Chapter Nine – SORRY, SORRY

So, What Happens Now?

So, after a series of mishaps, I found who I happily refer to as my “Seoul-mate”, the person who understands me best here in Seoul. Frankly, I suspect that Kim Heechul is the person who understands me best in the entire world, mainly because he is right, deep inside, we are alike.


I’ve been sitting on the kitchen stool for about five, maybe ten minutes when I remembered the groceries that I left on the outer sitting room.   Didn’t I buy some ice cream? DUH! It’s probably slush by now! So, I hurried to the 8thfloor’s atrium and, true enough, the grocery bag, which has tipped over is now dripping brown slush. My favorite Korean chocolate ice cream (A/N: They’re really good!) has turned into a slush pool on the floor.


I went to the utility room to get some rags to wipe the sticky floor with, I noticed some cleaning supplies there yesterday under the sink. When I went back outside, the lift doors were opening, and it’s just my luck that the person getting off it is the last person I want to see tonight.


Siwon: Rain…


Me: (~kneeling on the floor to wipe the mess, I don’t even have the strength to look at him~)


Siwon: (~Kneeling beside me~) I need to say something.


Me: (~Taking a deep breath and using my most neutral voice~) What? Oh, sure. Go ahead. Is there anything I can help you with?


Siwon: Would you please look at me?


Me: I’m kinda busy here. Just tell me what I can do for you. I’ll get to it after I’m done here. I’m on-call 24/7 for you guys, you know…sort of. (~I tried to make my voice sound as if I was joking with him~)


Siwon: I want you to look at me.


Me: What? I can’t look at you and clean the floor at the same time!  Is it urgent? Maybe one of the guys can help you with it, I really, really need to clean this. We might get pests here if I don’t.


Siwon: (~Grabbing the rag from my hand and wiping the floor with quick motions, after that, he threw the rag over his shoulder~) There! It’s done! NOW, will you look at me? PLEASE!


Me: (~Still unable to look straight at him, I focused on the floor again~) You missed a spot…


Siwon: Aishhhh!!! (~Grabbing my shoulder to force me to face him~) What on Earth is wrong with you? I made a simple request! Please! I need to tell you something, and I want to see your eyes when I say it.


Me: (~Deep breath, Rain, deep can do this! Finally looking at his beautiful face~) Okay. There. What is it?


Siwon: I’m sorry. I was wrong to be judgmental about you.


Me: Oh….okay. Not a big deal. Is that all?


Siwon: (~Looking perplexed~) Uh…


Me:  Great. All’s fine now. Then, if you’ll excuse me, I better get these groceries inside. Thanks for your help.


Siwon: (~Looking at the grocery bags~) So, that was where you went.


Me: What? Oh, yeah. Grocery shopping. I needed some supplies.

Siwon: I was looking for you everywhere. I was actually halfway to the airport…


Me: (~Shocked, I finally looked at him straight in the eyes~) What? Why would you do that?


Siwon: (~Picking up the bags. Now he’s the one who can’t look at me~) I…uh…I thought you left. Went back to Manila, that is.


I opened the door to my apartment and faced Siwon to take the bags from him, but he pushed past me and headed straight for the kitchen. I waited at the door, expecting that he’ll put the bags down and head back out the door, but he started taking things out of the bag. What the?!? So, I closed the door and went into the kitchen. Obviously, the guy wants to talk. Am I ready for more of his sermon?


Me: (~Taking chocolate chip bags and egg cartons out of his hands~) Now, why would I do that? Really. It’s okay. You should go. You must be tired.


Siwon: I need to say something…


Me: I thought you already did.


Siwon: I want you to understand why I acted that way!


Me: Oh, but I do, Siwon. I understand too well. You care for everyone’s reputation. Having some girl live with one of your members is bad for the group’s image. It’s quite understandable. As your PR manager, I wouldn’t approve of it either. It’s comforting to know that you and I are on the same wavelength as far as that issue is concerned.


Siwon: It’s not just our reputation I care about…it’s…


Me: (~Talking too fast, I know, but somehow, I don’t really want him to talk, in case he says something that’ll get my blood boiling again!~) I know, you also care about my reputation. That’s very ‘Christian’ of you, Siwon. Thanks. Don’t worry about me, though, I can take care of myself. Now, it’s late and I have chores to do. Is there anything else?


Siwon: (~Sitting down on a stool and giving me a devil-may-care type of smile~) Ah, I’m a bit tired and need some comforting myself.


