Chapter 29

Lethal Love

Bosco arrived at the police station earlier than usual and thought he was the first one in but Joe was already working away in his office. Sauntering into Joe's office, he asked, "Do you ever sleep?"

Giving Bosco a crooked smile, Joe said, "Hardly. But why are you here so early?"

"I wanted to review the file of our latest victim again and compare it with the other two."

"That's good. Sometimes in our haste we tend to leave details out that may seem trivial at the beginning but would become a big lead."

Bosco shot Joe a confident look, "Don't worry. I'll catch this guy."

Joe laughed and with just as much confidence replied, "I never had any doubts that WE'LL cath him."

Just then Myolie walked in and smiled cheerfully at the two men. "Am I interrupting?"

Bosco quickly walked to her side, "No. What brings you here so early?"

Myolie placed the bags that she was holding onto Joe's desk. "I'm dropping off breakfast for Joe and Ron." Bosco was a bit disappointed by the news. He thought she was here to see him. Myolie saw his fallen face and added, "And breakfast for you too."

Bosco perked up immediately and looked at the bags on the table. "Which one is mine's?" he asked unabashed.

Joe picked up the bag closest to Bosco and handed it to him. "Myolie usually buys the same thing so that Ron and I won't fight over it."

Smiling sheepishly Myolie took the bag which Joe gave Bosco back from him. She then picked up another bag that was slightly bulkier in size compared to the other two bags. "Actually this one is for you. I added something to it."

Bosco looked into the bag and was pleased to see an individual serving of strawberry shortcake wrapped neatly inside a tent of wax paper. "Where did you buy this so early in the morning?"

"I didn't buy it. I made it myself," she announced.

Bosco was immensely pleased by the thought and his grin spread from ear to ear. "Thanks. I can't wait to eat it." He and Myolie shared a look as they smiled sweetly at each other.

Joe, on the other hand, was sickened by their display of puppy love. "Okay now... if you guys are done flirting in my office, I have lots to do."

Myolie slapped Joe on the arm. "You and Jessica are worse than us." Joe remained silent but he smiled at Myolie's teasing.

Bosco also joined in, "Really? Maybe we should go on a double date with them."

Myolie liked the idea very much and said so. "How about Friday night? We'll have dinner, then drinks afterwards."

"I'm all for it," Bosco said knowing that he'll go for anything that has to do with Myolie. When Joe didn't respond, Bosco elbowed him. "Well?"

"Where Myolie is concerned, us men really don't have a say on anything."


Jessica watched Charmaine as she slowly sipped her steaming coffee. "You look happy," she stated causing Charmaine to pause in resetting her cup down.

"Well I am happy."

Jessica looked at Charmaine suspiciously. "I know that but what I don't know is the reason. Care to enlighten me?"

Charmaine chuckled. "I'm just happy with my life right now." And its all because of Raymond, she said to herself. Just thinking about him brought another smile to her face. They had spent last night cooking at his place and then laughing and trying to finish the unappetizing food that they created.

Jessica quirked an eyebrow and pointed a finger at Charmaine. "You're in love!"

Charmaine vehemently shook her head in denial. "I'm not."

"Yes you are! Now tell me who is it? Do I know him?"

Charmaine laughed softly. "Alright. Stop with the questions. All I can say is that I am seeing someone now."

"Do I know him?" Jessica asked, her curiosity killing her.

"I don't want to say any more until we're a bit more steady. We had just began our relationship not too long ago. Who knows how long it'll last."

Jessica heard the resentment in Charmaine's voice. "Why do I get the feeling that although you're happy but you're not really. Does that make any sense?"

Charmaine nodded slowly and sighed. "It makes perfect sense to me because that's how I feel about the relationship."

"Ok," Jessica said and frowned, "But why do you feel that way?"

Charmaine looked at Jessica with forlorn. "I'm afraid that it won't last and that he's going to get tired of me."

Jessica saw the worry in Charmaine's face and took her best friend's hand. "You're a wonderful person. If this guy does get bored of you then he isn't worth crying about."

Charmaine managed a weak smile for Jessica's sake. "I know but he's really special. When we're together we have lots of fun. Even if that means just staying home and watching TV."

Jessica looked at her friend and asked, "You're in love with him aren't you?"

"Yes. I am," Charmaine admitted. "At first I didn't like him. But later I saw how caring he was to me and next thing I know I can't get him out of my mind."

"So when do I get this meet this guy?"

"Soon I promise."

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shawol-elf-elf #1
nice story nt boring
For a second I thought Bosco and Jessica would wind up together.