Nothing but Trouble

Your Move


***Alas the new chapter is here!***

As the van started to take off down the road, I closed my tired eyes trying to calm myself down from the huge blowup that just happened a couple of minutes ago. It was like that woman was personally trying to make my life a living hell. I genuinely try to keep my emotions under lock and key when I’m around the public, but seeing Melonie fall down was one of the scariest moments I’ve had in a long time since I’ve become a professional singer. I mean it wasn’t like I planned all this to happen in the first place. I was only trying to mind my own business, when those pesky school girls noticed me out of the blue like that. “Who knew that the whole situation would progress so quickly?” I thought as I looked up front while hyung quietly drove.

“Hyung would you mind dropping me off at the studio, I think I need to keep a low profile after this incident?” I asked flipping out my cellphone. The first thing I saw was that I still had five missed phone calls from So-Young followed by several text messages asking for me to call her, others from reporters, broadcasting studios, and one last missed call and a text from sajangnim saying, “My office now…” I felt my heart speed up a couple of notches. “Uhh…change of plans hyung. Take me to my secret hideout instead.” I decided. “Too late for that don’t you think?” Hyung said before making a right turn. “Come on, you know what he’s going to do to me when I get there. You can’t do this to me hyung!” I pleaded from the backseat. “You’re not a child anymore Jun, you knew going out on your own would have consequences. Besides you’re not the only one in trouble here…Sajangnim asked me to come up to the office also.” Jung-Hwa said sadly. “Tch, it’s not like sajangnim is going to fire you, you’re too good of a manager for that.” I said not worried for him. Hyung sighed deeply. “Yeah, the same manager who let the idol he was supposed to be protecting, to go off wondering by himself in the streets of Seoul! I should’ve have never let you go…now Melonie is hurt because of m_” “You aren’t the one that hurt Melonie those girls are, and you heard it yourself Melonie said that she was fine, so let’s just forget the whole situation ever happened in the first place.” “Forget…Jun your whole face is plastered on almost half the internet sites. Luckily we’ve been able to hold off the press right now.” Hyung said annoyed. “I can only imagine the lies they’re spewing in my name.” I said as if it was nothing new.

Finally turning off the road, Hyung pulled into a parking garage slowly strolling up until we found our designated parking spot. Before turning off the car Jung-Hwa suddenly turned to look at me. “All and all Jun…you did a real honorable thing today. Standing up for Melonie like that was quite honestly the most admirable thing I’ve ever seen you do. Melonie saw it, we saw it, and even your fans did too. There’s more to you than what meets the eye, and I’m sure you’ll be able to convince sajangnim of it too. Just know if I get fired today…it was a real honor to work with you for all these yea_” “Hyung don’t talk that way, you’re not getting fired today!” I said while angrily getting out of the van. Jung-Hwa got out not too long after. “Fine, maybe I’m not getting fired today, but there’s going to be serious consequences when we go up there.” He said. Laying his hand gently on my shoulder he said, “Just promise me one thing…please just sit there quietly and let him chew you out. We don’t need any more reason to get on his bad side.” “I’m not making any promises hyung…” I said as I started to walk towards the doors leading towards the building.

Headed straight towards the elevator, I tried to avoid all the eyes staring my way. Employees started whispering to each other while others snickered trying to quickly get out of our way. Hyung pressed the up button for the elevator. Moments later the doors opened for us to enter inside. Not even waiting to see if anyone needed to get off, I stepped into the elevator sealing my fate… Hyung seemed more relaxed while checking his emails on his phone. “How can you be so calm?” I asked trying not to lose it. “I’m not, I’m just trying to keep my mind off the matter at hand till the last second.” He said while giving me a small smile. “You’re so weird.” I said shaking my head, but felt slightly calmer. “Just stay calm, and the both of us can get through this together. That is…if you don’t piss sajangnim off first.” He said quietly in the elevator.

