corner. No wonder they are so quiet………

“YAHHH DONGWOO DON’T YOU DARE EAT MY FOOD!” I see the top my box of food is slightly open.

“Hey it wasn’t me, Sungjong was the one who took your chicken” Dongwoo then realizes that he accidentally slips the secret out so he closes his mouth with his hand right now.




Hello :)

Just letting you know that i'm skipping the days (of working as a maid) and sadly to say that this fic is going to end soon prolly in couple or few chapters time.

Because i think that this fic is going nowhere and i feel like i wrote craps in every chapter D:

However, good news is that im starting a new fic soon. Haven't figured out the plot yet but i already know what character to use :D Hint? 2 Infinite members and you and it's going to be a love/romance story^^

Thank you for still waiting for my updates. Love you all *throws hearts*

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Nice story! Fighting author nim!! XD
so cute!!!! i really really love it!! ^_^
hanakiss501 #3
wow.. although i can clearly put my name in ___, i'm still envy this girl who seemed to have been working for infinite for real.. haha!
oh it's ending soon? i love this story!^^ update soon..
_uniquelynghi #4
I just finished reading, well, what there is to read, in two days. I LOVE~ it~~~ :DD
Update soon~<33
Own that's sad, i really liked this fic.Hope she ends up with Woohyun! <3
Omo!! I love this story..^^
Update soon~ XD
Own lovin this story! Im cheering for woohyun here!
thank u so much for updating. ㅜㅡㅜ lol boys.
Choding and his coffee xD
qsnow94 #10
please update i can't wait