Chapter 3 [The other 2]

[ 사랑 ]

I'm really sorry that my plot is abit....wrong. And Some of you dislike it. But i'm just going to continue writing, but if you still think the plot is abit not right for your taste. Please tell me. Thanks~ <33333

Sorry for the late update, busy with school. Believe me or not, I have 100 sketches, 80 figure drawings and Paintings to finish etc. Just want to tell ya. 

to be an Art student sometimes.

Be warned, for me it's fine but this 2 chapies might be crappifide abit kinda. Enjoy~



Jinki and Arra owned a very popular clothing store, they have employees to take care of everything in their shop like the sales and everything except for the stocks and the shipment of supplies from overseas. They don't really need to be there everytime. Sometimes Jinki would go out of the country to meet up with the suppliers or go insearch of other new clothing designs or styles but not today.

Now they are at home, Jinki is still sound sleep beside Arra. They planned to hang out with some close friends today. Arra slowly open her sleepy eyes and looked at the time and it is 11am. She stretched before turning to Jinki and shook him slowly to wake him.

"Yeobbo, wake's 11 already. We promised them that we'll meet them at 1. Yeobbo.." Jinki moaned and nodded signaling her that he heard her with the covers still covered him from head to toe. She turned back to her spot and slowly sat up rubbing her temples.

"Go wash up, you adleast need 1hour and a half just to shower. Take out the clothes that you want to wear for today, i'll iron them. Quick." Jinki sleepy voice muffled under the covers as Arra quickly got out of bed and to her closet to pick her outfit for today.

"I do not take and hour and a half to shower, don't spout nonsense oppa. Hmm anyways..what should I wear..?" Arra ask herself as she bun up her hair. Jinki uncover himself and sat up looking at her as he rubbed his temple.

"Just wear something simple, we are not going to a ball or anything Arra ah." Jinki stood up and walked to where Arra was, looking at her clothes.

"This?" Arra held out the top to Jinki.

(don't look at the girl please, just the clothes she's wearing)


"If you want to wear this then one less to iron." Jinki smiled taking it from Arra's hand.

"Go shower now Lee Arra.." Arra pouted as she walked into the bathroom in their room and locked the bathroom door.

"One day that pout is going to stay on that adorable face of yours."

"I heard that!" Arra shout from inside the bathroom. Jinki laughed at her typical outburst that mostly only last for afew seconds. He lay her clothes on their bed already for her as he chose his own and placed them beside hers.

"You were meant to hear it!" Jinki giggled to himself as he went out to the kitchen to make coffee.


-Jinki singing-

From the very first moment you caught my eye
You were like nothing i've ever seen in my life
 I caught your attention as you passed me a smile
You bought me a drink
We talked for a while
'bout amazing things
Of what life brings
Then we kissed and said goodbye



"It must be the guys.." Jinki looked at his cell phone that's vibrating on the kitchen counter.


"Yeobuseyo?" He picked up the call as he stirred the coffee.

"Hyung, we're meeting at one right?"

"Yeah we are. Why?" He ask as he sandwiched his phone in between his ear and his shoulder pouring the milk in the coffee.

"Nothing, just don't be late like last time. Taemin and I are heading out soon. Are you guys even close to being called ready?"

"Yeaahh~ We're heading out soon too.." Jinki bit his lip at the lie he just told his good friend.

"Hmm...hyung, not too late ok. We'll see you there." Guess he knew.

"Yeah, see you there Jonghyun.."

-End of Phonecall-


"Time to get ironing.." Jinki sipped his coffee as he walked in his room to iron his clothes for today as he waited for Arra to finish showering.

*Hmm...Hmm...Hmm..* Jinki hummed the song in his head.



"Where are they meeting us?" Arra and Jinki walked hand in hand to the place that they were to meet the others. Arra didn't know where.

"StarBuggie cafe. There they are.." Jinki waved at the 2 guys sitting down in the cafe hand still holding Arra's and Arra waved as she finally saw them.

"Hey J! Hey Taemin!" Arra hugged both of them.

