Donghae's farewell party: Gone forever... My hung



Today was the day. It was time for Donghae to leave, to head out.

The thought of leaving got to him as time was ticking. He looked all around his room. All the memories of Super junior, all the laughs, all the cries all the singing , all those moments slowly ripped his heart in pieces.

He now got the point. He now realized the pain Ming and Jessica felt. He started crying in silence.Ming was no where to be found. He figured she got up early to make breakfast.

So much ran through his mind. The thing that kept bothering him was Kyuhyun.

He was afraid of Kyuhyun's reaction when he finds out that Donghae is a prince. It was bad enough Leetuck knew everything and they were no longer talking any more. He was afraid Kyuhyun might do the same thing.

He wiped his tears off. He didn't want to look like a sissy. He got up to wash his face and headed to change his clothes when the door opened.

It was Jessica.

“Hello, Ming made you some breakfast. She wanted to make it special.” She said with a smile. Of course she was faking it but, it seemed so real.

“ Did she want to make this day special or you???” He said asking with a smile.

Jessica looked away. She slammed the tray of food on his desk and headed for the door. Before she could reach the knob Donghae grabbed her hand.

He pulled her close and hugged her tightly. Jessica tried to break off with force but, it was no use.

“Jessica please, Just a hug .” Donghae said letting out tears .

Jessica hugged him back. She knew he was an and he was a heartless jerk but King Jumong made his son this way. She knew he felt useless and he felt confused.

“ Donghae its okay, Let it all out.” She said patting his back.


Her heart was racing and for once she felt like she was his. She saw him . She saw the Donghae that had feeling and that was tender and sweet.

“ How am I suppose to tell Kyuhyun that I am a prince, How am I suppose to leave you and Ming like this. How....” Donghae said crying his eyes out.

Jesssica wanted to cry too. There was nothing left since she had spend the previous day crying her eyes out. She was still heartbroken from Donghae leaving.

“ Donghae , you have to tell him the truth before you leave, It will hurt him more if you leave without a word. “

She said as she broke off the hug. She looked at Donghae. Jessica was inches away from his face. Donghae could feel his heart racing. His face felt tinkley .

“Donghae everything will be alright, just be true to him.”

She said looking into his eyes and wiping away his tears.His eyes were shining as bright as stars in the night sky.

Donghae got closer to Jessica's face. She got closer too. They kissed. It was passionate and it was the most beautiful and unexpected thing Jessica could ever wish for but, it was her first and last kiss she would get from Donghae. Everything ended here and now forever.

After there passionate moment. Jessica blushed and headed for the door knob to leave. Before she left she uttered her last words to Donghae.

“ I love you Donghae, farewell my friend, my love.” Jessica opened the door and left. Donghae was surprised by her reaction. He was sure she ended it with him this time for real and forever.

Donghae sat at his desk and looked at the tray of food . Ming did make him a special breakfast. His favorite. Hotcakes. Donghae assumed Ming put her feelings aside to make the best of this day. Ming was sweet like that. She was able to bare anything . It gave Donghae a warm smile to know his little sister was so kind and sweet despite the disappointment he has caused not to mention the pain he has caused her as well.

Donghae cut a piece of the hotcakes and ate a piece. It was sweet ad warn. He felt the loving Ming had for him in her cooking.

Donghae smiled . The hotcakes were fresh and delicious.

He ate hid food and finished up his last piece of hotcake and drank his cup of coffee.

After a good breakfast he headed downstairs. It seemed quiet. It seemed too quiet. He knew the boys had no work today and there were no plans either so Donghae wondered why it was so quiet and empty. He looked aroud the living room . No one was there. He went to the Kitchen thinking Ming maybe there. Shh was not there. The dishes were washed and put up neatly.

He checked all the rooms.

Where the heck was everyone. Were they that upset with him leaving they would not be there to tell him farewell. He thought to himself.

Donghae headed for the balcony. It was empty in the house. There was nothing to do. There was no one to talk to.

Then he thought to himself for a momnet.

“ How did Jessica leave so fast??” He thought.

“ How did Ming cook so fast and leave??” He questioned himself.

There was something fishy about it. Donghae was curious about what was going on. He didn't like playing games and he definitely wanted an explanation for what was going on.

He looked again in the house. He noticed something different. It was dark in the house. He felt stupid not realizing this.

Donghae headed to turn on the light.

“ Surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Everyone shouted as loud as they could.

There was balloons, confetti and decorations everywhere around the house. Donghae could not believe his eyes. When he thought the worse of his situation , it just kept getting better and better.

It was a surprise party for Donghae.

He thought. “ Why are they being so nice after all the pain I have caused them.”

Zhou Mi broke the silence “ Lets get this party started, no party poopers. Smile!!!” He said all happy and excited.

They had ordered karaoke machines, Soju, all the food you can eat . It was everything anyone could dream of.

Donghae laughed at Zhou Mi's excitement.

He was so shocked at the fact Zhou mi had said “ Smile” . And “ No party poopers.”

Donghae was happy but, when he spotted Leetuck. He went from smiling back to a face of guilt.

Leetuck walked to Donhae and rolled his eyes. Leetuck could not believe he was doing this.

