Chapter 38/Epilogue

Black Pearl

Edited; Re-uploaded

Okay, I feel that this needs a warning! The chapter gets gradually darker with each pairing, and it's actually pretty sad and there is a very slight mention of suicide, plus some degrading terms.. Didn't want to spoil anything but I know that some people may like/need it.  Hope you guys like the final chapter!!! ^-^






                Home… When Luhan originally left it, he hadn’t expected to be gone as long as he was. He hadn’t really expected much of anything at the time, and so much more than he ever could’ve imagined happened since then. It was hard to believe that his senior year of school wasn’t even over yet.

                Over six months had passed since Luhan had last seen his mom, and even though he told her that they would stay in touch, he had never done so. He regretted it, but at the same time he was glad. It didn’t even matter once they’d met Siwon, either, since their phones had been taken straightaway. He hadn’t heard anything from his mother in months and he was dying to see her again. He only hoped that she felt the same.

                Just over a week had passed since the whole Tree of Life incident, and Luhan had spent the entire time recuperating from his injuries due to battle. His right arm was indeed broken, but despite the excruciating pain, he only let Lay heal him in small portions once a day. And even then, it still had to be in a cast.

There were so many people that were injured, and Lay and Daehyun were doing the most work in healing them. Daehyun’s vocal abilities stretched far, from healing to destroying, but he didn’t absorb the pain like Lay did. The kind boy suffered immense pain by the end of each night, but not even their leader could prevent him from helping despite this.

                Siwon was kind with helping people reunite with families, and he provided Luhan’s transportation home. Of course, he wasn’t alone, and Sehun tagged along with him. He wouldn’t have had it any other way, and if his mother was there to meet him, Luhan was sure she’d approve.

                The two teens didn’t say much on the way to Luhan’s home, but they shared equal anxiety through their linked fingers. They rode in a car the entire way from the base, and since it was daytime, they were actually able to take in the scenery. It was long, nerve-twisting period of time before Luhan began to recognize the area around them. He finally caught sight of familiar landmarks and street names, and he knew it wasn’t long before they would reach his house. It made his stomach clench with apprehension.

                The vehicle they sat in came to a rolling stop in front of Luhan’s home, and the older teen stepped out to have a look around. Things were exactly as he had left them. Flowers hung from the front porch and bushes lined the front of his house, as beautiful as ever. A car sat in the driveway, and Luhan’s heart skipped a beat knowing that his mother was right here.

                A hand slipped into Luhan’s again, and he gazed up at Sehun after having been separated for mere seconds. The young teen’s black hair shone in the sunlight, and his eyes were just as dark, yet filled with warmth. He squeezed Luhan’s hand, and Luhan returned the gesture. He could do this.

                Walking up to the door together, Luhan raised his fist to knock, but he found himself hesitating. Reoccurring thoughts of his mother rejecting him crossed his mind once more, but he shook them off and closed the distance between his fist and the door with three sharp knocks.

                Nothing could be heard from the other side of the door, and Luhan was swept with a sudden wave of nausea. However, it only lasted a few seconds before the door creaked open and a familiar face appeared through the entryway. 

                Beautiful brown eyes met Luhan’s almost instantly, and his heart sank when he caught the dark bags underneath them. Recognition flashed in the woman’s features, and Luhan’s mother stepped into full view, throwing the door back with disbelief.


                The pain in his mother’s voice had Luhan tearing up, and he couldn’t move. He wanted to throw his arms around her and give her the love that had gathered inside of him, but he was filled with guilt and regret, weighing him down. The loss she’d gone through was clear in her stance, in her features, and it was all because of Luhan. Why did he think he could face her?

                Pressure on Luhan’s lower back stole his attention, and he looked up at the owner of the soothing hand rubbing along his tensed back. Sehun’s gentle, encouraging smile was visible through his tear-filled eyes when he looked up at the young boy, and the tiniest of nods was all that he made out before a body crashed into his.

                Arms clung to Luhan’s back and waist, and he stumbled back when his mother rammed into him out of nowhere. Her soft sobs were muffled into his shoulder as she pulled him in close, and Luhan couldn’t hold himself back, either.

                Choking out a painful, ugly sob, Luhan reached around to envelope his mother in the biggest one armed hug that he could offer. He didn’t care that his injured right arm ached with the action, that was the least of his concerns. His mother was right here, in his arms after six long months, and she was his true first love. A family reunited.

