Dadong and Nana

My Immortal-Completed
It was summer time already,the weather was hot and humid.It started to get dark outside,as the lights in the Wang Mansion was .The mansion illuminates as it stood in the center of it all,where the rich people lives.Lantern lights to brighten the paths,that leads to the hallway where the welcome party suppose to take place.The ballroom where beautifully decorated.Tables was set up with their linen tablecloths,flowers and candles in the centerpiece.There was a huge chandelier in the center,crystals that reflects the lights and all the activities that has been going on.You can hear a soft music being played by the band.The caterers and hired help were all busy for the preparation.

Nana has been busy all day,helping up with cleaning and preparations for this big day event.She has been very tired this last few days,cleaning up the mansions,washing and changing sheets in each rooms,changing curtains in every windows.She sure earned her keeps these last few days.But she doesn't mind,she likes working in the big house.Here she got to see how the other people lives,the rich and the privileged ones.

Nana loves working in the Wang Mansion.She marvels at the whole artistry of the house,the architecture,the decorations and the mastery ,the paintings that was hung on the wall,the curvature of the stairs,with its intricate designs,the wallpaper in each room.the vases and crystals that is in the table.She loves this house,this is the closest she can get in living in a big house.

Nana's Mom works with the Wang as their household help.She does everything from laundry to cleaning to cooking.Nana works as a replacement to her Mom,when she was sick,scared that she will loose her job,Nana offered to do her Mom's job in the house.Now that her Mom was back on her feet,they decided to keep her then,and Nana was still able to go school.

Mrs Wang,the lady of the house was very nice.She was in her forties,but look so young and beautiful.She was regal,graceful and yes she have this certain air in her,an aura of confidence and good breeding.She might have come from a well to do family,but she have a heart for the poor and the lowly.She was always fair to her employed and she have this certain humility in her.She does not forget to say thank you ,for every little things that you do for her,even to a hired help. Nana always admired this great lady,and wished that someday she can be a bit ,just a bit like her.

Mr Wang,the man of the house,was a very strong and formidable man.Just his looks commands attention and signifies power.He is a handsome man but he have this certain hardness and ruthlessness in him.One can't help but feel scared and insecure when he is around.It seems like the man and the lady of the house are totally opposite,while the man was hard and ruthless,the lady is soft and loving,and yet their marriage lasted and you can clearly see the affection that exist between the two.

The couple have two sons,Zun and Dong Cheng.Zun is the oldest,and the imminent heir to his father's empire.He charming and handsome and was groomed and educated as the one next in line.It is quite obvious that his father adores him and he greatly favored the oldest son,for he is an obedient and a good son,that follows the will of his Father.Dong Cheng or Dadong as his Mother fondly called him, is the total opposite.He is also handsome and charming but he have this wild streak in him ,that he must have gotten from his Father.He was stubborn and strong willed.But as the father favored the oldest son,the Mom favored the youngest son.His mother can't say no to him ,just with a smile and pout,he knows his way around his mother's heart.

Tonight,the two sons will be presented to the society. Zun,the oldest just graduated from college and soon he will be working for his Father.Dadong the youngest still have a couple of years before he graduates,if ever he will graduate at all,for he doesn't seem to be serious in his studies.For one thing,he have a roving heart ,that irkes his old Man to no end.Zun on the other hand have this long standing relationship with the daughter of his Dad's partner in business,that gave him more boy scout points to his Dad.

Nana took a final peek at the ballroom,and tried to remember each detail in her memories.The band played beautiful music at that time and that bring colors on her cheeks.She was on the corner and as she imagine herself dancing to the music,as she closed her eyes,dancing with her prince,dressed in that beautiful gown with a tiara in her hair.

"A beautiful girl like you,should not be dancing alone." a voice came by ,that startled Nana from her dream.She can feel her cheeks burning up in embarrassment.She looked at the face where the voice was coming from,and she saw this beautiful,charming man with a lazy smile on his face.

He was wearing a white shirt,that is open in the front,the bow tie is missing,the sleeves still ed and in a black slacks.She have seen him before,in the pictures and the paintings that was in the hallway.He looks like one of the sons,the youngest son to be exact.

"I am sorry sir.I have to go." Nana said."I forget I have to do something."

But he already took her hand,her hands rough compared to his soft hands."We have not danced yet,you are not going to refuse me,are you?" he said,his face is smiling and mocking her.

"I am sorry,I am just a hired help here.I should not be even here." Nana said in confusion.

"And your name,I wanna know your name.And I still want to dance with you." he said.

Selina got scared.Is he going to report her for being here?She should have just took a look and left."Nana,Nana is my name.Are you going to report me? I didn't do anything,I just want to see how it is." she said.

"I won't tell a soul if you dance with me." he said.And as the music played,Dadong took her hands and lead her to dance.He was graceful and knew his steps quite well.He must have danced to quite a number of beautiful ladies before.Nana have not danced with anybody,and have missed most of the steps along the way,but he didn't mind and he continued dancing with her,until the music was finished.

Selina was quite short of breathe,when they were finished,not merely from the dancing itself,but from the excitement of dancing with this charming man.Her heart was racing,and she knew that her cheeks must be burning.Her hands was shaky and sweaty when they were done dancing.

"Thank you." he said and as he stared at her face and kissed her hands and then left .Nana was left to stare at his back and wondered if it really happened or just product of her own imagination....She was left in a trance...and she could not shake it off...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
wow good fic !!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5
tears..tears..and more tears :( what a touching story, i'm just thankful that im in the comfort of my room while reading this story or else it will be a shame! and the title -- a song's title that gave me chill in my spine and goosebumps even before. the ending still made me cry--but this time it's tears of joy :) it's still a happy ending after all :) another story worth reading!