Heavy Rainfall & Tear filled eyes

[ 사랑 ]

“Taemin!” Arra called from her room loudly as she searched all around her room for something. Taemin ran in with a bag of candy in his hand and a gummy bear in the other.

“Yes noona?”

“Have you seen my other ear ring?” Arra asked as she searched under her bed. Taemin raised an eyebrow and looked under it as well to look at his noona at the other end.

“Earring?” He plopped the gummy bear in his mouth and chewed slowly.

“Yes, the one Jinki oppa bought for me with the diamond. Help me find it.” Arra stood up and look at her make up table again. Taemin stood up and placed the candy bag on the bed but before he went off to search he saw something shining on the off white bed sheet. He reached for it and looked at it closely.

“Is this it?” He asked clueless. Arra turned and gasped.

“Yes! Where did you find it?! I was searching for it for an hour now!” Arra took it and wore it on her left ear. Taemin tilted his head and pointed on the bed where it was.

“Noona, it was just there.” Arra sighed and sat on the bed, Taemin followed.

“I’m going nuts, my back hurts everything hurts. I just can’t think right..i’m so tired but I just woke up.” Arra turned to him and smiled. “Thank you for helping my baby Tae.”

“No problem my favorite noona in the whole wide world..” Taemin chuckled before plopping another gummy bear in his mouth.

“Tae, don’t eat that too much. You’ll get a tummy ache, have you even eaten breakfast before eating this?” Arra stood up and walked out of her room. Taemin grabbed the candy bag and quickly followed his noona out. Noona is so cute when she’s pregnant.

“Noona..” Taemin walked in front of her and looked at her from head to toe. Arra self-consciously looked at herself.

“What’s wrong?”

“You..Why..are you glowing?” Arra raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?”

Is it because she’s pregnant? She looks prettier than usual today. I better not ask, she would say yes and I don’t want to talk about her being pregnant again.

“Nothing.. anyways, where are you going wearing so nicely?” He looked at her clothes. She beamed and clamped her hands together.

“Today’s the day!” He could see the sparkle in her eyes and there’s only one reason to why she’s being all excited and dolled up today but he just shook his head just to hear her answer. “Jinki oppa is coming home today!!”

Damn it…why won’t he just disappear! DIE for all I care! Argh I HATE HEARING HIS NAME!!

“It’s today? It’s been two weeks already?” Taemin innocently asked faking an excited smile. Arra nodded and clapped her hands.

“Yes! I can’t wait to tell him the news, he would be so happy! He’s been waiting for this day for so long!”

Him? Wait for this day? Yeah noona, he was when he slept with that behind your back!

“You wanted this day too you know..”

“Yeah but I’m more happy for him then myself!” Why must you do that? Why must you be so naïve noona!!

Taemin smiled and hugged her as he felt her happily bounced in his arms. His smile turned and his eyes saddened. The day has come. He painfully thought. He breathed in and pulled away.

“What time is he coming back?”

“Around 2.” Arra glanced at the clock on their living room wall and smiled. “It’s 11 already..that was fast.” She blinked. Taemin chuckled . “You were searching for that ear ring for awhile I guess. You should have call me earlier so I could search for it with you noona, you wasted breakfast.”

“I could still make breakfast if you want..”

“It’s ok…” Taemin walked to the couch and slumped himself down. “I have my candy!”

“Yah..” Arra ran to him and snatched the bag away and ran for the kitchen. “Eat real food before I trash this in the trashcan!” Taemin ran to the kitchen and kneeled in front of her. “NOONA! MY GUMMY BEARS!!”

“Eat real food Tae or I won’t buy these for you ever again!” Damn her mood swing! “Okok! Let my gummy babies go!! They are innocent! INNOCENT!!” Arra smirked and placed them on the table. “Good boy~”

Can’t wait for this baby to get out of her! I want my nice noona back!!


[SM training room]

Jonghyun and LeeNa practiced their dance together as usual, laughing and teasing each other in the process. Spinning around Jonghyun, LeeNa gracefully moved like a perfect ballerina, Jonghyun smiled.

