The last time ...


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Yujin suddenly felt all the consequences of this kiss. Song Gyu will come and do whatever he wantsto her to release his anger. The spies mustn’t have misssed this scandal. She took a long breath and thought that what’s done is already past , she can’t change anything about this. Now she just have to assume the aftermaths. It’s her fault after all, she didn’t think she let him kiss her and she kissed him back ! She ran to the Sunny House and closed the door of her room. She touched her lips and blushed. She loved it,but well she couldn’t let her feelings win over her reason. Once was enough.

At least I kissed him once. She thought lying on her bed. She would have smiled if she didn’t know that Song Gyu will pick her up tonight.

"Oh hyung what are you doing on Noona rock ?"

Jimin came back on the real world, to see Joonie sit next to him with curious. Obviously, he was expecting to see Yujin.

"I randomly came there." He lied.

"To see Noona ? She told me that you was her classmate, I really can’t believe that you two were friends … or what so ever ."Joonie finished his sentence,with a frowning face still in shock of Yujin feelings for Jimin.

"She talked to you about me ? And what did she say ?" Jimin said astonished. He was curious to know what really happened those last 4 years, and what she really thinks of him.

"That you are quite silly sometimes but that you are reliable and kind. When I told her that you saved me, she smiled- thing that she do rarely and said that it’s totally your style."

So, she’s actually saying nice things about me ? He thought. He ruffles his hair in frustration and sighed. He was actually relieved and flattered that she saw a such gentleman in him using those ameliorative adjectives to describe him. Even if she also used “silly” but whatever it was still Yujin we were talking about …

"Ya, look at those two,  grow up don’t really mean being smart huh ?" Joonie patted Jimin shoulders and sat next to him.

"What do you mean, brat ?! " Jimin asked vexed by this sentence.

"She likes you, her face tells it all, and same goes for you. And nobody seems to do something to be together." Kyung Joon said with a resigned face.

Jimin somehow blushed, hard. How can a middle high school student get them right like this? He cleared his throat, under the amused look of Kyung Joon :

"So, when did you meet Yujin ?"

"When she arrived four years ago in Sunny House. She arrived one night with Sunny. She was sobbing, as if she was madly sad. We kind of talked with her but well she didn’t answer. She cried all night."

Joonie told to Jimin almost all he knew about Yujin, how she would study all day, how she like to swim, to take care of Hoon, how she woke up in the middle of the night by a awful nightmare , make dishes for them,help them with their homework and wish them a warn goodnight every night.

"But recently she’s depressed."

"Depressed ?" Jimin said, worried to hear that.

"Huh she used to take care of Hoon and out of the blue he got adopted. She arrived there for some unknown reasons and she’s starting to believe that she will live there all life."

"You don’t know why she’s there ?"

"Dude, as if she would tell me this !" Kyung Joon said pissed off by Jimin slow brain.

Jimin made a poker face : "Sorry for asking such dumb questions."

This time Jimin told to Joonie what he knew about Yujin. Those two guys actually go along quite well. For them, it was like resolving a mystery that alone they wouldn’t have been able to do.

"Whaouh Yujin is a puzzle in herself. You have one piece, I have one, who else could do ?" Kyung Joon said, he was actually glad to have at least two pieces of her puzzle. He knew about her high school days thanks to Jimin and he thinks that it's helpful to understand the nowadays Yujin.

Jimin thought about it carefully. Who could have information about her ? Huh, how seem to know much more than he’s revealing ? Oh ChangMin. After all, he’s the doctor of Yujin since she’s a child and he must know something, maybe he’s even aware of all the scheme.Jimin took his phone and composed his number, to find a happy Changmin.

"Ah Jimin, did you arrive there ? Is it fun ? Are you crushing on someone ?"

" I found Kim Yujin. "Jimin said harshly.He heard Changmin gasping air and knew that this single thing shaken up the man." You have some explanations to give me , right ? Why won’t you come here ?"

Changmin arrived in the late afternoon. Joonie already went back to the Sunny House, after he made Jimin promised that he would tell him everything that Changmin said to him. Jimin spotted Changmin car and couldn’t help but feel betrayed. He didn’t expected Changmin to lie to him... Oxford ? When Yujin was just 2 hours far from Seoul ? This man really took him for a fool, however  Changmin had a worried expression on, and Jimin listenned to him first before expressing his disappointement and his anger.

