Chapter Fifteen – THE MORNING AFTER

So, What Happens Now?


I woke up to the smell of coffee and strawberry pancakes.


Now, I was wondering…what could possibly have caused me to feel like I’ve been hit by a mack truck? And then memories of what transpired during the night came flooding in, and I sat up so suddenly, and heard a loud thud on the other side of the bed.


Siwon: (~Sitting up from the floor and rubbing his head~) Yeouch, Rain! Do you always wake up as if the house is on fire? (~Then he looks at me and gives a devilish smile~) On second thought…that seems like a good idea.


I looked down and realized I wasn’t wearing anything and the comforter has fallen below my waist. I hastily pulled it up and tucked it around me.


Me: (~Probably with my face red as a tomato~) uhmm..good morning to you, too. What time is it?


Siwon: (~Waving both hands towards the bedside table~) Time for breakfast in bed. I made strawberry pancakes and coffee.


Me: Thanks. Don’t you have a schedule today?


Siwon: (~Looking confused as he sat beside me to put the breakfast tray~) Not until this evening. I don’t need to go anywhere until after lunch. (~He hands me the coffee mug and tucks my hair behind my ear~) What’s wrong now?


Me: (~Not quite sure what to do, I took a sip of coffee before I answered~) Well, to be honest, I’m not sure what to do under the circumstances….


Siwon: (~Taking a deep breath~) Well, neither am I, but one thing’s for sure, I have no plans of acting as if nothing happened last night or even as if what happened is unimportant and will never happen again.


Me: Maybe that would be a good idea.


Siwon: That wasn’t what you said last night….


Me: (~Sputtering a bit~) What?!?!


Siwon: (~Picking up a strawberry and putting it in my mouth~) I distinctly remember, “No, Siwon…faster, Siwon..don’t stop!” Oh, and yeah, my favourite: “I’mma hit you if you stop right now!” That doesn’t sound like ‘nothing’ to me.


Me: Hey! Not fair reminding me of that! That’s not very gentlemanly of you.


Siwon: Who said I’m planning to play fair anyway? I’m not about to let you write this off, so don’t even think about it.


And then we heard somebody opening the living room door.


Donghae: Great morning, sleepyhead Noona! Where are you? Whoa! Pancakes! I want some!!


Me: Darn! Wait here..don’t make a sound…(~And I started to get up~)


Siwon: (~Pulls me back to the bed and covers my mouth with his hand. He then whispers in my ear~) Do you realize you’re under that sheet? You’re not going out there wearing just THAT, right?


Me: (~Turning red again…why am I always blushing like a schoolgirl around this man?~) Darn! (~I spoke calmly~) Donghae! Go eat some pancakes, I’ll be out in a bit…


Donghae: (~His voice sounding like he’s approaching the bedroom~) But it’s not cooked yet, I don’t like to cook! What are you doing in there? (~And he turns the knob~)


I hastily grabbed Siwon and pushed him towards the bathroom door, then I locked us both in.


Me: (~Looking sternly at Siwon~) I swear…if you make a sound…


Siwon shakes his head “no” and sits on the side of the tub.


Me: (~Opening the door a tiny crack~) Hey! What are you doing barging in here…I’m in the shower! Get that tray of pancake on the side table if you want then eat it in the kitchen.


Donghae: (~Looking around curiously~) Whoa! You’re such a pig, Noona! Your stuff is all over the place! And such a lazybone, too! Eating in bed? I’ll just eat it here, too!


Me: No! Take it outside, if you don’t leave in 2 minutes, I’m going to make your life a living hell!


Donghae: Yeah, yeah, threats! I’m going! You’re weird!


I hastily pulled on underwear, a pair of jeans and a shirt with Siwon looking on, too rushed to be embarrassed at his presence. Then I signalled to him to remain there and keep quiet as I went outside.


Donghae: (~Eating the pancakes in the kitchen~) Ah, sleeping beauty is out! Too bad I woke you up when I came in, I could’ve woken you with a kiss as I originally planned the first time we met.


