Drama King

Your Move


           The ride over to Jun's shoot wasn't too bad, besides the fact that Jun kept looking over at me with this suspicious look on his face. I caught him doing that more than once, while he and I sat in the back seat together. Which we only agreed to because it would look more "believable" to the press that we were getting along. Quickly losing my patience I finally asked what he was looking at. He simply reply, "Nothing", and look back over at his script as if nothing was going on. Dismissing his weirdness all together, I put in my ear phones into my phone, and started to jot down some ideas for more dance moves routines that I had to complete for Jun's second song, which would be the one that he's making a music video for. This meant making routines not only for him but the backup dancers also.

            We reached the filming site in less than thirty minutes or so, parking on the side of a street that was blocked off by the filming crew, in the middle of a suburban area. Jun placed his sunglasses on, while hopping out of the van with ease that made it seem like he's done this many times before. Packing up my ear phones I also hopped out of the car to be greeted yet again by people rushing here and there. I've been in chaotic places before, but being surrounded by this running around all day would stress anyone out. I could feel a pending migraine coming my way soon. From what I saw it looked like the filming crew was setting up some kind of ally scene. As we were headed towards all the action a beautiful petite  young woman walked by reading her lines from the script. She must have been the female lead from the way that everyone was acting around her.

            As we all walked towards the set I noticed people here and there whispering while pointing to Jun and I. Jun ignored them while walking up to a short man who I guessed was the director. Bowing slightly he greeted him with an easy going smile. "Hello Director Park, sorry that I'm late I had a little run in with the press this morning." The balding man looked slightly tense, but gave Jun a small smile in return. "Yes, I'm aware of the events. Your manager Jung-Hwa was nice enough to give me a warning of your late arrive in plenty of time. So while we waited, we went ahead and filmed some of Ms. Seo-Yoen's solo scenes. I hope you were able to find time to review the new changes in the script." "Dae, I read over them in the car. Thankfully not a lot was changed in the short time I had to go over it. If you don't mind me asking which scene will we be filming today?" Jun asked politely. "We're working on the first kiss scene between Seo-Yeon-shi and you…" Jun whole demeanor stiffened. "We're filming that today?" Jun asked. "Yes, the venues got changed last minute, so instead of doing it outside the coffee shop like I wanted, we'll  be filming you two down that alleyway with rain for special effects." Director Park said. "I-in the r-rain?" Jun stuttered. "Don't worry it'll be a light drizzy from the hoes. The plan is after Ms. Seo-Yeon and you get away from Ji-Hoon's men it starts to rain. You cut down that alley way to lose them. You're both alone exerted from running, but realize that you're still holding each other's hand. Thus tension rises and you give your lines going in for the kiss." The Director explained. As he was going on about the scene all I could think about was how cliché it sounded, but was curious to see how it turned out. Especially if it involved Jun showing any type of emotion other than anger or frustration.

