Chapter 36

Lethal Love

Bosco waited patiently downstairs of Myolie's office building for her. He was early he knew but knowing Myolie, she would be leaving early from work herself. He heard her call out to him from a distance and looked up. "I knew you would be leaving early."

Myolie giggled and naturally hooked her arm with his. "Where to?" she asked as they made their way down the street.

"Hmm... I don't know. Why don't we drop by Ray and Charmaine's place?"

Myolie smiled brightly at him. "That sounds good but will they be home?"

"Why don't we go and find out? If they're not home, we'll just leave," Bosco suggested as he opened the door of his car and helped her in.

When Bosco was seated behind the wheel, Myolie said, "I still can't believe that Charmaine is with him."

Bosco turned and gave Myolie a queer look. "Why not? What's wrong with Ray. He's handsome and smart."

Myolie knew that she had touch a soft topic where Raymond was concerned because Bosco and Raymond were best friends. "I didn't mean it in an insulting way," she rambled. "Its just that Raymond has tons of girlfriends and well, although Charmaine is beautiful and smart herself, she may not capture his interest for long. I don't want to see her get hurt."

Bosco understood Myolie's concern for Charmaine. However, he suspected that Raymond's intention towards Charmaine are genuine. He never saw Raymond act the way he does with Charmaine with any of the other women he dated. Not even with Linda, whom he dated for two years. "I really wouldn't worry. I got a hunch that Raymond is quite smitten with our Charmaine here and he's serious about her."

"What about Linda then? He's been with her for a long time."

"Raymond told me that he broke it off with her already. He was never serious about that relationship."

"Well you do know him better than I do. For all our sakes, let's hope your insight is correct."

Bosco took her hand in his, "Why are we even discussing them when there are more interesting stuff to talk about - like us."

Myolie giggled and with their hands entwined, playfully punched him.


Raymond couldn't concentrate on his work since lunch so he decided to go home early. He kept replaying the memory of their lunch time argument. If only he had done and said things differently then there wouldn't be this gulf between them now. He needed to figure out a way to get back on Charmaine's good side. He was about to enter his apartment building when he heard someone calling out to him. Turning around he saw Linda running towards him with a friendly smile. Raymond managed to give her a smile of greeting in return.

Catching her breath, Linda said, "Glad I caught you."

"What are you doing here?" Raymond asked.

"I was hanging out with some friends in the area before. And now I really need to use the bathroom. You know I live about an hour away and I won't be able to hold it that long. Do you mind if I use your bathroom?"

Not having any other choice but to say "Yes," Raymond and Linda went into the building together.

Linda followed Raymond into the apartment, but instead of closing the door behind her, she left it slightly ajar and excused herself to the bathroom. Inside, she quickly undressed and put on a skimpy and lacey lingerie. She cracked the bathroom door open to see where Raymond was and heard him moving about in the kitchen. Taking a deep breath, she tiptoed and went into his bedroom, closing the door quietly behind her. Next, she took out her cellphone and sent a text message to Kevin that things were set and ready.


When Charmaine arrived home, she saw Kevin pacing in front of her building with a grim expression. "What's wrong? Why did you wanted me to come home right away?"

"I don't know how to tell you this," Kevin said.

"Tell me what?" Charmaine asked anxiously. By the look on Kevin's face, she knew it was serious.

Kevin took a deep breath, "I saw Raymond hugging and kissing another woman. I followed them back to here. They went upstairs and still hasn't come down yet."

Charmaine went still. It can't be! Kevin must be mistaken. "You must be mistaken. Raymond would never do that to me," Charmaine quietly said.

Just then Bosco and Myolie arrived. "Charmaine!" Myolie greeted as Bosco glared at Kevin. Myolie saw Charmaine's pale face, "What happened?"

Without answering Charmaine went into the building and pressed hard on the button to summon the elevator. The three followed silently behind. Bosco and Myolie exchanged looks, both wondering what was going on with Charmaine. The elevator stopped on Charmaine's floor and they all piled out with Charmaine in the lead. She walked up to Raymond's door and saw that it was open. She pushed the door further and walked in catching Raymond by surprise.

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shawol-elf-elf #1
nice story nt boring
For a second I thought Bosco and Jessica would wind up together.