Just before I could respond the elevator dinged before opening its doors. Without another word, the both of us stepped out walking straight towards the double doors leading to our fate. I heard the secretary snickering under her breath as we walked by. She and I never really got along not after a little misguided flirting, followed by ignoring all her calls. Hell, if she wasn’t working with serious bound discretion at this job, I had a feeling she would have aired how much of a I was to women. For now, we just tolerated one another while a mutual agreement to not talk to one another unless it was business related. “I’ll let sajangnim know that you both are here.” She said in a bored fashion. Buzzing for his room, sajangnim answered with a curt, “Yes?” “Manager Jung-Hwa and Lee Min-Jun are here to see you.” She said less bored now. “Send them in...” Without another word he clicked off. She nodded forward letting us know to go in.

Turning one the doorknobs to the double doors I quietly entered. At first, I didn’t see sajangnim until I glanced over to see him glaring outside his glass windows down at the city. “Have a seat gentleman…” He said without turning around. Humbly taking our seats on one of the luxury couches in the office I took in a deep breath. Jung-Hwa sat up straight with his hands politely on his knees. As the seconds started to tick away I tried to think of the best way to try to make this right, but I eventually come up with nothing. I needed to make sure to keep my mouth shut, I didn’t want hyung to get in even more trouble because of me.

All of sudden sajangnim briskly walked away from the windows to come over towards the sitting area. He decided to sit in his usual leather chair in front of the two of us. Sighing deeply, he picked up a remote from off the coffee table sitting in front of us to press a button. A tv popped out from behind the wall to turn on. He easily flipped to a news station where my face was perfectly plastered on the side while the host talked about the incident that happened not even an hour ago. “The Artist Lee-Min-Jun was captured today having a nice cup of coffee at a local shop in the area, when some of his fans decided to give him a little visit. A video was taken not too long after Lee-Min-Jun was discovered, only to show a surprising display from the artist…” The video begins to play of someone recording from the sidelines of the crowd. You can see me standing there in front of everyone looking a little overwhelmed, when from the corner of my eye I see Melonie trying to make her way through the crowd. The reporter then goes on to explain more of the video. “As you can see folks, Lee-Min-Jun is standing right here, while politely talking pictures and writing autographs for his fans, but as you can see something seems off by the whole situation. If you look closer you can see that the artist is indeed standing in the coffee shop alone with no managers, or any bodyguards to control the crowd. Any celebrity would know of the risks of going out alone by themselves...” The video continues to play, but my eyes never leaves Melonie for a second. My heart started to race as I saw her looking around for something, after failing to get in front of the school girls. “I’m going to stop the video right here to point towards a figure in the video.” All of a sudden Melonie’s figure is circled by a yellow outline to point her out. “If you look closely you can see a young black woman trying to make her way through the crowd to get to the beloved singer, but is denied by the young women standing the front of the crowd. She then makes her way to climb on what looks like a chair, to try and get the artist’s attention. Out of nowhere the young black woman is knocked down, it’s hard to see anything else form this point, but there is some audio that was also recorded with the video. Let’s listen further to figure out what’s happening at this moment of shock…”

Whoever was taking to video zoomed in towards the whole fiasco, trying to get a better look at all the drama about to ensue. “Do we have to watch anymore of this, we all already know what happened.” I said trying my best to avoid sitting through anymore of this. “No Jun, I want you to watch it all, every-single-second…” Sajangnim said with his eyes trained towards the tv. Cursing myself for even asking I looked up to see me moving through the crowd to rush over to Melonie’s side. “Ladies and Gentlemen, you can hear the fear and shock in the young musician’s voice as he yells out what we believe might be the name of the young woman that fell. We’re not sure yet who the black woman is yet, but we will be updating you more information soon.” I inwardly groan as the reporter continued to talk about Melonie. “Yah! You could have hurt her, what’s wrong with you?” I hear my voice yell on the tv. “Now it appears Lee-Min-Jun is scolding one of the young school girls who was standing in front of him earlier. It looks as if the artist is very concerned about the safety of his fans…” The reporter pauses listening in on her ear piece for a second. “This just in…the young black woman isn’t actually a fan… Turns out she is in fact Lee-Min-Jun’s new choreographer from America. Yes, I repeat the African American woman is Lee-Min-Jun’s choreographer. Her real name is Melonie Carter, who was involved in another incident relating to Lee Min-Jun and his famous girlfriend Park So-Young. Although it was all just a misunderstanding there seems to be more reoccurring news involving both Ms. Cater and Mr. Lee over the past couple of days... Maybe in the future Ms. Cater needs to keep her feet on the ground, wouldn’t you agree?”