“Babe, do the jump!” Jonghyun watched her glide to the corner. “The jump? You always ask me to do that. Do you like it that much?” LeeNa looked at him at the corner of the room. Jonghyun nodded and crossed his arms. “I love to see it, you do it the best.” LeeNa softened at his words. “Ok then.”

LeeNa got the her position and gracefully ran and leaped in front of him as high as Jonghyun. LeeNa’s leg did a perfect split in the air and her arms softly his cheek in the process. Gently landing on her feet she turned to Jonghyun finally curtsied. The sound of loud clapping echoed the dance studio.

“That was beautiful, you did it perfectly as usual.” Jonghyun handed her a bottle. She took it and drank. “Thanks, years of classes paid off I guess.” LeeNa laughed. “Yes it did.” Jonghyun leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Come on, let’s continue practice.” LeeNa blushed and nodded.

Jonghyun and LeeNa had been dating ever since the day he cried in front of her about his noona. Jonghyun just couldn’t let LeeNa slide of his grasp while he found somebody so understanding in front of him. He liked her a lot because of it and LeeNa liked him too.

They practiced for 2 hours before both of them lay on the wooden dance floor exhausted from it. Sweat trickling from their forehead they panted.

“That was fun..” “But tiring.” Jonghyun cut in. LeeNa nodded then turned her head towards Jonghyun. “J..what if we debut separately?” Jonghyun turned his head to her. “Are you scared that we won’t be together if we aren’t?”

“Well..yeah, cause we would be too busy and stuff. You know how it’s going to get, schedules after schedules. We won’t even get to meet each other an-“ “Stop saying such things. I doubt that we would be debuting together cause this is SM but know this, you are my girl and even if it’s hard you can’t give up. Don’t give up just because it’s hard cause I think training is more difficult than this. Staying together is a piece of cake and you know I’m by your side and besides, we won’t be debuting anytime soon you know. Don’t worry so much babe.” LeeNa sighed and gave a weak smile. “Yeah.”

Jonghyun stood up and handed a hand to LeeNa, she took it and Jonghyun pulled her up effortlessly. They showered, Jonghyun finished first and waited for LeeNa in the studio.

“J..I have to go meet my dad. Sorry that I made you wait for me, I know you’re tired.” LeeNa pouted. Jonghyun smiled as he stood up. “It’s fine, go.” LeeNa ran to him and gave him a quick peck before running out of the studio. “This girl..” He shook his head as he chuckled.


Standing in the lift with a smile Jonghyun fished out his phone searching for his favorite dongsaeng’s number.


The lift door opened but before he could walk out he glanced up to find a woman standing scrunched forward trying to hold her balance in front of him. He quickly held her before she fell.

“Miss, are you ok? Why are you here? Miss?” Jonghyun easily pulled her up. She looked at him as her hair uncovered her soulless tear filled eyes. Jonghyun eyes bulged.


“Jonghyun..” She reached out and hugged him as she cried. “…Why?..”

“NOONA! WHAT’S WRONG!!?” He hugged her tight in his arms rubbing her back trying to calm her down as she sobbed uncontrollably. “What’s wrong? Noona, please tell me..” Jonghyun softened his voice as he hears his noona’s painful cries. What happened? Why is she crying? I’ve never seen her cry like this before.

“AAHH!!” Arra screamed as she crunched grabbing her stomach painfully.  “Noona!! What’s wrong!?”

Jonghyun held her tighter not letting her fall. He is holding her whole weight now as her own legs gave way. He didn’t know what to do, he looked at his noona screamed in pain. Some of the staff there gasped at the sight. They didn’t know what was going on, they just stood there watching but then their eyes caught on the most terrifying thing.

“Jonghyun-ssi!” Jonghyun quickly turned to the noona’s. He looked at them with panicked eyes as they pointed below. He traced to where their eyes where looking and gasped. BLOOD!

“Call the ambulance!!” He ordered them but they just stood there looking at the blood. “NOW!!”

