Chapter 4 [Betrayed]

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"Noona you see that? Let's go!" Taemin pulled Arra by the arm. Arra screeched in shock from Taemin's sudden action.

"Hey there Taemin ah! Where are you dragging my wife too?" Jinki held on to Arra's hand tightly.

"Ya Lee Taemin! How many candies did you eat today? You're so hyper, more hyper today then the last time." Arra trying to pull away from Taemin's hold.

Taemin ignored Arra struggles. "Hyung! Doesn't mean she's married to you, you can hog her! Noona's mine too! C'mon noona!" Taemin pulled Arra off Jinki's grasp and dragged her to a store that sells limited edition shoes. Arra had no other choice but to follow.

"Just let him go hyung, he's 21 years old but still acts like a child. We pamper him too much." Jonghyun held Jinki's arm stopping him from following them, to let them be.

"Aish, that boy...really.."

Jonghyun laughed "Hyung, chill, you know how he is. Don't make him cry, he'll get annoying. Just let it go.." Jinki sighed as he looked at his wife and that little brat trying on shoes inside.

"Yeah. Let's go.."

"Yeah, I saw this awesome pair of jeans a few minutes ago. Taemin dragged us all here and I couldn't even check it out earlier."

"Really?Then we should hurry.."Jonghyun and Jinki quickly walk to the shop hoping that it's still there when they reach.

"Hyung, I know this is sudden but...when are you guys going to have kids? You've been married what, 5 years already?" Jonghyun was curious, mostly couples would already have babies in 2 years in their marriage.

"It might look like we are not trying, but we are. It's very difficult for Arra to overcome everytime we fail. Jonghyun ah, don't bring this up infront of Arra. Arraso?" Jinki look at Jonghyun wanting him to promise.

"Yeah..Hmm..Arra love children. When we were little she always told me what name she's going to name her children. How she's going to treat them. How she's going to be the most caring mother in the world. To know that she's having difficulty having children is really sad to hear." He sighed as he look away, he pointed to the shop that infront of them.

"Is that the shop?" Jinki asked, Jonghyun nodded and walked faster.

Jinki held his arm stopping him, Jonghyun turned to look at him. "Hmm? Hyung what's-?"

"Jonghyun...have you ever thought of your noona as more then just your best friend?" Jinki looked at Jonghyun straight in his eyes. Jonghyun was shocked to what he was asking him, why was he asking him.

"Noona is my best friend, when we were little YES I liked her, you can even call it Love. I was always with her when she would cry, get bullied, have boyfriends. I would always get jealous and would fight most of the time. But when we grew up I noticed that it's only a one sided love and I knew that it wouldn't work. I ignored her for 2 weeks thinking if I should continue or stay by her side as her best friend. I decided to be her best friend and nothing more."


-when they were 14-

"Jonghyun, what's wrong? Did I do something? Why did you ignore me all this time?" Arra cried as the both of them sat on the playground swing. Jonghyun looked at her as his own eyes filled with tears.

"I'm your best friend right?" Arra looked at Jonghyun as her tears dripped from her chin.

"No one else.."

"Promise?" Jonghyun held out his pinky to Arra. Arra coiled her own pinky with his.

"I promise.." Arra and Jonghyun stood up and hugged each other.

"Don't do that again..I thought you hated me.." Jonghyun laughed but he was hurting inside, he just nodded as tears flowed.

-Flashback Ends-


Jonghyun smiled at the memory "She promised.." He turned and walk towards the shop. Jinki looked at his friend walking away with a smile. He quickly walk to catch up with him.


Before we go to sleep tonight
We'll say our prayers
I'll hold you tight
and kiss away the fears you hold inside you

So many years have passed us by
I cherish the moments by your side
A love like ours will only grow much stronger
I wanna to tell you


Jinki stopped on his tracks and closed his eyes. "That voice.. is that?.."

That forever more I'll be the one to love you, to love you
When you need me I'll be there to make you smile
And forever more I'll be the one you come to oh honey
I'll be the one to love you when the morning comes

Through all the tears we left behind
The joy we shared, your hand in my mine
I can't resist ooo touching you not even while you're sleeping
And when you wake I promise you
We'll celebrate our dreams come true
A love like ours will only grown much stronger


 Jinki opened his eyes and went insearch of the voice, the same voice that captured his heart. Part of him rejected it but part of him want to be where the voice is. Everytime he hears this voice he forgets that he's married. His mind fights with the only thing that can ruin everything, his Heart.

