Chapter 8 [Loud Heart Lips glued shut]

[ 사랑 ]

Taemin came home after his duty of buying KFC for dinner, the 3 of them plan to eat at Arra's home. Taemin buying the chicken, Arra making kimbab and other korean foods & Jonghyun is in charge of the drinks. Taemin dragged himself inside and slumped himself on the sofa. Arra and Jonghyun was too busy to notice, Taemin looked up at them and thought.

*This can't be happening. This can't be happening. No, shirro...shirro..Noona..Hyung...* Taemin stood up and the second he stepped forward, he sees Arra and Jonghyun teasing each other. Jonghyun splashed water from the sink he was washing their drinking cups and Arra threw tissues at him. Taemin couldn't take it and wanted to tell them everything but he knew he couldn't and wouldn't. Just look at them, they are so happy. Taemin can never do that, he want's everyone to be happy. That's why he's the most cheerful and happiest young adult around. He wants people to laugh, play around and not be serious all the time.

Taemin quickly turn around and head for the washroom. "It hurt's..." After locking the door, he whispered at his reflection. He held his chest that held his hurt heart with his bruised and blooded fist. He don't know which hurt more, his fist or his heart. Taemin never hurt himself like that before so he didn't know that it's going to hurt THAT much.

He the tap and cleaned it off before he heads out again to face the 2.


[Jonghyun POV]

"Arra, where is that kid of yours? He's taking his time.." I hissed, I was hungry and waiting for Taemin took forever.

"Why are you asking me? Anyways, KFC is not that close, that's why he took my car. So chill." Noona rolled her eyes and rolled kimbab at the same time. I chuckled at the side and noona noticed.

"What? babo.." Noona threw another tissue at me.

"Who told you I was laughing about you..sheesh.." I looked away angrily and chuckled again after words.

"Jonghyun ah, I heard that you want to tell me something?" Noona said as she cut the kimbab.

"What? Who told you that?" I figured it's Taemin but I just wanted to avoid this conversation. It was a surprise. *Babo Lee Taemin*

"Taemin. So what is it?" Noona stopped and looked at me, she wanted to only listen to me now of what I had to tell her.

"Aish, Lee Taemin can never keep a secret secret."

"So your keeping a secret from me now?"

"Noooo I didn't mean that...aish..." I growled at noona as I placed the cups in the fridge to make it cooler.


"Okok. You know i've been auditioning right?"

"For SM? Yeah, what about it?"

"They accepted me!!!" I shouted, noona screamed and jumped on me for a hug.

"OMG!! I DON'T BELIEVE THIS!!! Jinjja!!??? JINJJA!!!??" Noona shook my shoulders hard, she couldn't believe it. It's been my dream of being a singer since forever.

"YEAH!!! I couldn't keep it in so I told Taemin first. I wanted to tell everyone but I just couldn't keep it in. But now I've told you...are you happy?"

"Am I happy?? What are you talking about i'm so excited for you Jonghyun ah!!!" Noona was hugging me when she saw Taemin at the corner of her eye.

"Taemin ah! Can you believe it?! Jonghyun got accepted! He's going to be a singer!!" Noona ran to Taemin and hugged him tight too. Taemin hugged back but didn't let go. It was typical Taemin but something seemed different. He didn't scream at me for hugging noona but just stood there, looking at us.

"Yeah, it's going to be irritating hearing his voice everywhere." Taemin smiled and laughed, I mean tried to laugh letting noona go. Noona looked at Taemiin and his cheek.

"Baby, what's the matter?" Noona whispered. She could feel it too I guess.

"It was nothing, KFC had full of people so I couldn't buy. Sorry noona." Taemin looked down. Noona chuckled as she ruffled his hair.

"Taemin ah, are you sad cause of that? C'mon, don't worry. We don't really eat chicken anyways, Jinki oppa don't eat chicken that much anymore so it would be a waste." Taemin looked up and smiled.

"Yeah..Noona! Is the kimbab ready?" Taemin got abit more like himself now.


"Taemin take it to the living" I ordered as I poured the drinks is the chilled cups.

"Nae hyung.." Taemin quickly put it on the tray and ran out.

"Yah! Taemin don't run! You're going to fall!!" Noona screamed at Taemin as she ran following him.

"Wah jinjja, if he drop that i'm going to kill him.." Jonghyun grind his teeth picking up the tray of drinks. "YAH!!"


The sound of a tray slamming down on the table.

"I knew it!! Did you drop the food?!" I went to the living room and saw the tray safely on the dinning table. I was so relieved! I'm so damn hungry!

