
Behind the Mask [Bangtan]
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Cho Hee grabbed Mallory’s arm and leaned towards her. “Meet me in my cabin in five. I have something very important I want to talk to you about.” She whispered, letting go of Mallory’s arm and then hurrying away, towards her cabin.


Mallory made a face, but followed. They were standing near the field where the race was going to be held, so Mallory had a long way to walk back to Cho Hee’s cabin. She was quick, though. Whatever Cho Hee had needed to talk to Mallory about didn’t sound like it was going to be good. Cho Hee sounded excited, but Mallory knew that meant a mildly thought out plan.


As Mallory approached the cabin, she noticed V disappearing inside. What was he doing there? “Oh god,” She groaned. If he was there, that probably meant Jungkook wasn’t far behind, and anywhere Jungkook went, the others tended to follow. The fact that they traveled in a flock was going to be an issue. Mallory just knew it.

She walked up the steps and took off her boots just outside the door of the cabin before opening the door and walking inside.


Cho Hee sat on the edge of one of the beds inside the cabin, and lining the walls were all the boys from BTS. Mallory pulled the door shut behind her, and rested her back against the now shut door, not wanting to walk any further towards any of them. “What’s going on?”

Cho Hee smiled. “I don’t know if the others know this, I’m sure you do Mallory, but Zhen Ai’s birthday is soon.” When Cho Hee said this, a few of the boys, mainly V, Jin, and Rap Monster, looked confused. Jungkook clarified, telling them it was Jin Ae’s real name. “Anyways, since she’s deciding when we get home this week whether or not she wants to officially be adopted by Dae Hyun and I, I thought it could also be a sort of… I don’t know, congratulations party as well?”


Mallory shook her head. “Uhm, no. Don’t throw her a birthday party. A congrats party is fine, but do not throw her a birthday party.”


Suga made a face. “I think you’re being dramatic.”


“I think you’re being petty.” Mallory said flatly. “Zhen doesn’t have very fond memories of her birthday. Trust me. It’s a really bad idea.” She said, shaking her head.


Jungkook shook his head. “Then let’s make some good memories for her. We’ll throw the party and make sure it’s super happy and colorful and stuff.” He said, moving towards Cho Hee. “Did you have any plans for it so far, aside from just deciding there was going to be a party?”

Mallory rolled her eyes. “You’re going to regret this. Big time.”


“You don’t have to come.” Suga pointed out, crossing  his arms over his chest.


Mallory laughed. “No, I’ll be there, but I’m not helping you give her a mental breakdown. I’ll be there to help pick up the pieces, like always.” She said, turning and opening the door to the cabin. When the door closed, she kicked at the air and cursed. They didn’t understand, and she couldn’t tell them that Zhen blamed herself for her parents untimely death. It wasn’t her place to share Zhen’s secrets, but they were wading into dark waters.


Zhen sat on one of the logs that surrounded the enormous fire pit with Mallory on one side of her and Jungkook on the other. A few of the other groups that had come to the camping trip were having sing offs, and dance offs. Currently, J-Hope had engaged in a dance off with Cora Matthews, who apparently was his student at the time.


Jimin, who had just entered the circle just a moment before, moved to sit at the end of the stump, where Suga and Song Yi were sitting. Song Yi had made it later that morning, and J-Hope had asked her to join them and watch the dance off. When the dance off was finished, Song Yi was clapping and shouting the loudest. Jimin smiled at her and moved to sit beside her, but there wasn’t a whole lot of room. “Suga hyung, scoot down a little.”


Suga peered over from Song Yi’s side and pointed towards Mallory. “There’s some room over by your girlfriend.”


Jimin said nothing, but Mallory leapt to her feet. She stood, glowering at Suga. Her outfit wasn’t helping her appear as someone to be afraid of. She’d changed into her jean overalls and a faded green shirt with gray and white polka dotted rain boots, since the dirt had turned to mud with the morning dew, which never dried since the sun was clouded over. If anything, Mallory looked innocent. “Suga, get over it!” She hissed. “Grow up, huh? I kissed Jimin! I kissed Jimin, and you can’t come to terms with it!” When she shouted this, everyone turned and looked at her.


Jimin moved towards her, putting his hands on her shoulders and shaking his head, trying to move her away from the group. “Mallory, stop,”


“No!” She hissed, pushing him away and moving around him. “I made a mistake. I’m sorry. I should have told you that I liked you a lifetime ago, instead of waiting it out and having Jimin tell me his feelings before you could work up the nerve to do it yourself. Sorry I didn’t tell you how I felt, but you’re just as much at fault.”


Suga frowned. “Really,” He said, shaking his head. “This is incredibly unnecessary.”


“What’s unnecessary is the way you’re treating me because you couldn’t put on your big boy pants and spit it out when you had the chance,” She shouted, stamping her foot. “But don’t worry about it. It’s not like it matters anyways.” She turned and started away from the circle. Jimin stared after her, but Suga didn’t bother. He just stretched his legs out in front of himself and pretended nothing had happened.


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BTM || nothing. but updating and wanting my vacation soon


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Chapter 4: Mallory my girl just hiding your appearance won't hide your identity. You gotta hide your distinctive personality also
For real though third chapter and they have already been found out smh
yurinature #2
Chapter 75: In the end what gift was Ai talking about?
Ilovekpop1437 #3
I love your story so much! I've been reading this story ever since this morning. It's hard finding a lot of good BTS's stories. This story is just amazing. I just love it. I usually don't like to read stories with a tons of chapters but I actually read all of this. I was wondering, did you ever make a sequel or anything to this towards the end? I couldn't find anything. Anyways I would love to read your other stories! Loves, xoxo (:
TalosBlade #4
Chapter 76: I cried. I cried a lot. Happy tears though
Chapter 22: i really love your story omg im so glad i found your story authornim /hugs you tightly/
teentopbapshineefx #6
Chapter 2: Hi I just want you to know that I'm going to talk to you tomorow and Je vais vous parler demain is not really the same thing in this concept she's talking to her brother so using vous is way too formal. It wil be better if you say Je vais te parler demain or on se parle demain. And you can't really use adieu either cause it's like a final goodbye like you are never gonna talk to them. Since she's french from France I think saying au revoir is more appropriate. So yeah... I just want to friendly inform you :) oh and google translation is rarelly right when it's for english to french !! :)
Chapter 74: Sigh.....I hopw she isn't pregnant
Chapter 73: OMG! She's gonna get pregnant!
Chapter 72: Getting feisty aren't we:)