Battlefront (Part Three)

Order of the Wolf: Reformation

Everyone tensed up as Yuri stood there with her finger on the button that could change everything.


“She's bluffing... I was with them the whole time and I never saw her rig the helicopter,” Sohee spoke up.


“That's because I didn't rig it, Hyeontae did. You know that kid can't resist blowing stuff up, he is a teenage boy after all. Oh and wizards... don't think about teleporting the bomb to the bottom of the ocean or something. Hyeontae was sure to encase it in a dampener field; your magic won't work on it,” Yuri replied with a sick grin. Hansol cursed under his breath. He'd seen Hyeontae's brain in action before, so if he was truly the one that armed the bomb, he'd be the only one capable of disarming it.


“You would really blow up the entire campus, just to get rid of us?” Sehyuk asked.


“You'd be surprised how far I would go to accomplish my goals,”


“You crazy-”


“That's enough out of you!” Yuri snapped, “Order of the Wolf, say goodbye to Arario and to your lives,”


Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Yuri pushed the button. As soon as she pressed it, she dropped the remote and sprinted across the campus, even faster than Junhee was moving earlier.


“Sangdo, how long would it take for a dragon to escape the campus into the forest?” Kidoh quickly asked.


“Uh, about two minutes?” Sangdo frantically replied.


“That means the bomb must be set for at least three minutes... Hansol, teleport me into the forest. I'll intercept Yuri, the rest of you, take the incapacitated Liberty Corps members and get the hell out of here,” Kidoh ordered. Hansol nodded and clenched his fists, making Kidoh disappear in a flash of light.


“Do you think we can make a force field to contain the explosion?” Byungjoo wondered.


“Not at this close range, the initial blast would overpower us,” Hojoon replied.


“Everyone get close!” Xero yelled as he crouched next to the unconscious lionesses. It only took a few seconds for Hansol to grab Junhee and join the others, and a moment later, they were clear of the campus, standing a few feet outside the front gate.


“What happened?” Jungkook asked as he rushed over to meet them. The entire perimeter of the school was surrounded by large BTS transport units and trailers accommodating the students and teachers.


“There's a bomb about to destroy the entire campus, there's no way to stop it,” Sehyuk was sure to keep his voice low; no need to frighten anyone else who may have been in earshot.


“Oh my god... is there any way to contain the explosion? We're still way too close to the blast radius,”


“Hojoon said it would be too powerful to contain,” Byungjoo said.


“Well yeah, at close range, but now we'll be pretty far from the initial explosion... if we work together, the other wizards and I may be able to create a force field large enough to cover the entire perimeter... but it wouldn't be easy,” Hojoon interjected.


“Well we have to give it a try, right?” Hansol said, his voice shaking; he knew they didn't have much time. Hojoon nodded.


The four wizards joined hands and focused their energy. Hansol was shocked when Sohee took his hand.


“You're helping us?” he asked.


“Bloodless revolution remember... no one dies on my watch kid, not even you,” Sohee said, closing her eyes as she began to focus.


Hansol felt his heart rate increase as an enormous force field began to form...


Kidoh waited in the eerie silence of the forest. He had equipped his bow with one of his uncle's personal inventions; the taser arrow. Instead of a sharpened tip, it had a small electrical stunner, powerful enough to take down an elephant.


There was a slight rustle of leaves as Yuri zipped past him. Kidoh didn't miss his moment; narrowing his eyes, he fired the arrow, hitting her in the back. She screamed loudly as the electricity coursed through her body before collapsing to the ground. Kidoh smiled for a brief moment, but his heart nearly stopped when the ground rumbled with the force of a gigantic explosion...


That was it... the bomb had gone off, and the school that he'd called home for the past four years was now just a memory...


Hansol ignored the blood coming from his nose as he and the other wizards focused intently on maintaining the force field. He also had to ignore the swell of sadness and anger when he saw a massive rush of flames engulf the front gate and slam into the field.


“I... I can't hold it... it's too much,” Byungjoo barely managed to say. Hansol could feel Byungjoo's grip on his hand weakening.


“Stay strong Byungjoo, if you don't it's over for all of us,” Hansol reassured him, despite the fact that he was having trouble himself. Byungjoo weakly nodded and closed his eyes.


“Just a little longer,” Jungkook whispered from behind them.


“The school... it's gone... it's all gone,” Gohn mumbled.


By this point, students and teachers were rushing from the trailers and staring in disbelief at the scene before them. A few moments later, Xero dropped to the ground from exhaustion, followed shortly after by Byungjoo. The force field dissipated, but the worst part of the explosion was over. Hansol dropped to his knees and began to cry. Hojoon pulled him into a hug as he succumbed to his emotions and passed out. 

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Chapter 30: I wonder what will happen to the Liberty Corps. Finally! Jiwon has decided to join! Goodluck to him and Jenissi, though :P So this... is the ending. I've only noticed Hansol's character development, and the ending is rushed, to be honest. Off to the next story!
Chapter 29: Everything in here is just sad...
Chapter 28: I like that you don't focus too much in the action moves as they fight because you put some of the characters' thoughts here and there from time to time. If action scenes are all about the moves, I think most of the readers will find a hard time processing all of it and will wonder of a character's exact thoughts during a battle. Indeed, this fight turns out into unimaginable O_O Off to the next chapter!
Chapter 27: A very good idea by the Order. Hope they'll be able to do their plan soon and successfully at that. There's a high chance of things that'll unexpectedly get on their way. And thank God, there's some way with the collar. I'm just hoping Sohee will do the right thing.
Chapter 26: Hm. Guess the Liberty Corps's not that smart as they dont think of any other way of getting to the Order's side. I'm wondering of this connection Hansol and Sohee feel towards each other. Will they be revealed as actual brothers and sisters :D A trilogy sounds exciting!
Chapter 25: So the meeting of the Order and the girls with Hyeontae doesn't turn out good... Hope there'll be a solution to this soon. I understand the Liberty Corps's feelings, but their plan is just so wrong, and the Order's right.
Chapter 24: A very good plan by Hansol! I'm so glad he knows how to handle what's happened. More so, now that Hojoon gets his power back!
Chapter 23: I seriously don't like what Sohee and Hyeontae have done nor what they're planning.
Chapter 22: I believe XeSol are able to go thru it all. I sympathize Byungjoo, but really, Hansol can't just give up his and Xero's love just because of what people think or feel. It's their lives anyway.
Chapter 21: It's so unfortunate to have a mom wanting to ruin your life. I salute Xero for still being able to stand her.