            When they were done talking Jun hurried over to the prep team to get him ready for the shoot. When he came out twenty minutes later her was wearing a stripped blue and white three-quarter sleeve top with khaki knee length pants, completed with fresh white kicks. He looked a couple of years younger with the way they slicked his hair back, and the light make-up highlighting his mainly features. He was indeed sporting the latest summer fashion, and looking quite good if I might add. I had to stop myself for looking too long, afraid that he'd catch me in the act. When he was ready he started to walk down the alleyway, where the pretty girl from earlier was standing.  "Alright everyone take your places!" The Director shouted in his megaphone. Cast and crew started to quickly move along, readying themselves for the scene. Jun and the Seo-Yeon girl walked around the corner. I noticed men on the top of the roofs of the two buildings, hold a screen to make the fake rain. "What is this drama even about?" I quietly asked out loud. "You mean you never heard of the drama My Beating Heart, and here I thought you were a true Korean…" Jung-Hwa said humorously. "Hardy har, but seriously what's it about?" I asked again. "Well…it's about this girl named Hei-Ran whose father was a scientist for one of the most top secret labs in Korea. He was working on something big, but didn't tell anyone about it because he was afraid how people would react." Jung-Hwa started out. "What was he working on?" I asked totally engaged. "He was working on the AI robot. He not only wanted his invention to break boundaries, but also make the world a better place. After years of dedication and hard work he finally succeeded in creating the first robot with artificial intelligence. He called the robot Dong-Yul. He treated his creation almost like a son, and was amazed with everything he was capable of. Though this was the case he was also afraid of how the world would use Dong-Yul. Rather than use his skills for peace, they'd use it for conquering and destruction. Scientist Seung was about to pull the plug on his discovery, when word got out about what he had created. An evil man by the name of Hyun-Shik wanted Seung's experiment for himself, so he could recreate and sell it for people who wanted to use Dong-Yul as a weapon. To make a long story short without spoiling everything, Jun's character is trying to live a life in the outside world while trying to decide if he's a human or a robot." "Wow sounds like a really good drama, but how does he end up with the girl?" I asked, wanting him to tell me more. "Well…being how she's related to Dong-Yul's creator, they ended up bumping into each other one day, and well…you just have to watch the show Ms. Melonie. It's the number one romantic drama on television this summer, and is up for several awards in the future." I huffed in frustration, knowing full well I was going to binge watch all the episodes. "Well isn't this kind of ruining the show for me, since I've never seen it before?" I asked. Jung-Hwa's eyes widened. "Oh yeah that’s right, maybe you should wait in the va_" "Action!" Before Jung-Hwa finish the scene was already underway.

            "Quick down here!" Jun shouted from behind the building. He and the young women were soon running down the alleyway holding hands, while trying to get away from their suspected bad guys. They hid behind the crevasse in the wall beside them, as their chasers ran past them. They huffed as if they were out of breath, when all of a sudden it starts to rain which causes the female lead to start laughing. "Why are you laughing? Considering the situation shouldn't you be panicking." Jun said in a confused voice. "You wanna know why I'm laughing Dong-Yul? My life is a wreck, I'm being chased by men who I don't even know, you're keeping secrets from me, and to top it all off it's raining!" She said in frustration. "I'm sorry…" Jun said softly. "Excuse me?"  The girl asked confused. "I'm sorry… I don't mean to keep secrets from you, it's just…I'm programmed that way." He said softly. "D-did you just say programmed?"
"Yes I did. Hei-Ran-shi all you need to know is that main purpose is to keep you safe. Don't ask me why, I just need you to trust me." Jun said while looking down at her with strong emotion. Out of the blue he reach down to gingerly wiped away the water that was on her cheek. He paused while suddenly touching his chest where is heart was. "What's wrong?" The female lead asked with concern. "I-I don't know… It seems as if my heart is racing?" "Of course it is, we just ran away from those guys back there." She said. "No this is different… See feel." He pulled one of her hands on top of his chest. "Wh-what are you doing?!" She asked while frantically looked around. "Do you feel it? My heart…it seems to only beat this way around you." The girl's body stiffened from his words. "I like this feeling. Is this what happiness feels like?" Jun said. "Pfft…" The noise slipped from my lips. "Oh my god that was so corny!" I thought as I started to sinker a little bit. "Cut!" I heard Jun yell from where he was standing. "Why, what's wrong?" The director asked. Glancing over I saw Jun looking directly at me with a look of annoyance. "Can we film that part again…it didn’t turn out exactly how I wanted it to." Jun said, but I knew he was talking about me. I quickly looked away while chastising myself for laughing. I mean I guess Jun was a pretty good actor, but I just couldn't seem to take him seriously considering how I knew what he was really like. A jerk not a lover boy.

