King alert



When Ming and Siwon arrived to the house Jessica and the boys were still there.

Ming was curious to know what was going on. She ran to go check when Jessica got the door to unlock.

King Jumong was there . “ What are you doing here with a bunch of guys? This is no way a princess should act.”

Ming looked around she was embarrassed. “ I came here to see Donghae Hyung.” She said feeling ashamed.

Jessica could not help it. She started to cry it was the only way to save all of their lives.
“ We tried to stop Donghae from leaving his rightful duties but, when we came to the airport it was too late. He left without a word .” Jessica said sobbing.

You should be in the palace not here with these fools.” King Jumong said.

He pulled Ming by the hair. Siwon balled hid fists . He could do nothing or else all of them were dead.

Appa , Appa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppa!!!!!” Ming yelled as she tried to grab on to Jessica.

Jessica took out her sword. As the Princesses guard she had to protect her. Be fore she could she was surrounded by the Kings guards. She fought with all she had but, one of them managed to stab her in the heart. Kyuhyun and Siwon managed to catch her before she fell to the ground.

Jessica, Jessica Jessica can you hear me.” Kyuhyun cried out.

Jessica tried to talk but, she was losing so much blood. She tried to her darnest to stay awake .

Jessica hang in there .” Siwon said as he got the medical kit out of the closet.

There was no time left Jessica out .

Kyuhyun cried out . He might not have a chance with her.

Please Jessica don't die on me.” He said nursing her.

Hyung you should take a walk or something. “ Zhou Mi said trying to cheer Kyuhyun up.

I will not leave her sight . I won't leave until I know she is okay.” Kyuhyun said feeling like it was his fault.

We should take her to the hospital.” Sungmin said worried she could die in front of their eyes.

We can't since she went against the King it is best she stays safe here. Taking her to the hospital could put her life in more danger.” Leetuek said with a series face.

They were all worried and just hoping she wakes up soon.

Siwon was hoping to here news from Ming soon. He felt bad for her she had to go through so much as a Princess.

Kyuhyun stayed there like he said and nursed Jessica. He didn't leave her sight not for one second.

One month passed and she still was not awake.

Hyung take some res . Please take care of yourself. Hyung eat something.” Henry and Shindong pleaded that he take a break but Kyuhyun refused every single offer.


They were all afraid he might go crazy.

Jessica you are going to be alright.” He kept muttering to himself as he wiped her forehead with a wet rag.

In Jessicas mind thoughts ran through her mind.... The thoughts that she cherished the most.

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congrats!! :DD
-Qiaolian #2
Congrats ~
Chapter 37: Congrats!!!!
elliptical #4
congrats x
Congrats! :))
Coffee2s #7
congrats :)