Spending Night Together

My Immortal-Completed
After having dinner in the diner,Jiro drove back to their hometown of Brielle.It was already late,when they arrived ,there were very few cars on the main street.Jiro rode past to the mainstreet and past to the beautiful houses until they reached the shoreline.Selina can feel the cold wind blowing coming from the ocean.She can hear the waves splashing down the shore.

A few more meters,Jiro stopped at the almost end of the shoreline as the car hit the gravel driveway.There stood a small beach house standing all alone in the shore.The moon illuminates the image of the house.

Jiro hopped out of the car and open the door for Selina.He looked at her and expected her to be afraid and mistrusting but instead,she have shown courage and confidence in front of him.

"This is the family's beach house.My Uncle or rather Dad have kept this place all through out this year.I never knew the fascination in this place,now I know." Jiro said.

"This place is very nice.The ocean is right on your door.I am sure this place have a lot of childhood memories for your family." Selina said.

Jiro took her hand and lead her to the entrance door.The door cluck open,as Jiro opened the door.There was no light and electricity,as Jiro down on the dark and found a flashlight by the door.Selina stood on the door for it was very dark.Jiro walked inside and found a candle and a match as he lighted the candle and the whole house came into view.

There was a sofa and a table ,There was a door which Selina presumed to be the bedroom and another smaller door which is partially ajar and one can see that it is a bathroom.A little farther down inside is a small kitchen and a dining table.The place has a minimal furniture but was kept clean.

Selina walked inside as she sat down on the sofa.Jiro walked around and put down the candle by the coffee table as he opens the window,letting in the cool breeze of air and letting out the stale air that has been cooped up for quite sometime.Both of them breathe in the fresh air as bot of them laughed when they realized that they are doing the same thing.

"It seems like you have been in this place."Selina said.

"My dad used to bring me here a lot when I was young and I used to play a lot in the beach.he totally changes when he was here.He was brooding ,quiet and more like melancholic everytime he was here." Jiro said.

"Have you brought other girls here?" Selina asked.

"No,never,you are the first one." Jiro said.

"Arron warned me about you.He said you are sort of a playboy,a new girl every time you came around here during summer." Selina said.

"I was growing up and learning.You try things and you are discovering things around you." Jiro said."How would you know which one do you like if you don't try it?"

"But what about feelings,the emotions that is involve.Nobody gave you restrictions and taught you between right and wrong?" Selina asked ,now curious about him more than ever.To him everyone and everything is a field of discovery.

"Of course,Daddy Chun made sure that I know my boundaries.And my Mom made sure that I don't go out of bounds.They both kept a watchful eye on me." Jiro said.

"You have a brother and a sister back in the States right?" Selina asked.

Jiro stopped.He does not know how to answer her.They are still his brother and sister.In his heart they stay as such,as he nodded hid head,"Yes George and Rainie."

"Do they ever come over here?" Selina asked.

"Very seldom.They are not really that interested.Me I feel so connected here,unlike them." Jiro said."Selina I have to something to tell you.I am quite confused and unsure.I just found it out that my parents are not really my parents,and my Uncle is my Father." as he looked at her."I don't know what to feel anymore."

"Oh Jiro I am so sorry.How do you feel initially?" Selina asked.

"I am so angry at my Dad for keeping the truth from me.But now thinking it all,I cannot blame him,he just protected me from who I really am.But still it doesn't erase the fact ,that I never knew who were my real parents are throughout these years.Now,I don't even know who I am." Jiro said as he put his hand in his face in dilemma.

Selina came to him and put her hands on his shoulder."Jiro you will still be you,no matter who your parents are.You are still Jiro.Looked into your heart,nothing is gonna change of who really are." Selina said as she took Jiro in his arms.They hugged each other.

Jiro unclasped from Selina's hold and wiped his tears away,and stood up and looked outside."I am so sorry.I have never done that before." Jiro said,obviously uncomfortable at the outburst of his emotions.