The video played on while the reporter continued to talk about the subject. The whole narrative seemed off, it seemed like they tried to make Melonie look like a crazy fan instead of someone who risked her safety to help me. Suddenly the tv turned off making us turn our attention over to sajangnim. “Does anyone want to explain what the hell happened today, or am I going to have to start firing some people to get some answers around here…” Sajangnim said seriously. Heeding my warning for earlier I decided it was best to keep my mouth shut. “What happened today was unexpected, but PR and I already working on solutions now to turn the tides for Jun in the media.” Jung-Hwa said confidently. I looked over at him unsure of his claim. “Jun isn’t the problem here manager Jung-Hwa. The media thinks Jun is caring artist looking out for the people around him, while Ms. Carter on the other hand is seen as some sasaeng fan!” he said while bagging his fist onto his armchair. Hyung and I both flinched from his reaction. “So, what happened…” He asked looking at both while waiting for an answer. “It was my fault…” Hyung said. Sajangnim and I both looked over at him. “I was neglectful of my duties as a manager, and I endangered my artist. I should’ve been there with him, but over my better judgement I let Jun go get coffee by himself, when I should have been the one to get it instead. Sajangnim I know my actions could’ve taken an even worse turn, but please don’t punish the kid… He didn’t do anything wrong, he just wanted a few seconds of freedom. He rarely has any free time to himself without anyone watching him constantly, and he even took measures to mask his real identity to the public. Please, even if this might be the last request I have left with this company, don’t do away with him for wanting to briefly be a normal human being_” “That’s enough hyung…” Interrupted suddenly. “Jun don’t…” “No, I’m tired of people getting hurt, or punished for protecting me. The only person who should be punished for this should be me. I told manager Jung-Hwa that I was going to get coffee, and not to follow me, even though he knew exactly what I was trying to go do. Yes, I went to the coffee shop, not to get coffee, but to spy…” I said truthfully. Sajangnim sat up at this confession. “You did what...” He asked incredulously. I sighed realizing what kind of trouble I was going to be in after saying this. “I followed Melonie to the coffee shop… I heard you were talking on the phone with her, and I got nervous when I heard you asked Melonie to have coffee with you alone. You NEVER have time for coffee, and it didn’t sit well with me knowing that the two people that hold my fate are talking alone without me there. I had a moment of insecurity, which was why I asked my manager to stay behind so that I could secretly follow behind Melonie without anyone noticing. In the end it almost worked, but some random girls just happened to notice me, and blew my cover…” I said sincerely.

Finally looking over at sajangnim, his face seemed to be a little more relaxed from earlier. “…Jun, you must understand that you can’t just spy on people without their consent, but knowing that you didn’t just ditch your manager just to have free time makes me feel a tiny bit better. Although, I don’t know what you might have heard, but Ms. Carter didn’t really have anything bad to say about you. In fact, she seemed quite joyed that you joined her dance class today, but that doesn’t change the fact that you two are still all over the news again.” He said sounding slightly disappointed. I was honestly quite shock to hear that Melonie didn’t rat on my bad behavior lately, but that just made me feel even more like an for causing her to get hurt today. “Jun, I want you to take this more seriously. People’s lives and careers are dependent on this comeback doing well this summer, and by the way I see things going now…there might not even be a comeback.” Sajangnim said. “What do you mean no comeback, I worked just as hard as anyone else in this whole entire company, and you’re telling me that you might cancel because of a little media attention?” I asked shocked by the mere thought. “Jun…I suggest you change your tone when you’re speaking with me. Must I remind you that you’re already walking on thin ice with me as is…Thankfully the media is pretty much calling you a hero, even though I doubt that’s the case.” Sajangnim said “…You’re right.” I said agreeing. “Excuse me?” Sajangnim asked confused.