Me: And I would’ve kicked you so hard, you’ll be singing Soprano on the next concert. Why are you here so early? You guys, always rushing me…I’m NOT a morning person, you know.


Donghae: (~Waving a hand at the preparations for pancakes~) Obviously, you are..pancakes in bed..that takes time to prepare. Anyway, I’m here to take you out.


Me: Excuse me? Do we have an appointment?


Donghae: Obviously, you don’t remember. We’re supposed to go to the Philippine Consul together to get the work permit.


Me: That’s not until 11AM. It’s only 8AM..are you planning on walking there?


Donghae: Smartmouth…I’m gonna silence that smartmouth effectively one of these days.


Me: This smartmouth is the reason why I have this job, Fish Fillet!


Donghae: (~Slamming the fork down on the plate~) Fish FILLET!?!?! Ah! This is WAR!


Me: I haven’t the time for war. You’re here early..why?


Donghae: I thought we’d have breakfast out somewhere. I heard you spent the day with Siwon a couple of days ago… and with the other guys before that. We haven’t spent any time together yet, how are you gonna be working on my image unless we do?


Me: (~Laughing and shaking my head~) Ah, you are one smart fish! Fine! Go back to your apartment, Give me an hour to get ready, and I’ll be there.


Donghae: I’m ready. I’ll just wait for you here..


Me: No, I said wait for me there. Don’t argue, please? (~I looked pleadingly at him~)


Donghae: Aisshhh…who can resist those pretty eyes of yours? Okay. But be there in one hour or else!


Me: Yeah, yeah…I’ll be there.


Donghae: I’m going, then. Oh, have you seen Siwon? Leeteuk hyung said he didn’t go home last night. I have something to give to him.


Me: (~Rubbing my face to hide the fact that I am blushing..again!~) No. Maybe he went back to his parents’ place. Why not just leave it in his room?


Donghae: Yeah, maybe you’re right. He misses them so much these days. I just asked because that’s his beret, right? (~He pointed at a black beret on the couch~)


Me: Yeah, I think so…hey, why don’t you take it with you and leave it in his room?


Dongahe: (~Picking up the beret~) Yeah, fine. See you in an hour, pretty girl! You’re mine for today.


Me: Whatever! Go!


Okay, my number 2 "bias", Donghae has resurfaced...maybe because his birthday is coming up, or maybe it has something to do with the Hae stuff Janine gave me for my birthday? LOL! Let's just see where this goes, huh? Tell me what you think!

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evewon #1
This story is amazing! Please update more thanks! :D
I'm so frustrated because of your stories. I've read SAL and almost cried When I saw that you stopped the story. Then I checked your other stories because I like your writing style so much and When I'm totally captivated by the story, i find out that you stopped it too. Let me die!
Anyway, I understand that you must be busy and you surely have Good reasons to stop such amazing stories so I Will just wait till the day you decide to update.
Fighting! You are amazing! Greetins from France ;)
Cho-SiHae #3
I (think) I got my muse back, thanks to SS4 Singapore. I just hope I find the time to actually start writing again. (crosses fingers & toes).

Thanks, @Hasya_Izya, I'll do my best.

@kaicho, I write only noona stories because I am one! ha ha! I hope you like it.
Hasya_Izya #4
kaicho #5
I just read the foreword and I have to say this before I continue reading.
HAIL noona for Suju members pairing! :D
now I will continue to read and comment lol
Cho-SiHae #6
Darn Lee Donghae for being so friggin' adorable. I'm going to have to finish this one so I can start on DongHae's story! LOL!
waiting...(tapping fingers)<br />
<br />
still waiting...
Cho-SiHae #8
@CoffeeAddict: Now, why didn't I just reply on your wall? I don't know! But again, thanks. I'm updating this after such a long time. And no, it's not my backstory, I was blessed with a boringly normal childhood. LOL!
I hate to see this story end,but I want to find out what happened. I think you have accurately portrayed the characters. I just hope Rain's backstory isn't yours, it's too painful.