Chapter 10 [Mask cracked 2]

[ 사랑 ]

[Still Taemin's POV]

"Wah! There's so many people here AND KITES!!! Taemin are you seeing this?" Noona opened the passenger door and saw me in a daze with melted chocolate all over my hands.

"Aish this kid. Taemin ah?" Noona tapped me. I shook my head and smiled brightly.

"Noona are we there yet??!!!"  I bounced up and down as noona held my chocolate melted hand tightly.

"Yah! Yah! Stay still! You're going to drip this chocolate in our car. Jinki oppa is not going to like it." Noona took out her wet tissue and wiped my hand.

"Taemin! Come see this!!" Jinki hyung shout for me from outside. I looked out the window seeing all the pretty kites up high in the windy sky.

"WAAAAAHHHHH!!!! PALI PALI!!!! I WANT TO PLAY KITES!!!" Noona finish wiping my hand and I jumped out of the car running to the park where people were flying their kites.

"Taemin ah! We have to-"

"Just let him be.."


[Jinki POV]

I grabbed out the food busket and passed it to Arra and I grabbed the mat. We walked to where Taemin was but he was EVERYWHERE!

He was running all over the place, twirling and twirling around the people flying the kites. I was worried that he might trip on the loose strings that was attached to the big kites.

"Taemin ah becareful!!" Arra shouted. Taemin couldn't hear her. Should I try?

"TAEMIN AH!!!" Taemin stopped and looked at us.

"NOONA! HYUNG!!! I WANT MY KITE!!!! LOOK LOOK!!! HIS KITE IS SOOOOOOOO BIG!!!!! WWAAAAHHHH!!!!" Taemin shouted. We could see his facial expression from here and he's grabbing onto his hair, he was so amazed at the big kite the guy has. I can admit, that guy's kite is HUGE!!!!

"Yeobbo, place the mat here. Looks like Taemin is not going to go anywhere else." I said.

"Yeah, and it's so windy here. Feels so nice, we choose a great spot. The big kites are beautiful too." Arra spread the mat on the grass and we both lay own. This place is a great place to get a breather.

"NOONA!!! Where's my kite?!! I was waiting for you!!!" Taemin came running to us pouting. We totally forgotten about him!

"OH Mian Taemin ah! The wind feels so nice today." Arra comforted him as I took out the medium sized kite out of Arra's bag.

"Here~" Taemin mouth dropped.

"IT"S SO SMALL!!!!" Taemin started to cry. *OH NO! Where is Jonghyun when you need him?*

"There's not small. It's the biggest we could get." Arra sat him down and wiped his tears.

"It's not even a kite...It shouldn't be called a kite~" Taemin sniffed.

"Let's put it together together ok come come." I nudged Taemin's arm and he came closer.

"I hate it.."

"Taemin ah, be grateful." I was disappointed in him, he's acting like such a big baby.

"Bwo?" Taemin facial expression changed instantly. He was side glancing me with this look I've never seen before.

I looked at Arra and she's was lying down busy relaxing to hear and see this boy right now.

"I said be grateful, not alot of kids even HAVE kites to play with and your not even a kid anymore." I said with a stern voice. He turned his face to look at me eyes still locked to mine but I wasn't looking at him.

"Bworageu?" What the hell is wrong with this kid..

"What's wrong with you?" I stopped doing the kite and looked at him.

"Me? Nothing.." He replied coldly, his eyes took a glance at Arra that sat up slowly.

"Why isn't the kite done yet?"

"Hyung is slow!! Noona help me!!!" Taemin cold face turns to a pout and pulled Arra's arm towards him. I just looked at him confused. I didn't want to ask him, maybe it's one of his mood swings.

"Yeah Arra, you do it. I'm not good at these things." Arra laughed and helped Taemin. He hugged Arra and quickly spread the kite on the big mat. *What happened to his hand?*

"Taemin ah! Gwaenchanayo?" I took his hand and looked at his fist. It was covered, it took me awhile to notice that it's a bandage.

"Aw Aw Aw Aw...Don't touch it!" Taemin whined.

"Yeobbo, don't touch it!" Arra gently took his hurt hand from mine. And we are here to play kites when I can't even touch his hurt hand?

"What happened?" I'm worried for him!

"He said he fell or something."

"I fell! I was looking at this 2 stupid birds eating! I didn't see the banana!"

 *Are you serious?*

"On your fist? You fell on your fist?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It hurts and you don't believe me?!!" There he goes again..

"Mianhe..Don't cry.." He is worse then a child and I don't even have one!

 " I took  "Ok Taemin look, this is stuck here and tied to here and looped here. Ok. You do the tail." Taemin wiped his tears and nods and nods at everything Arra told him.

"Here, Here and Here?" Taemin scratched his head. I laughed and lay down on the mat.

"Hajima..." Arra whispered.

"I didn't say anything..." I said, Arra sighed.

"Noona, is this right? I think it's wrong, it's going to break I know it. Mine is going to be ugly!"


"Omo! Taemin ah, you broke it...I..I mean...aish..."

'I knew it!! I don't want it anymore..." Taemin threw it away, I sat up quickly. The backbone of the kite snapped into two, without it there's no kite.

"Babe, there's tape in the car.." Arra quickly ran to our car that's not that far away from us and I took the broken backbone of the kite and looked at it.

"It's fixable.." Taemin looked at me.


 [Taemin POV]

"Is it hyung?" I asked him, i'm not asking about the kite.

"Yeah, when we get tape and tap it, it's good as new." He smiled and ruffled my hair, I quickly back my head away.