There she is, singing on stage with her band. Her long wavy hair, her smile. It's like he fell in love all over again. She saw him and a big smile came up on her face, she waved at him as he waved back at her.

He stood there with the crowd listening to every note she sings. He didn't know what was happening, but he didn't care. At that moment, the only thing he cared about was her.

*** *****************

At this very moment Jonghyun was searching for Jinki that suddenly disappeared the minute he turned thinking he was behind him this whole time. He searched for him everywhere every store but to no avail. Thinking maybe Jinki was angry at him for some reason he panicked even more. He tried calling him but he kept rejecting his calls. He kept thinking that he did something wrong to make Jinki reject his calls.

"Aish! Where the hell did he go?!" Jonghyun took out his phone and try calling again.

"Pick up! Pick up! Argh, rejected again!?" Jinki kept rejecting his calls. He got so frushtrated with his hyung he had no other choice but to call his wife.

"Hyung is like a child...HELLO? Hello noona..are you with Jinki hyung?" Jonghyun scratched his his roughly as he talked on the phone.

"No, he was behind me a few minutes ago then when I turned back he wasn't there, so I was thinking that maybe he went looking for you."

"Noona, you try calling him..cause he kept rejecting mine." Jonghyun walked all over still insearch of his hyung while talking to his noona.

"Yeh..Yeh me when you get a hold of him." Jonghyun hung up and looked around.

"Jinki hyung, you're going to get it from me for rejecting my calls.."


[Arra POV]

"Taemin....YAH Taemin ah!" I tapped on Taemin shoulder roughly, he was to busy trying on shoes he didn't even look up.

"Noona Wae?" He got irritated as he tie his shoe lace.

"Aish, we have to go. Your Jinki hyung is missing, c'mon!" I tugged on Taemin's sleeve lightly before turning for the door leaving him there.

"Noona!" I just ignored his calls, I was too focused on finding my husband.

"Where the hell could he have gone too?..He never done this before.." I key in my husbands number and called.

"If he doesn't pick up i'll-" I looked at my phone, he rejected me. I stopped walking and looked at my phone, I couldn't believe it. My husband actually rejected my call.

"He...rejected my call...Aish!" I called again, I clenched my fist tight as it rang.

"Noona! Lucky I bumped into you, did you call him?" Jonghyun ran towards me.

"I'm calling him right now and rejected...again..."

Jonghyun looked around us, I did too. "Where could he be doing for him to reject all of our's not like him at all."

"I don't know, this is the first. I don't know what to do..we can't leave without him. I'll text him, maybe he'll reply." I held my phone and texted Jinki. SEND

"Let's walk around, maybe we'll find him if we just walk around." I nodded and followed beside him.

"What do you think the reason is for him to do this. It's just too weird, it's not him at all." I looked at Jonghyun as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Hmm...well, we could only ask him IF we find him. I'm going to strangle him when I find him."

"Nado noona, nado.." Jonghyun replied calmly, both of them slowly looked for him.

Jonghyun then stopped as he noticed something. "Noona, where's Taemin? Isn't he with you?" Arra gasped and turned back, Jonghyun followed from behind.




[Taemin POV]

"Noona where are you?" I got lost and I started to panic, WHO WOULDN'T!?. Arra noona forgotten that I did not have a phone, I lost it a few days ago when I was in a candy shop. I was to engrossed in buying all kinds of candy that I left my stupid phone in one of the candy boxes. Babo babo babo!

"Noona~.." I quietly called out for her, I wanted to find her yet don't want to create a scene. I just kept walking aimlessly not knowing that my noona and hyung appeared the second I turned the corner. MY LUCK!!

"I don't believe i'm lost, how can noona  just leave me like that!?" I stomped my feet and whined loudly, that caused everyone around me look at me weird.

I looked up and just smiled acting like i'm stomping something from the ground. "So many ants...haaha...this place is dirty...haahh..." I laughed embarrassingly after every sentence and quickly walk away. *You guys don't understand...I lost my noona~*

"Hey, funny bumping into you. Jinki right? Jinki oppa?" *Hmm??*

"Jinki? Jinki hyung? JINKI HYU-!" I was about to run to Jinki hyung when I spotted Jinki hyung talking to another women. I quickly hid behind a wall before he could see me. Who is that? Never seen her before and Jinki hyung seems....different? Look at his face!