"Jimin, you, did you search for her ?" The surgeon said first.

Yes he could have, but it wasn’t the case. He shook his head and reassured Changmin : "Total hasard."

"How in the word this happened ?! " Changmin said while putting a worried hand on his face. "This is bad ,so bad." He mumbled under his large hands

"Bad ?" Jimin asked, suddenly freaked out.

Yes, Yujin is in a difficult situation , it’s very complicate but she can’t meet you, or else she’ll have problems. Changmin said this slowly , trying to not shock Jimin but however tell him the emergency of the situation.

Jimin heart skipped a beat. He couldn’t really believe what he was hearing.His ears suddenly refused to treat the information to his brain. His Yujin was in danger if he gets it right.

"But... what do you mean by problems ?" he managed to say, getting a bad feeling.

"A man is trying to …" Changmin was searching for the right words but are they right words to describe her situation ? ………… control her life. She hasn’t a say on her life, whether it’s professional , love matter . You upset that man in high school getting close to Yujin and he relocated her, and spies on her to be sure that she’s obedient

Changmin hoped that the way he told Jimin the story was not too harsh or detailed, he made sure to tell the essential and erase some sides of the story that will make him feel guilty or afraid. He doesn't want to shock Jimin as he wasn't aware at all of the situation.

Jimmin gulped , feeling suddenly very down. He whispered , ashamed of what he did : "But today I kissed her…"

His eyes were looking for Changmin help and reassuring sentences but he only found shock and fear in Changmin expression.




"Yujin, you have a guest he’s waiting for you at the door." Sunny yelled in the house.

"Sure I’m coming !"  The young lady knew who it was, all her body cells could tell that he was near, boiling in anger and ready to torture her once again. She took a last look at her empty room. At her little words for Joonie, cheering him up.

"Sunny, I ‘d like to thank you for what you’ve done for me all those years. "Yujin said, feeling that it was the last time she was seeing the lady.

"What are you talking about it’s nothing, go see this person it’s rude of you to let him wait this way." Sunny said as always embarassed when people get thanksful around her, she will always avoid the subject.

"Sure !" she tried to sound cheerful. She took  a few steps to the door and saw the black car. She gets in and said facing Song Gyu :

"I was waiting for you." It was the last time she was going to face him so for a reason she had some courage tonight. Song Gyu seems to have come here in a hurry , he had already take off his tie and his hair seemed messy. He looked at her with a death glare and slapped her. What Yujin couldn’t miss out it’s that his eyes were darker than usual, and she knew he will do that to her  tonight.

"Should I say that I’m sorry to be this late ? Where ‘s the tiny boy ? In your room maybe ?" He yelled with his usual scaring voice.

Yujin avoided looking in his eyes, al always she felt unsecure and his voice was giving her chills, it was sure just questions but it seemed more like threats .

"I – I –don’t really know but keep him out of it, it’s none of his business right ?"

"Are you sure you want to play it this way ?" he asked, grabbing her chin. Their faces were close to each others and Yujin could feel his hot and loud breath on her skin. She took the courage to nod :

"Yes." This is when the second punch came. When they arrived in a disaffected building, she was already whining in pain. They were only three of them. Song Gyu , his driver and his body guard. The bodyguard dragged Yujin in a room, she fell on the floor making them laugh.  Song Gyu entered, feeling already better and locked it.He found a chair and let his bag fall next to him before sit on the chair in a relaxed way. Yujin looked at him still on the floor.

"So let’s get started.Stand up." He said with a amused voice. The punches effectly puts him in a good mood.

Yujin stoop up with a great effort, facing him. Her body was aching and still trembling already expecting news punches to leave scars…

"Now undress you." He said with a erted smile. She widened her eyes. Usually he would rip her clothes himself, but tonight he was asking for entertainment, for her total humiliation. Her tears fell, and she sobbed in though of what she had to do. She had both hands on her jacket and finally let it fall on the floor.  She breathes , trying to erase all the fear that was paralyzing her. Song Gyu clapped, while laughing , scaring her.

Now, the rest of them. He said with a firm tone.



Changmin and Jimin rushed to the Sunny House.

Is Yujin there ? Changmin asked, out of breath

Oh, she left a little while ago with a guest. I guess they are taking a coffee together.

