Chapter Twenty- Nine GETTING BUSY

So, What Happens Now?


Why can’t life be as simple as this?


My evening with Donghae was what I would classify as “light and easy”. After dinner, we saw a movie, then had coffee. We talked about ourselves, got to know each other a little bit more. There was no more reference to the tears he shed during dinner.


When we got back to the hotel, there was a short awkward moment outside the door of the suite when it seemed like he wanted to kiss me. Thankfully, Leeteuk must’ve heard us outside the door because he came to let us in.


Leeteuk: (~Standing just inside the open door in his pajamas~) What? You guys lost your key? Why are you standing there? Get in!


Me: (~Walking quickly inside~) Uh, yeah! I think we may have left it at the office. Thanks!


Donghae: (~Quietly putting his key in his pocket~) Yes, thanks, hyung.


Leeteuk: It’s a good thing I’m still up, then. How was your day? We had fun. We went shopping.


Me: Yeah, I know. Janine was texting us all your activities. What are your plans for tomorrow?


Leeteuk: More shopping. We’re also going on a food trip around town. Hey, Donghae, why don’t you join us?


Me: Yeah, I think that’s a good idea. It’ll be fun…I’ll try to catch up with you guys in the afternoon if I finish early. I think I can wrap things up by early afternoon anyway.


Donghae: No, I promised Mike and Nicky that I’ll help them sort the invitations out.


Leeteuk: You speak English now?


Me: Ah, no. Mike and Nicky are taking Korean lessons. But really, Hae, I’m sure they can handle it.


Donghae: And a promise is a promise. We’ll catch up with you in the afternoon, hyung. Or maybe we’ll just rest here. I start shooting the day after tomorrow anyway.


Me: Oh, yeah. That reminds me, don’t stay out too late tomorrow, Leeteuk. We have a 7AM flight the day after tomorrow. Unless you’d rather stay here in Manila?


Leeteuk: No, I’m gonna get bankrupt if I stay here and go shopping all day. Sure, I won’t stay out late. That is, if you’re both sure you’d rather be working than having fun with us?


Me: I’d rather have fun, but I have to work.


Hae: I’m sure.


The next day was more of the same. We went to work at nine, just after the chingus picked Leeteuk up. Work was the same busy routine, with Hae busy sorting out invitations with the help of my two colleagues. Hae treated everyone to pizza this time for lunch and everyone was genuinely sorry that we finished by two and were getting ready to leave.


Missy: Be back again soon, okay?


Me: You want me back here? We can arrange that. Nicky seems to be ready. Let’s send her to Seoul instead.


Missy: Do you want Lee Soo Man to sue this company for all its money? Your name was specified on the contract, dear. And besides, I think Korean Hotness over there will go berserk if you don’t go back with him.


Me: I strongly agree with the first point, but as for Hae, he’ll get over it. Anyway, They’ll be having a concert here next year, so I’m going to be back real soon.


After the office, Donghae and I decided to just order take out and watch some dvds in the suite while I prepare for our trip the next day. Due to the early flight, we all had an early dinner and went to bed early.


The next day, we were up before dawn and dragged ourselves to the domestic airport for our flight to the province. Donghae’s CF is for the new shockproof, waterproof line of digital cameras and our first location is a water sports complex called CWC, an hour by plane from Manila.


During the next three days, Leeteuk had the time of his life---not to mention the TAN of his life---playing tourist while Donghae impressed everyone with his quick ability to master wakeboarding and snorkelling. He was always smiling and accommodating to everyone, when any other person would probably be complaining of the heat and exhaustion. Aside from CWC, there are also location shoots in the nearby islands which required us to travel via ferry boats---not too comfortable ferry boats. Still, Donghae was all smiles.


During one of the breaks, I got a chance to be alone with him for the first time in almost three days.


Me: (~Handing him a bottle of sports drink~) Thanks.


Donghae: What for?


Me: For being very patient about this. It couldn’t be easy, what you’re doing…


Donghae: (~Pulling me closer and putting his head on my shoulder~) No, it’s not. And you’re nowhere to be found! Do you realize it’s been almost three days since I was alone with you? I might be forced to do something drastic just so I can have you all to myself for a bit!


Me: (~Pushing him away~) Aissshh…you’re being too bold again! I’m just around, but you’re too busy. You need to slow down a bit, I think. We’re ahead of schedule anyway.


Donghae: (~Putting his head back on my shoulder~) What’s too bold about this? I’m tired and you’re being kind to me. Being very kind. I’m not used to it. Manager Park would push me to get it done faster.


Me: I’m not Manager Park. I don’t believe in pushing people to work until they collapse, it’s more costly that way!


Donghae: Ouch. So that’s all it is…cost management.


Me: Of course! Now, drink that, and get some rest. The sun is too high for filming anyway. I’ll see what’s delaying your lunch….


Donghae: Be back soon!