                Eventually, Luhan’s mother pulled away, running her hands along his arms and chest, smoothing out his simple clothes. When she looked up, Luhan saw nothing other than love in her warm eyes. Her small hands lifted to his cheeks, and a half laugh-half sob escaped through .

                “You look so different… And your arm. What happened to you?”

                Instead of answering her question, Luhan gently took hold of her hand and inched to the side, so that Sehun was the one directly in front of her. And as if she hadn’t noticed him before then, his mother’s eyes went wide in surprise.

                “Who is this? A friend? I don’t understand…”

                A smile wormed its way onto Luhan’s face, and he closed the distance between himself and Sehun, their hands naturally coming together when he leaned into the young boy’s shoulder.

                “More like a boyfriend.” He corrected, blushing under his mother’s stare. As expected, the easy-going woman gasped, then stepped forward to get a closer look at the boy. She looked around him, gazing at his body from top to bottom, and Luhan had to smile at how tense and awkward Sehun became. However, the inspection was done after a long minute of his mother’s staring.

                “You leave home for half a year and then come back with a man. It’s not what I expected, if I’m being honest.” The woman murmured, and Luhan was thrown into guilt once more.

                “I’m truly sorry for disappearing the way I did.” Luhan apologized, looking to his feet. “I couldn’t even bring myself to contact you, and I didn’t mean to make you worry if you have been. There was just so much going on, and I met Sehun on the way and…” Luhan trailed off, then he forced a small smile, returning his attention to the woman before him. “I can’t live without him. We’ve gone through too much together, and I hope that you’ll understand properly when I explain what’s happened.”

                “Oh, come on now, Luhan.” His mother said, surprising the older teen with the nearly exasperated tone she used. “I don’t need any explanation in order to understand you. I knew from the beginning, ever since I saw those powers of yours, that you’ve been incredibly special. It was no surprise to me when you left.”

                Shocked, Luhan was left with nothing to say. “But—But… All of your texts…”

                “Oh, you saw those?” A warm smile graced his mother’s face, and she reached forward to take his good hand. “I still worried, you know. And it looks to me like I had a good reason to.” Her eyes darted to the sling his right arm hung in, and Luhan smiled sheepishly as she went on. “Anyway, why don’t you boys hurry on inside and I’ll make some tea. Are you hungry? Dinner’s almost here.”

                Continuing her chatter, Luhan’s mother headed off into the house, and Luhan glanced up at Sehun. His heart ached with relief, and he felt like he could cry all over again. Things wouldn’t be normal any time soon, he knew that, but he didn’t care. He was with the two people he loved most.

                Taking Sehun’s hand, Luhan stepped over the threshold into the house, where he hoped to live with not pain and suffering, but with all of the love and warmth that his friends had shared since September, when their lives truly began.






                The airport was filled with the usual, busy uproar, caused by hurried footsteps and the voices of those communicating to loved ones over the phone. Luggage rumbled across the floor on wheels, and monotone voices spoke over speakers. It created one big, glorious symphony that sent a wave of nostalgia through Kris’ body and mind. 

                The tall teen stood at the entryway to the building, standing idly a few feet away from the front doors. A brand-new cell phone had his complete attention, and as he left the texting app that he’d been using, his gaze strayed to the picture he had selected as his background.

                With the front camera, Kris had taken a photo of Tao, who had been sitting beside him while taking a selca of his own. The teen’s strong features were pulled into a wink and puckered lips as he faced the camera of his own cellphone, and the model-like image proved to be too good for even the best of magazines. Both teens were fresh blonds, and Kris couldn’t help but smile as he thought about it.

The sound of quick, tapping feet that began to grow increasingly closer with each second had Kris looking up, distracted. Only moments later, arms slid around his shoulders, and the barest of kisses brushed against his cheek.

                “Sorry to keep you waiting.” A voice whispered in his ear, and Kris’ smile instantly grew. He turned to wrap his arms around Tao’s waist, and the boy mirrored his smile when a gentle kiss was placed on his lips.

                “You wouldn’t have taken that long in the restroom if you had meant it.” He replied playfully, and the glint in Tao’s eyes only verified that it was true.

                “I have to look my best if I’m to meet your parents.” Tao then said, fingers messing with the collar of Kris’ shirt. The taller teen only huffed out a small breath of air.

                “You know, seeing as your family is closer to Korea than mine, it would’ve been more ideal to stop there, first. To save time and money.”

