Chapter 43

Lethal Love

Charmaine got off the elevators and walked slowly towards her apartment. From afar, she noted that Raymond's door was wide open. She hoped that he wasn't anywhere near the door, so that she could get into her own apartment without bumping into him. She couldn't bear to see him again, knowing that she would never get over him. She had done nothing but cry for the past few weeks. With trepidation she approached her door and quietly stuck her key into the hole.

"Charmaine," Raymond's voice called out to her.

Pasting a smile on her face, she turned around to face him, "Hi Raymond."

His face was like stone as he looked at her. In a deep voice he smoothly asked, "Can you come over here? I want to talk to you."

Charmaine's heart began to hammer at the hard expression on his face, "What do you want to talk about?"

Instead of answering her, he took her elbow and forcibly dragged her into his apartment, where he slammed the door shut. Charmaine was shocked by his actions, and glared at him, "What do you think you're doing?"

He stood with his back to the door as he continued to look at her, "Why are you leaving?" he asked quietly.

Looking up to meet his eyes, Charmaine answered softly, "I got a job offer in London."

Raymond walked to stand in front of her. In a harsh voice he asked, "Is that the only reason?"

"Yes," Charmaine whispered, feeling the tears well in her eyes.

Raymond's heart stopped upon seeing the unshed tears in her eyes. Holding her arms, he gently asked, "If I were to ask you to stay, would you?"

Sniffing back a sob, she defiantly asked, "Why do you want me to stay?"

Raymond squeezed her arms and with raw emotion in his voice said, "Because I can't live without you." Charmaine looked up instantly and their eyes met and held. No words were spoken between them. They stood still, letting their eyes express what their hearts were feeling.

Charmaine finally realize the depth of Raymond's love. Boldly, she wrapped her arms around his neck and in a trembling voice said, "I'm sorry for not trusting you. Can you forgive me?"

Raymond hugged her tightly to him, breathing in her fresh scent and finding comfort to have her in his arms again. "Do you even have to ask? I will forgive you for anything."

Smiling happily, she tightened her hold on him. With his hands, he tenderly removed her arms from his neck and held her at arms' length so that he can look at her. "Promise me that you'll trust me from now on."

She looked at him lovingly and nodded her head, "I promise," she then lifted a hand to caress the hard planes of his face and added, "I love you."

Hearing those words, Raymond knew that she meant it and he felt his heart burst with love and triumph. In one sweeping movement, he picked her up in his arms. Charmaine squeeled at the sudden movement and quickly held onto him for support. Raymond lowered his mouth and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Lifting his head slightly, he whispered, "Now let me show you how much I love you." He then proceeded to carry her into his bedroom.


Jessica came out of the bathroom and walked over to where Joe sat waiting on the edge of the bed. Upon seeing her, he opened his arms out for her. Jessica went into his arms and snuggled against his chest. She wrapped her arms aroung his waist, "I can't wait to marry you."

Joe laughed softly, "Eager to be Mrs. Ma huh?"

Jessica leaned back and looked up at him with love shining in her eyes, "Yes."

"Two months isn't that long of a wait. I want to do it right for you."

Jessica sighed, "I know. This is suppose to be the happiest time of my life and yet I feel a bit sad because Charmaine will not be a part of it."

Joe looked at her in surprise, "Why not?"

"She's leaving for London on Sunday."

"That's kind of sudden isn't it?"

Jessica stood up and walked to the head of the bed, "Yes. I think she's running away from Raymond," she said as she fluffed the pillows on the bed.

Joe came up to stand behind her, "I'm sure she'll change her mind. After all, you're her best friend."

Jessica looked at Joe with a sorrowful expression, "I hope so. It just wouldn't be the same without her at the wedding."

Turning her around, Joe hooked his arms around her shoulders, "Don't think about it anymore. Just think about our upcoming wedding." Jessica smiled as Joe kissed her forehead.


Bosco walked into the hospital room taking care not to alert anyone that he's there. In the darkness, he slowly made his way to the motionless body that rested on the bed.
Picking up her hand, he gave it a light squeezed. He didn't know why he did it, but he guess its sort of reassurance to her that he's there to help. Replacing her limp hand onto the bed, he circled her small frame. Suddenly he stopped and placed a hand on her ice cold face. He tried to concentrate on the black twirling hold in the back of his mind. It was twirling and twirling and again he saw a figure. The figure was still a blur but he can make out that it was a man. He tried hard to zero in on the face but the figure was now moving further and further away. No, he screamed silently. The image was gone.

Bosco opened his eyes in frustration and through the crack of light pouring in from the bottom of the door, he can see that the patient was unaffected by his presence. She was still in a deep coma and from the recent tests, no one knew if she'll ever regain consciousness. With an oath, Bosco muttered to himself, "I'm going to get you bastard if that's the last thing I do."

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shawol-elf-elf #1
nice story nt boring
For a second I thought Bosco and Jessica would wind up together.