            "Ok lets back up to where you place Hei-Ran's hand upon your chest. Ok, action!" He shouted again. Jun continued from that part while getting into character once again. "What are you doing?!" The girl said again in a panic. " Do you feel it? My heart…it seems to only beat this way around you." He seemed to get closer to the girl this time. "I like this feeling. Is this what happiness feels like?" I didn't laugh this time, so they were able to continue on. "I d-don't know, m-maybe." The girl said while purposely stumbling over her words. "I wonder…" Jun said before touching the girls chin before lifting it slightly so that she was looking him directly in the eyes. He was leaning down kiss her with their lips about to meet_. "ACHOO~" Jun sneezed away from the girl just in time. "Cut!" The director said. "I'm sorry!" Jun said quickly bowing towards the crew. They stopped the rain momentarily for him to wipe his nose and touch up some of their makeup, but didn't help any when they proceeded to film the scene once again. This time Jun accidently head butted the girl, while tripping over his shoes. "Again!" He shouted. The next time he stumbled over his lines. I could tell the girl was getting slightly annoyed with, based on her eye rolls and sighs. "Cut! Ok, well since this isn't working let's take a fifteen minute break to get ourselves together." The director said before stomping off frustrated.

            During the break I decided to go up to Jun to hand him a bottle of water as atonement for laughing earlier. "What's that for?" Jun asked incredulously while drying himself off with the towel. "Just that it." I said almost trusting the bottle into his chest. Grabbing it he looked at me before taking a drink form it. "So why is it taking you forever to film the kiss scene, it isn't that hard…" I said giving him a side glance. "Coming from someone who's never acted a single day of her life." Jun said smartly. "Who, little ole me?" I said mockingly. "Yes you. You have no idea how hard it is to play this part." He said confidently. "Is that so…" I said. Walking up towards  him I grabbed one of his hands while pretending to be him as I recited his lines. "Do you feel it? My heart…it seems to only beat this way around you. I like this feeling. Is this…is this what happiness feels like?" I said before doing duck lips for the pretend kiss. Jun jerked his hand away, but surprisingly he started to laugh. "Wow if that's your definition of acting, then you defiantly need to stick to dancing. Haha…you're really something you know that." Jun said softly. My heart jumped slightly from his reply. It was the first time he had ever spoken to me like that, without any hint of distain in his voice. "Ok everyone get back to your positions." The director ordered, interrupting my thoughts. Jun shook his head at me one last time before handing me the water bottle to resuming his position.

            This time he finally got it right on the first try! After that the resumed in filming the rest of the scenes where the two of them were together. All of us had to switch venues twice, to shoot at a home and a work site. The show seemed like it was pretty cool. I made a note to myself to start watching some of it tonight. When they were all finally done filming it was in the middle of the afternoon when I realized that I hadn't ate all day! Starving I walked over to Hyuk-Shik asking him if there was anywhere close by to eat some decent Korean food. "Yeah there's a Korean bar-b-que place right around the corner form here, but it's kind of expensive. That's fine I just want to eat somewhere." I said. He looked around before walking over to Jung-Hwa to talk to him. "Still think your job is harder than mine?" I heard Jun say from behind me. I jerked around shocked from his sudden appearance. "Ehh….no. It's defiantly long and there's a lot going on I'll give you that, but I still think my job is harder." Jun gave me his annoyed look again. I tried to hold back a smile from his reaction. It amused me about how badly Jun wanted to be right. All of a sudden my stomach started to growl loudly. "Tch, someone's hungry." Jun said laughing. "And you're not?! I haven't eaten all day, and trust me when I say a hungry Melonie isn't someone you want to mess with. A girl's gotta eat." I said clutching my stomach. "Is she worse than a bossy Melonie because I think I could handle her." He said slightly smiling. "Hush you I'm being serious." I said while glaring at him. "So was I…" He said walking past me.

