Chun's Warning

My Immortal-Completed
That morning,Chun waited for his younger brother before heading for his office.He pulled his brother to his room to have a heart to heart talk with him.He needs to clarify the whole thing with him.

"Are you sure about this?Are you really that serious with her?" Chun asked.He have known their secret liaisons ,between Nana and Dadong for quite a while now.He never stopped his brother,knowing his previous relationships before that, never lasted for more than a few months.He was hoping that he will outgrow his feelings for her and will eventually lose interest with Nana,just like with the other girls before.

Dadong gave his brother a smile."Yes I have never been this serious in my life.And this time it is for real." he said.

"How can you be so sure? And Nana? Do you think that our parents will approve of her as your bride?" Chun asked,worry can be seen in his face.

"I don't care,they just have to agree with my decisions." Dadong said.

"How can you say that? They will never agree to this.You might be able to twist Mom's arms around this but not Dad.There is no way he will agree to this." Chun said his voice rising.

"It is my decision not his.And I love Nana,and yes I am going to marry her." Dadong said,his voice with finality on it.

"You can't just say that.He will disown you,if you push this through.And you cannot marry her her, just yet,you still have a year of studies ,and me and Charlene are getting married in a months time." Chun said,as he looked at his brother's eyes to make him understand."You cannot be rash to this.You really have to think it through."

"But I love Nana Bro.I really do love her.Pease help me with Dad." Dadong said,his voice pleading now.

"Dadong,there is no way that Dad will agree to this.I can't even think of a way to help you." Chun said with a helpless look in his face."Why her of all the people?"

"Don't tell me that that you are just like Dad." Dadong said,his voice angry and bitter now."Just because Nana is poor..."

"No I don't care about her social status either,but she is...I just don't want you to get hurt." Chun voice trailed."Are you sure?What if she is only after our status.What if..."

"No,she is not like that." Dadong yelled at his brother."She is not like that at all.She'll love me just the same even if I am a poor like her." Dadong said his voice angry and hurt now.

Chun can see the pain in his brother's eyes and he felt sorry for him for having to say that,but he have to.

"I hope you are right for your own sake.I hope you are saying the truth,I just don't want you to get hurt in the end." Chun said in resignation."But it will take more to convince Dad that Nana is not after your status and your money.And I can't even think of a way to help you in this."

"Just be there on Saturday for me.Please Chun be there for me." Dadong said.

Chun nodded his head and patted his brother's shoulder.He wondered why his brother always takes the wild side,the difficult route,when he can always take the easier one.When did he ever stop challenging their Dad?Why fall in love with a mere servant when he can have any girl in town,and who are willing to be his girl?Is he really that in love with Nana,that he is willing to take the risk of their Dad's ire and even his own heritage in jeopardy,just to be with her?Somehow right now,he doesn't want to be in his position.

That night as Dadong and Nana met in the park,he told her about the dinner plan for Saturday with his family.Somehow Nana have sense the anxiety in Dadong's heart,as her fear for the coming event compounded.

"Everything is set for Saturday.I already told my Mom and my Dad that I am going to introduce them to my future bride." as he smiled at her and kiss her her head and held her hands.

"And what did they say?" Nana asked.

"They are excited to meet you on Saturday." Dadong said,as his hands played on her hands.

"Did you tell them that I am the girl?" Nana asked.She just have to know.

"No,I told them that I am going to surprised them.Don't worry,they will be happy to meet you." Dadong said trying to reassure her,knowing that she is nervous to meet them.But somehow the look on his face is not that reassuring,he looks worried and unsure...Nana's fear and anxiety won't go away....somehow she knew that it can never be that she smiled at Dadong....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
wow good fic !!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5
tears..tears..and more tears :( what a touching story, i'm just thankful that im in the comfort of my room while reading this story or else it will be a shame! and the title -- a song's title that gave me chill in my spine and goosebumps even before. the ending still made me cry--but this time it's tears of joy :) it's still a happy ending after all :) another story worth reading!