"Noona finally!" Taemin stood up to hug Arra.

"Waited long?" Onew asked as he sat down, Jonghyun gave a deep sigh.

"Waited long? Took forever!.." Jonghyun sighed again.

"It's my fault, i'm sorry to make you two wait that long." Arra felt so guilty to make them wait for them.

"Don't worry noona, we just came."

"Aish...never wants to play along!" Jonghyun hissed at Taemin that stuck out his tongue at Jonghyun. Arra and Jinki laughed.

"It's true anyways, her shower takes forever.." Everyone smiled as Arra folded her arms and pouted her lips.

"I told you, one day that pout is going to stay on this adorable face of yours Lee Arra." Jink pinched Arra's cheeks as she smiled.

"You never change noona, same as always. I remember when we were children you would always be late for classes. I would get punished too cause I waited for you. Mom would punish me the second I get home."

"Sheesh Jonghyun...You wanted to wait for me, I didn't force you to stay. You kept blaming me everytime we got punished and we were not even in the same grade let alone the same class." Arra hissed back at Jonghyun that Stuck out his tongue at Arra. Taemin and Jinki looked at the both of them and shook their heads. Jinki waved for the waiter and ordered for Arra and himself as both Arra and Jonghyun was still getting on each other.

"Someone has to take care of you, you were so irresponsible when we were little." Arra gasped.

"No I was not, my grades as I remember was perfect..unlike someone I know..." Arra and Jonghyun rolled their eyes.

"Really guys, I don't know how you guys could be best friends, fight after fight. Aren't you guys bored?" Jinki sighed and look at them both.

"I don't know why you marry her, she's a pain." Arra gasped again, Jinki just laughed.

"I don't know why you call yourself MY best friend Kim Jonghyun!" Arra slightly raised her voice at him, that made him laugh.

"Noona, you are perfect the way you are!" Taemin hugged Arra tight before they both stuck their tongue out at Jonghyun.

"Unbelievable.." Jonghyun starred at Arra as Arra starred at Jonghyun, smiles came up and they burst out laughing at each other. THIS is why they are best friends, eventhough now they are adults they still tease each other like how they always do.

"Like always." Jinki mumbled to himself.

"Hyung Hyung! Anything new?" Jinki turn his attention to the young one that is bounching on his seat a big smile plastered on his cute face.

"There is! I forgot to tell you, I reserved for you this one T-shirt that I know you would love!" Taemin bounced on his chair more at the word 'reserved T-shirt'. Jinki laughed hard watching his dongsaeng acting this way. Eventhough his already 21 he still act like he's still 16.

"Taemin ah!" Jonghyun raised his voice slightly as he placed his arm around Taemin to stop him from bouncing on his chair, people were looking. Arra couldn't contain her laughter at the sight of this 21 year old.

"You heard that hyung? Jinki hyung reserved for me another T-shirt!" Jonghyun had no other choice so he head locked Taemin to stop him.

"I heard him I heard him now stop. Sit down quietly. Now what do you say?" Jonghyun let Taemin go after he stop. Taemin big smile never left his face.

"Thank you hyung!" He bowed to Jinki while seated. Jinki laughed and ruffled his hair. Taemin had been shopping in Jinki and Arra's shop since the day they opened it, he's a loyal customer. Taemin gets the best stuff first before others even get to see them.

"What about me? Nothing for me, super sad." Jonghyun pouted while sipping from his cup.

"Jonghyun, how can I forget about you. I put aside this cap that just came in. We only have 1 of them so your the only one that has it." Jonghyun put down his cup and clapped his hands together.

"Hyung, you're the best!" Jonghyun high fived Jinki. Finally Jinki and Arra's drinks came.

They chatted for awhile about clothes, their past. It's like they have not met each other for years. Them four are so close you'll never know that their age are different. Well other then Jinki and Arra.

"Before we go i'm going to the rest room, be right back." Arra stood up and headed to the rest room.

"So Jonghyun, anyone special in your life?"

"Noone really.."

"Noone? Isn't there this one girl? What's her name, Jess..something?" Taemin scratched his head trying to figure out the name.