According to our schedule, we should be travelling back to Manila on our fifth day, where we’ll have a few hours rest before our early evening flight to Seoul. But since Donghae perfected virtually all of his scenes, filming ended at the end of the third day. Instead of travelling back to Manila early, though, we all decided to have a short vacation in the islands of Camarines Sur.


The fourth day was spent island-hopping and swimming. Our guide took us to see places where the reality show Survivor is usually filmed, and we climbed up 700 plus steps to reach a statue of the Mary in one of the islands. The trek was gruelling, but the view on top was one of the most breathtaking views ever.


Leeteuk: Whoa!!! I’m on top of the world!! Take my picture!!


And he started posing like crazy. Our guide was very accommodation and shot hundreds of photos of him.


Donghae: Rain…come here.


Me: What?


Donghae: See that island?


He was pointing at a circular piece of sand and rock, topped with rich green trees in the distance. It looked like a frosted cupcake.


Me: Oh, my, so pretty!


Donghae: Like a frosted cupcake.


Me: Just what I was thinking!!


Donghae: Great minds think alike, they say. Anyway, I’m naming that Island as Aiden and Bi’s Cupcake Island.


Me: What? Do you OWN that island?


Donghae: No. But maybe someday I will. Maybe someday I’ll have a place where I can do what I want.


Me: Aiden and Bi’s Cupcake…not a very creative name.


Donghae: But it’s a beautiful name. And it’s ours.


Me: Yes, it is..thanks, Aiden.


Donghae: You’re welcome, Bi.


Leeteuk: Hey, you two!!! Stop acting like honeymooners and take a photo with me!


Donghae: On our way, boss!!!


And that was our beautiful but tiring adventure in Island Paradise.


The next day, we again dragged ourselves to the airport before dawn. Being tired and sleepy, we were all a bit grumpy, but I noticed that Donghae was unusually quiet. He was no longer smiling, and he had sunglasses on even in the predawn light.


Me: Are you okay?


He just gave me a small smile and nodded without answering.


Leeteuk: He’ll be fine. Just a bit grumpy. I would be too, because we have to go back to reality.


Me: You would be because you have work tomorrow.


Leeteuk: There is that…


Me: And you have to explain to your make-up artist why you suddenly turned several shades darker.


Leeteuk: Tell him my father is Michael Teuk, aka Michael Jordan…


Me: That’s an old joke, Leeteuk… just admit that you forgot to put on a sunblock half the time, you’ll be feeling the sunburn by this afternoon, anyway.


Back at the hotel, Donghae still hasn’t said a word. He just dragged his bags back to his room and closed the door.


Me: Well, I believe we have a few hours to rest before we need to leave. If anybody wants to eat anything, just order room service, okay..I’m going to zonk out for a bit.


Leeteuk: Me too..and Donghae has beaten us to it! See you in a few hours!


Me: Okay, I’ll wake you up at three, shall I?


Leeteuk: Okay. See yah!



By lunch, I was getting uneasy because Donghae still hasn’t resurfaced from his room. Leeteuk and I ordered room service but Donghae seems to have eaten nothing since last night, because Leeteuk said he didn’t eat breakfast either.


By 2PM, I couldn’t take it anymore and I knocked at his door, then I came in without waiting for a response.


I saw Donghae fully clothed, even with his shoes on, huddled on top of the bed with the comforter wrapped around him. When I approached I saw that he was shivering but sweating at the same time.


Me: (~Wiping the sweat from his brow~)Oh no…Hae…what’s wrong?


Donghae: (~Slowly opening his eyes, then, through parched and cracked lips~) I’m sorry, Rain, I seem to be….


And he lost consciousness.

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evewon #1
This story is amazing! Please update more thanks! :D
I'm so frustrated because of your stories. I've read SAL and almost cried When I saw that you stopped the story. Then I checked your other stories because I like your writing style so much and When I'm totally captivated by the story, i find out that you stopped it too. Let me die!
Anyway, I understand that you must be busy and you surely have Good reasons to stop such amazing stories so I Will just wait till the day you decide to update.
Fighting! You are amazing! Greetins from France ;)
Cho-SiHae #3
I (think) I got my muse back, thanks to SS4 Singapore. I just hope I find the time to actually start writing again. (crosses fingers & toes).

Thanks, @Hasya_Izya, I'll do my best.

@kaicho, I write only noona stories because I am one! ha ha! I hope you like it.
Hasya_Izya #4
kaicho #5
I just read the foreword and I have to say this before I continue reading.
HAIL noona for Suju members pairing! :D
now I will continue to read and comment lol
Cho-SiHae #6
Darn Lee Donghae for being so friggin' adorable. I'm going to have to finish this one so I can start on DongHae's story! LOL!
waiting...(tapping fingers)<br />
<br />
still waiting...
Cho-SiHae #8
@CoffeeAddict: Now, why didn't I just reply on your wall? I don't know! But again, thanks. I'm updating this after such a long time. And no, it's not my backstory, I was blessed with a boringly normal childhood. LOL!
I hate to see this story end,but I want to find out what happened. I think you have accurately portrayed the characters. I just hope Rain's backstory isn't yours, it's too painful.