"He didn't, he nearly did though. Taemin has butter fingers today." Noona arranged the food on the table nicely.

"Yeah, butter fingers. Sorry hyung.." Taemin appologized as he hid his hand.

"Taemin ah, did you hurt yourself when you dropped the tray?" I went to him, I was worried. His expression wasn't nice.

"Hmm?..Taemin ah, what's wrong with your hand?" Arra reached out and took his hand. Arra gasped loudly and looked at him.

"I fell..." Taemin quickly replied.

"Taemin ah! It looks really bad!" I took his hand and looked at it. It was swollen had blue blacks and cuts.

"I think it's infected..we have to go to the hospital.." I said.

"Yeah, i'll start the car." Noona ran off to get her keys.

"No it's ok! It doesn't hurt at all!" I looked at him and poked his bruised hand.

"Aahhhh!!! Ouch..." He screamed.

"Stop lying or i'll poke it again. C'mon punk, let's make it all better ok?" Taemin nodded and walked with me to the car where noona was waiting for us.

"Taemin ah, how could you fall like looks really painful and you didn't want to tell us and that's the worst. How could you. If it's really really bad and you got sick cause of it how-" She the engine and looked back as us sitting at the back seat.

"Noona, your nagging...anyways, I fell and I don't want  you and hyung to worry." Taemin told noona, I was holding my laugh on what Taemin said. It was true, she was nagging a bit I got irritated myself.

"Bwo? I do.not.nag. Hmm...If you don't tell it will worry us more Taemin ah." Noona drove off angrily. I was angry too that he didn't tell us. Is this how I raised him. I'm so ashamed.

"I know. I'm sorry.." Taemin looked down and I saw droplets of water drip from his eyes.

"Yeah Teamin ah..Don't cry~" I said as I pulled him into my chest as he cried harder. What's wrong with him..

"Taemin ah, it's ok. I'm not angry at you, don't cry don't cry." Noona waved her arms behind but couldn't reach Taemin.

"Noona eyes on the road! Comfort him by words not by hands while you drive thank you!" I sarcastically said.

"Ya ya~" She sang. "Taemin ah..What's wrong? Tell us.." Noona asked nicely, she was worried and so am I.

"Taemin...why is our child crying. You can tell it to us.." Taemin shook his head on my chest.

"It's nothing. My hand just hurts bad." He mumbled in my chest but it can be understood.

"Really?" We both said in unison.

He nodded again but as a yes.

"Ok, but you want to talk about something, just come to us ok Taemin? Don't worry us." I said as I his hair all the way to the hospital.




[Arra POV]

"Taemin ah, go in my room and sleep ok or are you hungry and want to eat first?" I ask the second we reached my house.

"I..think I want to eat first. You prepared it and we didn't eat it. Let's eat it now.." Jonghyun and I nodded and sat down in the living room where all the food was left untouched. Taemin dug in straight away. Jonghyun looked at me and he dug in too. I know his hungry.

"Slow down guys, the food is not going to run away!" I looked at this 2 guys stuffing their faces like it's nobodies business. I sighed and joined in.

"Boo-na..ou-don-ham-o setuf-your ace too-you no.(noona, you don't have to stuff you face too you know..)" Taemin said with a mouth full of food. Jonghyun quickly swallowed.

"Yeah, your a girl. Be more pretty.." Jonghyun teased, I quickly swallowed and hissed at Jonghyun.

"YAH!! So you're saying i'm not pretty!?"


"YAH!!!!" Jonghyun stuck out his tongue at me. I was about to pounce when...

"Noona is the most prettiest noona in the whole wide world!!!" Taemin jumped hugged me, we both fell over and he was on top of me.

"Noona will never be 2nd! Noona is always first! The most beautiful! The most caring! The most wonderful noona in the world! No one could replace my noona!!!" Taemin hugged me tightly as he dug his face in my hair.

'YAH!!!! Lee Taemin!!!" Jonghyun came and pry him from me. I was too shocked, it was so sudden. I just lay there silent. On what he said, why does it make me feel weird all of a sudden? Not in a erted way heart felt abit heavy.

"Noona will always be no.1!" Taemin kept screaming. He wasn't happy, he wasn't sad. When he screamed his eyes was shut tight. What's wrong with him..

"Taemin ah snap out of it!" Jonghyun shook him hard. Taemin was all over the place.

"Taemin ah..." I came and hugged him.

"What's wrong...tell us...I know something is wrong..." I was at the verge of tears but I stopped myself.

"Jonghyun, please carry him to my room. Let him rest there..I think he's too tired."