"Don't ,it is alright,for you to show and share your feelings with somebody.I am glad that you trust me enough to show it to me." Selina said."So your Uncle Dadong is your real Dad?....Yeah the resemblance to you is just too much.And who is your Mom?"

"My Mom died after giving birth to me,that's what my Daddy Chun said." Jiro said "My Father never knew me until today.But he really loves her.He really loves my Mom,and I believed him."

Selina smiled at him.Tiredness came to her.It has been a very long day.I am sure ,they loved each other very much.They have you." she said. as she lay her head in the sofa and her eyes getting heavy,hearing Jiro's voice as she slept.By the time Jiro looked back at her,she was already sleeping.Jiro let out a yawn too.He as also very tired all of a sudden.This day has been like a roller coaster ride of emotions for him....

he went inside the room and took pillows and blankets,as he starighten up Selina in the sofa and put a pillow in her head and a blanket over her.Then he sat himself up on the floor and lay his head beside Selina as he went to sleep.

Selina woke up as the sun hit her face.The sun is in full blast when she opened her eyes.She wondered for a while where she was,and remembered that she was in the beach house with Jiro.She turned and found him in the floor sleeping.He was still in his clothes from yesterday and so is she.

He looked so quiet and so serene.Selina stared at him.He have lot of things going on in his life right now.Her heart went to him,if only she can do something to lessen his burden.She knows that only him can resolve whatever he have inside.

She slowly got up and went to the bathroom and found some fresh towel and some soap and toothbrush and tooth paste as she washed up herself.She tried to at least straighten up her clothes.She was hungry but Jiro is still sleeping and she doesn't want to wake him up.She went to look outside and smiled at the view.It has a magnificent view of the ocean right by the window.She went to the door and open it.The water looks inviting,as she walked to the beach and to the water.She played with the water and played in the sands,not minding that her clothes is all messed up with sands and seaweeds.

Jiro woke up and found Selina gone from the sofa.He thought for a while that she is in the bathroom but surprised to see it empty and found the front door open as he looked for her.

Jiro found her in the beach as she was playing with the sand just like a little girl.He smiled at the sight of her.She was quite a picture,with her long hair being blown by the wind.He walked toward her.

"Good morning."It looks like you are having a grand time." Jiro said.

"The beach looked so inviting and I can't help myself." Selina said."I am hungry,how about you?"

"I am famished,I can eat a horse or you or both of you." Jiro said as he laughed."Come on let us go and eat and I have to take you home.Arron will be livid by now.And thank you for staying with me tonight.I really appreciate it."

"Your welcome.If you need me,just let me know." Selina said.

"Don't offer yourself too much,or I might take you on that." Jiro said."It did help me a lot talking to you.I feel a lot better now."

"So what are you planning to do now?" Selina asked.

"First thing first,Breakfast,take you home and talk to my parents,first to Daddy Chun and my Mom,they must be worried about me and then a long talk with my real Dad.I want to know to really get to know my Mom." Jiro said."And then if you have time with me,I want to see you again." as he smiled at her.

Selina smiled at him."Sure I think I have enough time for you." she answered.

"Selina...I know,I am into a lot of things right now but will you be able to wait for me.I want to sort this all out and then...I have this feeling for you...I know it is quite early but I think I am falling for you." Jiro said.

"Oh Jiro I feel the same way too,but I think it is too soon to feel something for you."Selina said.

"Let us take our time,getting to know each other and we'll see if it can be something more and deeper." Jiro said.

Selina nodded."Yes...let us take our time to really get to know each other." Selina said as Jiro took Selina in his arms...this time they have a better understanding of each other...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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wow good fic !!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5
tears..tears..and more tears :( what a touching story, i'm just thankful that im in the comfort of my room while reading this story or else it will be a shame! and the title -- a song's title that gave me chill in my spine and goosebumps even before. the ending still made me cry--but this time it's tears of joy :) it's still a happy ending after all :) another story worth reading!