Chapter 18 [Home-wrecking ]

[ 사랑 ]


[ At Arra's House ]

Arra was lying on her bed after finding that her husband wasn't anywhere in sight. Her heart ached even more. She was hoping that Jinki would be at home waiting for her to come back to say sorry once she stepped into the house for his behaviour the previous night and everything would go back to normal but no. That wasn't the case.

She was worried but she kept telling herself that it was nothing and probably Jinki had already went off for work. She tried to sleep to forget about what had happen but she couldn't. Her heart says something is wrong.

She shot up from bed and reach for her cellphone. She dialed Jinki's number.

"Come on Jinki.. Pick it up.."She clenched her fist along with her blanket. It was ringing but Jinki wasn't picking it up. It was engaged. She called again refusing to give up. Despite being treated harshly yesterday, she still is worried for her husband.

Finally, Jinki picked up her call. "Yeobosaeyo.."

"Oppa? .. I was worried. You weren't home when I got home. Where are you?" She worriedly asked Jinki only to receive a grunt on the other line.

"I'm at work. Where else would I be? I'm busy. Bye." Jinki cut the call after he answered Arra's question. He sounded annoyed. Arra was left speechless. Why is her husband acting so cold towards her? She shut her phone off not wanting to receive any calls or messages from anybody.

She felt her cheeks wet. Her hand went up to her cheeks and she wiped her tears off. She hugged her knees close to her body and rocked herself crying. 

"Noona??" Taemin popped his head into her room. He heard faint sobbing from the hall so he decided to check Arra's condition. True enough, it was Arra who was crying and his eyes went wide. He ran over to Arra and hugged her tight.

"Noona! Why are you crying??? Shh hushh.. It's okay... I'm here noona don't cry.." He hugged his favourite noona close to his chest comforting her and rocking her in his hug.

"Taemin-ah.. Why.. Why..." Taemin could feel his heart break. His eyes went blur and tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Shhh noona shhh don't cry.. What happened??" He slowly caressed Arra's hair and pat her arm slowly.

"Oppa.. He.. He's so cold to me.. Why Taemin-ah why?? What have I done wrong??" Taemin's jaw clenched. He could feel his blood boil after hearing that it was his hyung that made his noona cry again. 

"That home-wrecker stole him from you, noona! I hate them!" He didn't mind his words now. Forget about him being innocent but when it comes to this, he can just blurt out any words that fits that . He wanted to say it aloud but he forced himself to keep it inside him and not blurt it out.

Taemin tried to think of something to calm his noona down. He couldn't take it anymore as it hurts to see her crying because of "him"!

"He's probably having that time of the month again noona. He's having PMS. He'll be alright soon you'll see." He had to insert some humour and a lie.

Arra stiffled a soft laugh and playfully punched his shoulder.

"Yah Taemin-ah he's a guy he can't experience that." Taemin laughed too and he hugged her tighter. Arra sighed.

"You are probably right. He'll be alright soon. Right?" Taemin nodded hesitantly. He's lying. Again.

Arra broke away from the hug. "Thank you Taemin-ah.." He smiled and nodded. His hands went up to her face and they wiped her tears away. Arra noticed tear stains on his small face.

"Why were you crying?!" Taemin let out a drop of tear and said, " Because it hurts me to see you suffer and cry noona." Arra hugged him and playfully pulled his hair.

"Aigoo I'm okay now so stop crying okay?" She felt a little nod from Taemin. She noticed Jonghyun were missing.

"Taemin.. Where's Jonghyun??"

"He had to go noona.. He didn't want to disturb you so he went off after SM called him to report early. He's moving today and starting his training tomorrow." He sighed. He too will miss his hyung. 

"Bwoh? Aishh now when can I see him again..I miss him already.." She sighed thinking that her bestfriend isn't going to be hanging out with her regularly again. Taemin looked at Arra and sighed.

"I'll take care of you noona no matter the fact that I'm younger than you, I'll still take care of you and ease your sadness as per promised."

"Don't worry noona! Now can we go eat something??? I'm hungry!" Arra chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Let's go! WAIT but first. Wash up. I look like crap and so do you." She laughed leaving Taemin on the bed pouting.


[ Back to Jinki's POV ]

I was rolling around in bed, frustrated at what I've done. Which caused me to spent the night at the hotel. I stared at my phone waiting for Jina's call or messages but no. Instead I received Arra's call. My heart tightened and I felt guilty again remembering the pain I caused her recently.

Arra-ah... I'm sorry.. Oppa's sorry..

I ignored her call. Why did I do that? I couldn't find the voice to speak to her after what happened. I pushed my loving wife away. I'm being cold towards her. The vibration did stop but it started again. She still won't give up? After all I've done to her?