"Nae.." Jonghyun obeyed and carried Taemin into my bedroom. Taemin was already lifeless in his arms, sleeping.

Jonghyun came out a few minutes later and closed the door quietly.

"After he came back from getting KFC that he didn't get. He was already weird." Jonghyun said as he sat down beside me.

"Yeah, what do you think happened. He's never like this. Have you ever seen him like this? This is scarry, i'm scared for him." Jonghyun nodded.

"I don't think he's ever acted like this before. This is the first for me noona. I'm scared too."

"I know you are, we all are. Jonghyun, about your acceptance. When are you going to sign the contract?"

"Tomorrow..I'm excited but when Taemin is being like this I don't know."

"Don't be dumb, this is your dream Jonghyun ah. We can handle Taemin too. He's going to be fine. Don't waste this opportunity ok?"

"Nae noona. Thank you.."

"You're going to be a big star but don't forget about us when you do arraso?" I pointed my pinky out in front of his face.

He looked at it and quickly hooked his own pinky with mine. "I promise noona...I'll never abandon you."

"Awesome AND We should keep an eye on Taemin from now on. Ok Dino?"

"Ok, you too noona." I nodded and lay my head on his shoulder as he lay his head on my head.

"I hope he's ok. Jinki oppa has to be on a business trip and not be here to comfort his donsaeng..what an idiot." I mumbled, my eyes were droopy.

"Yeah, suddenly leaving for a business trip is stupid. He knew that we were coming...hmm..but it's business so...noona?"


[Jonghyun POV]

I peeped at noona and found her sleeping already. Gosh, she must be exhausted from what happened today. I stayed that way for a while, I knew that if I moved or moved her she's going to wake up. So I stayed in that position for a bit.

"Noona ah, best friends can like too can't they?" I whispered as softly as I could.

"Mmmm.." Arra hummed in her sleep but it sounded like she agreed. A small smile curved on my lips.

"As long as you know.." Acted like she agreed.


[Nobody POV]

Jonghyun know it's the right time to pick Arra up and place her properly on the big sofa. He covered her with a blanket and sat at the edge looking at her.

Jonghyun liked her since they were small. But he wasn't meant for her, he wanted her to be happy and Jinki is making her happy. He stood up and went to Arra's room to check on Taemin. He was fast a sleep curled up in a ball in the middle of the big bed. He took a pillow that Taemin is not holding on too and lay on the floor in front of the sofa as his eyes slowly close as well.

"I love this family.." he mumbled.

"Hmmm..." Arra hummed again. Jonghyun turned to her and smiled.

"As long as you agree noona.." His eyes slowly shut and he finally drifted off to sleep.




Both of them has a secret to keep from Arra huh. Everyone seem to have a secret but Arra. This is nuts...

This chapter is kinda boring...Yet, Taemin is breaking my heart. <333333 Taemin don't cry..

I wrote this chapter when getting ready for school so if it's rushed...sorry...sorry sorry...

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ImWeird #1
lol! I love it <3 <3
Thank you...never did anyone told me that this fic is unique. <br />
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I felt the same way..that's why I made this fic..I want a different story from a typical easy love story. <br />
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Thank you for liking this and comment.<br />
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MinGwen18 #4
a true master piece(lol), though i was cursing a lot while reading this story but STILL! i like it so much, very true that most of the stories(that i've read) are too cliche having similar plots but THIS!!! is unique! and i really hate jinki in this story 'though he's my bias. well anyways i think you should have your spellings and grammars checked then it will be the best(for me ;p). fighting! for your other stories...
Haiz will never listen to me will you
ImWeird #6
@MiinMiin: there will be!! Its just nt up yet.. I'll update u guys nehhhh
T.T ... happy there a sequel? or not?... just asking.. :)
The End Love. have a future..just wait alittle. Byunghun and Rihyun Hwaiting!
ImWeird #9
UNNIE!~~ *sobs* its finally over.... *sobs* I had great fun helping you!^^
ImWeird #10
unnie unnie!!! leena with minho?1 teehee!! minho new image kyaaaa^^ glad they didnt get awkward after their breakup.. he's now a coach thats good enuf !<br />
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key's in! weee leena's cuzzie!<br />
taemin kindergarten teacher?? ahhaha cute! he knows the plan so he left so sweet..<br />
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ohmigoshhhh the proposal.. i was likeeeeee kyaaaaa!~ so sweet! man didnt noe dino was that sweet... arra's so fortunate to have her bestfrn to love her and propose to her after all she've been thru.<br />
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last chappie's next.... aigooo sequel please???? ^^<br />
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