                “But we have plenty of time, and besides, it’s the money that Siwon gave us to use. It’s not like he didn’t expect us to use it all, and if he wanted it back, then he should’ve known to choose someone other than me to give it to.” Tao sounded so matter-of-fact that Kris nearly started laughing, but he just shook his head, instead. Unfortunately, the boy was right.  

                “Sometimes, I really just don’t know how to handle you…”

                “Yeah, I’ve noticed.” With a cheeky grin, Tao took hold of one of the suitcases at Kris’ feet and began heading for the front doors. Kris was quick to follow suit with the rest of their meager belongings, and he hurried forward to push past the doorway. Outside, he was met with the familiar smell of home, and he breathed in the scent of his native country with eyes closed. At his side, Tao did the same.

                It sure was good to be back.






                “You’re meaning to tell me…” Yixing’s soft, awe-struck voice whispered, “That this is your house?”

                Joonmyun heaved a soft sigh, reluctant to face the sight before him. He didn’t really want to go home, but there wasn’t much else out there for him, as of now. They were free of their destiny, and all that was left was to return to the time before the ENTs. The only difference, was that they had each other.

                Confirming Yixing’s disbeliefs, Joonmyun gently took the boy’s hand and guided him up the long driveway that led to the giant mansion that he called home. He was almost reluctant to open the front door, but why wouldn’t he be? He had despised much of this place ever since childhood, thanks to his lacking parents.

                Heaving yet another sigh, Joonmyun pushed open the doors. They weren’t as heavy as he remembered them to be, and they swung open a little too forcefully due to his overestimation. An instantly familiar face spun to meet him at his entrance, and a look of pure shock crossed the face of the woman who had been walking up the main staircase.

                “Joonmyun!” The woman’s voice came out high-pitched and wispy from disbelief, and she tripped over the skirts of the long dress she wore as she hurried back down the stairs. Joonmyun couldn’t help a smile at her familiar clumsiness, and he was being embraced by the woman within seconds. “My dear boy! You’ve returned!”

                “Did you miss me, Ms. Lee?” It was all that Joonmyun could manage to say. This woman in her fifties was old enough to be his grandma, but she’d been more like a mother than his own for the entirety of his life. She must’ve been distraught when he suddenly dropped off the face of the Earth, Joonmyun then realized, and he didn’t know how to put into words how sorry he was to her.

                “Miss you?” Ms. Lee scoffed as she held Joonmyun at arms-length. “I had a team scour nearly all of Korea for you, but we still came up with nothing! Where have you been?”

                Joonmyun ducked under her demanding words, the underlying compassion sending needles of pain straight into his heart. She had no clue about his powers. No one in the house did. How was he supposed to explain it to them?

                Just then, another figure entered the room. Any other person would’ve been thankful for the distraction, but Joonmyun knew as soon as he saw the tall, cold faced man that he wouldn’t leave this conversation happy.

                “Young Master.” Joonmyun cringed away from the words, lips curling in disgust. “Much work had piled up in your absence. I took it upon myself to complete it all in your stead, awaiting your return. Welcome home.”

                Joonmyun clenched his fists at the irritatingly polite, monotone way the man spoke in. He had been Joonmyun’s male caretaker, but he was nothing like Ms. Lee. He was void of any personality and warmth, and not an ounce of worry was etched into his voice, even now. The first thing he had to say was how much work Joonmyun had thrown onto his plate, but Joonmyun couldn’t find a single to give. He would walk out the door right then if it meant giving the man more to deal with, but he had his reasons to come home again, and he was aware of Yixing’s presence just behind him.

                “I assume my parents aren’t home to celebrate.” Joonmyun then decided to say, bitterness leaking clearly into his voice. It was no surprise when no one answered right away, and then Ms. Lee’s voice responded with hesitance.

                “Your parents are still abroad… They were never informed of your disappearance…”

                A soft gasp came from Yixing’s direction, but Joonmyun only sighed and shrugged it off. “Well, it’s not your fault that they never ask about my well-being. It’s better that they think I’ve been here the whole time, anyway.”

                Turning, Joonmyun gently grabbed Yixing’s hand and tugged him forward for the two caretakers to see. “Yixing, here, will be staying with us for a while. He’ll be sharing a room with me, so make sure you remember to knock before entering the room, and prepare meals and other things for two from now on. That’ll be all.”

                With a dismissive gesture that he normally wouldn’t have used, Joonmyun began pulling Yixing towards the stairs. He was already irritated to no end, and he barely suppressed a groan when a certain monotone voice spoke up again, using the title he hated most.