Me: Geez, you should’ve said so immediately. Wait…(~I went to the fridge and got some milk, spooned some instant cocoa into a mug, added milk and put it in the microwave, after a couple of minutes, I gave Siwon a mug of hot chocolate~) There you go! Nothing beats the comfort of having a nice mug of hot choco.


Siwon: (~Smiling and shaking his head, he picked up the mug and took a sip~) Hmmm, this is good, thanks. So, what are you doing tomorrow?


Me: I don’t know. Seems to me like you guys are on vacation, so, there isn’t much for me to do either. Maybe I’ll explore Seoul for a bit.


Siwon: How do you plan to do that? Do you have a car?


Me: No. But I can take the bus.


Siwon: But you might get lost!


Me: Why? I can read Hangul. And, even though Heechul said I have a weird accent, I speak Korean, I can converse well enough with you guys.


Siwon: So…you’re saying we don’t speak English? Well, you’re probably right, it’s one of our weaknesses.


Me: Oh, no! I never said that because I don’t believe it. I think you speak English well enough.


Siwon: (~Eyes widening in surprise~) Oh? I only spoke one sentence in English to you…we’ve been struggling to understand your Korean up to now! (~laughing mischievously~)


Me: (~laughing with him~) Oh, really now? It’s that bad, huh? Shall we switch to English instead?


Siwon: (~Waving his hand”No”~) No! Please! I told you we don’t speak it.


Me: I think you do.


Siwon: What makes you say that?


Me: You were carrying The New York Times yesterday. You wouldn’t be reading English if you don’t understand it.


Siwon: ( he blushing!?!~) Ah..I understand it, yes, but I can’t speak it well.


Me: Why not?


Siwon: No practice. There’s nobody to speak English to nowadays. And they used to tease me when I try speaking in English with our member, Kibum.


Me: Problem solved, then. You practice English with me! Deal?


Siwon: Really? You’ll do that for me?


Me: No, I’m doing it for all of you. You’ll be better appreciated in other countries if they can understand you without a translator, and English is the common language to use.


Siwon: (~Raising one finger up in the air, you can almost imagine a light bulb turning on beside his head~) Ah, well, thanks! I’ll see you tomorrow, then?


Me: Oh, okay. What time do you want your lessons?


Siwon: I thought we’re exploring the city.


Me: Huh? But….


Siwon: (~Standing up and rinsing the mug~) Enough objections. You said you’re on call for us 24/7. Then, tomorrow, we kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. I’ll be going. See you at nine tomorrow?


Me: Uh, yeah, sure.


Siwon: (~Walking towards the door.~)Oh, and Rain?


Me: Yeah?


Siwon: It’s just the two of us, right? Please?


Me: Oh, okay.


Siwon: Thanks. Sweet dreams!


Sweet dreams? I’m already dreaming, right?


Okay, this chapter may be a bit too long, but what can I's Siwon!!!

And of course, there is a part two. <3

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evewon #1
This story is amazing! Please update more thanks! :D
I'm so frustrated because of your stories. I've read SAL and almost cried When I saw that you stopped the story. Then I checked your other stories because I like your writing style so much and When I'm totally captivated by the story, i find out that you stopped it too. Let me die!
Anyway, I understand that you must be busy and you surely have Good reasons to stop such amazing stories so I Will just wait till the day you decide to update.
Fighting! You are amazing! Greetins from France ;)
Cho-SiHae #3
I (think) I got my muse back, thanks to SS4 Singapore. I just hope I find the time to actually start writing again. (crosses fingers & toes).

Thanks, @Hasya_Izya, I'll do my best.

@kaicho, I write only noona stories because I am one! ha ha! I hope you like it.
Hasya_Izya #4
kaicho #5
I just read the foreword and I have to say this before I continue reading.
HAIL noona for Suju members pairing! :D
now I will continue to read and comment lol
Cho-SiHae #6
Darn Lee Donghae for being so friggin' adorable. I'm going to have to finish this one so I can start on DongHae's story! LOL!
waiting...(tapping fingers)<br />
<br />
still waiting...
Cho-SiHae #8
@CoffeeAddict: Now, why didn't I just reply on your wall? I don't know! But again, thanks. I'm updating this after such a long time. And no, it's not my backstory, I was blessed with a boringly normal childhood. LOL!
I hate to see this story end,but I want to find out what happened. I think you have accurately portrayed the characters. I just hope Rain's backstory isn't yours, it's too painful.