"I'm not a kid anymore.." I leaned to grab a bottle of water. I could feel him stare at me. *Whatever hyung. Argh damn it, I forgot. Stupid fist*

I noticed noona running back, I quickly throw the bottle away. I couldn't open it anyways.

"Hyung said he'll fix it..." I said while bouncing, noona ruffled my hair. Hyung watched as noona ruffled me. I know what he's thinking. "Arra ruffled his hair and he didn't budge but why when I did  it he backed away?."

He continued with the kite and it took him a few minutes to mental it together.

"Here~" I took it from him and stood up.

"YAAAAAAAA!!!! THANK YOU HYUNG I LOVE YOU!!!! NOONA IM GOING TO PLAY NOW!!! ANNYONG!!" I jumped up and down and ran towards the other kite fliers. The second I turned my smile turns to a frown. I'm sorry but, Lee Taemin has changed but only for hyung.


[Arra POV]

"He's so cute..The kite is so cute!! Cat!" I watched Taemin ran towards the other kite flyers.

"Arra, is something wrong with Taemin? And where the hell is Jonghyun?" I turned to him.

*Oh...I forgot to tell him about Jonghyun!*

"He's not in a good mood nowadays, we're keeping an eye on him."

"Oh, he's really not himself nowadays...I find it weird ..Jonghyun?"

"Well....don't be too shocked ok.?" I told him, I couldn't wait to tell him the news!

"Why?" He raised an eyebrow.

"BECAUSE JONGHYUN IS AN IDOL NOW!!!! He went to sign the contract today!!!"

"Really?" He didn't seem to be happy for Jonghyun, I thought he's reaction would be better then this.

"Why aren't you happy? His dream came true." He shook it off and gave me a big smile.

"I am. I am happy REALLY!!"

"Really?..Well, he's going to be an idol. Dream came true...he worked so hard and trained like mad. So he deserved it." I smiled and lay down breathing in the fresh air. Jinki lay down as well.


[Beep Beep Beepp]

-Phone call-

"Yeabuseyo?" I answered.

"Noona! I signed it I signed it! I'm on my way to become an Idol! I don't believe thisssss!!!" Jonghyun silently screamed  in the phone.

"Congradulations! I'm so proud of you! FINALLY! Finally your dream has come true!"

"Thank you noona! Thank you for everything!"

"What are best friends for...Wait! Your hyung wants to talk to you!" I shoved my phone to oppa's ear, he jumped a little.

"Oh Jonghyun ah! Congrats brat! You're a star I heard..." I laughed watching oppa struggle to sit up.

"Not yet, on the way to be hyung. You're going to support me right?"

"Ofcause! What do you take me for? I'm always here for you! I'll be your first fan!" I playfully slap his arm and took the phone from him.

"I'm going to be your first fan Jonghyun, your hyung is your second and Taemin is your third. But don't tell him that!" We both laugh.

"I know. Noona where are you? Let's meet!"

"We are at the park. Taemin wants to play kites..want to come here?" I noticed Taemin running towards us.

"Yeah i'll go there!"


"Noona! I fell! Aw my hand hurt!!" Taemin tripped on his own foot and fell hard. "Aigoo.." Oppa sang walking up to him.

"Noona what happened?" Jonghyun asked in a panic.

"Taemin fell.. Taemin stand up and i'll clean you off..come.." Oppa helped him up bringing him to our mat.

"I'll go there now. The baby needs me to give him a head locking. Cya noona!"


-Phone call End- 


"Aigoo...Taemin ah..." I dusted him off with my hands, Oppa picking up his kite.

'Don't want to fly the kite anymore?"

He pouted. "My hand hurt.."

"Aigoo...~" I hugged him.

"It's ok Taeminie, your hyung is coming so you can play with him." Taemin looked up at Jinki oppa.

"Jonghyun hyung is coming?" Jinki oppa and I nodded in unison.





Sorry..these 2 chapters are mostly kinda about Taemin huh. So sorry if it's weird or Super boring.

No silent readers...If you hate it then tell me...if you love it then tell me. So I can make it better.

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ImWeird #1
lol! I love it <3 <3
Thank you...never did anyone told me that this fic is unique. <br />
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I felt the same way..that's why I made this fic..I want a different story from a typical easy love story. <br />
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Thank you for liking this and comment.<br />
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MinGwen18 #4
a true master piece(lol), though i was cursing a lot while reading this story but STILL! i like it so much, very true that most of the stories(that i've read) are too cliche having similar plots but THIS!!! is unique! and i really hate jinki in this story 'though he's my bias. well anyways i think you should have your spellings and grammars checked then it will be the best(for me ;p). fighting! for your other stories...
Haiz will never listen to me will you
ImWeird #6
@MiinMiin: there will be!! Its just nt up yet.. I'll update u guys nehhhh
T.T ... happy there a sequel? or not?... just asking.. :)
The End Love. have a future..just wait alittle. Byunghun and Rihyun Hwaiting!
ImWeird #9
UNNIE!~~ *sobs* its finally over.... *sobs* I had great fun helping you!^^
ImWeird #10
unnie unnie!!! leena with minho?1 teehee!! minho new image kyaaaa^^ glad they didnt get awkward after their breakup.. he's now a coach thats good enuf !<br />
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key's in! weee leena's cuzzie!<br />
taemin kindergarten teacher?? ahhaha cute! he knows the plan so he left so sweet..<br />
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ohmigoshhhh the proposal.. i was likeeeeee kyaaaaa!~ so sweet! man didnt noe dino was that sweet... arra's so fortunate to have her bestfrn to love her and propose to her after all she've been thru.<br />
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last chappie's next.... aigooo sequel please???? ^^<br />
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