                “Young Master, I do think it would be wise for me to fill you in on all that you have missed. After all, you—“

                “Yes, yes!” Joonmyun spit the words out before he could stop himself. “I left, I know! There’s bound to be a -ton of stuff that I missed but I don’t give a single ! Now, you’re going to go back to work while I go spend some quality relaxation time with Yixing! Because, unlike what you might think, I’ve been working my off for the past six months that I’ve been gone! I’ll come find you when I’m ready!”

                Without another word, Joonmyun stormed up the stairs, his blood boiling on absolute high. Yixing clambered up beside him, but Joonmyun didn’t turn back until he was in the safe confines of his bedroom, which was left exactly as he had remembered it. Once inside, he sighed and welcomed the instant warmth of Yixing’s arms around him.

                “I’m sorry.” He apologized weakly, a little embarrassed that Yixing had witnessed his explosion. “I haven’t done that before…”

                “Is it really like this for you?” Yixing asked softly, fingers rubbing absently on his back. “You have all this, but your parents really don’t care about you?”

                Joonmyun only shrugged, turning so that the head he had resting on Yixing’s shoulder pressed into his neck. He closed his eyes against the boy’s comforting warmth, breathing in his familiar scent.

                “I don’t care about them, either. All that matters to me is being with you.” He confessed softly, lips brushing against Yixing’s exposed skin. “I’ve dealt with all this for my entire life. You just make it all worth it.”

                “You’re tired.” Yixing stated after a moment. “You aren’t usually this direct.”

                A grin fit Joonmyun’s face, and he placed teasing fingers around Yixing’s waist, pulling him even closer. “Sleep with me?”

                Mirroring his smile, Yixing let out a soft, irresistible giggle. “You know I never turn down a chance to nap.”

                Mind already cleared of the events following his return home, Joonmyun crawled with Yixing into his large, comfortable bed. Their limbs tangled together almost instantly under the plush covers, and Joonmyun couldn’t resist pulling the boy in for a kiss. He felt so light when he was with Yixing, even in the worst of situations, and he didn’t want it to end. They still had things to face, a life to confront, but for now, he’d let himself become lost in his love for one kind, beautiful, unicorn-loving boy.





                Jongdae knew something would go wrong. There was no doubt about it. Yet, he couldn’t deny Minseok’s nagging when it came to visiting his parents. Even if it were for only a minute.

                So, when Jongdae was personally asked by Siwon if he would like help with going home, the lightning-wielding teen was unable to reject. The presence of Minseok at his side was undeniable, as was his ability to say no, but there was no going against the one you love.

                Now Jongdae stood with Minseok on the corner of two streets. The car that they had just exited sat beside them, and the driver rolled down the window to inform them that he would stay put for a few minutes in case they choose to return. It was a kind gesture, and every fiber in Jongdae’s body was sure they’d need his assistance again momentarily.

                Masking his sigh as merely a deep inhale, Jongdae shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket and started forward. Minseok matched his pace immediately, but they said nothing as they strode forward. Jongdae’s home was just a few houses down by then, and he was really beginning to hope they’d moved while he was away.

                And as Jongdae and Minseok drew closer to their destination, the sight Jongdae saw nearly fooled him into thinking it was true. Only, it was much, much worse.

                As they drew closer to Jongdae’s house from the opposite side of the street, a figure opened the front door. Jongdae immediately recognized his father, and his heart constricted painfully when his mother followed. But what made it worse, was the tall, handsome teenage boy that exited the house after them.

                He was going to be sick.

                A natural smile fit the strange boy’s face as he closed the door behind him and joined Jongdae’s parents in the car, as if he had done it for his entire life. Jongdae’s parents looked happier than ever with a son that couldn’t possibly have been their own, and Jongdae suddenly tasted his lunch in the back of his throat. He actually couldn’t stand any more, and he stumbled to the fence at his side, grasping for something sturdy to keep him up.

                “Jongdae?” Minseok’s concerned voice echoed strangely in Jongdae’s ears, and strong arms helped to keep him upright. “Jongdae. If we don’t hurry your family will leave. Why didn’t you even tell me you have a brother?”

                Hearing those words was enough to bring tears to Jongdae’s eyes, and he brought a hand to his mouth in order to muffle the sobs that suddenly wracked through his body. He shook with the force of keeping himself quiet, but it wasn’t like Minseok couldn’t already see him.


