Suspended Reality

Order of the Wolf: Reformation

Xero’s heart was beating out of his chest as he sat in the waiting area of the emergency room.  He tried to shake the sickening image from his mind… but it seemed to be no use.


He, Hojoon, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook arrived in the dean’s office and were in complete in utter shock.  The secretary had been shot multiple times, and her body was slouched over her desk.  When they went into the next room, the found Hansol, lying on the floor with a bullet hole in his head.  Mr. Ahn was nowhere to be found.  Xero quickly called an ambulance and now here they were…


Byungjoo was sitting next to him rocking back and forth, his eyes red and swollen.  Sehyuk was back at the hideout, guarding Jiwon; since they didn’t know whether or not Mr. Ahn was responsible for this, they needed to cover all their bases.


“Hey guys, I’m Dr. Jung, but I prefer to be called Daehyun.  I’ll get the big part out of the way now… Hansol is alive… but he’s in a coma,” said the doctor.  Xero’s relief was immediately replaced with fear.


“Can we see him? Can you wake him up? Will he be okay!?” he asked all in one breath.


“Calm down,” Daehyun said with a light giggle, “Right now, we’re preparing him for bullet removal surgery and after that only family members can see him until he wakes up.  Unfortunately we don’t know when that’ll be,”


Xero’s eyes shifted to the floor… he couldn’t believe this was happening.  He silently began to pray that Hansol would be okay.  He couldn’t lose his best friend…


Hansol sat up and looked around anxiously.  He was sitting in the center of a large grassy field.  He recognized it as the field behind his childhood home.  Byungjoo was there with him but he was just staring off into space, completely and totally emotionless.


“What’s going on here? Byungjoo? Hey can you hear me!?”


There was no answer… at least not from Byungjoo.


“Hey Hansol, welcome to your subconscious,”


Hansol turned around and saw a familiar looking, brown haired boy.


“Who are you?” he asked.


“My name is Jin, you know, the guy you killed last year?”


Hansol’s jaw dropped.  He felt like his heart should have sped up, but he couldn’t even feel his heartbeat.


“W-what are you doing here?  Am I dead!? Oh my gosh, I’m dead and now I’m in hell because I killed you!”


“No! Calm down.  Like I said you’re not dead, you’re in a coma.  But not just any coma, a special wizard coma,” Jin said.


“What do you mean?” Hansol asked, trying to calm himself down.


“This will pass soon enough; your magic is working overtime to heal your wounds to keep you from dying.  I’m here because… well I don’t really know.  I guess I’m here because I represent a tough obstacle that you had to overcome.  Now I’m gonna help you make sense of all this crap that’s been going on recently,” Jin explained.


“Fine… once that’s over will I finally wake up?”


“Sure, why not?”


“Then let’s do this… what do I need to do exactly?” Hansol wondered.


“Let’s start with the Era of Reformation.  You’re anxious about the fact that you and your friends are being portrayed as evil harbingers of doom and death and… more doom,”


“You’re right… We aren’t evil.  The part where it says ‘all who do not accept shall perish’… clearly killing people doesn’t sit well with me; I mean, I’m talking to a ghost of a guy I didn’t even really know,”


“Hey, I’m not a ghost!  I’m a physical manifestation of your subconscious fears and insecurities amplified by your magical abilities and your current comatose state!”


“Yeah… whatever, you get my point,”


Jin sighed.


“Look man, you can’t worry about what the public thinks of you.  Just prove them wrong Hansol, show them who you really are,”


“You’re right Jin,”


“Of course, I always am.  Anything else you need to sort out?”


“Yeah… there’s a lot actually,” Hansol sat down on the ground.  This was going to be a long conversation.


Byungjoo was sitting on the edge of the hard waiting room chair.  It was good to know that Hansol was still alive, but he couldn’t cope with the fact that whoever did this to him was still out there somewhere. 


“Guys, we have a problem!” Sehyuk said as he stumbled into the emergency room.  His right eye was swollen, his cheek was bruised and his lip was bleeding.


“What happened, did Jiwon do this!?” Sangdo jumped up and inspected Sehyuk’s face.


“No, someone broke into the hideout and attacked me.  They took Jiwon with them.  I’m gonna need one of the lions to come back with me and see if they can pick up a scent.  I’m almost sure that whoever did this is the same person that shot Hansol,”


“I’ll go with you, I hate hospitals,” Seogoong volunteered.


“Wait Sehyuk… please let me come. I need to find out who did this,” Byungjoo pleaded.


“That may not be the best idea, you can’t let revenge consume you Byungjoo. Trust me,” Kidoh said.


“Stay out of this Kidoh!  It has nothing to do with you!  Hansol is my brother and I’m going to find the bastard who did this… now Sehyuk are you going to take me with you or am I going to have to do this on my own?”


Sehyuk just blinked and nodded.


“Hojoon, call me when Hansol’s in recovery,” Byungjoo said as he left with Sehyuk and Seogoong.

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Chapter 30: I wonder what will happen to the Liberty Corps. Finally! Jiwon has decided to join! Goodluck to him and Jenissi, though :P So this... is the ending. I've only noticed Hansol's character development, and the ending is rushed, to be honest. Off to the next story!
Chapter 29: Everything in here is just sad...
Chapter 28: I like that you don't focus too much in the action moves as they fight because you put some of the characters' thoughts here and there from time to time. If action scenes are all about the moves, I think most of the readers will find a hard time processing all of it and will wonder of a character's exact thoughts during a battle. Indeed, this fight turns out into unimaginable O_O Off to the next chapter!
Chapter 27: A very good idea by the Order. Hope they'll be able to do their plan soon and successfully at that. There's a high chance of things that'll unexpectedly get on their way. And thank God, there's some way with the collar. I'm just hoping Sohee will do the right thing.
Chapter 26: Hm. Guess the Liberty Corps's not that smart as they dont think of any other way of getting to the Order's side. I'm wondering of this connection Hansol and Sohee feel towards each other. Will they be revealed as actual brothers and sisters :D A trilogy sounds exciting!
Chapter 25: So the meeting of the Order and the girls with Hyeontae doesn't turn out good... Hope there'll be a solution to this soon. I understand the Liberty Corps's feelings, but their plan is just so wrong, and the Order's right.
Chapter 24: A very good plan by Hansol! I'm so glad he knows how to handle what's happened. More so, now that Hojoon gets his power back!
Chapter 23: I seriously don't like what Sohee and Hyeontae have done nor what they're planning.
Chapter 22: I believe XeSol are able to go thru it all. I sympathize Byungjoo, but really, Hansol can't just give up his and Xero's love just because of what people think or feel. It's their lives anyway.
Chapter 21: It's so unfortunate to have a mom wanting to ruin your life. I salute Xero for still being able to stand her.