Arra-ah.. Why are you so good to me when I did all that to you? You are making me more guilty as ever Arra-ah..

I sighed before picking up her call. "Yeobosaeyo.." I could hear her sigh. Arra you don't deserve me do you?

"Oppa? .. I was worried. You weren't home when I got home. Where are you?" I could hear her worried voice. I couldn't say I was with Jina and remembering what had happened there, I grunted. Aishh why did I grunt? Now she thinks that she was the cause that annoyed me. 

"I'm at work. Where else would I be? I'm busy. Bye." I ended the call. WHY?? Why did I say that?? Why am I making her suffer even more?? I wanted to say I'll be back home soon or something and make it up to her but It was like something prevented me to. It was the cheater in me. I'm a cheater.

Arra... I'm sorry.. You deserve better..

I've hurt my wife now I've hurt my other love, Jina. Lee Jinki why are you breaking the hearts of the woman you love?

[ Flashback ]

I sat down on her sofa with her sitting beside me watching tv. I didn't say a thing the second I walked in her house as I was distracted at what happened back at my house. What I did to Arra. Surprisingly Jina didn't find anything weird with me though and just sat there with me watching the gag concert.

Out of the blue, she stood up. I've been thinking and I want to know what she will think of me. I grabbed her wrist and she spun around.

Jina.. How am I going to break this to you??

"Waeyo? You want something from the kitchen too?" Jina asked as she turned towards me. I pulled her to sit down again as I looked into her eyes. She caressed my cheek with her hand smiling.

Urgh how can I hurt you Jina? You are my love at first sight...

I held onto the hand that's caressing my cheek and held it tightly as my eyes didn't even glimpse away from her eyes.

"Jina, if I told you that i'm married. Would you still be with me?" Yes I asked. I want to know how she reacts. I can't hold the secret any longer. I don't want our relationship to be based on lies. But who am I kidding? I'm lying to Arra too am I not? I'm just a hypocrite!

There was silence. Her eyes wandering into my gaze somehow trying to search the truth. She stifled a nervous laugh.

"Why would I be answering that sort of question when the fact is you are not? Come on Jinki. Stop messing around. You want something to drink?" Jina it is the fact! Aishhh.

I didn't say anything but I continued gazing into her eyes. Her smile then turned into a straight line and her hands went limp in my hold threatening to break away from mine. I held it tighter in my grasp. Her eyes somehow telling me "Tell me the truth.."

I sighed and nod. "It is a fact Jina-ah.. Im..I'm married.."

I could feel her hands tightening trying to break free from my hold. I let them go not wanting to hurt her but the fact is I already did. Her eyes went from soft to wide with anger filled with tears threatening to break free form it's confinement.

I looked away from her and sighed. 

"I'm married to Lee Arra. Way before I met you. I'm married for 5 years already. and I love her so damn much that the thought of hurting her seems impossible but everything changed since the first time I set eyes on you Jina." I turned to look at her. Her tears already flowing as I speak. It hurts it really does.

"You were my love at first sight. I was attracted to you at that very instant I heard your voice. That angelic voice of yours that never fails to make me fall in love with you deeper. It was different with Arra. She didn't appeal to me much like how you do when I saw you for the first time! I can't keep holding on to this secret I've kept from you anymore. I.. I just had to tell you! I want to be honest with you!" 

I stared into her eyes but she still didn't respond.

"Jina please forgive me.. Arra.. She..She hasn't got a clue about this. Please I'm sorry.. Would you still be with me Park Jina?" I knew the answer. It was obvious. No I'm not stupid but I want to know her answer! I want to!

She held her hand out in front of me indicating for me to stop. She had her eyes staring on the couch and not at me.

Look at me Jina look at me.. Please..

She stood up. "Jina.."I reached out for her hand but she backed away form me.

"Jina please.. I.. I love you to death Jina.."

"Stop. Just stop it Jinki." She spoke as cold as ice. Her eyes as sharp as daggers.

"Jina.." I stood up.

"To be honest with me? Seriously Jinki? If you do why didn't you be honest with me from the very start?!" Her tears now rolling uncontrollably. I step forward to wipe them away but she pushed me away hard on my chest.

"I'm sorry Jina.. I know I should have but the thought of losing you the moment I reveal the truth is unimaginable! I didn't want to lose you before even getting to know you.."

"Well didn't you think for a second?! That ..That you might lose me too in the future after the truth is out?! That you are going to hurt not one Jinki not one but two woman???" Disbelief clearly stated in her eyes.

I know I'm stupid Jina but please believe in me please..

