Donghae's Break-up : Miss A Suzy


MIngs Pov

After we had a good childish get around Jessica had prepared variouse of food on the table.

She was a bit happy .... I guess what it meant was that she was happy Kyuhyun could gladly help her make all the food.

" It looks good Jessica-shi." I told her with a smile.

 She glared at me then glanced at Donghae. he was changing right infront of us.It was weird for a moment but,It was nothing new . I the palace we had special people that dressed us up sometime for special accaitions .So to me it was nothing. I could tell that Jessica-shi had never seen a man change in front of her in her life and she started drooling over my Hyung, I was disturbing to see her this way.

"Jessica-shi" I called her.

She was so caught on my brother. I mean don't get me wrong my hyung is handsome but , it was just not right the way she stared at him.

" Oh Sorry, Sorry , " My hyungs phone rang.

Donghae answering with excitement. : " Yabusaeyo, Suzy-shi where are you?

Suzy; " Oppa I'm back from Japan, I'm am doing my chinese debute, I heard you were so I'd thought we could hang out."

Donghae smiled. He was happy his girlfriend ad him were finally going to spend some time.

Donghae: " Is it okay if I bring the gang with me, Leetuk has been dying to see Jia again and well Henry wants to go out badly."

Suzy :" Oppa really?"

Donghae said with a frown: " My Oni is here and she came to visit me,She has been waiting almost 4 years to meet me."

Suzy frowded for a while. She didn't wat to ruin a sibling bond  sn she said " Bring your Oni here and the gang I want to get to know her,"

He smiled and tild his girlfriend " Saranghaeyo Suzy-shi , you are the best, Kumawow."

He hung up the phone and finished putting on his clothes. Once he did he turned around and Jessica-shi turned away as quickly as possible. She was a bit shocked to fid out he had a girlfriend and she happened to be famouse just like him.

Donghae" Lets eat up you guys , today we are going to meet Miss a."

Ming was clueless. She didn't who the heck Miss A was. It made her curious." Who are they and what do they have to do with hyug and his so called girlfriend".

Jessica said whith a smile" Lets eat up boys, Eat alot okay there is plenty for everyone."

They all enjoyed their meal. The boys finally ate some good food and It impressed them so much that Jessica had made such good food a such a young age.

Leetuk: " Kumawow , Jessica-shi, You are the best."

Zhou mi " You are welcomed anytime, Jessica-shi."

Eunyuk: " You should come and live here Jessica-shi"

Kyuhyun" You should cook for us Jessica-shi, move in please."

All the guys froze and looked at Kyuhyun. Siwon gave him the look saying shut your trap and Haen Geang was cracking his fists just ready to punch him.

Jessica looked at them ad started cracking up. She laughed so much that she al most choked on her food. It was hilariouse to Ming-shi she was happy too it seemed like old times when her family ate together, It felt like home.


No one's POv

After lunch Suju Ming and Jessica headed to the lemo.

The lemo driver drived to what seemed a mansion. There stood a woman. She was very pretty. she had dark brown hair, She was Ina beautiful dress, she was average height .

Donghae got out of the car first to greet this young woman.

As Donghae gave her a hug " Hi, Suzy, it's been a long time ia,"

Mings jaw dropped.

My brother has good taste in woman. She thought to herself.

After  Donghae greeted Suzy he escorted her to Ming and Jessica " Who was trying not to vomit by how ugly she thought Suzy was"

Suzy" Hi, nice to meet you I'm Suzy."

Ming bowing." HI, I'm Ming and this Jessica-shi, nice to meet you,"

Suzy smiling " Nice to meet you too."

Ming asked out of curiosity. " UMMM, who is Miss A ? Do you kow her?"

Suzy started laughing . She couldn't help it. It amused her that some people didn't know who Miss A was."

Suzy said with a smile " That is the name of our girl group." " I am part of Miss A."

What the heck. Ming thought to herself.

Twoi other girls came out and they were dressed in black.

They looked like modles for a moment. Suzy walked twards them and they started talking. Ming couldn't quite hear what they were saying. After a moment they walked twards Ming and Jessica and bowed in alcopelle they said " Hi , we are Miss A."  Jessica said with a smile" I know exactly who you are, You guys sang " Good girl Bad girl "  and  " Goodbye baby".

Suju looked at eachother. Ming's jaw dropped. How did she know all of this and yet do her duty as Ming's bodygaurd.

Ming siged *****

" I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with your music, Lol the only music I hear is Suju " and well, chinese pop ."

Jia smiled and patted Ming on the back " It's okay, we all have our likes and we are not that famouse yet."

Donghae walked over to where Suzy, Jia, Min and Ming were at.

