Chapter 5

Lethal Love

Raymond sipped his wine slowly, savoring the sweet taste. He placed the glass down and picked up a roll from a basket. Using his knife, he split the roll in half and spread a huge amount of butter onto the two halves.

"That is so gross!" Linda complained. She stared in disdain as Raymond bit into the fat soaked bread. "I don't know how anyone can eat like that and not get a heart attack."

With his free hand, Raymond tilted the glass of wine towards his mouth and took a sip. "Its the wine. Always have a glass of wine when you eat fatty food."

"Is that your concept?" Linda asked as she broke off a small piece from her roll and slowly placed it in .

"Well I follow by it," Raymond said simply.

Linda smiled lovingly at him. She had fallen in love with him at first sight, which was two years ago. Recently, she's been having insecurity attacks about their relationship. When she first met him, he was a flirt. He sweet talked her into going out with him. Over time, she thought she could ultimately change his womanizing ways. After all, his friends knew that she was his girlfriend. So that must show that he does love her. But now she wanted more from him than routine dinners. What she wanted was security and the only answer to that was marriage.

She looked over at Raymond, his attention focused on whatever was on his blackberry.


Without lifting his head, Raymond murmured, "Hmmm?"

Linda took a deep breath and asked, "How do you feel about marriage?"

"What about it?" Raymond asked still concentrating on the little gadget.

"Have you ever thought about marrying me?"

Raymond heard the question. Returning his blackberry to his coat pocket, he sat back in his chair and stared emotionless at her. Marriage was the last thing on his mind. He never felt the need to be tied down to one woman and Linda should know that by now.

The way he looked at her made Linda cringe. "I'm sorry," she stammered. "Forget that I even asked that question."

Raymond's light mood returned as quickly as it was gone. He smiled at her and firmly said, "Do not ask me that question again."


Bosco approached Jessica's office and waited a few beats before knocking.

"Come in," she called out.

He entered and swiftly closed the door behind him. He gave Jessica a wide grin. "Hi, I'm Bosco from Joe Ma's team."

Jessica smiled at his friendliness. "Nice to meet you. How can I help you?"

"I'm here to see if I can get a closer look at the victim's body."

Stunned, Jessica asked, "Why? You don't trust me? All my analysis has been written down on the autopsy report which I gave to Ma Sir."

Bosco smiled awkwardly. "It has nothing to do with trust. I don't know how I can explain it."

Jessica leaned back in her chair and watched him. "Well you better try if you want to get another look at the body."

Bosco sat himself down in a chair facing Jessica and looked directly at her. "Would you believe me if I told you that I can sense things?"

Curious, Jessica asked, "What kind of things?"

"Some times when I touch certain things I get visions." Bosco saw the amusement in Jessica's face and knew that she thought him insane. "I'm serious." He picked up a mug from her desk and wrapped his fingers around it, closing his eyes briefly. He opened them after a few moments and stared intently at Jessica. "This mug means alot to you doesn't it?"

Speechless, Jessica continued to watch him unsure of what he was trying to say.

Bosco put the mug back down on her desk and leaned forward. "This mug gives you pain and yet at times memories of love."

"How did you know that?" Jessica was shaken by what Bosco had just said. No one knew that this was the last gift from her now deceased boyfriend. It has been over a year since his death and yet she was still unable to let go.

Sadly, Bosco replied, "I told you I can sense things when I touch certain things."

Jessica got up from her chair and opened the door. "I'll show you the body now."


Kevin saw Charmaine enter the restaurant and waved his hand at her. When she reached their table he got up and accused, "You're late."

She gave him a quick hug and said, "I'm so sorry. I was busy and lost track of time."

"You're paying for dinner tonight!" Kevin smiled at her, then turned to summon the waitress to take their orders.
When the waitress left with their orders, Kevin poured some sparkling water into Charmaine's glass. "How is work?"

"Its ok. I had to take over one of Florence's hearing this morning. Raymond Lam was the opposing counsel."

Kevin sat up upon hearing the name and asked in an anxious voice, "Did you win or did he?"

Charmaine noted the change in Kevin but thought he was just curious about whether or not she was able to handle herself when faced with such a strong adversary. "The hearing has been rescheduled. The witness had a sudden asthma attack."

"When is the new hearing date?"

"In two weeks." Charmaine shook her head as she recalled the events in the Courthouse. "I don't believe for one second that Mr. Lau had an attack. Its a scheme on their part to buy some time."

Kevin relaxed in his chair. "Well that's a good thing for you. Raymond Lam is a very tough opponent to beat. It'll give you more time to study and prepare for the next hearing."

Charmaine smiled. "I am passing the case back to Florence. She'll be back in the office next week." She scrunched up her face and said, "Besides I don't want to lay my eyes on him again."

Kevin laughed softly. "What did he do to you?"

Not wanting Kevin to know that Raymond hitted on her, she shrugged her shoulders. "I just don't like the way he acts." Charmaine picked at her filet of sole. "He thinks he's better than everyone else."

"Maybe because he is," Kevin stated matter of factly. "He has yet to lose a case."

Annoyed, Charmaine looked sharply at Kevin. "He wins by using underhanded methods such as blackmail and tampering with evidence."

Kevin grinned at Charmaine. "Not all lawyers are like you. You're the only lawyer that I know that truly believes in helping victims find justice."

Charmaine looked at Kevin with admiration. "Hey, I learned that from you. That's why I call you my mentor."

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shawol-elf-elf #1
nice story nt boring
For a second I thought Bosco and Jessica would wind up together.