So, What Happens Now?



After we left Dianna unnie’s place, we went back to the hotel to change. Donghae and I will then be heading for my office in Makati City, while Jorge, Janine and Ruth will pick Leeteuk up and take him shopping.


Leeteuk: So, how long have you known Jorge?


Me: Seems like forever. We sort of grew up together.



Leeteuk: He reminds me of one of our members.



Me: Really? Who?



Donghae: KangIn hyung.



Leeteuk: Yeah. KangIn.



Me: (~Smiling at that, Jorge would love it!~) Well, they’re about the same size, I guess.



Leeteuk: True. But more than that, even the attitude is similar.



Me: Oh, Jorge is never at a loss for words, trust me on that! And yes, he can be a bully, too. So, you’re probably right, he is a bit like KangIn. Pity I can’t ship him off to the military! Ha ha!



Leeteuk: (~Laughs at the thought of Jorge in the military~) Well, I think I’ll enjoy my trip. You should come with us, Hae. No use spending your free time locked up in an office.



Donghae: No. I made up my mind. Have fun with Jorge Hyung and the girls.



Leeteuk: Oh, we will.



So, the day went by with Donghae shadowing my every move at the office. Thankfully, everyone has been briefed not to bother him since he is a VIP client, too. And it wasn’t like he was bored. He was constantly asking questions about what I was doing.


He also took over my cell phone and was in constant communication with the girls, who gave him a blow-by-blow account of what they were doing.


They went shopping for clothes. Leeteuk bought an outfit for everyone…that’s rare for stingy Leeteuk.


Jorge and Leeteuk ended up buying similar pairs of pants. Apparently, they also bought the same pair of shoes without knowing about it.


They ate frozen yoghurt…Leeteuk almost finished one pint.


They went to the arcade. Janine and Ruth beat Leeteuk at basketball. Jorge avenged Leeteuk’s defeat and won at dance revolution.


They bought make-up for the girls, and did a make-over on Leeteuk to disguise his appearance.


These were all relayed to Donghae on my cell phone, and he excitedly read each message to me as they came in.



Me: They sound like they’re having so much fun, Hae. You should’ve joined them. It’s pretty boring here.



Donghae: (~Suddenly becoming serious~) No, I enjoy the messages, but I simply want to be with you today. I just want to be with you every moment while we’re here…



Me: (~Getting a bit uncomfortable at his tone~) Whoa! Why so serious? I’ll be going back to Seoul with you, you know. We can still spend time together there.



Donghae: But not in the way I want. You’re choosing him, right?



Me: I don’t understand what you mean…



Donghae: Siwon. I’ve been joking about liking you all this time, but you know I’m serious, right?



Me: Hae, I’m….



Donghae: (~Giving his best smile and putting his arm around my shoulders~) Hey, it’s okay. I never had a chance, did I? That’s fine. I’ll be happy with what I can get. At least Leeteuk is happy, it’s like he has KangIn hyung back again for a bit.



Me: Well, I guess Janine and Ruth are happy, too. And I’m sure Jorge is having fun. It’s his birthday after all.



Donghae: Really? Why didn’t you say so earlier? Instead of calling him “ahjussi”, I could have practiced my Filipino!



Me: And what would you have said to him?



Hae: Oh, Ruth and Janine taught me that, to greet someone happy birthday in Filipino, you say:

“Maligayang Bati, Kuya Jorge!”



As promised. ;b

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evewon #1
This story is amazing! Please update more thanks! :D
I'm so frustrated because of your stories. I've read SAL and almost cried When I saw that you stopped the story. Then I checked your other stories because I like your writing style so much and When I'm totally captivated by the story, i find out that you stopped it too. Let me die!
Anyway, I understand that you must be busy and you surely have Good reasons to stop such amazing stories so I Will just wait till the day you decide to update.
Fighting! You are amazing! Greetins from France ;)
Cho-SiHae #3
I (think) I got my muse back, thanks to SS4 Singapore. I just hope I find the time to actually start writing again. (crosses fingers & toes).

Thanks, @Hasya_Izya, I'll do my best.

@kaicho, I write only noona stories because I am one! ha ha! I hope you like it.
Hasya_Izya #4
kaicho #5
I just read the foreword and I have to say this before I continue reading.
HAIL noona for Suju members pairing! :D
now I will continue to read and comment lol
Cho-SiHae #6
Darn Lee Donghae for being so friggin' adorable. I'm going to have to finish this one so I can start on DongHae's story! LOL!
waiting...(tapping fingers)<br />
<br />
still waiting...
Cho-SiHae #8
@CoffeeAddict: Now, why didn't I just reply on your wall? I don't know! But again, thanks. I'm updating this after such a long time. And no, it's not my backstory, I was blessed with a boringly normal childhood. LOL!
I hate to see this story end,but I want to find out what happened. I think you have accurately portrayed the characters. I just hope Rain's backstory isn't yours, it's too painful.