"We meet again and you still remember my name, Jina.." The girl smiled at Jinki hyung in a weird way I suddenly feel sick to my stomach. Jina? Who is she? Where's Arra noona!!!

"And you remember mine too. Were you watching my performance?"

*Hmm? What performance?*

Jinki nodded and smiled at her. "I didn't see much but it was enough for me to be impressed." *Is she blushing? EEEWWW*

"You...want to get coffee?"

"What..? Hyung....what..." I may act childish act younger then what I really am but what he's doing now is...wrong...very wrong and I KNOW IT.

*Hyung...what are you doing...Arra noona...noona...what are you doing??* The person nodded and they walked away chatting with each other.

*Hyung...nono..maybe he's just being nice..YEAH! He's being an oppa! Yeah!....But... did he forget about us? He's going off with her?...Hyung...*


Taemin watch his hyung walk away with the girl that he started to feel hate for. He stopped acting like a child and start to think his age as he finally realized what his hyung had done.

"Noona.." Taemin whispered sadly as he though of Arra, the noona that he cares so much for. More like the only girl he cares for with all his heart other then his mother. His heart broke then and there. Taemin, a boy that always smile and making others smile the happy go lucky boy that everyone knew is now a man that had been betrayed by the one he calls family.

"Taemin ah!" Taemin turned around quickly to find Jonghyun and Arra running towards him. Taemin was still angry from what happened that he had no emotion in his face when he turned to the both of them.

"Taemin ah, i'm so sorry!" Arra felt so guilty that she hugged him tight, Taemin hugged her back. Jonghyun sighed in relief and ruffled Taemin's hair as Taemin and Arra was hugging.

*Noona, I feel so sad for you. Noona please don't cry, don't cry ok? I'm here with you, Jonghyun hyung too. Don't cry*

Arra pulled back and looked at him, Taemin had tears in his eyes. "I didn't mean to leave you, don't cry. I'm sorry Taemin ah."

As Taemin looked at his noona that looked at him with all the care from her heart, he decided. He knew that this would be the most stupid thing he could ever do and ever done. He knows that it's selfish but he decided to keep his mouth shut, the longer his noona is still happy the longer he will shut his mouth. But he will promise that he'll protect her from any sadness and pain if it ever arise.




The plot is really hateful, sorry for Onew lovers out there *raise her hand*.

Comment if you want too. <33333   사랑 ! 사랑 해!! ^^

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ImWeird #1
lol! I love it <3 <3
Thank you...never did anyone told me that this fic is unique. <br />
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I felt the same way..that's why I made this fic..I want a different story from a typical easy love story. <br />
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Thank you for liking this and comment.<br />
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MinGwen18 #4
a true master piece(lol), though i was cursing a lot while reading this story but STILL! i like it so much, very true that most of the stories(that i've read) are too cliche having similar plots but THIS!!! is unique! and i really hate jinki in this story 'though he's my bias. well anyways i think you should have your spellings and grammars checked then it will be the best(for me ;p). fighting! for your other stories...
Haiz will never listen to me will you
ImWeird #6
@MiinMiin: there will be!! Its just nt up yet.. I'll update u guys nehhhh
T.T ... happy there a sequel? or not?... just asking.. :)
The End Love. have a future..just wait alittle. Byunghun and Rihyun Hwaiting!
ImWeird #9
UNNIE!~~ *sobs* its finally over.... *sobs* I had great fun helping you!^^
ImWeird #10
unnie unnie!!! leena with minho?1 teehee!! minho new image kyaaaa^^ glad they didnt get awkward after their breakup.. he's now a coach thats good enuf !<br />
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key's in! weee leena's cuzzie!<br />
taemin kindergarten teacher?? ahhaha cute! he knows the plan so he left so sweet..<br />
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ohmigoshhhh the proposal.. i was likeeeeee kyaaaaa!~ so sweet! man didnt noe dino was that sweet... arra's so fortunate to have her bestfrn to love her and propose to her after all she've been thru.<br />
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last chappie's next.... aigooo sequel please???? ^^<br />
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