
Order of the Wolf: Reformation

Hansol was in the middle of unpacking his bags when his stomach started to rumble.  Xero laughed upon hearing it.


“Hungry?” he asked.




“We’re going to Top Class tonight for dinner, it’s an Order of the Wolf tradition,”


“Sounds great!” Hansol replied.  There was a loud buzzing sound as the P.A system .


“The following students please report to the activities hall: Kim Hansol, Kim Byungjoo, Shin Jiho, Jeon Hojoon, Seo Sangwon, Kim Taeyang, Park Hyunho, and Kim Dongsung,”


Hansol shuddered at hearing the member’s birth names out loud… it was an unwritten rule of the order, that no one should ever reveal the real names of the members who went by nicknames.  He wondered why Kidoh, Nakta, and Sanggyun hadn’t been called, and why he hadn’t seen them yet, but he decided not to focus on it as he and Xero started to walk to the activities hall.


“Hey guys, wait up!” called someone from behind them.  Hansol turned around to see Hojoon.


“Sup man!? How’re you liking this awesome dorm so far?” Xero asked.


“It’s amazing.  I wonder why they’re calling us to the activities hall,”


“No idea, guess we’ll find out soon,” Hansol said as they stepped out into the hot sun.


“Hyung!” Byungjoo called as he and Yano joined the group, followed shortly after by Jenissi, Seogoong, and Gohn.  Once they arrived at the activities hall, they were surprised to find it empty, except for some chairs.


“Hello? Is anyone here?” Hansol asked.


“Please, have a seat,” said a voice from the darkness.  The boys reluctantly sat down as a man stepped out from the shadows.  He looked pretty young, but he still had a sense of authority about him.


“And you are?” Jenissi demanded.


“My name is Jaehyo, but you can call me Mr. Ahn.  I am the new Dean of this school… and I require your help,”


“With what?” Xero asked.


“I have been made well aware of the special abilities you boys possess, and I’d like to put them to good use,”


“Uh… how so?” Byungjoo nervously questioned.


“It’s about my brother… Jiwon,”


Hansol’s jaw dropped.


“Jiwon is your brother?” Hojoon raised an eyebrow.


“Why should we care about him?”  Jenissi asked.


“Consider it a thank you.  I allowed you to return to this school, you owe me,” Mr. Ahn said sternly.


“Fine… what do you want from us?” Hojoon replied.


“Ever since he fled the school last year, my um… associates have been keeping a close eye on him.  According to their reports, he was traveling from city to city, eliminating magical creatures like yourselves,” Mr. Ahn explained.


Associates? Who was this guy?  Hansol decided to keep his thoughts to himself as Mr. Ahn continued.


“Jiwon was last seen infiltrating an oil tanker headed for England.  The tanker is thought to be a front for a weapons shipment, meant for Kim Namjoon… a wizard, and British gang leader.  Jiwon would be completely out of his depth if he was caught by Namjoon.  I need you to form a team and investigate the oil tanker; see if you can find any clues about Jiwon’s current whereabouts,”


“Why can’t your ‘associates’ do this?” Jenissi asked, casually putting his feet up on the back of Byungjoo’s chair.


“I’ll keep that to myself if you don’t mind,”


“I do mind,”


“Too bad.  Now, I’ll figure out the ship’s current coordinates and you’ll execute your mission tonight.  Do we have an understanding?”


“I have one question… are you a dragon too? Like Jiwon?” Hansol asked.


“I’ll keep that to myself too… this meeting never happened, got it?” Mr. Ahn said, walking back into the darkness, leaving the boys alone, and confused.


Kidoh’s eyes fluttered open and he held his head.  He could feel a scabbed over wound on his forehead as he surveyed his surroundings.  He was in a small, windowless room, lying on a concrete bench.


“What the hell? Where am I?” he mumbled to himself.  He tried to remember…


He was walking home from Nakta’s house, trying to get there quickly so he could sleep.  He didn’t wanna oversleep, considering he was heading back to Arario the next morning.  Then there was smoke, and something hit him in the face.


“Hyosang… welcome to your new home; The Julianne Le Fay Maximum Security Correctional Facility,” said a tall, slender woman as she entered the room.  It was then that Kidoh noticed that he was handcuffed to the bench.


“I’m in prison!? What’s going on!?” he demanded.


“You’re in no position to ask questions… just know you will not being seeing the outside for a very, very long time,”

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Chapter 30: I wonder what will happen to the Liberty Corps. Finally! Jiwon has decided to join! Goodluck to him and Jenissi, though :P So this... is the ending. I've only noticed Hansol's character development, and the ending is rushed, to be honest. Off to the next story!
Chapter 29: Everything in here is just sad...
Chapter 28: I like that you don't focus too much in the action moves as they fight because you put some of the characters' thoughts here and there from time to time. If action scenes are all about the moves, I think most of the readers will find a hard time processing all of it and will wonder of a character's exact thoughts during a battle. Indeed, this fight turns out into unimaginable O_O Off to the next chapter!
Chapter 27: A very good idea by the Order. Hope they'll be able to do their plan soon and successfully at that. There's a high chance of things that'll unexpectedly get on their way. And thank God, there's some way with the collar. I'm just hoping Sohee will do the right thing.
Chapter 26: Hm. Guess the Liberty Corps's not that smart as they dont think of any other way of getting to the Order's side. I'm wondering of this connection Hansol and Sohee feel towards each other. Will they be revealed as actual brothers and sisters :D A trilogy sounds exciting!
Chapter 25: So the meeting of the Order and the girls with Hyeontae doesn't turn out good... Hope there'll be a solution to this soon. I understand the Liberty Corps's feelings, but their plan is just so wrong, and the Order's right.
Chapter 24: A very good plan by Hansol! I'm so glad he knows how to handle what's happened. More so, now that Hojoon gets his power back!
Chapter 23: I seriously don't like what Sohee and Hyeontae have done nor what they're planning.
Chapter 22: I believe XeSol are able to go thru it all. I sympathize Byungjoo, but really, Hansol can't just give up his and Xero's love just because of what people think or feel. It's their lives anyway.
Chapter 21: It's so unfortunate to have a mom wanting to ruin your life. I salute Xero for still being able to stand her.