“I’m not a hero… Melonie was the one who saved my neck back there, even when there wasn’t any one else was around. Did you even call her to make sure she was ok?” I asked stumped by my own question. Clearing his throat, he looked almost ashamed by my inquiry towards him. “That’s none of your concern Jun. Even if I did call, I didn’t want to concern her with all the buzz going on because she has bigger things to worry about. So, if you’re wondering why I didn’t ask her to come in too, then that’s why.” I hopped up out of my seat upset. “Min-Jun…” I heard Jung-Hwa say beside me, but I ignored him. “Well to be quite honest sajangnim, Melonie is the real victim in all this. She was the one that got hurt not me, or did you not just see her fall while watching the video?” I questioned. “…Jun I’ve never seen you concern yourself with other people’s affairs, this is certainly out of character for you. It’s almost as if you’re starting to care.” He said looking directly at me. It felt like he was calling me out on something by the tone of his words. “I’m not saying that I care…I’m just trying not to make everything about me for once.” I said truthfully.

For once I felt like I was doing the right thing by telling the truth about what happened today. Maybe hyung was right…maybe I am starting to change, even if there was a small chance of that happening. Though that might be that case, that wasn’t what was bothering me the most. It was the fact that sajangnim didn’t even seem the least bit concerned by the fact that Melonie could quite possibly be hurt. Yet, here he was chewing me out about something I had no control over. These emotions that I was currently feeling were strange, and were probably going to get me in even more trouble. “…Is she ok?” Sajangnim quietly asked after a moment pause. Relaxing slightly, I shook my head in dismay. “She’s playing a big game, but I think she might’ve have hurt her arm. I tried to make her go to the hospital, I really did, but that woman is the most stubborn person I’ve ever had to deal with.” I said honestly. To my surprise sajangnim started to laugh. Looking over at Jung-Hwa he seemed to be just as confused as me by sajangnim’s reaction.

“Did I say something amusing?” I asked genuinely confused. “Excuse me Jun I’m not laughing at you, I’m just taking in this ironic situation.” Sajangnim said while coming to stand in front of me. “What could possibly be ironic about this?” I asked. Patting me on the shoulder he said, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think you may have finally met your match.” “What? For being difficult to work with?” I questioned. “No, Jun. You’ve finally found someone who’s just as stubborn as you. Let me ask you this…did Melonie already get onto you for following her?” He asked amused. I looked away not wanting to answer his question. “She gave him an earful sajangnim…” Jung-Hwa said from behind us. “Hyung!” I said embarrassed by his answer. “That’s my girl...” Sajangnim said so quite I almost missed it. “What did you say?” I asked not quite sure I heard him correctly. “Nothing…err, well since Melonie already did my job for me, I guess I can skip towards punishment for the both of you then.” He said. Walking over to sit behind his giant desk, he leaned back in his seat before saying, “Kim Jung-Hwa you will be on work probation for a month with one-third of your salary being cut…Knowing that you have a wife and child to provide for, and that this mess wasn’t entirely your fault, I refrained from cutting it in half all together.” He while looking directly at Hyung. Jung-Hwa quickly stood to bow and thank him. “Thank you so much for not firing me sajangnim, I promise to do better, and take better care of my artist. You will not regret this!” He said before bowing again. Sajangnim slightly raised his hand causing Jung-Hwa to stop.

“As for Song Min_... Excuse me, I meant Lee Min-Jun.” Sajangnim said covering up his slight slip up. “Your punishment Jun will be…” I cringed not knowing what he was going to do with me. “…how about I let Ms. Cater choose.” He said. “You wouldn’t…” I said not believing what I was hearing. “Oh, Jun I’m most defiantly letting Ms. Cater decide your punishment. If you hadn’t of followed us like an insecure brat none of this would have never happened in the first place. After all this I’m now I’m hearing that you’re the cause of her getting hurt.” He said seriously. “Sajangnim you can’t do that to me! You’re not aware of how capable she. I’m telling you that woman is nuts!” I exclaimed. “I understand your reluctance to my decision Jun, but there’s something you have to comprehend…you can’t make choices without thinking about that cause and effect it has on the people around you. You need to be more aware of the world you live in, and understand that there are consequences to some of the choices that you make. Now that is my final answer, so I suggest you try to play nice with Ms. Cater, and try to stay on her good side because if she leaves…you leave too. Is that understood?” He asked with a stern voice. “Dae, sajangnim.” I said begrudgingly. “Good. Now if you excuse me I have an important phone call to make. Please see yourselves out.” With his final words, Jung-Hwa and I didn’t hesitate to leave with the punishments he gave us.

