Yujin ? Jimin ...


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Once again, dark was surrending her. Yujin couldn’t see anything, she felt cold and insecure. Soon, she heard some steps towards her. She quickly guessed that Song Gyu was coming to see her and felt pressured by the fear it was giving her. She was hiding her head between her hands when she heard his voice :


This  voice saying her name was enough to make her freeze.

She opened her teary eyes and realize that it was a nightmare, again. Memories were coming back, and often she would dream of them. She wiped her tears and sitting in her bed she tried to calm her heartbeats, trying to reassure herself that everything is fine, that as long as she does as he wants she won’t get hurt.

2pm, what to do alone at this hour ? She went to refresh her face in the bathroom and lied back on her cold bed. Those days she was totally disconnected of the world, she would feel empty and depressed. Recently Hoon, the baby that she almost raised for 3 years got adopted. She was really happy that he had the chance to live with loving parents and a normal life. But her room was always fulfilled with his laughs, and hers too. They had a really special relation and both cried when the day of the separation arrived. Once again she was left alone, and if stay alone was a choice, be left alone is the worst thing that can happen to someone when he discovered the joy of being with others. What was the aim of living if you wasn’t with the people you love ? She closed her eyes and a bubbly and eyesmiling Jimin pop in her though as every day.

I wonder how you’re doing, Park Jimin. she thought.

She took her phone hesitating calling Changmin to have some news, she missed him so much but she also knew that asking about him could give her a lot of trouble so she gave up. Unable to sleep again, she waited for the sun to rise in despair.

Day light finally came and she went to the beach early on the morning, with her white clothes she was easily mistaken as a ghost on the little fisher village so everyone after greeting her would run away. But it was fine with her. She sat on a rock standing out of the water, careless of her wet feet now. She stayed all day there sure that no one will bother her today, the rock was far enough to get some loneliness today. With a big hat for the sun, she  started reading feeling at ease in this big rock, as if she was in a lonely island. After hours of reading, she started to get sleepy and fall into the water.

“Oh, there’s someone on the rock” Namjoon said. After a long ride, they finally arrived in the little fisher village and headed directly to the beach to get some fresh and salted air. When everyone was watching in the direction he was giving, they all realized that there was no one.

“Namjoon, I think you need to sleep, there’s absolutely no one there.” Hoseok said, dismayed that Namjoon would be this tired, after all this was only a 2 hours ride !

Namjoon widened his eyes, and said vexed that the guys don’t believe him : “I swear I saw a girl, and she was wearing white clothes !!”

“Ya Hyung, mermaids don’t exist !!” Jimin said with a big smile.He patted gently Namjoon head, trying to calm the vexed man.

“Look she’s here now ! “ he yelled , pointing an angry finger in her direction.

At this precise moment, a soaked girl appeared on the rock and sat back there, making everyone widen their eyes.She was far away, but they could clearly see her standing up on the rock.

This will teach me about sleeping there !! She  stands up and frowned , seeing that she was completely soaked. She set her hair free and  tried to get them dry, by habit she knew that they would become all wavy, drying in this salted air. Quite in a bad mood, she sat back in the rock, and finds back her book, that fortunately didn't fall in the water.

“Ouhh that’s so frightening, she wears white and as she’s far she totally seems like a ghost or a mirage” Hoseok said.

“How do we know it’s not a ghost that hunt this rock because she died there ?” Taehyun said serious. Usually nobody takes his words seriously but well, it was early in the morning  and no one was around. His words actually make sense.

“Ya stop saying nonsense, brat ! And bring us to your home please !” Jimin said playfully to break the tense atmosphere that was building up.

Taehyun smiled lovely and gets them to his home. As his parents were actually on a long trip and left the house to Taehyun. Arrived there, they finally put their stuffs on the floor and made breakfast to eat, forgetting the potential ghost of this early morning.

Then, everyone after breakfast kind of sleep. Taehyun mother before going on the trip, make a ton of delicious food for him and his friends and eating a huge amount of it made every body sleepy. They spend their afternoon in the house, chilling. There was a long time since they relaxed this much, usually they were almost revising everyday and it was delighting to know that exams were over , and that they succeeded !

When every body woke up, they asked Jimin to bring back beers. Jimin get out, losing himself in the narrow streets of the fisher village. Still groggy, he noticed a group of children in a dark corner of the street.

“Ya Trash, why don’t you go back with your others trashy orphans and disappear from my view ? Huh?”

Kyung Joon tighnen his fist and looked up for the first time “Stop right now !” Those middle school students will always made fun of him.But himself didn’t even once tried to stop them, so today he was going to do as Yujin said to him, to say no.

“Why ? You don’t like when we talk about you ? Why don’t you ask you noona to save you ? Oh but she’s maybe daydreaming again right ? ”

He could understand that they made fun of him, but Yujin didn’t deserve at of that. This is what he thought when he was going to receive a fist in his stomach. 


Yujin finally came back to the beach and walked back to Sunny House. She sighed , noticing once again how she was depressed to open that door. The door was decorated with a rainbow that the inmates drew, beautiful and bright colors were trying to bring happiness to the house, but it fails to bring some to Yujin.

You’re back ! Sunny said with her usual smile, but her smile disappeared quickly. Where is Joonie ?

Yujin widened her eyes and started running in the village. Today she totally forget about him, plus he tried to stop the bullying. She felt guilty and worried. Joonie was one of the people she loved the most on this earth and she isn’t even able to protect him from some bullies…

 She went around the school and didn’t see even his shadow.

“Kyung Joon please stop , you know I’m afraid of dark “ she begged.


