chapter 18

Cold Outside Naughty Inside



Author's POV


You sat in dining table with SHINee. The cake looks perfect because of hand-God-Key. But, you still mad at Jinki who almost ruined your cake, you ignored him and Jinki didn't talk to you since Key said that you and him looks cute together. Everytime he looked at you his cheeks reddened, his heart thumped pleased. He's really happy with 'together' word, he felt like he's already married with you. His thought was ruined by Taemin "Wuah you bake this cake, Sunghye?" you shook your head as you cut the cake to yourself. "I'm the one who made it, she's just stood beside me like a clumsy girl." Key rolled his eyes.

"YAH!" you and Jinki shouted at the same time, you looked each other.

"Ohoo, looks who's defend his girl?~" Jonghyun chuckled and Jinki kicked Jonghyun feet under the table "Aw! Yah! Who's that?!" Jonghyun rubbed his feet, the other looked at him confused while Jinki smirked at him. You still clueless about their conversation and you don't really mind it. You bit your cake as your eyes opened widely, Key looking at you "Is it taste good, huh?" he said arrogantly. You rolled your eyes and bit your cake again, you thought that the cake is really really taste good, more than good, it's like a high class cake.

You bit again and again with closed eyes and let out a small smiled. Jinki looked at you and smiled too, he really enjoyed watching you eat your cake. He promised himself that when you become his wife he will bake a cake for you.

"Hey, it's already 8pm. When will we go?" Jonghyun asked the boys. You open your eyes and looked at them but you not interested to asked where will they're going. Jinki glanced at you, he want to stayed with you in the house but his friends will mad at him if he didn't go with them.

"After eat this cake." Minho said. "Oh, Sunghye you can join with us. We gonna go to bar." Taemin said while he wiped a cream on his lips. Jinki's eyes lit up looked at you, he hope you want to join with them so he can looked at you the whole night.

 "No. I don't want." you shook your head "You guys can go." you stood up and walked to your room. Jinki dropped his shoulders and stop eating his cake.

"Okay, i think we can go now." Minho stood up and the boys follow him behind. They're use Jinki's car. They're always use one of their car if they go to bar since they will go home drunk, so Taemin will must drove them back to Jinki's house. Taemin is not really likes drunk, he drink alcohol but not like his hyungs who love drunk like a mad man. When the boys arrived at the bar, they're get out from the car and entered the bar.


"Woah, looks who's came here again?" a guy talked to them when they're sat at their table. They're looked up at the guy.

"WOW KAI! How are you, buddy? It's long time when i see you last time." Taemin stood and man-hug with him. The hyungs high five with Kai.

"Yeah, you guys is rarely came here lately." Kai sat with them. "We're busy, Kai." Jinki said.

"Okay, since you all came here today i'll treat you as a welcome back celebrate." Kai raised his finger called the waiter and ordered the drinks. SHINee shouted cheerful. When the drinks arrived they're immediately take their drinks. They're cheers, laughing, chatting, and dancing on the dance floor. Some random girls try to flirt with them but they're ignored her and shoved them  away. In the other hand Kai was dancing with a random girl with seductive eyes. All of SHINee was drunk and Taemin who still have awareness dragged his hyungs one by one to their table. He looked at Kai and shook his head.

"Aish. That kid, why so ?" Taemin shook his head again and walked towards Kai and his random girl who still dancing. "YAH KAI! WE HAVE TO GO HOME NOW! Taemin shouted as the room is full of loud music, Kai looked at him and smirked "Yah! What's wrong with you?!" Taemin stepped back.

Suddenly Kai put his hand in Taemin's waist "Hello, beautiful~ wanna be my girl tonight?~" Taemin shocked and hit Kai's head. "YAH! I'M A MAN, YOU IDIOT! You're really drunk, better you go home now. I'm going. Bye." Taemin walked back to his table and Kai dancing again.

Taemin ordered the guard to help him brought his hyungs to car. He drove home while his hyungs sleep. When they're arrived at Jinki's house, Taemin get out from car and press the bell, a maid opened the door and Taemin asked her to help him carry the hyungs. One by one they're get in to the house. Taemin lay down his hyungs in living room, he throw himself on the couch and fell asleep. It's already 1am, they're sleep in living room without pillow and blanket, suddenly Jinki awake.

He still drunk, his eyes blurred, he didn't know how can he had at his house. He want sleep in his room, he go upstairs and open the door. He didn't know that it's your room. He lay down on your bed and struggle into the blanket. Because you're a 'sleepy head' you didn't know that there's someone lay on your bed. Jinki circle his arm on your waist, his chest pressed on your back. You felt warm so did Jinki. Jinki smiled, he thought that he's dreaming about sleep with you. He tightened his hug and sleep again.