Closing his doors behind us we both let out the deep breath, relieved that it was finally over. “S-see? I t-told you it wouldn’t be all bad…” Jung-Hwa said while pushing up his glasses with shaky fingers. “Really?” I said while throwing up my hands and walking away towards the elevator. “Hey, wait up!” Hyung called after me. “Well, well, well look who still has a job…” The y secretary snidely said underneath her breath. “It looks like you’ll be seeing more of face from now on.” I said while winking at her. She made a sound of disgust before going on about her business. I smirked knowing that I still got to her.

Once back in the van I felt like the weight had been lifted off my shoulders once again. “I really thought that meeting was going to take a turn for the worse.” Jung-Hwa said after sliding into the driver’s seat of the van. “Come on Hyung you got to have more faith in me than that.” I said while relaxing back in the seat. “Well where too now? You don’t have anything else scheduled for the day.” Hyung asked curiously while pulling out of the parking garage. I sighed looking out of the window at the busy streets of Seoul, while everyone bustled towards their next destination. I wondered what it felt like to be able to walk down the street like a regular person, without everyone trying to get a picture, or an autograph from me.

From the corner of my eye I noticed a small pharmacy down the street, which reminded me of Melonie’s injury from earlier. “H-hyung stop by that pharmacy down the road for me please.” I said not even realizing what I was doing before the words came out of my mouth. “What for?” He asked confused. “I just need to pick up some things.” I said staying vague. “Ok…” He said not quite convinced by my answer as he pulled up next to the little drugstore. “Alright we’re here, now what?” He questioned while looking back at me. Looking around the outside of the store looked seemingly harmless, but anyone would notice if I walk in there myself, and we really didn’t need a similar incident happening today. “Hyung I need you to go inside and buy an ice pack, some gauze, a sling, some of that icy/hot stuff, and whatever else you might need for a bruise.” I said while handing him my company card. Instead of taking the card he just sat there and stared at me. “What?” I asked feeling slightly uncomfortable. “Oh nothing…just didn’t expect you to go through the trouble is all.” He asked while smiling before he left the van. “Don’t think too much about it!” I shouted after him, but it was too late.

Suddenly my phone started to ring in my pants pocket. Without looking at it I answered. “Hello?” I asked. “Yah! Why haven’t you been answering my calls Jun!” So-Young said on the other line. Rolling my eyes, I let out a heavy sigh. “Isn’t it obvious? Thanks to you sajangnim is one step closer to ending my career!” I said annoyed. “What?! He wouldn’t do that, especially not to his own br_” “Enough, I don’t want to hear it! Unless you’re here to apologize for your behavior the other day, then I’m hanging up_” “Wait, wait don’t hang up! I just wanted to hear your voice is all, and I heard about what happened today…” She said sounding sympathetic. “Yeah well you know how it is…can’t get a simple cup of coffee anymore without people hounding you.” I said tiredly. “I know, I miss taking the subway, being able to see movies, and hanging out with my friends whenever I felt like it.” She said on the other line. I smirked agreeing to the truth in her words. See that was the thing that I actually liked about So-Young. She knew exactly what it was like being a celebrity, and not having the freedom to do whatever you wanted. The public was always watching us, which meant everything had to be a perfect façade all the time. “Yeah I miss that too…” I admitted. “You know what else I miss?” She asked, thought I already knew what she was about to say, but I played along anyway. “What?” I answered. “I miss you Jun. When are you going to stop playing games with me, and take this relationship for real?” She asked. “When you become a decent human being…” I thought, but instead said, “I don’t know So-Young…to be fair this relationship isn’t even real, we’re just together because the company told us to.” I said honestly “I know that, but I want it to be real. Come on what’s so bad about that? It’ll look more convincing on the camera if we were actually dating.” She whined in my ear. “So-young I’ve had a really long day. Being swarmed by a crowd of fans, to getting chewed out by my CEO I think I wanna end my day without thinking about anything else right now.” I said leaning back in my seat while closing my eyes. “Fine, but I do want you to think about it later though ok?” she said. “Sure. Listen I gotta go so…” I said wanting to end the conversation. “Oh yes of course, but Jun?” She asked. “Hmm?” “Don’t ignore my calls anymore. That’s really rude.” She said annoyed. “I’ll try So-Young. I’ve been really busy over the past couple of days.” I said truthfully. “Has that American girl been running you around a lot?” She asked angrily. “Not really, though I did attend one of her classes today with some of her student_” “What?! You guys are hanging outside of work now?” She asked shocked. I rolled my eyes knowing exactly where this was going. “No So-Young it’s not like that. It was more work related than anything. My body is in pain because of her!” I said still feeling the ache in my arms and legs. “Just get rid of her like the rest of them.” She said bluntly. “If only…but this time is different because if she leaves then I also get fired from StarInc. I have to start being more careful, or this could really end my career.” I said seriously.