                He didn’t answer. He could only shake his head to try and forget. He was stupid for reacting like this. He knew something would happen. He always knew, that eventually his parents would grow tired of him. If he hadn’t left on his own, they probably would’ve kicked him out, anyway. He thought he was prepared, but it just wasn’t the same when it came down to living it.

                The arms that kept Jongdae standing turned him, so that he had no choice but to confront Minseok face-to-face. The older teen’s eyes were swimming with concern, but Jongdae hardly noticed. His heart hurt so bad, his head pounded. His legs felt like Jell-O, and for the billionth time in his entire life, he wanted to curl up and disappear.

                “Oh, Jongdae…” Minseok seemed to catch on, in that moment, and then he was pulling Jongdae close. The younger teen was practically suffocating in the grip, but he was hardly breathing between his sobs, anyway. He just buried his face in the older teen’s shoulder, seeking comfort in the embrace. His hands clawed at the back of Minseok’s shirt, and he wasn’t quite sure if his mind was blank or overflowing with thought and emotion. There was so much going on, yet so little, and he just wanted it to end.

                “Dae, please…” Minseok’s soft voice whispered. “Listen to me.”

                Jongdae didn’t stop crying—he couldn’t—but he hoped that Minseok noticed the tiny nod that he gave. Even through the breaking of his heart, he would always listen. 

                “I have some money saved up, you know.” The older teen began, running a gentle hand up and down Jongdae’s back. “It might be difficult, and it won’t be the most ideal and well thought out plan, but we could go find a place together, if you’d like.”

                Taking in a shuddering breath, Jongdae finally looked up at the older teen. Minseok smiled softly, and his eyes lit up when they met. “I don’t care where.” He went on, and pink dusted his cheeks. “Truthfully, I didn’t want to leave you in the first place, so this works out for both of us, right? You don’t mind staying together, do you?”

                Jongdae didn’t. Not at all. He just never imagined someone asking him what Minseok was, and his heart swelled. The pain of being betrayed by his own parents, he could get over it. Not right away, of course, but Minseok could surely fill the space left behind in due time. He was already beginning to do so, whether he knew it or not.

                Though he couldn’t show a smile, Jongdae was happy. As he pressed his face into Minseok’s shirt again and breathed in his scent, he absorbed the warmth of the boy’s arms around him. And for probably the first time ever, he really began to feel the deep effects of love.

                “Let’s find home then…”






                Baekhyun’s heart thudded harshly against his ribs, and he put a hand to his chest as if that would help to calm it down. It hurt, but that was probably due to one of the many injuries he had suffered through. Thanks to Chanyeol, nothing major had happened to him during the fighting, but he still felt stiff and sore in a few places. It still wasn’t as much as the others, though. His injuries were nothing compared to his friends, namely Luhan. He’d been afraid the boy would die of blood loss right in the battle field, but thankfully it didn’t come to that. They had survived with everything intact.

                And now, it was time to head home. Baekhyun wasn’t sure if he was happy, or if he was truly just dreading the return. He wasn’t exactly sure what would happen once he left. He was so used to a life of training with his friends, as if he’d lived in a dorm at school. He had been away from home for so long, experiencing so many different things, he wasn’t sure he was ready to go back to a normal life.

                He wondered if his parents changed. A big part of him—the part that loved Chanyeol with all of his heart, mind, and soul—really hoped so. He refused to think of that, though, and he pushed it down as far as his mind would let him. He didn’t want to hurt himself just yet.

                Instead, Baekhyun let his heart grow warm with the feeling of Chanyeol at his side. The sun was bright as it shone down on the two teens, who walked arm in arm down a sidewalk. Baekhyun stuck close to the giant teen, as close as they could without tripping each other, anyway. And given the fact that Chanyeol tripped over his own feet on a usual basis, it wasn’t as close as he would’ve liked.

                Shoulders brushing as they walked, the two teens chose to stay silent instead of speaking. There wasn’t much that could be said in the situation, but there was also a whole mountain of things Baekhyun wanted to say. Neither of them knew when they’d see each other next, so of course he should say something about it, but he just didn’t know what.

                Baekhyun was actually thinking so hard about it that he nearly walked past his own house, and he gave Chanyeol a sheepish smile when the tall teen sent him a worried expression. He started heading up the short driveway, down the tiny sidewalk leading to the front porch, and then up the meager three steps. But at the top, he stopped Chanyeol with a hand on his chest.