You slowly open your eyes as you heard a chuckled, you sure you sleep in your room not in your class. You felt something heavy in your waist, you touched it. You heard someone mumble as you rubbed it, You shoot your eyes open and turn your head to your right, you see Jinki's face just inch away from you. "OMO! YAH! ERT!" you shouted and Jinki open his eyes as fast as he can. You slap his arm and his eyes grew wide when he looked at you.

"YAH! WAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?!" he asked you and quickly move his hand from your waist. You sat up and glared at him. "I'm the one who supposed to asked that! What. Are. You. Doing. In. My. Room?" you asked with emphasize and grabbed your blanket to covered your body. You heard a chuckled, you and Jinki looked at the owner. "Mom?! What are you doing?" Jinki asked when he look his mom smiled widely to both of you.

"Watching you and Sunghye, of course." she giggled. "W-where am i?" Jinki asked again. He looked around but you. Then, he realized that he's in your room. He rubbed his back neck and still avoiding your eyes. Jinki let out a fake chuckled and stood from your bed "Uhm.. i-i think, it's not my room." he fake chuckled again and rushed out from your room. Mrs. Lee laughed while you just stared angrily at your door.

"Eomma, how can Jinki sleep in here?" you asked Mrs. Lee so she'll stop laughed. You felt embrassed because Jinki sleep with you, you scared that Mrs. Lee will have a negative thinking about you and Jinki. Mrs. Lee stop laughed and sat on the edge of your bed. she looked at you softly.

"I think he's drunk, i see his friends sleep in living room. They're always sleep in there if they're drunk, but Jinki is not there. I walked to his room but he's not there too. I'm become worried, i thought he'll sleep with a in hotel but i'm sure he'll not do that stupid thing." she chuckled "And i have feeling that he sleep in here. So, i open your door slightly to peek and i see him sleep in here with you." she smiled as your jaw dropped, you frowned and hug yourself.

"Calm down, Sunghye. I'm sure he's not 'touched' you." she grinned "But, if he 'touched' you, i'll wedded both of you right now." she laughed and you heard it as an evil laugh, your face become pale, you scared if Jinki really 'touched' you last night, but you not felt sore and your pyjamas still in your body. "Aigo, Sunghye. I'm just kidding, honey. Come on, take a bath. I'll waited you at dining table, okay?" she patted your head and then left.



You walked downstairs and see Jonghyun still sleep in living room, you shook your head and walked towards dining table. There's Mr. and Mrs. Lee with Key, Minho and Taemin. You greet them as you sat beside Mrs. Lee and looked around to finding Jinki but he's not there. You didn't know why you looking for him but you just want to see him.

"Jinki is still in his room, Sunghye." Mrs. Lee smiled meaningful and Mr. Lee chuckled. You lowered your head so anyone can't see your pink cheeks. 'Aish i guess eomma already tell everything to appa.' you pouted.

"Morning." Jinki entered dining room with Jonghyun who still half asleep. Your eyes met Jinki's and quickly looked away. Jonghyun walked and try to sat beside you but Jinki rushed to sat beside you and pushed Jonghyun lightly. Jonghyun blinked, finally full awake because of pushed by Jinki. He rolled his eyes at Jinki and sat opposite to him. You try your best to not looked at Jinki. And Jinki try his best to stop his heart beat fast.

"Let's eat, kids!" Mrs. Lee clapped her hands and started eat.



HELLO EVERYONE!! I never get bored to greet you guys hehehe>.<

I guess Sunghye(you) started to likes Jinki~~~~~

Oh we have new guest in here, Please welcome.................KAAAAAAIIIIII!!!

And his smirked for youuuuuuu! Aw! Why he's so y????

He's not a bad guy in here, he's just drunk and have fun. So, don't hate him, okay?

Please subscribe and comments, neh?


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Update soooon please <3<3<3
hayoung96 #2
Chapter 24: Update soon pls...^^
I love your story soooo much...♥♥♥
Chapter 24: love this chapter the best
this show how much jinki love sunghye
Chapter 21: hahaha choding chaenyol
actually i hope he's really sleepover at jinki house
but it's okey
still cute
Chapter 19: ahhhh,,,, so sweet
it's just jinki aliby to know more about sunghye
love the end this chapter
Chapter 18: hahaha onew ang sunghye
really this couple
Shawolrinkeyelf #7
Chapter 17: Here... Onew is so cool ^_^
Chapter 17: it's me again~~~~
hahahaha onew in jealous person althouhg to his dongsaeng
nice chapter, author-nim
keep updating^^
Chapter 16: hahahaha dongsaeng come and trouble too, their must be teasing them
i think now onew more understanding about sunghye
they will make a perfect couple
Chapter 15: so jinki, you now care about sunghye
love this jinki side
i want to see sunghye more open to jinki