"Jina please.. You know I love you so much that I wouldn't leave you.. Please believe me Jina.."

There was silence. Jina please say something. This silence is deafening..

"What if I say I'll still be with you only if you divorce Lee Arra?" That silenced me. Divorce? Arra? It never crossed my mind. How could I divorce the woman I promised to love for the rest of my life. The woman I promised to protect, to be with till death do we part?

"I..I.." I couldn't find the right words. She snickered.

"Wae?? Cat got your tongue? You didn't think did you? The possibilities in the near future when you decided to do this behind your wife and me?"

"Jina.." It was all I could think of. She was right. The cat did caught my tongue and how I wish it would cut my tongue off.

"Now just go. Go. I don't want to hear anything else from you Jinki." She pointed her finger towards the door not looking at me. I couldn't speak but I stepped forward to hug her. She just stayed there motionless not replying my hug. I knew it coming but I want to hug her before I go.

"You done? Now go." Ouch. It hurts a hell lot. I stepped back and kissed her forehead.

"I love you Jina.. I really do." She cried again and walked towards the door wiping away her tears and opened it wide.

"You know the cue Jinki. I want to be alone." Her voice. Her angelic voice now as cold as ice. What have I done? What have I done to this angel of mine??

I sighed, defeated and walked out. I turned around only to be greeted by a loud slam of her door. I stood there emotionless for a few minuted before deciding to go home.

Home.. I can't. Arra might be at home and I just might hurt her again. She's been through enough. Now I can't even go back to my house and not even Jina's. I went in my car and insert my car keys. I held my steering wheel and sighed.

Jinki. You have ruined everything you have in life with Arra for Jina and now you have lost both. You are indeed the most stupidest man ever in this face of Earth.

My foot pressed on the accelerator and I drove my way towards the nearest hotel. It shall be my home for tonight.

[ Flashback Ends ] 

I sighed and rolled in my bed. 

"ARGH!!" I pulled my hair in frustration and weeped.

"I'm.. I'm sorry Arra.. Jina.. I'm sorry.." I curled up into a ball and weeped. I was guilty. I was angry at myself. Not only did I hurt the two woman in my life, I'm hurting my two dongsaengs as well. I hope they took care of Arra well when I hurt her. They must be hurting to see Arra in that condition.

I weeped myself to bed not caring the time. Soon I felt myself going to sleep.

"I'm sorry guys.. I'm sorry Arra.. Jina.." I mumbled.


[ Jina's POV ]


Why did the guy who taught me to love lie to me?? Why did the first ever guy I've finally fallen for lie to me this way?? What have I done in my past life did I deserve this betrayal???

I.. I feel like such a . A who wrecks a marriage. A who deserves to be slapped dead by Arra. 

What did he even think he's doing?! No wait. Did he even think for a moment??? God, Did he????

I curled myself up into a ball crying like there's no tomorrow. I feel like dying right this moment. Jinki..Jinki he's married?? 5 years? I..I'm destroying a marriage that has been built up for 5 god damn years! How tish can I be? I'm a home-wrecking ! A !

I cursed myself and called myself names that describes every single angle of a home-wrecker. God It hurts even hearing from my own mouth. Wouldn't it hurt even more when people close to Arra calls me that? Even if Arra says that herself?

I don't care anymore. I have to stop seeing Jinki! I have to! I..I have to forget about him! I have to.. I

"Forget about him. Stop seeing him. Forget about him. Stop being a Park Jina! Stop thinking about him! Forget about him! Forget please just forget Jina..." I held my head and buried my face in my knees. Mumbling these words over and over again. Hoping to forget about this the next day I wake up.

My lips quivered and trembled as I kept telling myself to forget about him. My heart breaks even more into the littlest pieces anyone could ever imagine because it hurts that bad.

I love him so much. So god damn much that every second I tell myself this tears rolled down endlessly as though there's endless tear supply.

"Jinki..Oppa.. I love you...." I mumbled one last time as I find myself drifting off to sleep.



I woke up to an empty room. A messed up bed and a dark humid room. I went out to my living room to look for Oppa. Why isn't he here? I thought he wanted to sleep here yesterday?

Just then it hit me. A swarm of voices went through my head. It was his voice. Everything came back to me.

"I'm married." "To lee Arra.." "For 5 years.." "I'm sorry Jina.." "I love you to death!" "Please believe me Jina.." "Jina.." "Jina.." "You are my first love.." "I love you.."

I held my head with both of my hands. Shaking my head to stop the voices but it kept coming back as though haunting me. Haunting me a , the .

"Argh! My head! Stop please stop!" The voices swarmed around my head. Making me a bit tad dizzy. I fell on my cold hard floor. My hands supporting myself in the front preventing to fall over. I hung my head low crying my eyes out again.