            We ended up skipping the Korean bar-b-que place because we couldn't risk getting caught in a mob full of crazed fans out in the open. Thanks to Jun I was sitting in the van eating a roll of Gimbap. I sighed halfway through my roll suddenly not hungry anymore. I looked over at Jun who had only eaten two sliced pieces of his. "Are you not hungry?" I asked amazed how he wasn’t going ham on his. "Me? No, I had a little something earlier." He said before rolling his food back into the aluminum foil. "Lair… I was with the whole entire day, and didn't see you eat one thing." I said calling him out on his lie. "Listen I don't remember asking you to pay attention to everything I eat." Jun said irritated. "Whatever. You're not supposed to skip meals it could cause health problems." I said. "Look at me… Do I look like I have health problems?" Jun asked smartly. I looked over at his slim muscular body appreciating the V-neck he decided to wear today. He was indeed in great shape, but… "Even so, you shouldn't skip meals Min-Jun." I said nearly concerned. "Sure." Was all he said before ending the conversation right there.

            Thirty minutes later I noticed that we were headed back towards the company. "Did you forget something?" I asked Jun while looking out the window. "No, I actually wanted to show you the recording studio. That is…if you're not already tired." Jun challenged. "Are you kidding me, I've worked way later than this." I said noticing that the time was already ten o'clock. The van stopped in the parking garage just right outside the doors that led to the lobby of the company building. "Jung-Hwa you can go ahead and head home for the night, I think I'm going to stay later and touch up on some songs after I finish showing Melonie around." Jun said placing his hand on the man shoulder. Jung-Hwa nodded. "Ok, but make sure Ms. Melonie gets home ok." "I'll make sure…" We all turned to look at Hyuk-Shik who was already about to get out the car. "No, I will." Jun said sternly from the backseat. Hyuk-Shik he slightly bowed before he pulled his legs in to close the door behind him. "I'm more than capable of walking myself home." I said making my presence known. "I'm sure you are." Jun said before opening the door to get out. I huffed before turning the Hyuk-Shik. "I'll see you tomorrow at nine, ok?" I said. "Tomorrow at nine." He said back with a small smile. Rapid knocking from my right made me look over. "Pali wa. (hurry)" Jun said getting exasperated from making him wait. "Bye guys." I said before getting out. "Goodbye Ms. Melonie." They both said cheerfully together.

            As the van drove away I followed Jun into the building. The lobby was deserted from the troves of people previously this morning. "This way." He said. Walking past the front desk he lead me down the hall towards the elevators… My eyes widened form the realization. "What are doing?" I asked shocked not realizing how dumb my question sounded. "Getting on the elevator. The Studio is on the fourth floor…" He said while looking at me suspiciously. The elevator dinged while the doors opened and my heart started beat faster. Jun stepped inside before turning around to leaning against the elevator wall inside. "Well are you not getting on?" He asked. I wanted to say something but my body froze from his stare. "Melonie you have two choices. You either get on, or give me no other reason to believe that you're afraid of elevators…" My heart dropped.

                                    ***Ladies and gentlemen let the stand off begin!! Your thoughts?***

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Chapter 28: I am loving this story and how it’s developing . I hope you are doing well and get the chance to update soon!
niknac #2
Chapter 28: That Boss of hers is smooth as silk. He just weaseled his way in without any effort
Chapter 27: Caught in a lie.. What's really up with his brother can't wait to see were this story leads..
TheTallOne #4
Chapter 26: Well this got really good.
AMBWLuver #5
Chapter 25: Waiting for the next chapter. Really good stufff
Pure_complications #6
Chapter 24: What happens next?
Han_sugi #7
Chapter 22: Oooo I can't wait to find out what happens next!
niknac #8
Chapter 21: jun is changing a bit but the reason why is the real question. is it to save his career or because of melonie? by the way, that soyoung girl is annoying, and why isn't CEO song claiming his family relation to a certain someone?! what happened between them?
kpoplover94328 #9
Chapter 20: Please Update
Soraya20 #10
Chapter 20: Please update soon