“ Congratulations.” He said sticking his hand out to shake Donghae's hand.Donghae smiled. “ Kansamida Hyungnim.” Donghae said with a smile.



Back at Kyuhyun 's room.......

Kyuhyun was getting ready for the farewell party. He was getting ready to say goodbye to Donghae and to say his last words before he leaves.

Jessica's words still hurt him and he still felt knifes stab his heart. He had doubt that Jessica would stay loving Donghae forever and that won't see his true feelings. He was willing to wait for a life time if it were to be worth it.

He headed down stairs and greeted everyone . He noticed Jessica smiling again. It seemed real. He assumed she gave it her all and had no regrets. She was happy she knew the truth. For some reason Kyuhyun felt that there was something he didn't know and there was just something weird he felt in the air.

He shook it off and grabbed a Soju and took a drink.


Donghae's POV

Everyone was having fun. Ming was dancing “ Sorry sorry” With Siwon “ Who seemed to be enjoying himself”. Zhou Mi , Shindong, and Henry were singing “Maybe” the retarted way. Leetuck,Reywook,Sungnim were playing truth or dare. It made laugh. They were doing the most stupidest stuff.

Eunyuk,Kangin, and Kibun were talking about who was the hottest Korean idol .

Yesung was reading “ Warrior Baek Dong soo” . The Kdrama he ws in a few months ago.

I looked around and spotted Kyuhyun coming downstairs. It was my turn to tell him the truth. I had to do this for Jessica-shi. It was her last request and if she were ever to have a relationship with him I had to tell him my true self.

I had to tell him who I really was. I saw him grab a bottle of Soju and look around . He greeted me.

“ Congrats on making it this far Hyungnim.” He said with a smile as he handed me a small gift bag.

“ You shouldn't have .” I told him with a smile.

Kyuhyun smiled back and waited me to look inside.

I looked inside. I was a small neckless. I was a picture of all of us together.

It was a picture of Super Junior , Ming and Jessica.

Donghae was touched by the present.

“ Don't forget us . Donghae.” Kyuhyun said wih a smile.

“ I love it, Kamsamida.” Donghae said putting it around his neck.

Donghae cleared his throat. He didn't want to ruin the mood but, there was no other way to say it.

“ Kyuhyun, I have something important to tell you.” He said trying not to hesitate.

“ Go ahead, Hyung.” Kyuhyun said with a warm smile.

Donghae smiled back and took a drink of Soju.

“ I am a Prince. Here in China.” He said closing his eyes and wishing not to die.

Kyuhyun blinked and then took a sip of Soju.

“ Is that it???” Kyuhyun said with a clueless face.

Donghae was confused. He was more then confused . He was amazed by Kyuhyun's reation.

“ You are not mad???” Donghae said with a confused expression on his face.

“ No, I overheard you and Ming,and I saw your name witten on the wall of royalty when we were young, I remember when you took us by the palace and you and Ming showed us around , Ever since then I didn't say a word because Ming told me not to, I did pinky promise with her. I waited for you to confess like she had begged me too. It sure took you long.”


“” Kyuhyun said reading the royal wall.

“ No, don't read the wall, it is sacret to our family. Ming said in a loud voice.

“ Why is Donghae's name on here??? Is he a Prince????” Kyuhyun asked all curious.

Ming put her head down in shame. She didn't know how explain why Donghae's name was on there.

“ So he is... WOW a Prince.” Donghae said in an amazed voice.

“ Please don't tell anyone else.” Ming pleaded with the puppy pout face.

Kyuhyun looked at Ming. He could not resist her cute aborable puppy pout face.

“ I won't tell anyone . Promise.” Kyuhyun said with a warm smile.

“ Pinky Promise??” Ming said with a smile.

“ Pinky Promise.” Kyuhyun said with a smile back.

They had made a promise that lasted them a life time. The young singer walked off with a smile waiting for the day that Donghae would confess his true Identity.


Donghae was at peace. Kyuhyun knew all along and acted so innocient and naïve. Donghae guessed he was scared that Ming might punch his balls out . Donghae laughed at the fact he was so worried all this time. Kyuhuyn was good at keeping secrets and going wuth the flow. He was a good guy and he thanked God for meeting such a cool Donseng like him.

“ Lets make a toast.” Said Siwon.

“ Yeah.” Said Shindong.

“ Lets make a toast to good health and a good album single for Donghae Hyung!!!” Said Ming as eveyone drank up there bottle of Soju.

I was there last get together.

…..................................3 hours later …......................................................................................................

After the party there was just one hour left on the clock . It was time for Donghae to leave his loved one's behind.

Everyone hugged him and said their farewells. Ming hugged her hyung tightly and started crying again. He was leaving. She was in charge of his duties and he was going to be gone.

Jessica hugged him too.She didn't cry she just smiled and said farewell and have a safe trip.

Donghae left through the front door with Leetuck on their way to Seoul airlines........

It was the end for both Ming and Jessica. There life would not be the same without Donghae.......

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congrats!! :DD
-Qiaolian #2
Congrats ~
Chapter 37: Congrats!!!!
elliptical #4
congrats x
Congrats! :))
Coffee2s #7
congrats :)