Coming To Terms

My Immortal-Completed
Jiro walked out of the house as Charlene and Chun watched him from behind,they tried to stop him but they knew that they can't.They know that he have to come to terms about the truth.But they are worried just the same knowing his condition emotionally.They embraced each other,seeking comfort at each other as tears fell on both of them...

Jiro hopped in his car and drove off.He doesn't know where he is going or heading,he just wants to get away and hoped that everything is just a bad dream.The parents that he loved and admired most is not even his own.The family that he loved and cared and the one who he seeks comfort with is not his own.Everything in his life is just a big lie,as he banged the steering wheel and sobbed and cried.

He went around the bend not really going far,and found himself in the ocean front.He parked his car and got out as he looked at the vast water in front of him.The sea is not calm,the waves are big and loud and angry,just like his emotion inside of him.He was angry and hurt and confused.

He found a big rock as he sat on it and mulled about the whole thing that has been said tonight.he wept for the lost of his own Mother ,she died fighting for him to give him life and he wept for his own Father who was betrayed by his own family,and he wept some more for the tragedy of the star crossed lovers.

He remembered now,how his Uncle used to tell him about a special girl that he used to love.He never knew that it was his Mother.They must have loved each other a lot,and to be devoted to her after all these years.He will never know his Mother,but knowing how she suffered through it all and just because she loves his lover,she loves Dadong and she gave everything of all of her....

Dadong was left in a shock after Chun has left him.He stared at the blank space.Memories and images of Nana played before him.He wept knowing that she was left all alone and abandoned as she have to through to her pregnancy.She must have think badly of can he just leave her just like that,and believed everything that his Father have told him.

He wished,he can see her once again and feel her once again.He wants to tell her ,how sorry he was that he have to leave her in her condition.He will do everything to see her again and talk to her and feel her once again.How he missed her ,everyday of his life.

And Jiro was his son,their son,no wonder,he have this certain feelings towards him that he never felt before.he always said that he is his favorite nephew and all and the closeness and the similarities in their temperaments and the little things that reminds him of himself when he was young.He was his own son after the thoughts warmed him and wished to hugged him and be in his arms as a son...

The Lady stared at her beloved.Hearing what Chun just have said and finally knowing the truth,that her Dadong never knew her condition and that he would welcome and loved their baby,gave her certain happiness and some peace within herself.He still love her and that she knew now and that she can feel now.Tears fell ,she wished she can talk to him and hugged him once again ,let him know that she still loved him and that he doesn't blamed him for all the things that have happened.She will do everything for him and her son,give everything for him including her life...

Selina was waiting for Jiro,they are supposed to meet at her office and then will proceeds to the hospital to check on his Uncle and then will go for a late dinner after that.But so far he have not answered her call.She thought that he must be in an important meeting.She decided to go to the hospital and meet Jiro there,since it is just close by and the hospital is just a midway in between their two offices.She will just call him about the changed of plans.

Selina walk slowly as she went straight to Jiro's Uncle room.The lady seeing Selina found a way of communicating with Dadong,as she went through Selina's body,as she entered the room.

Dadong was so surprised to see Selina,but as she looked at her,she looked like she was in tranced.She looked at him with such loving gaze and Dadong can feel Nana coming back to life in her.She came to him as she open her arms for him with tears pouring down in her face.

Dadong took her in his arms and he can feel Nana coming to life for him.They were locked in each other arms for a very long time.No words are ever spoken,as Dadong kissed Selina ,his lips hungry for her,emotions that built up after all these years.

"I love you Nana.I never stopped loving you.I love you now and even beyond.Please take me with you now.I want to be with you." Dadong said his voice pleading."I can't live without you in my life.I have been miserable all these years."

"I love you too Dadong,even beyond life.My love for you is immortal.But I can't take you with me now." Nana said."We have our son to think about.Take care of him,make sure that he knows that I love him a lot and that I am so sorry to leave him alone."

"But I wanna be with you.He is all grown now.he doesn't need me anymore." Dadong said."He got Chun and Charlene now"

"He will still needs you.he will still needs the love of his Father.Love him and take care of him for me." Nana said."Now I will be in peace,knowing that the two people that I loved most have found each other.We will be together again beyond life,and nothing can come in between us anymore."

"Nana ,don't go yet,stay with me.I love you,I love you." Dadong said.

"I have to go,this is only a borrowed time and a borrowed body.Take care of yourself and your son.I love you Dadong,till we meet again." Nana said and with that she left Selina's body and Selina fainted as Dadong hold on to her.

Dadong called Jiro but he got no answer.Selina was taken to the emergency room to be checked.He does not know what to do.He called Chun and Chun told him that he left the house after he was told about the truth.

Selina woke up in the emergency room and she doesn't know what happened.All she remembered was walking to Jiro's uncle room and she could not remembered what have happened.They let her rest for a while.

Finally,Jiro got up and wiped all the tears on his face.He need to see his Father.He wants to hear what he have to say in all of this.And he wants to hear about his own Mother.he wants to get to know this brave young lady,who gave him his life.

And he went in his car and found his cell phone with a lot of missed calls from Selina and his Uncle...ahhh his Dad.He decided to head on the hospital...Somehow the thought of seeing Selina and his Dad excites him now more than ever....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
wow good fic !!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5
tears..tears..and more tears :( what a touching story, i'm just thankful that im in the comfort of my room while reading this story or else it will be a shame! and the title -- a song's title that gave me chill in my spine and goosebumps even before. the ending still made me cry--but this time it's tears of joy :) it's still a happy ending after all :) another story worth reading!