Suddenly the door opened back up, and Jung-Hwa slid inside closing it behind him. “Hey I have to go, I call you later ok?” I said trying to get her off the phone. “You better. Bye Jun-ie!” She said. I cringed at the pet name she had for me. “Bye.” I said before clicking off. “Who was that?” Hyung asked from the front seat. “So-Young.” I answered unenthusiastically. He started laughing at my discomfort. “Here, I tried to get you everything you asked for.” He said while handing me the paper bag with everything in it. Looking inside everything seemed to be there. “Yeah looks good. Do you mind driving back towards the studio where Melonie was working at this morning?” I asked. “Yeah, sure I can do that. So…is everything in that bag for her?” He asked while eyeing me through the rearview mirror. “Maybe, why?” I asked. “Oh nothing…” He said while driving down the street. “You’re so weird.” I said while closing my eyes once again.

By the time we arrived to the studio it was already well past eight o’clock at night. I didn’t expect her to still be here, but this was the only place I knew she’d be. “Hyung wait in the van I’m not going to be long. I’m just going to drop this off.” I said while grabbing the bag and opening the door. “What if you get surrounded again? I already told sajangnim that I wouldn’t let you go off by yourself again_” “Relax hyung I’m just going in for a split second, besides it’s night out and no one can see me very well.” I said sliding out. “Jun Wai_” Shutting the door I cut him off, while walking towards the dance studio. Walking inside I took a left where the elevators were, and I couldn’t help but think about how Melonie reacted last night when I confronted her about her fear. I could still remember the look on her face. Chuckling I stepped in on the elevator to go up to the third floor. When I got off I could hear music coming from down the hallway where one of the doors were open. Walking down I noticed that I didn’t see anyone else in the building. Maybe Melonie was finally done for the day. “I couldn’t imagine dancing for over twelve hours a day.” I thought. No wonder she has such great stamina…

Looking into the open room, the first thing I noticed was Melonie dancing alone in the room. It had seemed that everyone had left for the day, and she was the only one left. I didn’t even see her puppy like assistant hanging around. I soon realized that Melonie wasn’t just dancing to any song; she was dancing to one of MY songs. She was listening to my title song, “One Last Time”, which was my title song for my comeback. Anyone could have heard this song walking in. That would ruin the whole purpose of a comeback, if everyone could hear the song. Stepping in I slammed the door shut. This seemed startle her as slip and almost fall to the ground. “Jeez, you scared me!” She said in shock. “Sorry, I just wanted you to hear me come in.” I said lying. “Where is everyone?” I asked. She shrugged her shoulders while walking over to her bag. “After my classes ended for the day, I requested to have this whole floor to myself.” She said simply. “It looks like you’re the only one in the building…” I said coming around to stand near her. “Whole building, what do you mean by that?” She asked confused. “I think it’s only just you and me here right now. I didn’t see anybody coming in.” I said. She looked away thinking before she suddenly said, “He didn’t…” “What?” I asked intrigued. “It’s nothing. I mean I just had a phone call with sajangnim earlier, and he asked me how I was doing and if I needed anything. I told him that I wanted to work on some dance routines alone for the rest of the afternoon. I only requested to have the floor; I didn’t know he rented out the whole building for me!” She said bewildered. “Hmm, I guess this was his way of apologizing.” I thought shaking my head.

