Chapter 38

Lethal Love

Myolie walked slowly over to Raymond with sadness and regret all over her face. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you."

Raymond bent his head with resignation. "It doesn't matter anymore. The only person who I wanted to trust and believe in me, doesn't."

"I'll go over and explain everything to Charmaine right now," Myolie offered fevertly and headed for the door.

"Don't," Raymond called out stopping her in her tracks. "Even if she believed me this time, she will still never fully trust me. What's a relationship without trust?"

Bosco patted Raymond on the shoulder, "Give Charmaine some time. She'll come around."

"Yes," Myolie injected, "You're a great guy. And she'll realize soon how much you love her."

Raymond and Bosco turned as one to look at Myolie with an unreadable expression causing Myolie to fidget and ask, "What?"

"Since when have you become a supporter of Raymond?" Bosco teased, "Just before you were trying to save Charmaine from his clutches."

Myolie's face turned red with embarassment. She silently cursed Bosco for his big mouth. "That was well... well before I saw how much Charmaine means to Raymond." After having said that, she jabbed Bosco in the stomach, indicating for him to shut up.

"This has been exciting, but I must go and comfort my Charmaine now," Kevin announced cheerfully, causing a stunned reaction from the other three. They had forgotten about his presence.

In one swift movement, Raymond was upon Kevin, grabbing the front of Kevin's shirt with his two fists. In a low voice, Raymond said, "I know you had a part in this."

Kevin looked innocently at Raymond, "In what? That was YOUR ex-girlfriend who came out of YOUR bedroom half ."

Raymond pulled his fist back, ready to throw a punch at Kevin's face when Charmaine shouted out at him, "Stop it!" Raymond automatically released Kevin and turned to Charmaine. "Charmaine...," he began but he couldn't think of what to say.

She held out her hand to him and Raymond saw a ring of keys dangling from it. "Here are your keys," she said as she placed it on the table beside her. "Can you return mine's?" she asked dully.

With a heavy heart, Raymond took out his keychain bag and removed the two keys to her apartment. She held out her hand to receive them and Raymond took the opportunity to hold her hand once more. Charmaine did not pull away as he thought she would. Instead she looked up at him with teary eyes and said simply, "Goodbye" before pulling away and walking out of his apartment.

Kevin gave Raymond an arrogant smile before he too left to go after Charmaine.


Joe rubbed the back of his neck vigorously. He had been sitting in this position for most of the day and now it was getting to him. He has yet to find the murderer for the three female victims. As an experienced cop, he knew that if they didn't find any lead soon, this will become a cold case. Unless, the murderer strikes again, which Joe hopes he doesn't.

"I'm hope I'm not interrupting," Jessica said softly as she walked into his office.

Joe smiled at the sight of her and held his hand out to her. "I always have time for you." She took his hand, and he pulled her down to sit on his lap. Leaning his head on her shoulder, he said, "I'm so tired."

Jessica turned slightly around and with her fingers massaged his temples. "How does that feel?"

Joe closed his eyes, "It feels good and I desperately need it."

Glancing briefly at the files scattered all over his desk, Jessica asked, "Still nothing on the case?"

Joe sighed and opened his eyes. "I want to catch this guy so badly but he's clever enough not to leave any solid clues."

"I thought you had a suspect. Kevin Cheng."

Removing her hands from his face, Joe held onto them. "It led to nothing. We followed him for weeks but nothing out of the ordinary."

Jessica bent and placed a soft kiss on Joe's forehead. With conviction she said, "I know you'll catch him soon because you're good at what you do."

"But we can't risk him killing again."

Jessica hugged Joe. "I know how stressed you are about this case." She pulled away to look at him, "Is there anything I can help you with? Perhaps run some more tests on the evidence collected?"

Joe looked at Jessica and seriously said, "Yes. There is a way that you can help."

Sobering up, Jessica immediately sat upright, "What is it?"

"You could marry me," Joe said gently, as he waited anxiously for her response.

"M-marry you?" Jessica asked with surprise.

"Yes," Joe held her gaze and said, "You know how I feel about you. Now would you be my wife?"

Jessica smiled and nodded, "Yes!"

Elated with her answer, Joe held her tightly to him. "You just made me the happiest man on earth!"

The two shared a kiss and pulled away at the sound of Joe's ringing cell phone. With one arm around Jessica, Joe used his free hand to flip the phone open, "Joe speaking," pause, "which hospital?" pause, "I'll be right over."

Jessica got up quickly, "What happened?"

Grabbing his jacket off the hook of his door he said, "Another female body was found. Only this time, she's alive!"

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shawol-elf-elf #1
nice story nt boring
For a second I thought Bosco and Jessica would wind up together.