"If you guys are done with your girl talk I would really love it if we went in the house,"

Suzy smiled and gave Donghae a peck on the lips " Nothing has changed about you, Donghae you are the same as when I fell in love with you."

Ming saw Donghae smile back and kiss her with passion.

She was happy for him but, it scared her. She was afraid it might ruin his life i the long run. If he were to take it to the next level , As i marry her father would meet his demise.

She was happy though. It was nice seeing Donghae smile .


Suzy's POV

I can't believe he brought his friends and his annoying sister.

I want to have some alone time with him. I want to make him move like the wind but, he pisses me off everytime he brings those friends of his. It iffitates me.

I led him and his so called group to my house. They all sat down and boy did I have to bring a load of stuff for them.

I sat them on the table when I got a sudden phone call.

Donghae said " Ummm, your phone is ringing ."

Suzy said with a smile; " I'm going to take this call in the kitchen, enjoy the tea.'

Jessica glared at her. She smelled something fishy about Suzy. Jessica was never wrong when it came up to her sences.

I left and it was my boyfriend Lee Joon.

Lee Joon "  What are you doing honey?'"

I said acting happy " Nothing , I'm just at home reahersing for the concert tomorrow."

Lee Joon felt a huntch. He was suspicious about Suzy. They haven't gone on a date for a While and well, He wanted to spend timw with her."

Lee Joon said" okay I'll meet you and hung up". 

Suzy said chakaman............ BEEP BEEP*******

Jessica's POV

" Donghae Oppa, how long have you and Suzy been dating?"

Donghae turned around to face Jessica . He wondered why all of a sudden she cared about his love life.

" Why do you ask? Jessica-shi..."

I rolled my eyes and told him " To be honest, I don;t like her, She looks like she is hiding something."

Everyone suddenly turned to face Jessica and Donghae.

Ming gave Jessica the look but, she ignored it.

Donghae said " Now. why do you say that?"

" Why did she have to go to the kitchen to talk on the phone?  Think about it." I told him with a smile.

Donghae rolled his eyes and said with a series voice that scared Ming a bit " Are  you jealous Jessica-shi ?"

Jessica bluffed " OMo, Aneao, I just think she might be cheating on you, and she didn't seem very happy to see Ming. The way she smiled it looked as if she was faking it."

Donghae's Pov

I thought about for a moment about what Jessica-shi said. She could be right I thought to myself

Then I shook it off '  Andaeh , Shiro, Andaeh." I panicked to myself."

Jessica was glaring at me in a way that she was studying my expressions. She knew more then I thought. Ming was right when she meant Jessica is never wrong when it comes to her sences.

Kyuhyun called me " Hyung , are you okay, you look pale."

I faked a smile " Daeh , I'm fine. no worries."

Then jessica went twards me and got real close to my face.
" You are not okay, I can hear you heart crying out, Your face looks troubled."

Donghae got red and yelled " UGH I HATE YOU< WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO RIGHT!!!!!"

He wated to sob but, he had to hold it a bit longer."

He couldn't so her got up and went to the kitchen to where Suzy was at.

Suzy giggling " Jia Lee Joon is coming over. What should I wear? Should I waer something y."

Jia " Are you going to..........

Suzy smiled ' Yes it has to be perfect." " I havr to get rid of the kid and his gang."



NO One's POV

Donghae opened the door and all of a sudden it got silent.

" Suzy what do you take me for?" Donghae said in a cold voice. His heart was broken. He had everything planned. He was going to ask her to marry her and he was planning on having kids with her.

Suzy said " My boyriend , Dinghae. Why you ask?"

Donghae wanted to slap her but , he holded back. " Who, is that guy that you are going to sleep with?'

She was silent. Then she said with so much anger.

" You didn't give me what I wanted. I want you and all of you."

Donghae said sobbing " I gave you my heart, is't that enough,I was going to ask you to marry me."

Suzy said with anger again " I can't wait , for you anymore and i want what I want , I don't care about you."

Donghae yelled " Tell me, did you loose you ity to that man?"

Suzy gulped loudly and then turned away from Donghae.

 Donghae said with anger " From now on we don't know each  other,and I want you out of this house."

Suzy yelled " it's under my name too."

" Not anymore." Donghae click one button on his phone and it was done. The house belonged to Ming .

He through things across the kitchen and them yelled to the rest of the Miss a members " OUT OF MY HOUSE,NNNNNNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



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congrats!! :DD
-Qiaolian #2
Congrats ~
Chapter 37: Congrats!!!!
elliptical #4
congrats x
Congrats! :))
Coffee2s #7
congrats :)