"You mean Jessica? I don't think we'll work out."

"What? You only went out with her for a month and it's already ended?"

"It's not ended yet but it's going to end." Jonghyun took out his cell phone that vibrated.

"She's messaging me again, I can't handle her anymore..she's so..she's so..argh~" Jonghyun sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Taemin and Jinki laughed at him.

"Ouh ouh! And there's this other girl too! What's her name?" Taemin looked at Jonghyun as he waited for Jonghyun answer him.

"Suzzy.." Jonghyun raised an eyebrow, Taemin eyes widen.

"YEAH that's her name. What's wrong with her? She's nice.."

"Kim Jonghyun, you're dating two girls at ones?" Jinki shook his head as Jonghyun made a I'm.Innocent face.

"Kind off. She's so clinggy it's getting suffocating being around her." Jonghyun waved his hands  at the thought of Suzzy.

"Oh..I think she's real nice noona." Taemin pouted.

"Taemin seem to like her.."

"Then you date her if you like her.." Jonghyun insisted. Taemin tapped his chin giving it a thought.

"What are you guys talking about?" Arra came and sat down interested to what they were talking about.

"Do you know that Jonghyun is dating 2 girls at ones??" Jinki asked, Arra started to laugh.

"Ofcause I knew! Why? What's wrong with her? Them?"

"Oh really? Why didn't you tell me? Anyways, Taemin likes the girl that's called Suzzy. Jonghyun is giving her away kind off." Arra gasped and looked at Taemin.

"Taemin no! She's going to be Jonghyun's ex don't you dare! Noone dates someone elses ex it's just weird." Everyone laughed as Taemin sighed, he agreed with what she said.

"Aaawww noona.." Taemin pouted, Jonghyun ruffled his hair.

"I said no, don't you know how gross it is. It's like dating your own sister and she is older then you 3 years older Taemin ah."

"Noona!~" Taemin bounced on his chair again but in frustration now. Jonghyun swung his arm around his shoulder side hugging him tight.

"Let's go! My hurts from all this sitting.." Jonghyun complained as everyone nodded and stood up while grabbing their stuffs.

"Taemin ah, you will find someone special soon. Don't worry.." Jinki looked at Arra as they both smiled and intertwine each others fingers together as they walked out of the cafe. 





Appearances of Lee Taemin and Kim Jonghyun <3333333



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ImWeird #1
lol! I love it <3 <3
Thank you...never did anyone told me that this fic is unique. <br />
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I felt the same way..that's why I made this fic..I want a different story from a typical easy love story. <br />
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Thank you for liking this and comment.<br />
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MinGwen18 #4
a true master piece(lol), though i was cursing a lot while reading this story but STILL! i like it so much, very true that most of the stories(that i've read) are too cliche having similar plots but THIS!!! is unique! and i really hate jinki in this story 'though he's my bias. well anyways i think you should have your spellings and grammars checked then it will be the best(for me ;p). fighting! for your other stories...
Haiz will never listen to me will you
ImWeird #6
@MiinMiin: there will be!! Its just nt up yet.. I'll update u guys nehhhh
T.T ... happy there a sequel? or not?... just asking.. :)
The End Love. have a future..just wait alittle. Byunghun and Rihyun Hwaiting!
ImWeird #9
UNNIE!~~ *sobs* its finally over.... *sobs* I had great fun helping you!^^
ImWeird #10
unnie unnie!!! leena with minho?1 teehee!! minho new image kyaaaa^^ glad they didnt get awkward after their breakup.. he's now a coach thats good enuf !<br />
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key's in! weee leena's cuzzie!<br />
taemin kindergarten teacher?? ahhaha cute! he knows the plan so he left so sweet..<br />
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ohmigoshhhh the proposal.. i was likeeeeee kyaaaaa!~ so sweet! man didnt noe dino was that sweet... arra's so fortunate to have her bestfrn to love her and propose to her after all she've been thru.<br />
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last chappie's next.... aigooo sequel please???? ^^<br />
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