He held Arra closer and kneeled down, his noona crunched her stomach and screamed as she saw the red liquid in between her legs. Jonghyun just hugged her tighter in his chest, he was so broken now watching his best friend in pain. He felt so useless.

“The ambulance is coming noona, it’s coming! Hold on!” He turned to the staff and bark angrily. “WHERE ARE THEY!!? DID YOU CALL!!??” They quickly nodded. “Th-They said they are on the way..” She stuttered. Jonghyun turned back to look at his noona as tears dripped down his face. His noona quieten down and he panicked. “NOONA! Wake up!” Jonghyun shook her, Arra passed out at the shock of the pain and the amount of blood she saw. “God, what’s happening? Noona..what’s wrong? Noona..”

Suddenly the sound of sirens came closer. Jonghyun wiped his tears as he looked at his unconscious best friend. “They’re here noona…” He told her even though he knew that she couldn’t hear him.

Paramedics hurried in and took Arra off Jonghyun’s arms, they lay her on the stretcher pushing her out the building and into the ambulance. Jonghyun quickly followed and climbed in.

Holding onto her hand he prayed. “Hey..what’s wrong with her? Why is she bleeding? Is it..is it a miscarriage?” He shook the paramedic. “So she’s pregnant?” Jonghyun nodded. Both of the paramedics quickly check on her now knowing what’s happening. Jonghyun just kept quiet and held onto her hand tightly. “Noona..”


-Hour later-


The same doctor that took care of her when she found out came out and looked at Jonghyun. Jonghyun quickly ran up to him.

“How’s my noona? How’s..the baby?” He hesitantly asked. The doctor sighed and shook his head. “Noona…lost the baby?” I..don’t know if I’m happy or sat. I’m happy that she lost the baby but I’m sad that she’s in pain.

“Can I see my noona now?”

“Are you her husband?” He asked.

“No..i’m her best friend.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Be sure to tell her husband about the news.” Her husband is never here. The doctor sighed and looked at Jonghyun. “You can see her but she’s asleep right now so make sure to not wake her up, she lost a lot of blood she needs the rest.” Jonghyun nodded. The doctor bowed and walked away.

Jonghyun slowly opened the ward door and closed the door behind him softly not wanting to wake her. She looked pale on the bed her hair all messy, it doesn’t look like his noona at all. Tears starts to flow as he sat himself down beside her.

It feels like déjà vu all over again but with Taemin being Jonghyun crying painfully for their noona but this time, it’s not happy news.

He stayed till late but was called by the nurse telling him that visiting time was near over and he had to leave soon.

He stood up and curled a strand of hair behind his best friends ear before leaning in to kiss her forehead.

“I’ll come back tomorrow noona..don’t worry and love you..” He straightened himself before walking to the door but a hand held his wrist. It shocked him, he quickly turned to find his noona open her eyes slowly.

“Noona!” He held his noona’s hand tightly. “I’m here..your best friend is here!”

Tears started to flow from her eyes, Jonghyun panicked even more.

“Tell me what’s wrong..noona..what’s wrong?” Arra spoke but it’s too soft for Jonghyun, he leaned in closer to her lips and try hard to hear what she said.




“Babe I’m home!” Jinki walked in to find Taemin seating in the living room watching tv. He sighed and went to him. “Where’s Arra?”

Taemin turned to him and raised his eyebrow. “She went out to meet you, why are you asking me such a stupid question. But why isn’t she with you hyung..”

“What? No she didn’t, I hadn’t seen her the whole day..” He took off his wet jacket. It was pouring outside, it’s been awhile since it rained like this.

“What?” Taemin stood up. “It’s raining like crazy..she didn’t bring her umbrella with her today cause she was meeting you. Didn’t you call her or something? Didn’t she text you?! You’re so useless!!” Taemin snarled before grabbing his jacket to go find his noona.





Taemin went to the door when he heard someone knocking loudly on their front door.

“Hyung? Wha-“

“You! IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!!” Jonghyun was drenched, he pushed past Taemin and threw punches at Jinki that failed to duck any of them.