                “Why don’t you wait right here?” Baekhyun suggested, putting up a small smile. “It’s been a while, so they may not react well with me bringing someone strange to them. I promise I won’t be too long.” Baekhyun ended with a wink, and Chanyeol rolled his eyes, though he grinned widely with one side of his mouth. He gave Baekhyun a silent kiss on his cheek, and the shorter teen walked over to the front door with his insides tingling as an after-effect.

                The door lay a few feet to the right of the steps, so when Baekhyun’s mother appeared in response to his knocking, the giant teen was out of her view. Her eyes were only for Baekhyun, and they grew unbelievably wide when she saw him.

                “Dear!” She called for her husband immediately, her voice unsure, the simple word elongated as though she were scared. Sure, Baekhyun was technically an alien, but she didn’t know that.

                Only moments later, an achingly familiar figure appeared behind his mother. His father, a man who he shares no similar traits with, towered over Baekhyun and his mother. He wasn’t nearly as tall as Chanyeol, but the cold, raw power in his stare made Baekhyun’s knees weak. His voice only made it worse.

                “So. The little er decided to crawl on back home.”

                Baekhyun winced, gaze lowering in instant dread. He shouldn’t have come.

                “If anything, I would’ve hoped you had run off with some little girl and come back a man, but by the make-up on your face, I’m guessing I raised my expectations too high, again.”

                “Dear.” His mother’s voice held a slight warning to it. Slight.

                “What? You know as well as I do that this kid’s a little . I don’t know where he got it from, but I thought I’d smacked sense into him long ago. Anyone else would’ve gotten it through their thick skull that he’s ruining his life.” Each word sent spikes through Baekhyun’s heart, and he couldn’t have been happier to have his fringe shielding the tears falling from his eyes. “We raised him to get the perfect girl, and he could’ve gotten one! He can still get one if he gets his together. Looks like we’ll just have to give him another lesson.”

                To Baekhyun’s surprise, a large hand reached forward and gripped the front of his shirt, jerking him forward. He looked up to meet the black depths of his father’s eyes, trembling with pure fear. He hadn’t expected this at all. The fury in his father’s eyes was harsher than ever before, and Baekhyun actually began to fear for his life.

                But then Chanyeol came out of nowhere. As a further shock, the giant teen ripped his father’s hand from his shirt, holding the man’s wrist in a death grip. Baekhyun stumbled back, as did his mother, and he could only stare in shock at Chanyeol, who now stood nose to nose with his father. Baekhyun couldn’t see the teen’s face, but he caught the horror in his own father’s expression as he cowered beneath the towering figure before him.

                “Don’t you ing dare lay a hand on Baekhyun again, or I swear to god I’ll do worse to you.” Chanyeol’s voice was deeper than usual as he spat out the threat, scaring even Baekhyun, but his father was stronger than him, or maybe just plain stubborn.

                “Oh, what? Are you his pimp or something?” The man scoffed, then breathed in as if to continue on, but a shout ripped through his throat before he could. Pain was evident in the strangled roar, and when Chanyeol stepped back from the man, a dark red imprint of his hand was burned into his arm, turning his entire visible skin a bright shade of pink.

                Baekhyun gasped at the sight, but he barely had enough time to look before his father was stumbling into the house. His mother blocked the entrance, glaring at them both. She held a cell phone in one hand, most likely to call the police after what she had just witnessed. “ing freaks!” Was all she shrieked before she slammed the door shut in their faces.

                Tears still streaming down his face, Baekhyun was frozen in place. He hardly even felt Chanyeol’s warm hand on his face until the teen spoke.

                “Baekhyun, I’m not going to ask if you’re alright because I’m not, so neither should you, but we need to get out of here. Like, right now.” Chanyeol spoke quickly, hands working to pull Baekhyun to his feet, because apparently he’d fallen? The teen went on without a response. “I think your mom is calling the cops and I’d rather not have to go to jail. I went a little far, I know, but I couldn’t help myself, Baek. Your dad’s a complete !”

                Baekhyun was too numb with shock to reply. He wasn’t even aware of anything until branches scraped his arm, and then he realized that they were heading back the way they’d come. The house was long behind them, they had even taken a turn at one point, but he hadn’t noticed it at all.

                They stopped after a while in some shade, probably for Chanyeol to take a break, but Baekhyun was still nearly out of his mind, and his mouth opened without him even thinking about it.