“Here.” I said before tossing her the paper bag. I noticed how she didn’t catch it with her left arm. “What’s this?” She asked curiously. Without looking in her eyes I said, “Some things.” “Okay...” She said cautiously. I heard her gasp when she opened the bag. “Ju_ Min-Jun you really didn’t have to do this.” She said almost sounding touched. Finally meeting her eyes I felt a slight twinge in my chest. Clearing my throat I ran my hands through my hair. “Yeah, well since you won’t let me take you to the hospital, I thought this was least I could do.” I said shifting from one foot to the other. She smiled slightly. “Well thanks…because between you and me, my arm is hurting like hell.” She said lifting up her left arm. My fist tightened at the sight before me. The whole lower half of her left arm was a light shade of purple. Without thinking I gently took her arm turning it slowly over in my hands. She hissed in pain, and I immediately looked up in concern. “Sorry.” I said regretting hurting her. “It’s fine… By the way I wanted to tell you something.” She said quietly. “Yeah, what’s up?” I said. “Thank you…” She said looking me directly in the eyes. I gulped not knowing what to say at first. “F-for what, I d-didn’t do anything?” “That’s not true Min-Jun; you stood up for me in front of everyone earlier. That was the first time anyone’s ever done that for me…” She confessed.

Out of nowhere it felt like the air in the room was becoming hotter. Stepping back from her, it gave the two of us a little more room away from each other. “Don’t thank me, I’m the one that got you hurt.” I said looking off to the side. “Maybe so, but those girls were immature, what better way to reprimand them on their behavior than buy their favorite artist.” She said pulling out the gauze wrap. “I guess, but it all started with me following you_. I mean getting coffee. Would you like some help with that?” I said trying to change the subject. “Y-yeah, please.” She said handing it to me. Slowly wrapping the gauze around her wrist, I was quietly trying to hold to onto the words hanging right off the tip of my tongue. “You ok Min-Jun? You seem kind of antsy.” She asked while eyeing me. “Yes, of course. Why don’t we head out of here, I’m sure you’re just as exhausted as I am.” I said gesturing towards the door. She pondered this for a bit before her nodding in agreement. “You know what? It has been a long day, and I’m starving.” She said while holding her stomach. “Grab your stuff, and we can grab some food on the way back to the dorms.” I said. “Sounds good, just let me close down in here, and I’ll be right out.” She said while walking over to her things. “Fine I’ll be right outside the door to walk you out.” She looked at me weird when I said this. “Um, do you actually mind meeting me downstairs instead…?” She said timidly. I stared at her for a second completely understanding why she wanted me to wait downstairs for her. “She already been through enough today, I don’t think me pushing her to get on an elevator would be in my best interests.” I thought. “Yeah I hear ya.” I said before walking out the door. One thing was for sure, I needed to play nice because at the end of the day she was one holding my future in her hands…

***This was a very important chapter for Jun, and I hope you all enjoyed it. Tell me your thoughts about the conversation between CEO Song and Jun. Do you think Jun is changing for the better? Don’t forget to vote and leave a comment down below. Thanks Ya’ll***

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New Chapter Update!


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Chapter 28: I am loving this story and how it’s developing . I hope you are doing well and get the chance to update soon!
niknac #2
Chapter 28: That Boss of hers is smooth as silk. He just weaseled his way in without any effort
Chapter 27: Caught in a lie.. What's really up with his brother can't wait to see were this story leads..
TheTallOne #4
Chapter 26: Well this got really good.
AMBWLuver #5
Chapter 25: Waiting for the next chapter. Really good stufff
Pure_complications #6
Chapter 24: What happens next?
Han_sugi #7
Chapter 22: Oooo I can't wait to find out what happens next!
niknac #8
Chapter 21: jun is changing a bit but the reason why is the real question. is it to save his career or because of melonie? by the way, that soyoung girl is annoying, and why isn't CEO song claiming his family relation to a certain someone?! what happened between them?
kpoplover94328 #9
Chapter 20: Please Update
Soraya20 #10
Chapter 20: Please update soon