"When will I ever get over him?" I mumbled to myself. I tried standing up but i failed. I grabbed the nearest support I could find and hauled myself up. I staggered my way to the bathroom wanting to just wash away everything down the drain.

I spent almost an hour in the bathroom. Don't ask me what I was doing because I myself don't. I was just dazing and letting the water run over me and doing nothing till I noticed my skin shriveled up like an old woman.

*Buzz..Buzz Buzz..Buzz.*

I went over to my dressing table to get my phone which was vibrating. 

Jinki Oppa

It was him. It's his name on my caller ID. I ignored his call. i don't feel like talking to him right now. I don't want to. Ever!

It eventually stopped but the vibrations started again. The cycle repeated by itself again and again as I ignored his calls. I sat on the bed thinking my decision over and over again.

I know I can't live without him. I know my heart wants him. I know my body and soul wants him. I know that I need him.

So why am I being like this? I'm afraid of what people would think of me. I'm afraid of the pain the words coming out from their mouth would hurt me. Hurt me even more that he did.

Jina she doesn't know about this affair.. She doesn't need to know. You can have him for yourself. He's already yours! Why are you pushing him away? Come on.. No one knows..

It was a voice in my head somehow it's telling me it's alright to be doing this. What it said, It.. It was true. Arra hasn't got a clue about this.

Why am I being this way? Why am I being afraid of what people would think of me when no one knows about this? Why am I being afraid when Jinki is already mine? Why should I care what they think? Why should I care when she lost her husband to another woman? Why should I care when she didn't take care of her husband that well till he wavers? Why should I?

I know I love him to death. I know I want him. I know the fact that he's already head over heels for me. I know that he, Lee Jinki is mine.

A smile formed at the corner of my lips. No it wasn't. It was rather a smirk. 

Yes. I'll be that home-wrecker. I'll be just that as long as Lee Jinki is in my hands. Because I know that he is mine and no one, no one not even Lee Arra can take him away from me.


Hello!~ Im ImWeird the co-author of "Love" I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter like I did write it! ^^




Yah, come down here!

What is it unnie?

Jinki is such a jerk...!

Well, you made this fic I just made him more of a jerk then he was before. It's your fault anyways *roles eyes*

Bwo? And what have you done to Jina? Just look at her! *points upwards*

*looks up* What? Isn't she? What about Arra? Depressed again... *arms crossed*

It's better for her not to know...

Yeah... *sigh*

Ok well... I HAD FUN!! *looks at you* HOPE YOU LIKE IT CAUSE I WROTE IT! *peace sign*

*roles eyes* *looks at you* I'm ImBeautiful by the way. Hi, i'm sorry to have not updated lately. So ImWeird here wrote a chapter for me. Hope you like it. Love everyone and i'm sorry again. *bow*

Come on unnie! You said you want to buy me ice-cream! *dragging ImBeautiful by the arm*

YAH!!!!!!! Let go!!!

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ImWeird #1
lol! I love it <3 <3
Thank you...never did anyone told me that this fic is unique. <br />
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I felt the same way..that's why I made this fic..I want a different story from a typical easy love story. <br />
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Thank you for liking this and comment.<br />
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MinGwen18 #4
a true master piece(lol), though i was cursing a lot while reading this story but STILL! i like it so much, very true that most of the stories(that i've read) are too cliche having similar plots but THIS!!! is unique! and i really hate jinki in this story 'though he's my bias. well anyways i think you should have your spellings and grammars checked then it will be the best(for me ;p). fighting! for your other stories...
Haiz will never listen to me will you
ImWeird #6
@MiinMiin: there will be!! Its just nt up yet.. I'll update u guys nehhhh
T.T ... happy there a sequel? or not?... just asking.. :)
The End Love. have a future..just wait alittle. Byunghun and Rihyun Hwaiting!
ImWeird #9
UNNIE!~~ *sobs* its finally over.... *sobs* I had great fun helping you!^^
ImWeird #10
unnie unnie!!! leena with minho?1 teehee!! minho new image kyaaaa^^ glad they didnt get awkward after their breakup.. he's now a coach thats good enuf !<br />
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key's in! weee leena's cuzzie!<br />
taemin kindergarten teacher?? ahhaha cute! he knows the plan so he left so sweet..<br />
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ohmigoshhhh the proposal.. i was likeeeeee kyaaaaa!~ so sweet! man didnt noe dino was that sweet... arra's so fortunate to have her bestfrn to love her and propose to her after all she've been thru.<br />
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last chappie's next.... aigooo sequel please???? ^^<br />
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