                "I'll always be here for you—or that's what parents say, anyway..." Baekhyun’s voice was soft, and he put up a wavering smile, blinking back more tears that were on the very edge of spilling. "It's never true. They just lie to us when they say such things. They'll die eventually, and if not when they die, then they'll separate themselves from your life before their end. No matter what they said, I knew they would never be here for me when I finally came back…"


                "Oh, Baek…" Chanyeol stepped forward to pull Baekhyun into an immediate embrace, but his mind wasn’t even there.


                “I told myself over and over that they were wrong… I told myself that they would be different when I came back… But you know what…?” A weird hiccup-laugh escaped his throat, and his head hung to the side, his smiling expression void of delight. “Maybe they were right…”


                “Baekhyun, don’t you dare.” Chanyeol pulled away, giving his body a hard shake, and it was then that Baekhyun came to his senses. “Don’t you dare agree with those filthy people. I can’t even believe you lived with them for so long! I would’ve killed myself by then!”


                Baekhyun was sure the teen didn’t mean any harm by those words, but they pricked a special spot in his heart. “Well I can’t say I haven’t tried…”


                The silence that followed was absolute, and more tears fell silently down Baekhyun’s cheeks.


                "I'm so sorry, Chanyeol… I don’t mean to be like this…"


                "No.” The giant’s response was instant, and he pulled Baekhyun into his chest once more, long arms promising safety and warmth. “You can be however you want. I wouldn't love you any other way."






                It took Kyungsoo two weeks to even begin thinking about going home.


                It was another two before he actually worked up the courage to go.


                Now, exactly four weeks later, Kyungsoo stood before his old home. It looked much the same, but the old police tape surrounding the yard was a notice to anyone who merely looked in the same direction. It was clear that the events that had gone down were discovered, but Kyungsoo had no idea when.


                Alone, Kyungsoo took in the sight of his old house, memories of his childhood stirring. Kai knew where he was, or at least that he had gone home for a bit, but Kyungsoo refused to let him come with. He didn’t know what still lay beyond the doors, and he would never let Kai be there when he found out.


                The only one thing that was missing on the scene outside, was the car. There was once a silver car, always in the driveway, but now it was gone. When Kyungsoo closed his eyes, he clearly remembered his fists denting the framing from all sides. It was probably long gone in the dump by then, not that he cared. He didn’t know how to drive, and he would surely be put on a death penalty if he was shown to be alive, so he couldn’t claim anything. His fingerprints would’ve been everywhere when the cops showed up, and his body nowhere to be found.  


                The sudden thought had his mouth running dry. He turned to look around, but no one was in sight. When he was completely sure that he was all alone, he stepped under the police tape and headed inside, past the shredded front door and into his past.


                The house was in shadows. It was early in the morning, with the sun beginning to breach the horizon, so there was only a bit of light to shine in through the shattered windows. Darkness filled every corner, and broken glass crunched under Kyungsoo’s feet when he entered. Old picture frames hung on nails down the main hall, some on the floor and the others crooked. Kyungsoo couldn’t even bring himself to look at the innocent, smiling faces.


                Walking further, the hall opened up into the living room, now unsuitable for living. In fact, it was used as the exact opposite. The couches sat overturned and the TV was smashed into oblivion. The coffee table was split in two, and dried blood was splattered across the walls, floor and furniture. The smell of decay and death hit him hard, even after so long. It had to have been seven or eight months since it all went down, and his stomach flipped over at the realization that the house had hardly been touched since he’d ran away.


                Kyungsoo headed into the kitchen next, and his eyes instantly drifted to the dark spot on the wood floor. Nearly black, he recalled the bright red that the blood had been when fresh. He could almost envision the host body now, fighting for life while bleeding out across the floor. It was sickening to look at, but the body was gone, just like the car. It could’ve been worse.


                Kyungsoo didn’t bother staying in the house any longer. His thoughts were catching up to him, and he felt the way he shook. He hurried to return to the entrance, and his steps faltered over broken glass just in front of the door, where he barely caught himself against a wall. But when he moved to a stable standing position, his gaze locked on a picture frame that still hung on the wall.


                Kyungsoo, at a ripe young age, sat grinning with his parents on either side of him. His eyes were nonexistent, squeezed shut as he looked to be laughing, his lips not quite forming the heart they made today. The picture was completely innocent, but the blood splattered over it said otherwise. It would still be another few years before the Kyungsoo in the photo found out why.