Oh God, Changmin said. We’ve already missed him.

Changmin explained quickly that the man that came wanted to hurt Yujin and Sunny told them about how Yujin thanked her before going. They went to her room, it was neat and clean, as if she had just cleaned it today. As if nobody at all lived there. Jimin were shocked by the white and empty walls. Did the smiley Yujin live there ? In this sad and poor-decorated room ? He remembers about her pink and girly room in Min Jung house and suddenly realized how gifted those days were.

Changmin read the message that she left for Joonie. “Take care of you , I’m only hoping for your happiness “  and fell a wave of frustration get him.

"She knew that he was coming. Let’s call the police and Min Jung." Changmin said trying to fight against the anger getting him.

It was hard to convince the police to come. Min Jung all those years had built a solid case for Yujin and she begged the cops to come and rescue her, but also to put under arrest the man that ruined her life. As the chef was a friend of her, a  group finally arrive in the town and herself was still there.




Good, you’re a good girl Yujin-ah ! Song Gyu congratulated her with a singing voice.

Yujin was now shivering in underwears and crying hard. She barely got to take off all her clothes and bear with his lustful and disgusting eyes scrutinizing her body . She was weak and vulnerable. This revealing state makes her cry even more and she fell on the floor by a leg punch of Song Gyu.

"You should really get going with it girl !" He had now a foot on her head, making her froze and wait for the worst to come. He kneeled and brings her face next to his.

"Need a shot to help you maybe ? Oppa  prepared everything, you just have to ask !!"

He went back to the chair and opened his bag injected her the weird concoction and she felt numb and high. She wasn't really seeing, having weird visions that she didn't even have the will  to escape. While the paralizant was getting efficient, he caressed her thighs, feeling excited to know that she will be fully hers tonight. He bite her neck for a long moment, until he felt the metallic taste of the blood in his mouth.

Yujin was unable to move and because of the drugs all her senses were greatly working. She couldn’t really see what was going on, but she felt the pain in her neck in a horrible way and all the situation, him being over her made her very scared , but her body can’t move at all. Or else she would have protest  , begged for the supplice to end. Even if she knew that it just started.





Hey hey , i'm back after one month of hiatus.I want to excuse myself for this log time without updates , You might think that i didn't work on my story in this month but you're mistaking. I've written already long pages for next chapters but i didn't decided yet where to end the story. Hmm, i have a dilemna !

I hope you liked this chapter, even if it involves "violent content" , but well the story must go on. And Jimin is on the edge of knowing all the story, but at whiwh cost ?

Give me some feed back if you can , i'm always stressed out when i don't post for a while on my story ....

Anyways , now i think i can update and write on a daily mesure ;) Good for you girls ~~

Love you my subbies !!


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Ps: Oh god , i'm so much excited for BTS comeback ! Oh gad, the comeback trailer was just heaven for ears. Namjoon is so talented, and wht i love with him is that he 's till down to earth, I mean he can break sunglasses trying to put them on xD I love this side of him. Also Jimin picture is so fine,he really expressed the pain and the bad feelings that you can feel being stuck in love ~~Plus he's manly and adorable at the same time, i don't have words to express how i love this photo of my Tiny Man ~~



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Thank you!
Hey, I started to write a sequel for Girl, i'll give you more informations later ! =)


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xxtricia #1
Chapter 34: Wow, just wow. I laughed, I cried, I blushed. It felt like a roller coaster ride reading the story. I love the story so much, I mean, really. SO MUCH. Super thank you for the very wonderful story ♡
jessi828 #2
Chapter 34: ahh...finally was so tragic....but also have sweet moments....well written...
Chapter 29: Picture of the girl it is a ulzzang

great ending author-nim omg i'm enjoying your story very much and uhm yea a sequel could be better keke cx
Chapter 33: i can't believe this story has come to the end /sobbing hard/
Chapter 32: cute! i love this bubbly yujin kkk and i was wondering how if it becomes real omo kkkk
Chapter 31: omg this couple's too cute kkk~ tbh i alr have my first kiss xD
Chapter 28: i can't imagine how yujin looks like when song gyu ........... ah noooo >< she's my ultimate bias in real life keke cx but i just wish the best for her :"))) yep yep MinJung will take care of those bad guys [i hope] :"3