Joonie waited for the fist and for the pain it would gave him, eyes closed. But nothing came, he opened his eyes and saw that a man actually stopped that fist.

"Would you stop bothering this boy , you little peanut ?" Jimin said,finally stepping in to protect the boy. Kyung Joon looked at this man with sparkling eyes,  he was muscular and had a dark aura, he was obviously strong and caring.

He’s a paria, we have to bother him. Jimin roughly twisted the arm of the leader of the band, making the boy whine in pain.

In this case, I have to frighten you! Jimin set free quite violently the guy. Now, the middle school student was scared and his band and himself went away,running. Jimin sighed, seeing how bullying was still as popular as it was back in his middle and high schools days.

"Are you okay, student ?" Kyung Joon was staying still, admiring how Jimin make those bullies run away this easily.

"You’re too cool !! but I didn’t see you around, you’re a tourist right ?"

"Hmm I’m Jimin, come on let’s head back home, your mom must have worried !"

The twelve year old boy lost his smile, now becoming cold : “My mom abandoned me, that’s why those boys were bullying me”

Jimin stayed still for a second but gently punched his head “ There’s must be someone caring for you, and I’m sure that now that you think of this person you want to go back home, right ?”

“Huh maybe Noona is still in her dreams, and still  on her rock. I honestly don’t think she went to search me” Kyung Joon said quite deceived that his Noona didn’t even pick him up at school today.

“She seems so weird ! But whatever, what about an ice cream ?”

As Kyung Joon nodded quite excited to eat, Jimin smiled. They both headed to the supermarket of the village and were eating their ice cream.

"What were they talking about you being a paria ?" Jimin said curious.

"Huh, my parents left me in the Sunny House when I was just a baby, I grew up in this orphan caring house this is why they make fun of me." Kyung Joon said, nonely ashamed or sad to say this, it was the truth, and he was just a victim, if someone needed to be ashamed, it had to be the persons who left him there, not him.

"Oh, so every one is orphan there ?"

"Mostly, some have drugs addicts parents , their parents can’t take care of them and they end up here. Then there is Noona we don’t really know what she’s doing there, but she’s there." Kyung Joon said, each time he would try to explain the Sunny House to someone, he ends up failing  describing how this house is a chance and a paradise for those who live there.

"She became even weirder, your Noona." Jimin was sad to know that nobody reliable was there to support the little boy.

"Noona is a total mystery for us and she has her lonely moments but she’s also smart and reliable most of the time !" Kyung Joon said trying to take the defense of Yujin.

"Not pretty ?" Jimin joked, trying to brighten up the atmosphere.

KyungJoon stayed silent, he didn’t want to mess up with that question. After thinking about it few secondes, he carefully said :

"Hmm, she’s beautiful but it’s not the thing that define her the most. Anyways, Hyung what are you doing in this fisher town, you didn't answer me earlier ?"

"One of my friends live there, and he invited me to spend vacations there." Jimin said while finishing his ice cream.

"Whoah this means I’m going to see you every day ?" Kyung Joon asked, excited to think about seeing his hero every day.

"Maybe yes ! By the way what’s your name ?" Jimin smiled, glad that Joonie was  loving him so much. He was so proud to be able to help this boy.

"Kyung Joon, but call me Joonie"

"So Joonie, let’s go back to your house, it’s getting dark."

They started to walk back the road to the child care house, when Kyung Joon heard his name. Yujin spotted his frele silhouette and arrived running and took him in his embrace.

“Joonie are you hurt somewhere ? Did they hit you ? Noona is sorry I wasn’t there to protect you this time, excuse me Joonie !” She asked, checking if he had bruises, or worse was bleeding. She was surprised to see that he was fine.

“Ya Noona, I’m not hurt at all , Jimin saved me” Joonie said ,trying to relax her.

Yujin who was kneeling down , felt all strange hearing that name. No it can't be ... She stands up on her feet and faced the person next to Kyung Joon, widening her eyes but not saying anything.

“Yujin ?”  The man finally managed to say, surprised of her popping out nowhere.He was dumdfounding and at this precise moment, he had so much questions to ask her.

She was now fixing the ground, avoiding his gaze and said with a slow and weak voice, almost whispering :



Hey, guys did you hear that Sera is going to leave Nine Muses ? I'm so sad that my fav' girls band is breaking in pieces like that ... but i wish the best for Sera , she could easily becoma a succesful solo singer !! She has the look, the height, the voice and the charisma !!

Oh alss, those days of revisions finally paid, i got my exams and even with a mention. Hihi, i'm so glad that high school is over for me, time for new things :P

Have a good time reading and a good day !

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Hey, I started to write a sequel for Girl, i'll give you more informations later ! =)


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xxtricia #1
Chapter 34: Wow, just wow. I laughed, I cried, I blushed. It felt like a roller coaster ride reading the story. I love the story so much, I mean, really. SO MUCH. Super thank you for the very wonderful story ♡
jessi828 #2
Chapter 34: ahh...finally ended..it was so tragic....but also have sweet moments....well written...
Chapter 29: Picture of the girl it is a ulzzang

great ending author-nim omg i'm enjoying your story very much and uhm yea a sequel could be better keke cx
Chapter 33: i can't believe this story has come to the end /sobbing hard/
Chapter 32: cute! i love this bubbly yujin kkk and i was wondering how if it becomes real omo kkkk
Chapter 31: omg this couple's too cute kkk~ tbh i alr have my first kiss xD
Chapter 28: i can't imagine how yujin looks like when song gyu ........... ah noooo >< she's my ultimate bias in real life keke cx but i just wish the best for her :"))) yep yep MinJung will take care of those bad guys [i hope] :"3