                Beginning to feel lightheaded, Kyungsoo carefully left the house for some fresh air. The sun was climbing steadily higher in the sky, and he quickly decided that he had been gone long enough. He couldn’t have been there for more than an hour, but that was just about all that he could handle at the moment.


                Fighting back the thudding in his head, Kyungsoo put a cool hand to his forehead as a way to cope. He still couldn’t forgive himself for what he’d done. He had no choice other than to accept what happened, but he wasn’t anywhere near happy about it. He was torn apart from his own feelings and the Beast’s, between relishing in the bloodlust and despising himself for it. In the past few weeks he hadn’t felt more than a flicker of the Beast’s presence to show that it wasn’t completely gone, and it came as a slight concern to him. The Beast never went a day without tormenting him, but Kyungsoo hadn’t needed to fight it in weeks.


                Is it because I accepted it…?


                Kyungsoo pondered the thought as he began wandering down the street, but it only seemed to make his sudden headache worse. He clutched at his forehead and hair, forced to stop himself to take a few deep breaths. The memories he was intent on blocking were coming back to bite, and he let out a noise of frustration. And at the same time, a sound behind him pricked his ears. 


                 When he turned, Kyungsoo just wasn’t fast enough. He caught a flash of movement, and then his skull was pierced with the sudden pain of a blunt force. Kyungsoo shouted out in surprise and agony, and he couldn’t even catch himself before he fell to the pavement, his head striking the ground to double to pain.


                Black and white flashed before Kyungsoo’s eyes, and he realized after a moment that the black was physically in front of him. Through blurry sight, Kyungsoo could make out people standing before him, each wearing black. Pointy shoes stopped in front of his faces, and the figures kneeled down in nicely pressed suits to inspect him.


                The suits… The trackers… They’ve found me again… Run…


                But Kyungsoo was too far gone. Black was closing around his vision, and the blow to his head sent him into a state of unconsciousness before he could even lift a finger.


                Jongin… I’m sorry………








And there you all have it. This story is complete.

The chapter is named as both Chapter 38 and the Epilogue depending on if you guys plan to continuing reading the next one whenever I begin, or if you just want to stop here. Either way, I will be writing a sequel, because as you just found out, the story isn’t exactly done. ;)

Please do comment, guys! I love to hear feedback and now that it’s done I want to know what you guys really think, overall! It’d make my day if you’d take a moment to comment! It always does!! <3

Thank you all so much for reading! Hopefully I’ll see you guys again soon~! I have a one-shot I’m going to write~! ;) Stay tuned.






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I'm halfway done with editing Black Pearl! I really love my Kaisoo in this story and I can't wait to begin writing it again! This story is more smooth now!


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Chapter 5: I can’t believe I havent found this sooner.. o__o
Ewcwhydromarine #2
Chapter 44: I'm happy for you :) you're very humble :) you really got a skill in writing... or typing... or basically arranging words well :)
Ewcwhydromarine #3
Chapter 43: Woah, embrace Pokemon girl! Pokemon for life! !! The story is nice by the way. I like the series of events :)
Ewcwhydromarine #4
Chapter 41: The way you arrange the story line is nice. A little mystery. A little suspense. A little humour. It's a joy to read :)
Ewcwhydromarine #5
Chapter 40: Liked it? No. Loved it!! XD
Ewcwhydromarine #6
Chapter 39: Runningman reference? Nice :) hehe... What a cliffhanger o.o
Punkjazz #7
Chapter 45: chapter 37: Wow! I've just finished this story and I can't begin to tell you how
much I enjoyed it. I feel like your insecurities as an author that you harboured in the first half were completely erased in the second half and not only did I get to see the story develop, but also your confidence and ability as a writer! Things will only improve the more you write so don't ever give up! I love the end of this story and it's not easy to write a story like this, but you've really done it justice in the end!
Ewcwhydromarine #8
Chapter 37: Hmmm... commenting on this chapter might bring out some bad memories for you but nevertheless, life can be unpredictable at times. You will go thru many ups and downs. Maybe this is just one of those down moments in your life. A lesson to learn. An experience to gain. A skill to achieve. And an opportunity to be stronger :)
Ewcwhydromarine #9
Chapter 36: The fluff was just nice. The humour also just right :)
Ewcwhydromarine #10
Chapter 33: I've been reading and enjoying it so far. I didn't think I should leave any comments because ... well, since it's completed and all. .. But I'll just conmment anyway. This is really good. The idea and genre of fantasy including superhuman abilities really attracted me. I get lost in this marvellous world. Well, gonna continue reading :)