“Hyung! STOP!!” Taemin tried hard to pull Jonghyun off Jinki but it was impossible. Jonghyun was to strong for him.

“IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!! EVERYTHING IS YOUR FAULT!!” He slammed his fist on Jinki’s face several times before stopping when he knew that Jinki was going to pass out. “You jerk…I trusted you…I envied you, you were the best hyung I ever had you were my role model but..” Jonghyun cried hard.

“Hyung..waekurae?” Taemin held his shoulder, worried and shocked to what just happened.

“Noona…is in the hospital..”

“What!? WHY!?”

“Jinki hyung…you’re so lucky to have her do you know that? You betrayed us all..” Ignoring Taemin’s question, Jonghyun stood up and was about to walk away when Jinki spoke.

“What the hell is wrong with you..” He weakly spoke. “Arra..wha-“

“Shut up.”

“You little-“

“I told you to shut up..” Jonghyun turned to the bleeding Jinki as more tears flowed. “Noona was pregnant..with your child. She was so happy..but..everyone knew that it wasn’t something to be happy about..”

“She’s pregnant?” Jinki pushed himself up.

“I said was..and the reason was because of you..again.” Jonghyun started to laugh. “Everything is your fault hyung..”

“She…lost it?” Taemin gasped as he started to cry. “How?”

“Why don’t you ask you hyung here..or..” Jonghyun pulled Taemin with him. “Ask you precious Jina..she is Arra noona’s best friend.”

Jinki eyes bulged looking at the both of them. “How did-“

“Oops..you didn’t know? We knew everything hyung..but you still try to act stupid in front of us. Tsk..now you know why Taemin acts like this in front of you. You are so stupid..you are blind..and you are heartless..I’m so disappointed with you hyung. What happened to you..”

“Hyung, all the love for you has gone away..do you know how hurtful it was to see you with that woman? I saw you..I saw everything. I don’t believe that you would do that to noona..I thought you loved her..but..I guess not..” Taemin wiped his tears.

Jonghyun and Taemin went out into the rain running towards the hospital leaving Jinki laying on the floor not able to breathe.  He was never this confused in his entire life, he didn’t know what to think but one thing came into his mind.

“Jina..” He slowly stood himself up and grabbed his car keys before limping out into the rain and into his car. He sped off heading to Jina’s home.  




^.^ Lalalalala Tell me that you love me too~

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ImWeird #1
lol! I love it <3 <3
Thank you...never did anyone told me that this fic is unique. <br />
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I felt the same way..that's why I made this fic..I want a different story from a typical easy love story. <br />
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Thank you for liking this and comment.<br />
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MinGwen18 #4
a true master piece(lol), though i was cursing a lot while reading this story but STILL! i like it so much, very true that most of the stories(that i've read) are too cliche having similar plots but THIS!!! is unique! and i really hate jinki in this story 'though he's my bias. well anyways i think you should have your spellings and grammars checked then it will be the best(for me ;p). fighting! for your other stories...
Haiz dongsaeng...you will never listen to me will you
ImWeird #6
@MiinMiin: there will be!! Its just nt up yet.. I'll update u guys nehhhh
T.T ... happy ending..is there a sequel? or not?... just asking.. :)
The End Love. Twins...you have a future..just wait alittle. Byunghun and Rihyun Hwaiting!
ImWeird #9
UNNIE!~~ *sobs* its finally over.... *sobs* I had great fun helping you!^^
ImWeird #10
unnie unnie!!! leena with minho?1 teehee!! minho new image kyaaaa^^ glad they didnt get awkward after their breakup.. he's now a coach thats good enuf !<br />
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key's in! weee leena's cuzzie!<br />
taemin kindergarten teacher?? ahhaha cute! he knows the plan so he left so sweet..<br />
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ohmigoshhhh the proposal.. i was likeeeeee kyaaaaa!~ so sweet! man didnt noe dino was that sweet... arra's so fortunate to have her bestfrn to love her and propose to her after all she've been thru.<br />
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last chappie's next.... aigooo sequel please???? ^^<br />
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